World Defying Dan God

Chapter 4860 Ancient Prophecy

"Miss Guo has been trapped here for so many years..." Chen Xiang sighed: "It must be very difficult for such a long time!"

"It's okay!" Although Guo Lingxue said this, she wanted to cry inside because it was really difficult and she even thought of committing suicide.

Chen Xiang thought about it carefully and felt more and more that the Lord of Ghost Abyss was very clever! Guo Lingxue is an important figure in Yaotian Clan, and she must also control a powerful force.

After she was sealed, the Lord of Ghost Abyss refined many puppets like her, and maybe indirectly controlled the power behind her!

Guo Lingxue has been sealed here for so many years that even she doesn't remember much, and she hasn't met anyone in all these years. She was here just wandering around all day, and when she got tired, she fell asleep for a while.

Chen Xiang himself has been sealed for a hundred thousand years, which is very difficult to endure, let alone Guo Lingxue, who has been sealed for hundreds of millions of years. How can he survive this?

It's no wonder that Guo Lingxue would put down her arrogance now that she saw someone who could talk. Before, she wouldn't have bothered to say a word.

"Miss Guo, you have been here for a long time, so you should have tried to rush out, right? Why didn't you succeed? You are so strong, you should be able to get out!" Chen Xiang was also a little panicked now.

Guo Lingxue is the eldest disciple who has been bitten. She has been sealed in the realm of the dark ancestral origin for so many years, but she has not been able to get out... What kind of power is this that seals her here?

"I have tried many times. Every time I wake up from a deep sleep, I try to break through the seal. Every time, I get bruises all over my body!" Guo Lingxue shook her head, her cold voice was slightly sad, and she sighed softly: "I have spent so many years , the strength keeps getting stronger, but... this ghost place is also getting stronger!"

"This is a dark ancestral source... it can be regarded as the ancestral source of creation. Where does the power of this ancestral source of creation come from?" Chen Xiang asked.

He only knows that there is a mother origin in another world, which is deeply connected with these creation ancestors!

"There are three huge origins of creation in Yitian, which are called mother origins! Each of the three ancestors in Yitian has one. Originally, these three mother origins were normal, but after the Tianlian Ji, things began to change. !" Guo Lingxue said: "After that, a large number of creation ancestors appeared one after another, and these creation ancestors are deeply related to the three mother origins!"

"Does the energy of this dark ancestral source all come from the mother source?" Chen Xiang asked.

"Yes, the source of energy from the mother source is very complex! The mother source can gather energy from other heavens, and if other small alien universes have the ancestral source of creation, the mother source can also gather energy through the ancestral source of creation!" Guo Lingxue said: "As for whether the mother source can obtain energy from other places, I don't know!"

"Miss Guo, doesn't your master know that you have been sealed for so many years?" Chen Xiang was very confused and asked: "Logically speaking, she should know!"

"Although the master founded the Yaotian Clan, I was in charge of the Yaotian Clan before! And the master's whereabouts are erratic and he rarely interferes in the affairs of the Yaotian Clan!" Guo Lingxue sighed: "Master is very particular about letting nature take its course. She may know a lot Things, but she just doesn’t interfere, because she thinks that if she interferes, she will destroy the natural way of nature!”

"Outrageous!" Chen Xiang curled his lips and said: "You are her disciple, and the Lord of Ghost Abyss is doing evil everywhere! That bastard is destroying the nature of heaven and earth everywhere! In this proud universe, he has made such a dark ancestor If Yuan comes in, who knows what will happen in the future!"

"Proud Universe?" Guo Lingxue's face suddenly became serious and asked: "This is Proud Universe?"

"Yeah, what's wrong?" Chen Xiang was also very surprised when he saw Guo Lingxue's reaction.

Guo Lingxue has been sealed here for many years. Logically speaking, she doesn't know about Aoshi Universe, but her current reaction seems to be that she has heard about Aoshi Universe, and it seems that Aoshi Universe is quite important to her.

In other words, Guo Lingxue should have heard about Aoshi Universe before being sealed, which was hundreds of millions of years ago!

"Master once said that many years later, a proud universe will be born! And this proud universe will pose a great threat to Yitian! If the proud universe is not destroyed, Yitian may be destroyed by the proud universe. Destruction!" Guo Lingxue frowned and said, "I didn't take this matter to heart at the time because I thought it was unlikely... I didn't expect that after so many years, a world-proud universe would finally appear!"

Chen Xiang immediately thought of the Lord of Ghost Abyss... This guy might have heard Yaozu say, so the Lord of Ghost Abyss wants to destroy Aoshi Universe to preserve Yitian?

"Does the Lord of Ghost Abyss know?" Chen Xiang asked.

"I know!" Guo Lingxue nodded, then fell into thinking.

"Is this dark ancestral origin created by that guy?" Chen Xiang said: "He created this kind of thing many years ago? Now he wants to use it to destroy the Proud Universe?"

"I don't know! But my master said that it is not a bad thing for Yitian to be destroyed! My master did not say that Aoshi Universe must be destroyed! She just said that everything should take its course!" Guo Lingxue said: "But, Gui Yuan I don’t know what the Lord is thinking!”

"I have to find a way out!" Chen Xiang looked at the dark ancestral source in front of him and said, "Miss Guo, can you get close to the dark ancestral source?"

"I once wanted to go in, but I didn't succeed!" Guo Lingxue shook her head and said: "This dark ancestral source has a very strong self-defense ability, especially during this period, the speed of improvement is very obvious. If I can't keep up with this dark ancestral source, With the speed of improvement, I will die here sooner or later!"

"Take me there!" Chen Xiang said: "You are familiar with this place, take me to a location closest to the origin of darkness!"

Chen Xiang hasn't figured out the situation of this dark origin yet, but he thinks he can use the power of Tianxuan Star Territory!

The reason why Guo Lingxue has been sealed for many years and unable to break out is mainly because her personal power is very limited!

Shen Yuanxin is sleeping and cultivating now, otherwise he can use the power of Aoshi Universe to get out of trouble!

Fortunately, he had created a Tianxuan Star Territory before, and his destiny was also transformed into the Tianxuan Star Territory. This allowed him to perceive the existence of the Tianxuan Star Territory, which meant that he could use the power of the Tianxuan Star Territory!

"Okay, but you have to be careful. It's very dangerous to get close to the Dark Ancestral Source! I'm afraid you won't be able to stop it!" Guo Lingxue was also standing on the Mirror of Six Paths at this time. She was also very curious about this artifact.

"Over there!" Guo Lingxue said: "Fly over there first... If there is a dark storm, I will tell you to stop. The dark storm is very dangerous. If you get involved, even I will be seriously injured!"

"The Dark Ancestor is too evil, we must not allow this thing to continue to grow in the Proud Universe!" Chen Xiang whispered.

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