World Defying Dan God

Chapter 4891 Tianxuan comprehends

Chen Xiang also feels that Aoshi Universe cannot live without its mother origin, but he does not understand the mother origin at all, and as far as he knows, even the mother origin of Yitian is very mysterious, and only the third ancestor knows the specific situation!

According to Chen Xiang's understanding of the mother's origin, the mother's origin suddenly appeared in another world, and then the third ancestor was born. Later, Meitian Yao told him that there was another demon ancestor, and the demon ancestor also had a maternal origin, but the demon ancestor's maternal origin was no longer there!

"Tianxuan, I don't know much about maternal origin! I have never been in contact with or seen I don't know how to turn you into maternal origin!" Chen Xiang said: "How much do you know about maternal origin? You should Have you come into contact with the mother source in some way? Can you talk to me? "

Chen Xiang is currently refining the ancestral source of creation, and he also plans to take this opportunity to chat with Tianxuan Territory Spirit about the ancestral source.

"I suddenly received a message. I don't know where it came from. Anyway, a voice suddenly communicated with me and asked me if I wanted to connect to a mother source!" Tianxuan Yuling said: "I guess that voice may be From another world!"

"Ah?" Chen Xiang exclaimed. He didn't expect Yitian to be poaching him. He hurriedly said: "Don't agree!"

"Creator, I will never agree without your permission!" Tianxuan Yuling said.

"Then what else did you and that voice talk about?" Chen Xiang breathed a sigh of relief and continued to ask.

"I asked him about the mother origin! The voice just said that after docking with the mother origin, it can make me stronger!" Tianxuan Yuling said: "Then he didn't say anything more to me unless I agreed to dock. Mother’s origin, she is willing to tell me more!”

"The mother source is what gives birth to the ancestral source of creation. As far as I know, there are currently three in Yitian!" Chen Xiang said: "I didn't expect that these mother sources can not only give birth to the ancestral source of creation, but also connect to other ancestral sources! "

"If I connect, wouldn't I become the founder of the world again?" Tianxuan Territory Spirit's voice was a little angry, "That guy actually wants to deceive me!"

"Tianxuan, the mother source of Yitian, must be connected to somewhere!" Chen Xiang said: "Where is the ultimate source of the creation power? At first I thought it came from the origin of the creation ancestor, but later I discovered that the creation ancestor The source ran away from the mother source, and the mother source came from somewhere else!"

Chen Xiang shook his head, having no clue at all.

"Creator, I have been thinking and have some ideas!" Tianxuan Yuling said: "Since my birth, I have been confused and want to know where the source of creation power is!"

"Tell me your guess!" Chen Xiang said.

"There is no so-called source of creation power!" Tianxuan Territory Spirit said: "Creation power is scattered and widely distributed, but after many years, it was gathered together!"

"But there is always a place where creation power is born!" Chen Xiang said: "It is impossible for a large number of them to appear for no reason!"

"Then we don't know! My current guess is that the creation force is infinite, but it is gathered by the spirits born in the early stage, so the creation force is controlled in one area!" Tianxuan Territory Spirit said: " How did the Creation Power come into being? Perhaps we will never find the answer!"

"In other words, the creation force is actually a kind of energy! This kind of energy is everywhere. Although it is gathered, it still overflows a lot. Even these overflowing creation forces can naturally form a large amount of energy. The universe and living things!" Chen Xiang also followed the Tianxuan Territory Spirit's thoughts to speculate.

"Yes, and the so-called ancestral source of creation is most likely to recover the creation power!" Tianxuan Territory Spirit said: "Because once someone gathers the overflowing creation power, maybe they can have a powerful enough Power, and then break the mysterious place where the power of creation gathers!"

"It is indeed possible!" Chen Xiang frowned and said, "Is this what the Third Ancestor does? This kind of thing does happen often in Yitian, and the Third Ancestor also restricts the creatures in Yitian from breaking through in cultivation! In Yitian, God, if all things want to break through that realm, they need the help of the three ancestors!"

"The act of gathering the Creation Power may also be the consciousness of the spirit body bred naturally. It can be regarded as a natural law of the Creation Power!" Tianxuan Territory Spirit said: "And whether it is you or me, as long as we continue to grow If we continue, we will violate this law sooner or later, and we will be annihilated by then!"

"Yes!" Chen Xiang sighed: "After the birth of Aoshi Universe, it grew wildly and uncontrollably. This is something I didn't expect!"

"So I think that the creative force in the world itself has a natural law of self-growth and self-aggregation! If the proud universe gathers enough creative force, then the self-awareness of the entire universe will continue to expand and absorb creation. Shili!" Tianxuan Territory Spirit said.

"It's not like us humans. When we are strong enough, we will always think about breaking through the limits, and we will continue to obtain a large amount of resources to strengthen ourselves. Some people will even do whatever it takes..." Chen Xiang thought carefully and was horrified.

"So the earliest formation of the gathering of creation power will be wary of other competitors!" Tianxuan Yuling said: "If they target us early and take action against us in advance, we will not be able to stop them at all!"

Chen Xiang secretly admired the Tianxuan Territory Spirit. As the spirit of the largest star domain in the Proud Universe, it has already thought about this level, which shows that it really wants to protect the stars of the Proud Universe!

"Is there no other way?" Chen Xiang thought about this and thought of the Third Ancestor. Maybe the Third Ancestor will come to Aoshi Universe and destroy Aoshi Universe...

"Yes, it means I become the mother source!" Tianxuan Territory Spirit said: "I just thought about it! The so-called mother source should be someone who has strong enough power, and then uses this power to penetrate space and connect with the creation force. Gathering place! In this way, the mother source recovers the creation power through a large number of creation ancestral sources, and then transports it to the creation power gathering place!"

"In other words, if you become the mother source level, you can penetrate into the place where the creation power gathers?"

Chen Xiang was also suddenly a little excited. If this is true, Aoshi Universe will be able to grow faster by then, and even the Third Ancestor will not be able to destroy Aoshi Universe.

"Yes, but I can't become the mother source by myself! I need your help!" Tianxuan Yuling said: "Creator, only you have this ability!"

"How can I help you?" Chen Xiang's current cultivation level is still very low, but he can create the Proud Ancestral Source, so Tianxuan Territory Spirit trusts him very much.

"I need to swallow a lot of creation ancestors! There were many creation ancestors in Aoshi Universe before, but now they have been removed. They must be worried that they will be swallowed by me and worry that I will become the mother origin!" Tianxuan Territory Spirit said: "With my size now, absorbing the creative force floating in the proud universe, I don't know when it will take me to become the mother source!"

Chen Xiang now roughly understands what to do, which is to find a large number of ancestral sources of creation, and then feed them to the Tianxuan Territory Spirit to let it grow into the mother source!

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