World Defying Dan God

Chapter 5130 Secret Sabotage

What Chen Xiang is worried about now is the Temple of Time! Because he knows that wherever there is the Temple of Time, there will be a lot of chaos.

Now the Temple of Time in the Ancient Purgatory has descended on the Ancient Star. Although this Temple of Time was exiled to the Ancient Purgatory and is not the serious one, it is still very strong!

The most terrifying thing is that the authentic Temple of Time is now even more crazy, messing up the entire ancient time and space, and has been merged into the ancient purgatory! If the Temple of Time learns about the situation here, will it also come?

By then the entire Tiangu Star might be finished!

When Chen Xiang thought about this, he felt a big headache, because the Shen family was doing well in Tiangu Star and had a large territory. The desert was very powerful. If Tiangu Star was destroyed, the Shen family would not suffer much loss. Small!

"We have to use the old method!"

Chen Xiang plans to go out in person to attract some hatred and attract the attention of the Temple of Time. If he can trick the Temple of Time into leaving Tiangu Star, that would also be great!

An elder of the God of War before the Temple of Time wanted to arrest Chen Xiang, but in the end the matter came to nothing because he didn't even know Chen Xiang's name or what he looked like, so he had no choice but to let it go!

However, if Chen Xiang shows up to find something to do in the Temple of Time, the elder of the God of War will definitely recognize him!

"We have to go find some trouble for the Temple of Time. We can't let them focus too much on causing trouble on Tiangu Star!"

Chen Xiang discussed it with Sister Xiao Jing, and she agreed that Chen Xiang should go to the Temple of Time to make some noise, and get to know each other before talking, so that the Temple of Time would not be too comfortable.

Because now the only ones who dare to touch the Temple of Time are Chen Xiang and Xian Yun Yehe. Those big forces are like dragging their families with them, and they are afraid of being wiped out by the Temple of Time!

As long as Chen Xiang does not reveal his relationship with the Shen family and the Demon Soul Girl Country, then he will be fine.

He didn't tell Cailian and Shen Tianhu, as well as Shen Zhenyi and Yao Beishuang, because after they knew about it, they would definitely try their best to dissuade him!

They are now telling Chen Xiang to stay away from Tiangu Star and stay away from the Temple of Time, because they all know that if a monster like Chen Xiang is exposed, the Temple of Time will definitely correct and purify him!

The Temple of Time will never allow such a heaven-defying guy like Chen Xiang to exist!

"The lair of the Temple of Time in Ancient Purgatory... When I was in Yaoguo Star, I thought about looking for them. Now that I have run out, isn't it obvious that they are being given to me for fun?"

Chen Xiang smiled inwardly and was not afraid at all.

He released the Six Paths Divine Mirror to grow in size, and then started to frantically extract the energy of the star. He wanted to accumulate enough energy for the Fruit Demon Tribe to use to plant a large number of purgatory blood trees.

In order to extract it faster, Chen Xiang also released the Suzaku Tender Silk to become very large, and then connected it to the core of the earth, so that the extraction speed could be faster!

This star is the kind of Death Star without a star spirit, so it doesn’t matter how you extract it!

If there were star spirits, if Chen Xiang did this, the star spirits would definitely use the powerful power of the stars to resist!

The Temple of Time came to Tiangu Star, and a month passed in the blink of an eye. This month, Tiangu Star was relatively calm.

The only thing the Temple of Time intervened in was the people who emptied the Xuanwu Sea!

Because the blood of the Holy Marrow of Purgatory emitted there was too strong, the Temple of Time also believed that there was some purgatory blood spurting out from below, so they emptied the Xuanwu Sea area and went to explore it themselves.

This incident caused dissatisfaction among many ancient powerful forces. Because their troops had not arrived yet, they were unable to fight against the Temple of Time who had migrated with their entire family, so they could only tolerate it for the time being.

Chen Xiang also learned about this from Cailian. He also wanted to see if the Temple of Time could break his Tianxuan space.

The Tianxuan space he opened under the Xuanwu Sea is very small, only as big as a fist, but it is Tianxuan space after all, based on the very mysterious and strange divine power of Tianxuan space, and it is also under the deep sea!

In order to prevent the Time Temple from being so easy, Chen Xiang can remotely control the small Tianxuan space to jump around!

"Brother, the energy is almost extracted. It should be enough to use the Immortal Battle Mysterious Demon Tower for a while!" Sister Xiaojing said: "Chief Guo and the others use it to plant the Purgatory Blood Tree. Although it consumes a lot of energy, it won't be particularly fast!"

"Okay, let's set off to Tiangu Star!"

Chen Xiang looked in the direction of Tian Gu Star, then took a deep breath, jumped on the Six Paths Divine Mirror, performed a space jump, and reached the sky above Tian Gu Star in the blink of an eye.

"So that's it. After the Temple of Time arrived, it began to release the divine power of time to form a domain, turning it into a barrier to cover the Ancient Star!"

Chen Xiang opened his inner eye and observed outside Tiangu Star, and found that a very powerful divine power of time was being formed.

"Once the barrier is formed, it will be difficult for outsiders to come in!" Sister Xiaojing said: "And the Temple of Time still relies on the energy of Tiangu Star. Is this going to consume the power of the core space of Tiangu Star? These guys So cunning!”

"Where the Temple of Time is located, there must be something connected to the core space!" Chen Xiang said.

"Yes, just like you used Suzaku Tender Silk to connect to the core of the earth, they also used the same method!" Sister Xiaojing said: "Let's go and destroy it, we can't let them go too smoothly!"


Chen Xiang doesn't need to find the place where the Temple of Time is now, he just needs to enter the inner core space in the center of the earth!

The Divine Mirror of Six Paths has been there several times, so now it is easy to reach the area outside the inner core space.

After arriving, he felt very violent energy!

Many huge black air pipes like tentacles appeared in the core space. Chen Xiang estimated that there were at least tens of thousands of these black air pipes in this extremely spacious core space!

There is a barrier in the inner core space. Inside the barrier is where the core of the earth is. The spatial blood traces where the blood of purgatory flows out are inside the barrier!

And the outside of this barrier is now connected by tens of thousands of wind pipes as thick as mountains, which are frantically extracting energy, and the barrier has indeed become weaker!

"Sister Jing, this is a bit tricky! These guys from the Temple of Time are quite powerful with this trick!"

Chen Xiang saw these huge tracheas and was thinking of a way!

"Brother, these tracheae are actually formed by a kind of soul energy!" Sister Xiaojing said: "The Temple of Time has killed countless creatures over the years and collected a large amount of soul energy. Why are the tracheae all black? They are all kinds of Resentment is accumulated!”

"Yes! I understand!"

Chen Xiang took out the White Tiger Jingyou Fan. He had not used this white folding fan with golden light for a long time, and it had been tempered by the ancient tribulation before. He didn't know how powerful it was, but this The fan is very useful for dealing with this kind of soul energy!

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