World Defying Dan God

Chapter 5132 Deep Sea Divine Turtle

Only by destroying the Temple of Time will the pipes connecting the core space be completely destroyed!

If what Sister Xiaojing said is true, then the divine beast under the ancient sea is far bigger than the Temple of Time. Once it takes action, it will definitely destroy the Temple of Time!

"But, how can we get that big guy to take action?" Chen Xiang frowned and said, "Although I still have some Purgatory Holy Essence in my hand, if that guy is really that big, he will definitely look down on those Purgatory Holy Essences!"

"We can only communicate through communication!" Sister Xiaojing said: "Brother, let me try to communicate!"

"Sister Jing, do you know what kind of mythical beast that is?" Chen Xiang asked.

"If I guessed correctly, it should be the legendary Shen Ao!" Sister Xiaojing said, "This guy can grow very big!"

"Let me take a look too!"

Chen Xiang opened his eyes, and then cooperated with Tianxuan's space power to overlook the sea from a high altitude!

The power of his mental vision penetrates the deep sea and can see the bottom of the sea!

"No!" Chen Xiang said: "I didn't see anything!"

"Brother, that guy is down there!" Sister Xiaojing said with a smile, "You've already seen it!"

"Really? I directly saw the bottom of the sea. It's very flat. Is there anything there?" Chen Xiang asked doubtfully.

"That's because that guy is so big that it almost covers a large area of ​​​​the sea below us. You have already explored Shen'ao's back! This guy should be sleeping, and I don't know how long he has been sleeping!" Sister Xiaojing said with a smile.

"What? This is too big!" Chen Xiang was shocked. He couldn't actually see the whole Shen Ao at a glance.

"My consciousness has entered the depths of its soul, I should be able to communicate with it!" Sister Xiaojing said.

Chen Xiang could only wait for the good news about sister Xiao Jing!

After waiting for a long time, sister Xiaojing said: "It turns out to be an old lady, and she seems to know the ancient star spirit!"

"Really?" Chen Xiang said in surprise.

"Well, she has a good relationship with the Ancient Star Spirit! It's amazing that the Ancient Star Spirit doesn't live as long as she does!" Sister Xiaojing exclaimed: "Brother, this old lady is quite good. I explained the situation to her, and she Said she would take action!"

"Is it so easy?" Chen Xiang was very surprised.

"Grandma Shen'ao has known each other for many years, and she was very angry when she learned about the inner core space!" Sister Xiao Jing said: "She said that the inner core space is giving birth to new ancient star spirits. If it is breached, The little star spirit will definitely be miserable and will be captured and tortured in various ways!"

"This ancient star is really magical, it can actually give birth to such a huge divine turtle!" Chen Xiang was amazed again and again.

"It's probably the credit of the Ancient Star Spirit!" Sister Xiaojing said: "The Ancient Star Spirit controls the resources of the Ancient Star. Although it is sealed, it can also affect the entire Star!"

"Now on Tiangu Star, those Tiangu Star Clan are also very strong, but we can't unite them!" Chen Xiang said: "The humans in the Tiangu Star Clan should also form a big force or something, right? They should We will fight against the major forces in the Ancient Purgatory!"

"Brother, let's go to the Temple of Time and wait to watch the show!" Sister Xiaojing said with a smile, "Just wait for Grandma Shen'ao to take action!"

Chen Xiang immediately performed a space jump and arrived in the sky far away from the Temple of Time!

He looked over from a distance and saw countless buildings comparable to a group of giant mountains. Such a huge Temple of Time could only be destroyed by a monster like Shen Ao!

Even now, Chen Xiang still doesn't have a specific idea of ​​Shen Ao's body shape!

"There is a lot of energy stored inside the buildings of the Temple of Time!" Chen Xiang opened his eyes and frowned: "These guys should be running around, devouring the energy of the stars and then storing it!"

"Yes, that kind of huge mountain-like building is actually the key to forming a large formation!" Sister Xiaojing said: "With a large formation of this level, it is difficult for us to break into it!"

"Indeed!" Chen Xiang nodded.

At this time, Cailian contacted Chen Xiang again!

"Little rascal, there are a lot of strange things happening in Tiangu Star!" Cailian said, "I don't know what's going on!"

"What are all these weird things?" Chen Xiang asked.

Cailian knew that Chen Xiang also knew a lot about Tiangu Star, because Chen Xiang had come into contact with Tiangu Star Spirits, and had also entered the core space of Tiangu Star. He knew very early that Tiangu Star would become a purgatory blood star!

"Among the four demon soul female countries, there are some heavenly masters who study the phenomena of heaven and earth. Through various observations, they discovered that there is very chaotic energy under the earth!" Cailian said: "The demon soul female countries do not have the strength to enter the core space. , so I don’t know what’s going on there!”

"Don't worry, Tiangu Star is a very huge star, and there was a very ancient star spirit before. That star spirit has been laid out for many years, and now the Ancient Star is undergoing new changes!"

Chen Xiang didn't say that he had been to the inner core space of the earth because he couldn't let Cailian know that he was on the ancient planet.

"There is also the Tiangu Sea. Tsunamis there are becoming more and more frequent!" Cailian said: "According to the research of those female heavenly masters, the rock formations under the deep sea are closer to the center of the earth, and the blood of purgatory comes from the earth. The inner space in the heart emerges, so there is richer blood in the rock formation!"

"That's true!" Chen Xiang said.

"So if you want to get more blood energy, you can only mine under the deep sea and collect the rocks that absorb blood energy! Those rocks will most likely turn into blood crystals or something!" Cailian said: "It's just that Tiangu The sea is moody and unpredictable with strong winds and waves!”

"Lian'er, tell them not to go to the sea recently!" Chen Xiang warned: "Then stay away from the sea as soon as possible, especially the sea close to the Temple of Time!"

"Little rascal, what do you know?" Cailian asked.

"My father told me something," Chen Xiang said: "He said that there are guardian beasts from the Ancient Star in the sea, and they may attack the Temple of Time during this period... At that time, it is very likely that a large group of sea beasts will rush out first, and finally It’s the guardian beast that takes action!”

"Really?" Cailian was surprised and couldn't believe it.

"It's true!" Chen Xiang said: "Hurry up and tell the queens of the Demon Soul Country to stop messing around!"

"I'll tell them right now!" Cailian went to contact them immediately.

Chen Xiang also hurriedly contacted Shen Tianhu and told the Shen family not to go to Tiangu Dahai or get close to Tiangu Dahai.

If Shen'ao goes out to sea, places close to the sea will definitely be swept by tsunamis!

Chen Xiang sat on the Divine Mirror of Six Paths. After contacting Shen Tianhu, he continued to quietly look at the huge Temple of Time in the distance.

He looked at it and suddenly felt a hint of danger approaching. He and sister Xiaojing were very alert and were about to jump through space to avoid it!

"You don't have to run, I'm not here to cause trouble for you!" The person who spoke turned out to be the Blood Lord.

The Blood Lord quietly approached, and neither Chen Xiang nor Sister Xiao Jing noticed it, which made them all feel scared!

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