World Defying Dan God

Chapter 5139: Strong collision

If the Six Paths Ancient Star gets near the Tian Ancient Star, there will definitely be a lot of movement. In the entire Tian Ancient Purgatory, there are no such huge stars running around at all!

Also, the Six Paths Ancient Star is very big, bigger than the Tian Ancient Star!

"Sister Jing, don't make trouble! The Six Paths Ancient Star is a big treasure. If they discover it, they will definitely find a way to capture it!" Chen Xiang said.

Although the Six Paths Ancient Star has its own defense, the ancient powerful forces and the Temple of Time, as well as the mysterious ancient star spirit group, who knows how strong they are. If they capture the Six Paths Ancient Star, Chen Xiang will have no place to cry. cry!

"Brother, don't forget, I am the star spirit of the Six Paths Ancient Star!" Sister Xiaojing said with a smile: "As long as I am here, no one will take away the Six Paths Ancient Star!"

"Let's wait until I become stronger in the future!" Chen Xiang shook his head, "If the Six Paths Ancient Star appears, it will definitely cause a lot of turmoil!"

Just as Chen Xiang was about to contact Chen Tianhu, he suddenly sensed a strong spatial fluctuation!

A big crack appeared in the sky!

When Chen Xiang saw this huge crack, he immediately controlled the Six Paths Divine Mirror to stay away, because this kind of strong space fluctuations and such a large space crack meant that the incoming person was very huge!

Chen Xiang could only stay away to avoid being affected!

What on earth is such a big crack?

"Brother, this thing is much bigger than Wanzhou Mountain!" Sister Xiaojing was also surprised and said, "And the cracks are still tearing apart and getting bigger!"

The Divine Mirror of Six Paths has traveled very far, but you can still see long cracks!

"Is it the World Proud Temple?" Chen Xiang asked in surprise: "Is the World Proud Temple so big?"

"Brother, don't forget, Xiao Yuanxin said at the beginning that the Proud World Temple is the same size as the Shengxuan Star!" Sister Xiaojing said.

"Of course I remember! I thought that after so many years, the Proud World Temple would become smaller!"

Chen Xiang also took out the communication talisman and went to contact Huang Jintian.

"Master, is the World Proud Temple here?" Chen Xiang asked.

"That's right, isn't there a lot of movement?" Huang Jintian laughed and said, "Now you know how powerful the Proud World Temple is, right?"

"With the World Proud Temple being so high-profile now, are you not afraid of those ancient powerful forces?" Chen Xiang asked: "Such a big movement will definitely attract many powerful people to investigate!"

"How should I put it? Although we are not as powerful as them, they can't do anything to us!" Huang Jintian said: "Wait, we will be out soon!"

The huge space crack suddenly opened, and violent space power poured in!

The movement this time was much greater than when Wanzhou Mountain came before!

When Wanzhou Mountain appeared, that kind of movement caused many big forces to come to investigate, so there were also many spies from big forces nearby, and they are now passing the news back!

The Proud Temple has appeared!

What puzzled Chen Xiang was that what appeared from the crack in space was not a huge palace, but a huge irregular stone!

In Shen Xiang's opinion, this stone is much larger than the previous Shen'ao, and its surface is gray-black!

"This is the World Proud Temple?" Chen Xiang was very surprised and immediately contacted Huang Jintian through the messenger to ask.

"This is the Proud Temple of the World!" Huang Jintian laughed and said: "Don't make a fuss! Although the appearance of the Proud Temple of the World is just a stone, over the years, this stone has gone through various tempers and absorbed many precious and solid materials. After All kinds of polishing to make it look like this!”

Looking from a distance, this is a small oval-shaped irregular gray-black star!

If according to what Huang Jintian said, this stone has rich experience, it is indeed not weak!

The boulder-shaped Aoshi Temple slowly fell to the ground, not far from Wanzhou Mountain!

"Master, you are slower than Wanzhou Mountain!" Chen Xiang said: "Didn't you say before that you would arrive faster than them?"

"Stop talking, the main reason is that our Proud World Temple is too big and we suffered a big loss!" Huang Jintian said.

"Although Wanzhou Mountain looks small, it is very big inside!" Chen Xiang said: "I have fought and killed in Wanzhou Mountain before, and I have a certain understanding of it!"

"That was Wanzhou Mountain back then!" Huang Jintian said with a smile: "When Wanzhou Mountain came to Tiangu Purgatory, the space inside had long been compressed by strong gravity. They were known as one hundred thousand universes back then, but now... …Haha, it’s as big as a doghouse!”

When Chen Xiang was in Wanzhou Mountain, he traveled through multiple universes. Wanzhou Mountain's claim to be one hundred thousand universes is no exaggeration.

And now, it has been compressed so small?

"Is this true? It's unbelievable that so many huge universes have been compressed so powerfully!" Chen Xiang exclaimed.

"The cosmic space inside their Wanzhou Mountain is too empty. The space laws of the Ancient Purgatory are so powerful, how could they be allowed to have such a vast and spacious space?" Huang Jintian said.

Just as he said this, Chen Xiang heard a loud noise and saw a bright white light flying out from the top of Wanzhou Mountain and hitting the Proud World Temple!

The Proud Temple was a gray-black stone just now, but now it suddenly turned golden, forming a very thick golden shield!


There was a loud noise, and two powerful energies collided, setting off a violent wind that wreaked havoc on the earth!

"So strong!" After Chen Xiang felt the collision between Wanzhou Mountain and Proud World Temple, he was secretly afraid in his heart.

The power of this behemoth far exceeds the power of humans!

This should be due to the powerful energy source inside the Proud Temple and Wanzhou Mountain, and is released through magic circles or something!

"Master, you are making too much noise, be careful of being targeted by Shen Ao!" Chen Xiang warned.

"I'm just the defender, Shen'ao should be reasonable!" Huang Jintian said: "And when I came here, I didn't take the initiative to start a war, so it's none of my business!"

"Master, you fight slowly, I'll take my leave first!" Chen Xiang said: "You are making too much noise, I'm afraid of getting involved!"

Chen Xiang felt a lot more relieved when he saw how powerful the Proud World Temple was, and then he made a space jump and left Tian Gu Star!

"Boy, don't leave! Look how powerful the Proud World Temple is... Look how I can defeat Wanzhou Mountain!" Huang Jintian shouted.

Chen Xiang was too lazy to watch, because if he continued to watch, he would have to wait for who knows how long, and if they made such a big noise while fighting, it would definitely alarm many ancient powerful forces, and many strong men would come over!

Cailian sent a message to Chen Xiang and said: "Little rascal, come to the World Proud Temple!"

"I know, my master has been in contact with me! The Proud World Temple and Wanzhou Mountain are at war!" Chen Xiang said: "You should try to stay away from that place!"

"What happened to Tiangu Star? There was a god who destroyed the Temple of Time before, but now Aoshi Temple and Wanzhou Mountain have appeared one after another, and there are conflicts... Tiangu Star is really in chaos!" Cailian sighed.

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