World Defying Dan God

Chapter 5421 The Sky Monument Saves the World

Such a violent battle made the starry sky seem unable to withstand the huge power of these two giant beasts.

The blue-gold rhinoceros beast let out a thunderous roar. The sound was like the declaration of the Lord of the Universe. The momentum turned into a powerful wave of power and shook a large area of ​​stars.

The dark behemoth did not show weakness, its roar was like a dark sound, mixed with terror and evil.

The roars of the two echoed in the starry sky, like the shouts of gods and devils.

Both of these giant beasts possess powerful magical powers.

The tip of the horn of the blue-gold rhinoceros beast flashes with the light of the stars. It controls the energy of the stars and condenses the starlight into a whirlwind-like offensive, like meteors piercing the night sky and shooting towards the dark beast.

The dark behemoth condensed the shadows in the universe and formed dark rays, trying to swallow the blue-gold rhinoceros behemoth.

These dark rays are like endless abyss, trying to swallow up all light.

The two magical powers merged in the starry sky, setting off brilliant light and dazzling darkness.

A large number of stars fell on the earth of Taichu, causing earthquakes one after another, and the starry sky became chaotic and spectacular due to the struggle between the two.

The blue-gold rhinoceros behemoth regained its strength, and the tip of its horns emitted powerful starlight, forming a huge star vortex, absorbing the dark rays of the dark behemoth.

This star vortex is like the eye of the universe, watching everything and conveying divine power.

Not to be outdone, the dark beast gradually exudes a stronger dark aura, and its dark rays become more ferocious.

Chen Xiang stared at this scene, witnessing the showdown between gods and demons, light and darkness.

He is also very clear at this moment that with his current strength, he cannot participate at all, and in the future, the powerful enemies he will face will all be of this level.

"Fortunately, the battle took place in the starry sky. If it had been on the land of Taichu, the consequences would have been disastrous!"

Chen Xiang was secretly worried in his heart.

You must know that there are also powerful emperor stars under the Taichu Earth. If those emperor stars are eroded by the power of the gods, they will definitely turn into super beasts and emerge from the earth.

As for the current Earth of Taichu, there is no power that can compete with it.

The power of Shenyin comes from the underworld, and I don’t know if it is a new force.

The power of Chaos Star Abyss is extremely ancient, so it is possible for such a powerful beast to resist the power of Shenyin.

Ziyou Xingjun was also watching the battle through the Xinghui ancient tree at this time. After seeing the fierce battle deep in the starry sky, his heart could not calm down for a long time.

Although the dark behemoth was at a disadvantage in previous battles, it was far from being completely defeated.

Feeling that its own power is weakening, its instinct is to find new sources of energy.

The dark beast's eyes were fiercely fixed on the land of Taichu. This fertile land was home to many creatures and was an excellent source of energy.

It began to fall rapidly, and dark energy surrounded it, forming a black whirlwind with terrifying power.

The Dark Behemoth's goal is clear. It intends to land on the Taichu Earth and devour a large number of creatures in the Taichu Earth to enhance its own strength, and then engage in a final decisive battle with the blue-gold rhinoceros behemoth.

The crystal blue rhinoceros watched the dark beast flee towards the Taichu land, without any intention of stopping it.

This caused Chen Xiang and Ziyou Xingjun to face an unprecedented crisis again. They understand that the arrival of the dark beast may lead to the destruction of Taichu and plunge all living beings into endless darkness.

Ziyou Xingjun used his powerful star power to prepare to compete with the dark beast. At the same time, Chen Xiang mobilized the power of the ancient star tree to force the dark beast back and prevent it from causing chaos in the Taichu land.

The dark beast descended on the land of Taichu, the earth shook and the mountains shook, and the creatures were frightened. It let out a deafening roar, and the dark rays were like a sweeping hurricane, swallowing up all life.

At this moment, the future of Taichu Earth fell into endless darkness.

Chen Xiang's eyes were firm and resolute. He took a deep breath and integrated his consciousness into the Five Elements Monument. The Five Elements Monument exudes infinite star power, gradually expanding to cover the entire Taichu land.

The ancient star tree also released its power at this moment. Its leaves flickered like silver stars, and mysterious music echoed between heaven and earth.

The Five Elements Sky Monument and the Xinghui Ancient Tree cooperate with each other to form an excellent resonance. This resonance force converges into an unrivaled energy.

The dark beast descended on the land of Taichu, and the situation suddenly changed. All creatures fled, and their lives were eclipsed by its roar and darkness.

But just when it was about to launch a devastating offensive, a ray of light rose from the center of Taichu Earth.

This is the power of the Five Elements Monument. It condenses the origin of the original earth and has the power to destroy the heaven and the earth.

The Five Elements Sky Monument rises up, its surface is engraved with star patterns, exuding dazzling brilliance. The ancient star tree is growing luxuriantly, as if a huge sacred tree is standing tall.

The dark beast discovered this threat, and its gaze became more fierce, trying to pounce on the Five Elements Monument.

But no matter how hard it tried, it could not break through the defense of the Five Elements Monument.

The Five Elements Monument began to emit dazzling five-color light. Each ray of light represented the power of an element. The five elements of earth, fire, water, wood, and metal merged into one at this moment.

This is the power of the original earth and the tenacity of life.

The dark beast was forced back by the power of the Five Elements Monument and could no longer move forward. It roared in despair, but it could no longer change the situation!

The Five Elements Monument trapped it in place, and the power of the Starry Ancient Tree continued to weaken its dark aura.

In the end, the dark beast had no choice but to retreat and escape back to the depths of the starry sky. The whole process was like a miracle in the universe. The creatures witnessed the victory of hope and felt the indestructibility of the original earth.

Weak cracks appeared on the surface of the Five Elements Monument, which was the price paid for resisting the powerful power of the dark beast.

This ancient divine object has withstood countless ups and downs, but this time, its damage was particularly obvious.

Although the crack is small, it is a serious damage to the essence of the Five Elements Monument. The Five Elements Monument represents the balance of the earth in the beginning, and its damage puts this balance at risk.

Chen Xiang's eyes were full of worry. He understood that the injury to the Five Elements Sky Monument might take a long time to repair, but now, there was not much time to waste.

"I don't know if I can block it next time..." Chen Xiang took the Five Elements Heavenly Monument back into the deep space of the Xinghui Ancient Wood, and asked the Xinghui Ancient Wood to quickly repair the Five Elements Heavenly Monument.

At this moment, the dark behemoth continues to fight with the blue-gold rhino behemoth deep in the starry sky!

Chen Xiang was a little unhappy in his heart, because the blue-gold rhinoceros behemoth was obviously more powerful than the dark behemoth. It could obviously stop the dark behemoth, but it still allowed the dark behemoth to descend on the land of Taichu.


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