World Defying Dan God

Chapter 91 Inner Court

The most excited was Yun Xiaodao. As soon as he walked out of that profound realm, he shouted to the evil-eyed man to ask for a thousand infuriating pills. Zhu Rong was very jealous when he saw that Yun Xiaodao won a thousand infuriating pills so easily.

According to the calculation of five hundred spar of one infuriating pill, this thousand infuriating pills are 500,000 spar, which is definitely a large amount!

"Brother Shen, I'll give you nine of the thousand True Qi Pills. After all, I'm just taking the bet. I just said it casually. I didn't expect to get so many!" Yun Xiaodao said with a smile. What, over the years, what he ate was not worth it.

Chen Xiang saw that Yun Xiaodao didn't care about Zhen Qi Pill, he couldn't help but smack his tongue secretly, but he thought that the Yun family was one of the four major families in Taiwu Prefecture, so he felt that it was no big deal. Although spar minerals, medicinal materials, monsters, etc., are not as good as the sects, they are the richest among those sects.

"Fatty, your Zhu family is comparable to our Yun family, and you should be richer than us, because you are all stingy and treacherous!" Yun Xiaodao patted Zhu Rong's back and laughed.

Zhu Rong just snorted, judging from his size, he knew that his family was very rich.

Zhang De shook his head and sighed: "Having a good background can save people from struggling for decades!"

Chen Xiang and the others followed Zhu Rong to the No. 329 Martial Arts Academy. This is the weakest internal martial arts academy, and it is also a must-visit place for those who have just entered the internal martial arts academy.

"No one?" Yun Xiaodao said suspiciously, and then shouted: "Anyone? Come out to meet the newcomer!"

Zhu Rong pouted and said: "Don't shout, no one has entered the inner door for many years, it has always been like this here!"

Chen Xiang asked: "So, the people in this internal martial arts institute have all entered the martial arts institute with a higher ranking? But in this way, some people should have been beaten down."

Zhu Rong nodded: "That's the case, but the tasks of the disciples of the Neiwu Academy are many, heavy and dangerous! Although there are more than 300 in the Academy of Neiwu, there are no more than 300 of the disciples in each of the Academy. Ten, the one I'm staying in now has only five people!"

The benefits of the Internal Martial Arts Academy are very good. You can receive 30 True Qi Pills and 3,000 Crystal Stones every month, and one True Yuan Pill every year. When you go out to carry out the task, you can also get some medicinal herbs for healing and detoxification, and you can also get rewards after completion. That's how Zhu Rong's precious white jade powder came.

"All the people in this Inner Martial Arts Academy are dead, and the Inner Martial Arts Academy from No. 300 to No. 329 is empty." Zhu Rong's face became serious, and the inner disciples were not so beautiful. They also have their own mission.

"Then why didn't you take me to No. 300?" Yun Xiaodao rolled his eyes at him.

"Yun Xiaogui, I'm doing this for your own good. The higher the number, the more dangerous the task you receive. You should wait for Chen Xiang to enter the tenth level of the Mortal Martial Realm and move forward step by step!" Zhu Rong said.

Chen Xiang also agreed: "We have just entered the inner sect, and we can learn more advanced martial arts. After we master it well, our strength stabilizes and we can move forward!"

"Come on, I'm only No. 200 Martial Academy now. It took me a long time to get in here. You guys clean it up, I'm leaving." Zhu Rong walked quickly, worried that Chen Xiang would ask him to help with cleaning .

There are already many small houses in this martial arts courtyard. The residence and the martial arts courtyard are all together. In the future, Chen Xiang and the others will not have to walk a long way to the martial arts courtyard every day.

"I won't sleep here, you two are busy!" Yun Xiaodao giggled and left.

Because no one has lived there for many years, there is a lot of dust and leaves here,

Chen Xiang and Zhang De spent most of the time cleaning before they could get it clean.

Chen Xiang was in a room with many auxiliary exercise equipment, and found that these equipments were not very useful, either they were too light, or they needed a lot of time to exercise.

"These things are only used to kill time. The real practice is to carry out various extreme methods of training or go out to practice." Zhang De said.

At this moment, Yun Xiaodao came back, and he shouted excitedly: "Brother Shen, I went to the evil eye guy to ask for the infuriating pill, this guy gave it to me so easily, come and see if there is anything. There is no fake."

Chen Xiang didn't take that bet very seriously, and he thought that if he asked for the thousand True Qi Pills, it might be a little troublesome and even conflict.

Yun Xiaodao took out ten jade boxes, and each box contained 100 zhenqi pills. After Chen Xiang checked it, he was sure that none of them were fake. Although the rank was not as good as his refining, they were all up to the standard. requirements.

Yun Xiaodao only needs a box, and Chen Xiang originally wanted to give Zhang De a box, but Zhang De refused to accept it, and finally bought a box at half price.

Zhu Rong once gave Chen Xiang a box of White Jade Powder. In order to thank Zhu Rong, Chen Xiang also gave Zhu Rong a box. Even so, when Zhu Rong took it, he was still full of jealousy and planned to buy three boxes at half price. But Yun Xiaodao kicked him away.

"You shameless fat man!" Yun Xiaodao scolded.

"We are also inner disciples, let's go get things, and we can also go to the Neiwujing Pavilion to find good exercises at the Xuan level and the earth level." Yun Xiaodao shouted excitedly, and rushed out of the martial arts institute.

The place to receive things is in the place where the Taidan Academy is set up in the Neiwu Academy. A true martial arts disciple is in charge. Chen Xiang received 30 True Qi Pills, one True Essence Pill, 3,000 Crystal Stones, and one more. The nine-dan mortal weapon that is called the hand, it is a dragon-headed sword!

Yun Xiaodao and Zhang De both took one at random, they didn't pay much attention to weapons.

On the way to the Neiwujing Pavilion, Yun Xiaodao saw Chen Xiang playing with the dragon-headed steel knife, and asked, "Brother Shen, what's so good about this nine-dan mortal weapon? Old Man Zhang and I are all using spiritual tools."

Chen Xiang was stunned, and immediately understood why they all took it casually, it turned out that they actually had spirit tools!

The cheapest piece of spiritual tool also requires hundreds of thousands of spar, and it is not surprising that they can have it.

"I haven't seen a spiritual tool yet, what is it like?" Chen Xiang asked curiously.

Yun Xiaodao took out a broad sword and said proudly: "This is the five-stage spirit weapon, the Heavenly Wolf Sword. The sword body is engraved with spiritual patterns, which can spiritually absorb and integrate spiritual energy, making the original infuriating stronger! The sword body has the same meridians as people, and when the infuriating energy is poured into it, it can be unobstructed. The place where the Wolverine Iron Wolf's demon pill is inlaid, if the demonic beast in the demon pill is stimulated, it will be even more powerful!"

Chen Xiang could indeed see that there were many beautiful and mysterious lines on the sword body. Under the sunlight, they shone brightly and were very beautiful.

"This is something that can be ranked among the fifth-stage spiritual tools! Although the cost is only one million, the overall value is more than this amount. This is because their Yun family relies on the relationship and let a well-known tool refiner refine it." Zhang De said with envy and hatred on his face.

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