World Destroying Demonic Emperor

Chapter 1004: One thousand and six: World fission! The heart of the dragon is broken!

Chapter 1004 The Thousand and Six Sixth World Fission! The heart of the dragon is broken!

This is probably the most terrible war in the past few years, and it is also the most sophisticated war.

The intensity of the war far exceeded the period of the Doom Empire and even exceeded the period of the Eritrean Empire.

At this time, the strength of the empire empire is not comparable to the empire of the doom, and it is no match for the empire. However, the power of the Temple of the Dragon is indeed the peak of tens of thousands of years.

The Dragon Emperor fell and the Temple of the Dragon was full.

Imprisoned the Dragon Emperor, so that the power of the Dragon Temple has risen by more than one step?

So before, whether it was the Emperor of the Orient, or the Emperor of the Doom, when the Northern Expedition was domineering, it was pushed to the human north pole.

And the turn of the Lantern's enchanting empire, it falls on the wind!

At this time, Yihehuai disease has only brought about one-third of the main force of the Shenlong Temple, but even so, whether it is the king-level powerhouse or the Asian-level powerhouse, it far exceeds the inflammation of the empire.

On the side of the Inflammatory Empire, there are a total of eight king-level powerhouses.

And this party Shenlong Temple Regiment, has twenty-four king-level powerhouses.

There are more than 300 Asian-level powerhouses on the side of the Inflammatory Empire, and the Shenlong Temple Corps on the other side has nine hundred Asian-level powerhouses.

Not to mention, there are three giant air bastions, each of which has a star magic reaction core that releases the power of a pseudo-star.

The three sides of the empire empires, the World War II Corps, the Death Warrior Group, and the Undead Warrior Group have more than one million people.

The number of Shenlong Temple corps led by 卮妍 is not much, only more than five million, but still three or four times as many as the empire.

Together with the giant aerial fortress, the gap between the two sides is ten times more.

However, the war situation did not present a one-sided situation, because this is in the Mozu plane, where the towers of the gods are everywhere, even if the Emperor Lanling is no longer able to exert divine power, it can also provide a plane shock. Repression of the Dragon Temple.

This battle was terrible and fierce at the beginning.

After the legions of the two sides collided in the air, they were madly killed.


There are countless rays of light in the air, and countless lives are falling...

The warriors of the Shenlong Temple Army, one by one, died, broken and broken.

The warriors of the Inflammatory Empire, one by one, died, broken and broken.

In this kind of war, there is no way to have a whole body or even a body. Once the death in the backlash, it directly turns into powder.

This is a war where everyone will die!

The elite warriors, priests, sky corps, sky arbitrators, golden knights, flying warriors, and demon corps of the Shenlong Temple will all die.

On the side of the enchanted empire, the squad of the Centaur, the Death Warrior, and the Undead Warrior will die.


In the fierce battle, countless lives burst open in the air, turning into an energy fireworks.

Because this is the plane of the Mozu, the Temple of the Dragon is suppressed, so the casualties of both sides are always maintained at one to three.

"Hey, is that you kill me husband?" Na Na saw the first look of the cockroach, the beauty is full of murderous murderous, regardless of his pregnancy, directly smashed the sword and rushed forward.

There was a slight change in the blink of an eye, and the sword was immediately attacked.

Next to the illness, there is a king-level tomb priest, immediately went forward to help.

Because this is the plane of the Mozu, the Temple of the Dragon needs three enemies!

At this time, the three aerial fortresses of the Shenlong Temple are only responsible for one thing, that is, constantly bombarding the tower of the gods.




A dazzling glimpse of the sky across the sky, tearing the entire night, let the entire night sky shine like white, completely obscuring the light of the moon in the sky.

The bombardment of the power of the pseudo-stars!

Then one tall and one tall tower of the gods of the gods was destroyed.

This air bastion is so powerful that it faces a sturdy and incomparable, and even the sacred demon tower with the power of the plane is a shot.

The huge tower of the Heavenly Gods, which was painstakingly built by the Enchanted Empire, was destroyed in the power of the pseudo-stars of this air fortress.

The strategy of the Shenlong Temple is correct, because this is the battle into the Mozu area, the Temple Corps will be suppressed by the power of the Mozu plane, so the power is weakened, and only the Tiantian Devil Tower can be blasted, making this area The Mozu plane is getting weaker and weaker so that both sides can fight on the fair line.

Of course, it is also because the Emperor Lanling is not there, so the Temple of the Dragon has dared to invade.

Otherwise, even with more military power, more aerial fortresses will not help the empire of the empire, and can only be sacrificed in vain.

As long as the Emperor of the Emperor Lanling is in, any force that is not launched is belonging to the Temple of the Dragon, as long as it is spurred to belong to the Emperor Lanling!

However, now the Emperor Lan Ling is not here!

So, after all the towers of the gods are destroyed, it is the end of the empire of the Imperial Empire!


Within the sky sanctuary.

"The same situation as in the anticipation, there is no slight deviation." Ancient spot.

Ning nowhere is like laughing and laughing: "It’s really a big lift to remember the great power of destroying the empire of the empire."

He is talking to Shi Tian, ​​and he has the meaning of provocation.

The person who is a ancient spot is considered to be a person with ancient spots. Why should the Dragon Army of the Southern Expeditionary Empire be handed over to these two young men? Why do you give all the credit to destroy the empire of the empire to the ancient spot?

Are there other sky priests in the Sky Temple? Why did both of them repeatedly demanded that the battle be rejected, and finally sent the North Wing to participate in the war of the Southern Expedition?

Ning no end is very dissatisfied, with the alliance of Tian Daoqi and ancient spots, his situation is getting worse and worse. Volunteer, the mean and greedy woman, saw the wind and the rudder, did not hesitate to rely on the Heavenly Dodge, and did not know the shame and the sick have set a marriage contract.

There is also Ji Xianning, who can't wait to perform in front of Tian Daoqi. But is it useful? In this army of the Southern Expeditionary Demon Empire, there is still no place for him, and everyone knows that this smoldering empire is a white sacred work. There is no sorrowful Lanling. This war can win with closed eyes.

Although the Emperor Lanling is still alive, in the eyes of the Dragon Temple, he is already dead.

Despite his dissatisfaction, he was unable to fight this situation, and he could not resist any action by Tian Dodge. Because Heaven Dodge is the first hero of the Dragon Temple for thousands of years, and he is the first generation of the demon star.

Shi Tian did not stand up against Tian Daoqi, and Ning had no qualification at all.

After hearing the incompetence of Ning's boundlessness, Shi Tian did not understand it. He smiled: "The heart has never changed, it is indeed worth cultivating."

Suddenly, Ning has no intention to shut up.

On the table, the sand in the upper half of the hourglass in front of the four people is very small, and will soon be exhausted.

The spar clock in the middle also reached the eleventh position!

"When..." after a loud noise.

Officially announced that the dark moon total eclipse of the millennium is only one hour, 3,600 seconds!

"Although there won't be anything, let's start, make sure that when the total eclipse occurs, the attention of the Emperor Lanling is contained." Shi Tiandao: "Call the Volunteer, let her go this time."

After a quarter of an hour, Volunteer, Shi Tian, ​​Tian Daoqi, Ning no end, four people appeared on the cosmic tower.

Here not only can contact the lunar plane, but also be able to contact the Pazhou plane, of course, just to be able to contact. The Shenlong Temple is still unable to control the cosmic plane law in Pazhou, and it is unable to control the chaotic plane beyond the time and space latitude.

In addition to these five people, there is one more person in the cosmic tower, that is, Sauron’s daughter, Soo, this time is really a sorrow, not a substitute.

Although the giants of the Temple of the Sky believe that there will be no accident when the millennium eclipse comes. First of all, the Emperor of the Blue Emperor may not know, and even if you know it, it will not help.

Because the eclipse time is only three seconds, even if the three-month lunar temple loses control of the prison in Pazhou, the Pazhou plane will still be fixed according to the original energy inertia. The mausoleum still can't escape.

But in case, just in case, the Temple of the Sky still decides what to interfere with the attention of the Emperor Lanling, so that when the millennium eclipse comes, the Emperor Lanling can't think about anything and can't do anything.


Volunteer came to the Tongtian Tower, and a ray of light shrouded her.

"Son, I am a mother." Volunteer’s first words made people vomit blood.

"It’s been a long time apart, I miss it."

Her voice, through the cosmic tower, was directly transmitted to the Pazhou plane, which was tens of thousands of miles away, and resounded within the ears of Lanling.

This type of communication alone shows the power of the Moon Temple.

After the demon star left, Lanling could not have any connection with the demon star. Within the plane of Pazhou, there are Hell Knights in the mind of Lanling, the light and shadow of the death warrior, but it is no longer possible to directly control and contact the Hell Knight and the Death Warrior through the plane.

However, this cosmic tower can even let the voice of Volunteer into the plane of Pazhou, which shows that the Moon Temple uses a higher energy law.

Next, Volunteer chattered, trying to stimulate Lanling, and the Emperor Lanling was deaf to the ear, just silently counted down in his heart.

"1800, 1799, 1798..."

At the same time, the emperor of the Devil, the demon queen, is constantly counting down.

In the territory of the Dragon Prison, the demon star and the dragon prison manager are constantly counting down.

Only the north is wild, the war is getting scarier and more and more fierce!

One tower after another, the tower of the gods was destroyed.

The repression of the Mozu plane is getting weaker and weaker, and the power of the Temple of the Dragon is getting stronger and stronger.

The proportion of casualties on both sides gradually changed from one to three, becoming one to two, one to one.

Na blood is still an enemy, but it has gradually disappeared.

The demon queen has himself, and there are six Hell Knights, all of whom are one enemy three, especially the headless knight, with one enemy four.

One person fights against three of the Temple of the Dragon, and even four king-level powerhouses.

With the destruction of the Heavenly Gods Tower, it has gradually become a disadvantage from the close.

And in this crazy killing.

The total eclipse has already begun...

The moon in the sky is like a disc, and it is swallowed by the darkness.

However, the two sides are still fighting in full swing, without any distraction.



It’s completely obscured by the lunar force back, and it’s a minute and a half!

Soon, the Moon Temple will lose control of the Pazhou plane!

At this time, the cold voice of Voltling began to sound: "Lanling, your daughter, my granddaughter and granddaughter is around. You want to say something to her."

Suddenly, the heart of Lanling jumped wildly and the heart was angry.

The despicable Temple of the Dragon, at this critical moment, let the daughter distract him.

Volt Ling whispered softly: "Hey, shouting a dad."

I won’t say it.

Since the arrest of the Temple of the Dragon, he has never heard a word.

Volunting said: "Hey, shouting a dad. Otherwise, I am going to kill you."

Then, the face of Volunteer became extremely sinister and cold, and took out the decapitation: "Hey, I started counting down, counting down dozens. If you don't call Dad, I will kill you."




Volt is falling down.

Lan Ling’s heart is also counting down, and the numbers of the two countdowns are exactly the same.

I still don’t say a word.

"Three, two, one..."

Volunting said: "The countdown is over, hey, I want to kill you!"

The countdown is over!

The sky is dark, the millennium is full of food, and it is fully arrived.

The Moon Temple has lost control of the Pazhou plane in an instant.

Everything in the prison of Pazhou is trapped in a static state, with only fragile energy inertia, maintaining the entire super-latitude plane.


"let's start!"

In the secret of the prison, the Queen of the Dnie ordered the road.

"let's start!"

In the territory of the Dragon Prison, the demon star ordered the road.


The Demon Manager, the Dragon Prison Manager, has violently destroyed the Demon Tower, the Dragon Prison Demon Tower.


In an instant, the two towering towers of the heavens and the earth stood in the air.

Numerous planes were torn open, and the powerful energy in these planes frantically poured into it.

Suddenly, the entire world is out of balance.

Heaven and earth change!

Move the mountain to shake!

The river flows backwards and the sea is overturned.

The sky is distorted, and the white light appears in the night, but the sun is not seen.

The four giants of the Temple of the Sky suddenly burst into horror.


Note: The second one is sent, please pay the bottom of the monthly ticket, and ask for support, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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