World Destroying Demonic Emperor

Chapter 1014: One hundred and six six: sad temple! 蝰 both tragic!

Chapter 1014, 106, the Temple of Sorrow!

Lanling Road: "What about you that year? Is it strong enough?"

I thought for a while and shook my head: "It is not strong enough."

Lanling Road: "Why?"

Ramper: "Because only when I need to grow, I will grow."

Lanling Road: "You are not for the wrath of the kingdom, not for power, nor for fear of death, then what are you for? What is your life goal?"

I looked at Lanling but didn't speak.

Lan Ling added: "When the Doom the Great intends to use the power of the pseudo-stars to kill the Temple of the Sky, does that mean that he already knows the position of the Temple of the Sky?"

He said: "No, the Emperor of the Doom can't find the Temple of the Sky, but he is not willing to go through the numerous dark cracks in the sky to find the clues of the Temple of the Sky. So he intends to tear it directly with the power of the pseudo-stars. The layered barrier of the plane uses this violent means to find the Temple of the Sky. This seems to violate the taboo of the Moon Temple, and is directly obliterated by the power of the Moon in the Temple of the Moon, together with the Doom Magic, and the power of the giant starry sky. The reaction core has been destroyed."

Lan Ling closed his eyes and said: "That is, if you really know the position of the Temple of the Sky, is it only the Emperor?"

"It should be." He said: "You as the inheritor of the Emperor, did you get any information about the Temple of the Sky from the Great Emperor?"

Lan Ling remembered the book without words, and the sword of the gods.

Ruan said: "Not only me, even my teacher's ancient spots, do not know the specific position of the Temple of the Sky. Although we travel through the various energy channels numerous times back and forth to the Temple of the Sky. Probably only the Dodge, or Shi Tiancai knows."

Lanling Road: "But as soon as someone rebellious and opened an energy passage into and out of the Temple of the Sky, would I find it right?"

Ramp: "Yes, because you are a chaotic blood, you can travel through countless planes. You don't even need the Sky Temple to open an energy channel, you only need to send an energy signal to the Mozu plane, or the Shenlong plane, you It is possible to carry out reverse tracking and get the specific orientation of the Temple of the Sky."

This passage made Lan Ling sound the plot in the classic novel "Three-body" of the earth. The earth sent a signal to the whole universe. The result was received by a kind-hearted trio. He immediately warned the earth not to send any signal. Don't respond to any signals from the three bodies, or you will be locked in the three-body world immediately, and you will be devastated.

At this time, it is almost the same reason.

As long as the Sky Temple dares to send any signal to the Mozu or the human kingdom, it will be captured by Lanling immediately and locked in position.

Lanling Road: "Since you propose to recruit the Temple of the Sky, it is up to you to call for a surrender."



Came to an energy array.

Lan Ling asked: "This energy array is to contact the Temple of the Sky?"


Since this energy array can be connected to the Temple of the Sky, can it also find the position of the Temple of the Sky based on the energy band released by this energy array?

Of course it is not possible!

Because these energy bands can release hundreds of thousands of miles, and there will be countless energy receiving points in the middle, and continue to release and spread out, and finally do not know how many intermediate energy arrays to turn, and finally will be received by the Sky Temple.

This is like a radio station in the modern earth. The radio waves sent out can be received by countless stations, and it is impossible to check which specific radio receives your information.

"The Order of the Temple of the Sky Temple, the chaotic Emperor Lanling is willing to accept the surrender of the members of the Temple of the Sky, and hope that you will abandon the darkness in time. All loyalists will not only be saved from death, but will continue to take charge of the Temple of the Sky, even in the Yanlong Empire. The Yan Mo Empire has held important positions."

According to Lan Ling’s orders, he issued a recruitment order over and over again in the energy array to ensure that the Sky Temple can be successfully received.


In fact, the Sky Temple has already received it when it was first recruited.

"It's really ridiculous. The Emperor of Heaven has staged a plan to move away from the room. Does Lanling want to come here once?" The ancient spot sneered.

Ning no end has not wanted to say, but still can not help but said: "Ghost of the ancient spot, what is your Gaotuo? This surrendered Lanling?"

The ancient spotted face changed: "Is it surrender? It is hard to say."

Shi Tiandao: "The deportation of the Emperor Lanling means one thing, the human kingdom has completely fallen. All the dragon temples on the ground, the four secret continents, have been destroyed. This devil is blue, already Completely mastered the entire human kingdom, and for the first time ruled the whole world and became the co-owner of the world."

Ancient spot: "How about that? Now the Temple of the Sky gives us a special energy cover to protect the entire sky temple. And we have closed all the energy channels, and the Emperor Lan Ling wants to find us from countless planes. The Temple of the Sky is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack. And our Sky Temple is an independent plane, not belonging to the Mozu and not to the Shenlong plane, so the magical power of the Emperor Lanling is ineffective in us. Even if he breaks into the sky In the temple, there is no emperor energy. He is also maintaining a situation where he can't win or lose. It is impossible to destroy our sky temple."

At this time, the fourth-ranked sky priest said: "The closed energy and all the energy channels of the human kingdom, our Sky Temple also lost the energy supply, relying solely on the star magic to reflect the core, how long can we persist?"

Shi Tian and Tian Dao looked for a glance, and then said: "Do not worry, stick to it for a long time."

The operation of any plane depends on the energy of astronomical figures, especially in the Temple of the Sky.

In the past, the energy of the Temple of the Sky was supplied by the Dragon Magic Planet, which is a blood-sucking. Now all the energy channels are closed, and all the energy is reflected in the core of the star magic.

The long time in Shi Tiankou is actually decades.

How long has it been for decades?

It really takes a long time, but it is also very short.

What should I do once all the star magic reacts to the core energy? How many millions of people in the Temple of the Sky have entered the scene to sleep?

Even if it is a tomb, it needs energy to maintain.

Tiandaoqi said: "You can rest assured that our Sky Temple has enough starry magic material to maintain the sky temple for more than a hundred years."

When this was said, everyone was relieved.

More than a hundred years is indeed enough, because after a hundred years, everyone is almost damn, where can be managed.

But people of insight can't help but feel sad. What should I do after a hundred years? Is the Temple of Heaven so exhausted and destroyed?

Ancient ray: "Whether it is possible to open up individual energy channels to absorb energy, as long as you do not open the energy channel of the Mozu area and the Shenlong plane."

Shi Tiandao: "Impossible, it is like igniting a flame in the dark sky. Although it is very weak, it is enough for the Emperor Lanling to discover us."

The current Temple of the Sky is indeed rather tragic. In order not to be discovered by the Emperor Lanling, it is necessary to completely close itself, blockade, completely hidden in the darkness and silence, and dare not have a little bit of incitement.

Ning nowhere: "So, can you let the Moon Temple, project energy to us?"

Tian Dodge only smiled slightly and did not speak.

Do you let the Moon Temple give you energy? What is this equivalent to the colonial era, which allowed the British Empire to contribute money to support Indians? Is this possible? In this way, is there still a need for your Sky Temple?

"Well, let's set the tone directly, close the sky temple, and watch it change." Shi Tiandao.

This is considered a closed-door lock in the alternative sense.

Tiandaoqidao: "Close all energy arrays. From now on, no one is allowed to send any signal except the cosmic tower. Anyone who tries to signal near the energy array will be regarded as rebellious."


Once the signal is sent, it will be captured by the Emperor Lanling and locked in position.


Tian Douqi and Shi Tian once again came to the Cosmos Tower and made a request to the Moon Temple.

"The Emperor of the Blue Emperor has unified the whole world, and you are required to punish the Lunar Temple, and ask the Moon Temple to send the messenger."

The so-called disciplinary action is like killing the sky temple directly with the power of the stars, just like the doom.

"The Emperor of the Blue Emperor has unified the whole world, and you are required to punish the Lunar Temple, and ask the Moon Temple to send the messenger."

However, the Moon Temple has no reply.

Perhaps in the view of the Moon Temple, the Emperor Lanling became the unified world of the Chaos Emperor, and it was not a thrilling thing, even without the need to intervene too much in the Moon Temple.


蝰 Both have encountered trouble, or a huge crisis of life and death!

At that time, within the **** prison of the Dragon King, she forcibly collapsed the entire prisoner's plane and found the other half of the king's blood of the Dragon King, belonging to the king's golden blood of the dragon. But it is a pity that it has been contaminated by dark matter.

At that time, there was no choice but to devour the blood of the polluted Dragon King, and directly promoted to the king-level powerhouse, but there is also a black hole vortex in the energy heart.

This level of black hole vortex, the Emperor Lanling can be easily taken away, but no one can do it in the entire sky temple.

Of course, both are okay, this black hole vortex is in the body of Kwai Green.

However, once the green is swallowed up by the black hole vortex, can you still live? Even if you can live, it has become a weak woman with no hands and no strength. There is still half the hope.

Nowadays, the black hole vortex of the Qingqing energy heart has become larger and larger, although it is getting closer and closer to death.

In the face of such a desperate situation, she is both awkward, and where should I go?


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(End of this chapter)

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