World Destroying Demonic Emperor

Chapter 1022: One zero two four: broken! Ghost crying!

Chapter 1022, 1012, broken! Ghost crying!

After three days of screaming, the Emperor Lanling will break the second line of defense of the Temple of the Sky and set off a stormy wave.

The entire temple of the sky was so quiet that it was turbulent, including the four giants of the Temple of the Sky, and the heart was uneasy.

"Our energy cover, is there any possibility that the Emperor Lanling can be cracked?"

Tiandaoqi said: "Impossible, the Emperor Lanling is very powerful, mastering all the energy in the dragon magic plane. But this energy cover is provided by the Moon Temple, whether it is energy or energy source, it is The Temple of the Moon provides that the Temple of the Moon is collected from the outer space, and the Emperor Lanling cannot be mastered and cannot be broken."

Ning nowhere said: "But, the Emperor Lan Ling almost never believe in the yellow, all the things he said, all done."

Shi Tiandao: "Maybe, he wants to use Ji Xianning to make waves in our interior?"

Tiandaoqi said: "It should be the case, so immediately transfer Ji Xianning to a special energy prison. And add more than a dozen king-level powerhouses to monitor."

"Yes." Ancient spot.

Thus, Ji Xianning was transferred to a very special energy prison, because its energy wall and the Moon Temple energy cover are exactly the same. In this way, the Hell Knight fourth, even if it has the ability to go against the sky, can't come out, even if the four giants of the Sky Temple are not at ease, they also sent thirteen king-level tomb priests to monitor the Hell Knights. .

"So, you can sit back and relax. I have to look at how the magical Lan Ling should break through the energy cover after three days." Tiandaoqidao.

The ancient spot said: "If after three days, the Emperor Lan Ling can not break through the energy cover, then his credibility will go bankrupt. At that time, maybe the people who surrendered Fang Naide will repeat."


Volunteer and 蝰 both met privately.

"If it is not unexpected, the next three days is our only chance to surrender." Volt said: "After three days, if Lanling really broke through the energy mask of the sky temple, then countless People will turn their backs. At that time, we will not be easily accepted if we want to surrender again."

蝰 Both are silent.

Volunting said: "Slay him, he accommodated. Ji Mengbai killed him, he also suffered. This is because he wants to defeat the Temple of the Sky, must make a generous performance. And he is the Chaos Emperor The Lord of the plane must say what is necessary. Therefore, surrender within these three days is our last chance."

Hey doubles: "Supply, what can we do?"

Volunting said: "Now there are countless people who share the same thoughts as us. They want to seize this last chance. You are a king-level powerhouse. As long as we secretly woo the 30 king-level tomb priests, then we will take the opportunity to make trouble. Rescue Ji Xianning. As a result, we have made great achievements. Even if Lanling does not like us, we can only accept us and reward us. Hell Knights have made such great contributions, we have saved her, Devil Ling is definitely grateful."

Ji Xianning is the fourth of the Hell Knights. This news is not a secret for some people, although the Sky Temple is not announced.

蝰 Both ways: "Are you sure someone is willing to follow us?"

"Yes, of course." Volt said: "I am the birth mother of the emperor, so these days someone has been secretly coming to me and inquiring into the news. Even secretly expressing the intention to surrender the emperor, as long as we stand up, There must be countless people to follow."

蝰 Both closed the US and did not speak.

Volunting said: "Double, this is our last chance."

蝰 Both lines: "But I have harmed the Emperor, and he has also eternal extermination of the Demon Dragons."

Volunting said: "He hates you, but can surpass Ji Xianning, more than 卮妍, more than Ji Mengbai? These people have let him go, only hate you, you are so special? Before he hated You, you are going to kill you, because it is too weak at that time. Once a person is weak, he will have resentment. Once it is strong, it will become tolerant. At this time, the emperor mastered the whole plane. The mind is naturally very broad. And you become so beautiful, he probably wants you to move around. After surrender, you will soon be able to sleep in his bed, when you are a royal prince. At that time, if The priest of the sky surrendered, and I am afraid that I will lie before you in your presence."

Suddenly, both breathing became rushed.

This picture that Volunteer said did hit the place she most wants. In the recent period, I was suppressed in the Temple of the Sky. Even if I broke through the king's powerhouse, I was still sincere and fearful in front of the sky priests. Most of them were squatting.

One day, if these high-level sky priests are in front of themselves, what a beautiful shock that picture should be.

Volunting said: "So, let's do it! This is the last chance for us to surrender to the Emperor. You lead all the masters of the Devil's Court. I am going to summon more than 30 king-level tomb priests. After three days, we will go to jail together. And the Emperor of the Emperor should be outside to create civil strife and save Ji Xianning."

蝰 Both hold your breath and think.

"Don't do it!" Volunta said: "This is your last chance, and it is our last chance."

蝰 闭 闭 闭 闭 闭 闭 闭 闭 闭 闭 闭 闭 闭 闭 闭 闭 闭 闭 闭 闭 闭 闭 闭 闭 闭 闭 闭 闭 闭 闭 闭 闭 闭 闭 闭 闭 闭 闭 闭 闭 闭 闭 闭 闭 闭 闭 闭 闭 闭 闭 闭 闭 闭 闭The plan that I said is just his strategy. He just used our psychology to force us to rebel, let the sky temple split again, and once we start rebelling, we will have no way to go, we can only go with the devil to the end. He ordered us to hold the ancient spot or to open the second layer of energy cover. This may be the trick that he will break the energy cover after three days."

Volunteer’s face immediately cooled down and said, “Do you mean to refuse?”

蝰 Both roads: "There is still a chance to surrender, but not now. I may be willing to surrender when I am forced to die, but it is definitely not a cannon fodder now, and it has become the cannon fodder of the Devil's Lanling to break through the second line of defense."

There are many family members in the Temple of the Blue Emperor, and there is still a chance to surrender.

"You don't want to say so much, I will ask if you agree or refuse."

"I refuse." Both of them smashed the railroad.

"Okay, good, I hope you will not regret it when you arrive." Volunteer's face was cold, and then he retired.


After half an hour, Volunteer appeared in front of Tian Daoqi, and told the other party about the dialogue between the two.

"Well, you are doing very well." Tiandaoqi said: "As a result, our last flaw has been added."

Voluntely said: "Your wise, now I also see it, the Emperor Lan Ling has no ability to break through the energy hood, he just hopes that we are internally messed up. Because our energy cover is indestructible, only inside can break through. Now His Majesty has kept all the points that may be messy inside us, and the Emperor Lanling has no chance. After three days, the Emperor Lanling will definitely return without success. Once he can't break through the energy cover, he will boast. In Haikou, his undefeated golden body will be shattered. At that time, there are not many people in the Temple of the Sky who fear him and surrender him."

Tian Daoqi smiled slightly, meaning that it meant, but it was boring when it came out.


Time passed quickly, the first day passed, the next day passed, and the third day arrived!

The Emperor Lanling will break the energy cover for three days, and now the third day is coming!

In the second layer of the line of defense energy, the Sky Temple million-strong army is waiting for it, and the four giants perform their duties.

Ji Xianning was detained in a special energy prison, guarded by thirteen king-level powerhouses.

The remaining more than 50 king-level powerhouses in the Temple of the Sky are also guarded in front of each energy array.

The Temple of the Millennium has been ready for the Great War, waiting for the Emperor Lanling to attack.

The outermost layer of the Temple of the Sky.

Fang Naide led more than 5,000 surrenders, and they were all ready to go, all in the drifting square. As soon as the Emperor Lanling slammed down, they immediately went to the back of the Emperor and attacked the second of the Temple of the Sky. Line of defense.

However, there is not a little movement in the Happy Palace of the Emperor.

He is still happy with the blood of the Na, and the beauty of the Witch country, and even some of the sounds of the souls are coming out, there is no intention to fight.

The Hell Knight, and three hundred Asian-level powerhouses, guarded every place in the Happy Palace, always expressionless.

Time passed by.

The whole morning has passed.

The forged energy sun of the Temple of the Sky rose to the hollow, already at noon.

But there is still no movement in the Mausoleum of the Emperor.

One o'clock in the afternoon, two o'clock, three o'clock, four o'clock, five o'clock...

The sun in the sky temple is about to go down!

Fang Naide and other more than 5,000 surrenders were desperately in the drifting square.

In the end, the Emperor Lan Ling still can't fight?

He is deliberate, and after three days, he will break the second layer of energy cover of the Temple of Heaven.

If you can't do it, the reputation of the emperor of Jinkou Yuyan will be destroyed. At that time, the surrenders of the other side are completely devastating.

At this time, the heart of the more than 5,000 surrender factions has been faltering, and the heart has begun to doubt the Modi Lanling, and even complained.

If the emperor can't break the energy cover, they can kill them. You are not that strong, but you still fool us to surrender you?


With the energy of the sky temple, the sun gradually fell.

The Sky Temple Corps in the second layer of energy hoods became more and more relaxed, and then began to laugh and start irony.

"What the emperor is simply a bragging."

"I will break the energy cover after three days. How can it be broken? There is no movement at all."

"I found out that this demonic emperor would only be bluffing and not worthy of fear."

"Yeah, even an energy hood can't break through. What's the use? Did you find out? The reason why he was able to enter the outermost layer of the Temple of the Sky was not his own ability, but the traitors of Fang Naide opened the door for him. ""

"Ha ha ha, Fang Naide, thousands of people were killed, but fortunately I did not surrender!"

Listening to all kinds of creations, Ning Bian and the ancient spots have relaxed a little.

Today's situation has been fixed, the Emperor Lan Ling is unable to break through the energy cover, and his emperor's reputation is destined to go bankrupt.

After three days, the second layer of defense will be broken, which has become a complete joke.


Inside the energy hood, the second layer of defense is the southern energy gate.

Ning no end as the four giants, guarding the southern energy Tianmen, toward the side of the double road: "Is it? The Emperor Lanling bluffs, fortunately you have no head to faint and surrender. Today, the Emperor Lanling The will becomes a joke."

"Is it?"

However, her voice changed, and it turned out to be the voice of the Emperor Lanling.

Ning no end of the body trembled fiercely, turned around, and then saw a scene of incomparable horror.

The twins instantly became the Emperor Lanling, and the body grew bigger and bigger.

Dozens of meters, hundreds of meters, several kilometers, tens of thousands of meters...

The tens of thousands of meters of the great Emperor Lanling slammed into the hundreds of thousands of troops in the Temple of the Sky.

Tilted down, one will hold Ning nowhere as a child, then stand up for tens of thousands of meters of body, overlooking the hundreds of thousands of troops in the sky temple, cold channel: "I play women in the happy palace, so Some are late. You are here, saying that the emperor’s reign of the Emperor Lanling has gone bankrupt, saying that it is a joke to break the second line of defense within three days. I ask you, the third day is over now. ?"

The hundreds of thousands of troops under his feet trembled fiercely, looking at the scene completely unbelievably.

Here, what is going on?

How suddenly the Emperor Lan Ling appeared in the energy cover.

"I ask you, is the third day over?" The Emperor Lanling burst into anger.


A fierce battle of the dragons!

Suddenly, tens of thousands of people in the Temple Army flew like paper, and they were broken in the air.


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(End of this chapter)

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