World Destroying Demonic Emperor

Chapter 1031: One zero three three: the resurrection of the dragon emperor? The final battle

Chapter 1031, 103, Dragon Emperor's Resurrection, Final Battle

The entire sky temple is an independent plane, not belonging to the dragon magic planet, even if the energy extracted from the dragon magic planet, is also transformed by the magic of the stars and then released.

Therefore, the Temple of the Sky does not belong to the Emperor, nor does it belong to the plane of the Dragon Emperor.

But... the vast majority of people in the Temple of the Sky have blood in their bodies. These can constitute a soil of faith, which can make Lan Ling draw a lot of power.

Therefore, the Hell Knights will say that they will build a tower of dragons and dragons here.

Volunteer suddenly said: "Why don't you build a tower of the gods, so that you can suppress the people of the Temple of the Dragon?"

Ji Xianning (Hell Knight 4th) said: "Of course not, because there are not a few Devils in this area, there are not many Mozu blood, lack of energy soil. If you build the tower of the Dragon, you can extract almost every Shenlong Templar. The energy of the priests of the Heavenly Tomb. So in the final battle with the Dragon Emperor, it will occupy a huge advantage."

"Dragon Emperor?" Volunteer doubted: "I know there is a dragon emperor, but it seems that it will take a long time to start successfully."

Ji Xiu-Ning said: "In these two days, you have lobbied hundreds of Heavenly Tomb priests to surrender to the Emperor, and the three giants of the Temple of the Sky have not appeared, and they have not come to stop. It is definitely to start the Dragon Emperor in advance."

Volt Ling whispered: "I have already said that the Moon Temple has been shot."

Ji Xianning (Hell Knight 4th) said: "The bluff is just a matter of bluffing. It is only indirect. It can't change the overall situation. You immediately build the Dragon Tower. The three giants in the sky temple have not yet come out, in twenty-four hours. Completed within."

Volunting Road said: "Every one of the towers of the Heavenly Dragons needs hundreds of thousands of people to spend a few months to build, and 800 days of the tomb priests only one day, how is it possible?"

"Idiot." Ji Xianning said: "This floating temple has an energy giant tower, remote control of the energy array of the entire temple. With a little modification, it can become a tower of the Heavenly Dragon, and the power is far beyond the sky. Shenlong Tower."

Then, the Hell Knight fourth released a variety of energy rays in the energy hood, which formed the energy drawings of the three-dimensional tower of the Dragon God in the air.

"Do you see it clearly?" Ji Xianning (Hell Knight fourth) asked.

Volunteer looked at it for a while, it was too complicated, it is difficult to understand.

Ten minutes later, Ji Xianning asked: "Is it clear?"

Volunteer shook his head and said: "Sorry, my Royal Highness, this is too complicated. I can't see it at once."

"Idiot, your brain is all used in opportunistic tricks." Ji Xianning said: "Go and call the four-day tomb priests to come in, preferably the king-level tomb priest."

After a while, the four king-level tomb priests came in.

"Look at the three-dimensional energy drawings I gave, and then transform the Tenjin Dragon Tower according to this, understand?" Ji Xianning (Hell Knight fourth).

The four heavenly tomb priests nodded and then carefully looked at the energy drawings.

Just ten minutes later, the four heavenly tomb priests said: "It has been completely written down."

It is worthy of being a priest at the king's tomb, and learning more than Volunteer.

Ji Xiu-Ning said: "At this time, the three giants of the Sky Temple are still activating the Dragon Emperor. There is no time to take care of it. You probably have more than one day to build the Tower of Heaven and Dragon in the shortest possible time."

Dragon Emperor?

As soon as this was said, the four heavenly tomb priests changed dramatically.

Dragon Emperor knows what they know and how powerful it is. Doesn't it mean that it has not been rebuilt yet? It takes a month or two to complete? How come now?

And once the dragon emperor was dispatched, it was the repair of the Yadi class, and there were eight or nine hundred priests who did not surrender. Under the leadership of the dragon emperor, it was not the destruction of the 800 surrenders.

Ji Xianning said: "I know what you are worried about, what are you worried about? Even if you are dead, your majesty can bring you back to life. And you only need to build a tower of dragons before the arrival of Dragon Emperor, and you will be invincible. Ground."

Volunteer said; "Even if we built the tower of the Heavenly Dragon, the Dragon Emperor can easily lead the enemy to destroy it, is it built in vain?"

"Idiot." Ji Xiu Ning said: "As long as the tower of the Heavenly Dragon is built, even if the energy hood is separated, the devil can't enter, but he can cast his will on this dragon tower. At that time, he can extract the power of all the dragons and blood vessels. Whether it's building an energy hood or fighting, isn't it invincible?"

The four heavenly tomb priests said with great eyes: "Yes, this is the truth."

Ji Xiu-Ning said: "Come on, you may only have one day, and you must rebuild it before the arrival of Dragon Emperor."

"Yes!" The four heavenly priests immediately went forward and led hundreds of heavenly priests to rebuild the floating tower.

Hot, crazy.

Because there is only one day, once the Dragon Emperor’s arrival has not been completed, the 800 heavenly tomb priests will be finished. Even if the Emperor Lanling can resurrect them, whether he is willing to fulfill his son’s promise is another thing, and it is very likely that he will die.

Therefore, it must be rebuilt within one day!


Under the leadership of the three giants of the Temple of the Sky, a few hundred meters high, the dragon emperor, shrouded in the golden light, slowly flew to the cosmic tower.

It is still not perfect, because the hundreds of energy arrays and energy hearts of the replacement acupuncture points have not been matched. Therefore, there are often meridians, energy is either silted up, or suddenly burst open. The body of the dragon emperor often bursts into a burst of sound, and then blows out a spot of light.

The four giants dare not be too close, far away with the dragon emperor, through the layer barrier, into the cosmic tower.

"The gods of the Temple of the Moon, the Emperor of the Apostle has already brought it." Heavenly Road.


The energy array of the dragon emperor burst into a burst of energy, and the entire cosmic tower was crumbling.


A transparent light shrouded and shrouded the dragon.

Then, countless energy information poured into the brain of Dragon Emperor.

This is the energy work of the Moon Temple!

In just a few minutes, the energy riots in the Dragon Emperor's body gradually subsided.

The terrible golden light on the body gradually converges.

The Dragon Emperor was originally a golden light burst and could not be seen directly. At this time, it was just a huge **** of war shrouded in golden light.

The whole body is enveloped in a special energy armor, but the contours of the body and face have been seen.

Really great, the golden **** of war.

Next, the Moon Temple is constantly infused with combat energy exercises.

The whole process of transforming the Dragon Emperor is quite long.

One hour, two hours, three hours...

Twelve hours have passed!

Finally, the energy exercises of the Moon Temple were completed, and the transformation of the Dragon Emperor was completed.

Dragon Emperor gradually opened his eyes and shot the golden light of the flame.

It gradually stood up and looked at the three giants of the Temple of the Sky.

"See your Majesty!" The three sky temple giants bowed.

Yadi (Dragon Emperor) extended his hands and slammed it.

In an instant, the three giants of the Temple of the Sky felt that the energy in their bodies had disappeared.

"Oh..." The Emperor (Dragon Emperor) suddenly turned into a golden light, growing a pair of golden energy wings, and lightning flew out.

The three giants of the Temple of the Sky also quickly followed.


I am sick, three sky priests, four sky referees, and nine hundred tomb priests, all gathered in the nine-day palace.

They know that Volunteer and Fuzi Lin have led the 800 heavenly priests to occupy the core floating palace. But without the orders of the three giants, they did not act rashly.

Moreover, the illness has been compared with the three sky priests, and Volunteer led the 800 cemetery priests into the floating palace. It will not help, neither can open the energy hood to welcome the Emperor Lanling, nor can he rescue the Hell Knight. The occupation of the floating palace is completely useless, and it can only get a false name that occupies the core of the sky temple.


The Jiutian Palace trembled fiercely, and all the energy around it fluctuated wildly, as if every inch of air had to explode.

I am sick, three sky priests, four sky referees, and nine hundred tomb priests have changed dramatically.

Such a big move, is it that the Emperor Lan Ling came in?


The second floor of the entire temple was trembled fiercely.

Yadi (Dragon Emperor) slammed into the ground and stood outside the nine-day palace.

The three giants of the Temple of the Sky said: "All the people out!"

Suddenly, I was sick, three sky priests, four sky referees, and nine hundred tomb priests came out.

At first glance, I saw the golden emperor (Dragon Emperor), a few hundred meters high, really like a golden **** of war.

Shi Tiandao: "This is Nirvana's rebirth of the Dragon Emperor, still not bowing?"

Everyone below?

Dragon Emperor? Is it already finished? The dragons and dragons of the Lianlong Emperor were taken away by the Emperor Lanling. How come the Dragon Emperor Nirvana is born again?

Shouldn’t it be the Dragon Emperor?

However, at this moment...


Numerous people felt that the energy in the body suddenly overflowed, and all of them drifted to the gold **** of the gods (Dragon Emperor).

It is able to grasp the energy of all people, which looks like the power of the plane that the Dragon Emperor has.

Suddenly, I was so excited that I would like to worship: "Chen, I will meet the Dragon Emperor."

All the sky priests, the sky referee, and the heavenly tomb priests tidy down: "Chen, see the dragon priest, long live long live."

Of course, the three great giants of the Sky Temple know that even if they have been transformed by the Moon Temple, the Dragon Emperor can't be a Dragon Emperor. But there is no way, they need a banner to cheer up morale and people.

"All the Temples of the Temple, assembled to His Majesty." The three giants of the Temple of the Sky ordered.

Suddenly, the Emperor (Dragon Emperor) grew bigger and bigger, and eventually became a giant of 10,000 meters, even if it was separated by a hundred miles.


From the third floor of the Temple of the Sky, the second floor, countless Temples, the Templars, flying like a meteor, all gathered behind the Emperor (Dragon Emperor).

Then he squatted and shouted in unison: "When you meet the Dragon Emperor, long live forever!"

At this time, the disease has already slammed: "The core of the Temple of Heaven, the floating temple, has been occupied by the son of the Emperor of the Emperor and the martyr of the Sky Temple, Volunteer, led by eight hundred rebellious, and the courtiers asked the army to send troops to rebel. The son of the Emperor of the Emperor, the corpse of the corpse, will smash the corpse and slay the traitor Voluntain!"

Yadi (Dragon Emperor) hoarse road: "Quasi! Send troops, rebel!"

Then, the giant of 10,000 meters, like the golden **** of war, led the hundreds of thousands of the Temple Corps and went to the floating temple.

At the same time, the construction of the Tiantian Dragon Tower in Futian Palace was completed!

The final battle is about to break out!


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(End of this chapter)

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