World Destroying Demonic Emperor

Chapter 1034: One zero three six: the dragon empire is destroyed!

Chapter 1034, 1036, the Dragon Emperor is destroyed!

The two peerless powers hit the earth from heaven and then fell from the ground to the sky.

Everything is beaten and broken, and the smoke is gone.

The whole world is full of light and shadow, tearing the sky.

However, it is the strength of these heavenly tomb priests on the ground and the power of the Dragon Temple.

The Emperor (Dragon Emperor) obtained the practice of the Moon Temple. There are two main purposes, the first purpose, to suppress the chaotic energy of the Dragon Emperor. The second purpose is to obtain a power similar to the plane of the plane, and to absorb the energy of all the dragons and blood vessels.

Lanling, through the tower of the Heavenly Dragon, is also absorbing the power of the Dragon Blood, and condenses the Dragon Emperor, and then fights with the Dragon Emperor.

Eight hundred Heavenly Tomb priests have retired despite the fall, but they have already set a **** oath of the Dragon and signed an energy contract. Therefore, it can only become the energy carrier of Lanling, desperately being swallowed up.

However, Lanling devours 800 cemetery priests, and the Dragon Emperor devours 900 cemetery priests, plus hundreds of thousands of Temple Legion.

Lanling is only a avatar in the energy hood, and the Yadi (Dragon Emperor) is the energy deity, and has been strengthened by the Moon Temple.

Therefore, for each round of attack, the Dragon Emperor's power is 20% stronger than Lanling's avatar, and it can devour twice as much energy as Lanling.

Because of this, it was madly smashed for an entire hour.

The 800 cemetery priests who had rebelled and rebelled had fallen to the ground directly, and their blood energy was almost completely swallowed up by Lanling.

The strength of these 800 heavenly priests is getting weaker and weaker, and Lanling’s avatar is getting weaker and weaker.



Lanling and the Dragon Emperor smashed for the last time.

Ray burst!

The dragon emperor of Lanling suddenly shattered and turned into countless golden light.

After a fierce battle for more than an hour, the comet hit the earth in general, and the mad tears bombarded for more than an hour, finally for the first time.

Dragon Emperor won.

Lanling's avatar was crushed for the first time!

In the eyes of all people, Lanling's avatars gradually condensed again, but this time the condensed dragon emperor was much smaller, only a few kilometers.

Yadi (Dragon Emperor) overlooks Lanling Road: "You lost."

Lanling Road: "Just lost a move."

Yadi said: "The battle between us, as long as we lose a trick, is the quantitative change that causes qualitative change. You can never win, because you are just a avatar, this is not as strong as me. The power you can devour is only Half of me. You have no chance at all in this battle."

There are only 800 heavenly priests that Lan Ling can devour, and there are 900 celestial priests and hundreds of thousands of temples. These people are kneeling in front of the Dragon Emperor, showing their allegiance and becoming their followers.

"You are not really a divine power." Lan Ling sneered: "It's just the energy exercises given by the Moon Temple."

Yadi said: "As long as you can achieve the same effect, who cares? You lose, you are finished!"

The 10,000-meter-high Adi, continues to devour the power of the Dragon. Suddenly, the 900 cemetery priests under his arm were also soft, almost squatting directly on the ground. And the hundreds of thousands of the Temple Corps were dizzy and almost unable to stand.

The Emperor (Dragon Emperor) had to fight, so he swallowed it almost madly. Suddenly, its gold war god's general body once again pulled up, once again became bigger, from the tens of thousands of meters directly to 15,000 kilometers, to 20,000 meters high.

At this time, the dragon scorpion is 20,000 meters high. The dragon emperor of Lanling is only five kilometers high.

The emperor was golden and dazzling. The dragons of Lanling are separated, and the light is dim. It seems that the judgement is high, and in terms of volume, Lanlong’s Dragon Emperor is only one-tenth of the other.

"The outcome has been fixed and the outcome has been fixed." Tiandaoqi sighed.

The ancient sigh sighed: "Yes, the outcome has been fixed."


The 20,000-meter-high Yadi (Dragon Emperor) slowly walked to the front of Lanling, and slammed it out.


In an instant, the dragon emperor of Lanling was like a cannonball, flying directly out of the hundred miles.

The Yadi lightning usually flew out, catching up with the dragon emperor of Lanling, and violently punched.


The next picture was a bit tragic, and the emperor madly bombarded the dragon emperor of Lanling.

Lanling desperately wants to struggle and wants to fight back, but the 800 cemetery priests he swallowed are really exhausted by the blood, so the power and the emperor are too far apart. Can't fight back, can't turn over.

In this way, the scene of the **** boiling in the eyes of the Temple of the Sky appeared.

The dragon emperor held the body of Lanling and was violently violent.

Hundreds of giant punches per second, each punched in the past, and shattered the light of Lanling, all of which shattered his huge body.

After a few thousand punches, Lanling’s Dragon Emperor was only half left, and the light was very bleak.

The three giants of the Temple of the Sky have been waiting for people to see their blood.

In the floating temple, Volunteer was frightened and warned.

Especially Fuzi Lin, completely do not believe what happened in front of him, in his eyes the father is the most powerful, it is impossible to lose.

"No, my father won't lose, my father is the best."

"I said you, you lost." Yadi (Dragon Emperor) grabbed the neck of Lanling's body and said one word: "Now it's all right."

The Emperor madly swallowed the greatest power, raised the energy contained in the fist to the extreme, and then slammed the head of the Lanling Dragon Emperor.


The dragon emperor of Lanling was separated, and once again, the body was broken and the smoke was extinguished. It turned into countless rays.

"" Fuzi screamed and almost fainted.

The disease has been provoked by this scene, and he said: "Wansheng!"

Hundreds of thousands of the Temple Corps raised their arms and shouted: "Wansheng!"


Another quarter of an hour!

Below the tower of the Heavenly Dragon Dragon Tower of the Floating Heaven Palace, a Lanling Dragon Emperor was condensed.

However, the blood power of the 800 cemetery priests who are now swallowed by him is already very small, so this Lanling avatar is only a hundred meters away, and the light is very faint.

Yadi flew back and landed in front of Lanling. It continues to madly devour, devour, swallow...

Suddenly, the blood energy of the 900 cemetery priests was swallowed too much, and the legs were soft and squatted directly on the ground. Hundreds of thousands of the Temple Corps were stunned and almost fainted.

The body of the golden **** of war, the body of the seven kings, once again rose to a height of 30,000 meters.

At this time, Lanling's avatar was only the height of his sole. It is completely the difference between an ant and a giant.

"Lan Ling, now you are in my eyes, really like a cockroach ant, I can trample you to death with just one foot, you can crush you with just a finger." Yadi (Long Di avatar) Road.

Lanling Road: "However, this is just my avatar. My deity is still intact and powerful."

The Emperor (Dragon Emperor) said: "What does that mean? The battle we are carrying is not only the people with the energy cover, but the people who surrender you outside the energy cover are also watching. You lost so badly, You are sweeping the ground. No one will regard this as your avatar. Everyone will only see you lose to me. The invincible reputation of the Emperor Lanling has been destroyed. Once your undefeated body is destroyed, those who surrender All of your people will betray. Then when I lead all the heavenly priests, when all the temple regiments are killed, you will not be able to resist by relying on you and the 300 people you brought. So the loss of this battle, Will let you lose the entire war until I drive you out of the sky temple."

The Yadi said that it is very reasonable. The decisive battle between Lanling and the Temple of the Sky is more of a battle of confidence and a battle of power.

As long as Lanling remains undefeated, the people of the Sky Temple will turn their backs, and Lanling can finally win without fighting. But as long as he loses once and unbeaten, his heart will fall.

All those who surrender will once again rebel, and all the forces of the Sky Temple will once again unite and unite under the imperial concubine to carry out a counterattack against Lanling.

By that time, the Emperor and the united sky temple could indeed expel all the forces of Lanling and the empire.

Once this is done, it means the complete failure of Lanling’s battle in the Temple of the Sky.

"You lost, you are finished!" said Adi: "You lost more than just a battle, but the whole war. I am going to die with a finger now. After everyone sees it, Your invincible faith will be completely destroyed. Your undefeated golden body will become a complete shame."

After all, the Yadi was deep in a finger and slowly pressed against the Lanling on the ground.

The body of Lanling is only a hundred meters high at this time, and one finger of Yadi is nearly two kilometers long. Such a huge contrast is that people feel the smallness of Lanling, and the height of this Asian emperor.

No one will think that this is just the avatar of Lanling. From the visual point of view, it is that Lanling is small and the Yadi is magnificent.

The fingers of the seven-meter-long Yadi were pressed down, and the 100-meter-high Lanling Dragon Emperor was directly placed on the ground and forced to grind.

In an instant, Lan Ling’s avatar shattered and shattered.

"No..." Fuzi saw this scene and almost fainted.

However, he clenched his teeth and refused to faint, because he never believed that this scene was true.

I have already got up and shouted loudly: "The Emperor Lanling is finished! Lanling is dead! He is a jumping clown, and now he has finally been exposed to the skin, revealing his shameless and weak truth. Long Dilong, Long live, longevity year old!"

Suddenly, all the heavenly priests, all the temple corps are neat and squatting, and said: "Lanling is dead, Longdi is long lived, long live!"

I am sick of illness: "In addition to evil, you will do everything! You will kill the emperor's scorpion, and you will kill the sorrowful sorrow!"

The three giants of the Sky Temple were shocked and instinctively wanted to stop.

But the illness has already been shouted out and can’t be stopped.

Then, the disease has led hundreds of heavenly priests into the floating palace, to smash the volts and the volcano to smash the corpse.

The illness has already hated Wu Ling and Fuzi, and even if they violated the three giants of the Temple of Heaven, they would have to smash them.

However... just at this time!

Suddenly, the Temple of the Sky trembled fiercely.

Then the sky slammed dark.

It’s spinning around!

"Oh..." The energy hood that separates the Emperor Lanling from the dead, the energy cover provided by the Moon Temple directly shattered and disappeared without a trace.

Then, the energy prisoner trapping the Hell Knight's fourth child disappeared instantly without a trace.


The deity of the Emperor Lanling stepped into the third floor of the Temple of Heaven step by step.

He walked step by step, his body is getting higher and higher, from two or three meters, 30,000 meters, 40,000 meters, 50,000 meters...

Finally, step on the sky directly, head to the ground.

He came to the front of the emperor and sneered: "The stupid dragon prince, I just used the avatar to fight with you, knowing that I will lose, but I still fight with you, why? The first consumes your energy, the first Two East Strike West, I condensed another small avatar to go to the Cosmic Tower. The information of the Cosmos Tower goes straight to the Temple of the Moon, this indestructible energy cover, and your spiritual control, all from the Temple of the Moon. I am a small avatar After entering the cosmic tower, it was easy to cut off the energy connection with the temple of the moon. So, the energy cover disappeared. And you... also broke the spiritual connection with the temple of the moon!"

The tens of thousands of meters of the Emperor Lanling deity, defying the emperor, despised everyone in the sky temple.

"Idiot, stupid garbage."

"The battle is over!"

Then, Lan Ling jerked his feet and stepped on the armor of the Emperor (Dragon Emperor)!


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(End of this chapter)

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