World Destroying Demonic Emperor

Chapter 1133: One to three five: the truth of the void dominates!

Chapter 1133, 1135, the truth of the void dominates!

"The whole universe has no security." Lanling exclaimed.

"Yes, there is no peace in the whole universe." Ancient Shenlong Road: "It is said that God can enjoy the day and carefree. How can this be possible? But ordinary people's worries may be once in three or two days. God's worries are in a million years, thousands of years, and billions of years later. It seems to be long, but for God it seems to be only between the fingers."

Lanling Road: "Your Majesty, most of the bloodless people you left on the Dragon Magic Planet are betrayed. The last generation of the ancestors, the highest ruler of the Dragon Devil's Temple, even transformed the moon, wanting Escape to the earth."

Shenlong said: "I feel ridiculous. Is it ok? I went to the Dragon Magic Galaxy, which is to let the civilization of the Milky Way continue in the Dragon Magic Galaxy. It is the escaped Dragon Magic Galaxy. But he wants to escape to Earth. God is omnipotent, but time is omnipotent, but God cannot even control his people."

Lanling Road: "Your Majesty, your idea has changed?"

Shenlong nodded: "Yes, my thoughts have changed. There is no peace in the universe. It is useless to escape. The only useful thing is to face disasters and overcome disasters. Even if there is no victory, it does not matter, waiting for the birth of a new civilization." Yes, although it may be hundreds of millions of years."

Lanling Road: "After your majesty, after the big impact of the Andromeda Galaxy and the Milky Way, will you still exist as a god?"

Shenlong said: "God is also a kind of life, but it is more advanced, more advanced, and has evolved life after countless generations. If you just want to escape, you want to live. When the Milky Way crashes, we can of course survive. But without the Milky Way, we lost our position and lost power. By that time, what is the meaning of death and living?"

Lanling Road: "Your Majesty, you and the ancient dragons have picked up the Dragon Magic Galaxy. Is it because there is no **** in the big galaxies in which it is located?"

"You are very intelligent, my child." Shenlong said: "I am a member of the Milky Way Temple, the ancient demon is also a member of the Temple of the Virgin. The Dragon Magic Galaxy does not have a god. No gods represent the galaxy. Lord, we can enter. Of course, we later learned that the **** of the Dragon Magic Galaxy may have been killed by the void. Perhaps in that environment, the gods cannot be born."

Lanling Road: "Your Majesty, what is the void master?"

The ancient dragon was silent for a while, saying: "Child, guess what?"

Lanling Road: "I originally wanted to say that it is a black hole, but the black hole is not so strong. In the middle of our galaxy is a black hole that maintains the entire galaxy's function and is the heart of our entire galaxy."

Yes, the black hole is the heart of the entire Milky Way, with absolute control over the order of the entire Milky Way.

The moon turns around the earth, and the Earth's Martian, Venus, turns around the sun.

Put another way, the satellite orbits the planet, the planet orbits the star, and the entire Milky Way has 200 billion known stars. Then what countless stars are turning around?

Therefore, the center of the Milky Way must be of infinite mass to allow two hundred billion stars to revolve around it.

In fact, the center of the Milky Way is very small, only a few light years. But the quality is extremely incomparably large, about the equivalent of the mass of millions of suns.

So, the center of the galaxy is a black hole that allows all the stars to revolve around it.

In other words, although the black hole is a very terrible thing, it is the center of the galaxy.

Lanling Road: "Is it related to the singularity?"

Singularity, the master of the center of the black hole, a point that cannot be seen or touched, as if it does not exist. However, it has infinite quality.

Before the big bang, the universe was just a singularity, a small to the extreme, even a singularity that was not as good as an atom.

This time, the ancient dragon did not say that you are very smart and so on.

"Children, I don't know the truth." Ancient Shenlong said: "But even if it is a singularity, even if it is the dominance of the black hole, it means rebirth. Even if the universe is completely swallowed up by the black hole, it will become a singularity. At least it will re-explode and be re-born, because it is at least a substance and quality. The void dominates, can be swallowed, but it is nothing, nothing, and it has no quality, and all the substances that he has swallowed have no quality. ”

Lanling sucked a cold breath.

This... this is terrible.

This void dominates, far more terrible than imagined, and is a super big boss.

Everything has quality, a glass of water, a hair, an air, a bacterium, and quality.

Light, flame has no mass, but they have energy. To some extent, quality and energy are equivalent.

However, the void creature under the control of the void has no quality, no energy, but is alive, living aimlessly, only instinct to devour everything.

Ancient Shenlong Road: "So, the only mission of the Nether Master and the Nether creature is to devour the entire universe, let all the planes, all the universes enter a complete emptiness. It is impossible to carry out the emptiness of reincarnation, and even death cannot be possessed."

Lanling Road: "So the black hole is not the terminator of the universe, although it can kill the galaxy, kill the civilization, kill the life. But when it finally dies, a new life will erupt and the universe will be reborn. And the emptiness of the emptiness is to make the universe eternal and immortal!"

"Yes, eternal life is not dead, eternal emptiness!" Ancient Shenlong Road.

Death is already the most tragic ending, but death means at least rebirth, while nothingness means eternal loss.

The emptiness dominates, the whole universe is to be killed.

Ancient Shenlong Road: "After three billion years, there will be an unprecedented impact on the Andromeda Galaxy and the Milky Way. Countless stars, planets will die, and all the gods will perish. But new stars, planets will be born. A new galaxy will give birth to a new god. So compared to the void master, the big impact of 3 billion years later is a trivial matter."

Lanling Road: "Your Majesty, the Milky Way Temple and the Temple of the Fairy Galaxy, what is the solution to the rule of the void? The power of the gods should be much stronger."

Ancient Shenlong Road: "Yes, there are countless gods in the Milky Way, and there are more gods in the fairy galaxy. But my children, they have verified one thing, that is, the void creature, the void master, can not cross the plane barrier. The Dragon Magic Galaxy does not belong to the same plane and does not belong to the same universe. So in the known future, the void master and the void creature cannot invade the Milky Way unless there is a **** who brings the void creature to the Milky Way. ”

Lanling said: "Your Majesty, once the whole moon was transformed, let the moon jump into space and enter the solar system where the earth is located."

Ancient Shenlong Road: "He can't do it. He can make the whole moon become an intelligent life, jumping out of the dark stars of tens of light years. But it can never reach the earth, can't reach the Milky Way. Because it can't cross the bit. Face barrier, that is the power of the gods, the demon star can, because it is the chaotic will of the gods. You can also, other people can not do anything else. Jurass may know the coordinate path to the earth, but he can never go Even if it was the owner of the demon star at the time, there was not enough energy to shuttle to the earth."

Lanling Road: "But the demon star brought me from the earth to the dragon magic galaxy."

Ancient Shenlong laughed and said: "My silly boy, the demon star took away only one of your souls, almost no quality soul. After reaching the dragon magic planet, it uses energy to reorganize you and restore your body and life. The energy needed to get to the dragon from the earth and to the earth from the dragon's face is completely different."

It turned out to be the case.

Then, Lan Ling's face changed: "Because the void master can't shuttle the plane, so the gods of the Milky Way decided to ignore this thing?"

Ancient Shenlong Road: "Yes, and they have calculated. Even if the void master can shuttle the plane, want to reach the Milky Way, it will take hundreds of millions of years to pass through countless plane universes. By that time, the universe has The collapsed explosions have been repeated many times. Therefore, they have a decision that the Dragon Magic Galaxy is not worth saving. This colonial galaxies give up directly."

This is really a huge bad news.

Moreover, Lanling must not have the idea of ​​persuading the gods of the Milky Way Temple, and the gods cannot be lobbied.

Lan Ling looked at the ancient dragon, slowly said: "What do you decide?"

The ancient **** dragon slowly said: "The dragon magic galaxy is my colonization, so that is my field, the common field between me and the ancient gods. I have the responsibility to protect my field, my people. So, of course, to save If a **** can't protect his field and his people, then there is no need for him to exist. God is living because of faith, and faith is a guardian oath. If God violates the oath, it will be wiped out."

Lanling heard the words and marched toward the ancient gods and dragons: "Thank you for your majesty."

Ancient Shenlong smiled and said: "My child, your promotion to the gods is too short, so I said so naive words, so I will thank you. Just because you are also a god, you will know your responsibility in the future, your mission."

"Yes." Lanling said: "Your Majesty, how can we eliminate the void master? I found an energy in the Dragon Magic Galaxy, a barrier in the fallen land. At that time, the traitor of the Dragon Devil's Temple decided to flee the Dragon Magic Planet, so it will The most essential part of the Dragon Magic planet splits out to become the moon. At the crack of the planet, there is an energy barrier that blocks the phagocytosis of the Nether creature."

The ancient dragon shook his head: "The energy barrier is the scar after the dragon magic planet is torn, it is a kind of energy with a tendency to destroy. But it can't stop the devour of the void creature."

Lanling Road: "I saw it with my own eyes, and the Nether creature does not devour it."

Ancient Shenlong Road: "Void creatures have phagocytic instinct, preferential phagocytosis of energy, purely bright energy, which is the most preferential phagocytosis. The devastating dark energy is at the end of the devour priority. After the Nether creature swallows up all the other energy substances around it, it will turn to the dark energy of this destructive system."

Lan Ling nodded: "I understand."

Ancient Shenlong Road: "So, there is no energy in the whole world that is dominated by the void, and no energy is not emptied by the void creatures."

Lan Ling said: "Then... are they unsolvable?"

Ancient Shenlong Road: "Yes, they are unsolvable, at least in the field we know, there is no solution, invincible."

Lan Ling asked: "Then we can eliminate the void master? Can you save the Dragon Magic Galaxy?"

The ancient **** dragon looked at Lanling for a while and nodded: "Yes, can!"


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(End of this chapter)

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