World Destroying Demonic Emperor

Chapter 133: One 32: Enter the silver wolf! The first beauty is Yannai!

Chapter 133: One 32: Enter the Silver Wolf! The first beauty is Yannai!

Where is the Silver Wolf Mercenary? The city of Amano in the southwest of the Wing Kingdom.

Amano City does not belong to any country and is one of the golden triangles of this world.

To the south is the 100,000 mountains of the barbarian, the west is the Qianli desert, and the east is the kingdom of the wrath. It is an absolute three-way zone. The large mercenary organizations in this world are basically in this independent city.

The city of Amano is one of the three neutral cities in the world.

The mercenary group registered in Amano City has hundreds of large and small, many more than a few thousand, and a few dozen. The total number of mercenaries throughout Amano is over 100,000.

Why are there so many mercenaries?

There are dozens of countries in this world, and every day there is aristocracy losing power. Every day, the lord is ruined. The trees fell, and the warriors of these nobles and lords became wandering warriors, and their soldiers became wandering soldiers.

But these people can't help but eat, and they won't have any other skills besides fighting. So they formed a group together and became a mercenary group.

Of course, there are exceptions, such as the silver wolf Yan Yan, who is free to be free, unwilling to be restrained, unwilling to loyal to any noble princes, even the royal family, to pursue unfettered freedom.

Therefore, he became a legendary figure in the mercenary world, and the Silver Wolf Legion he led has become one of the strongest mercenaries in the world.


Soren had a long journey, day and night, and almost crossed the entire Wrath Kingdom. After seven days and seven nights, he left the border of the kingdom and came to this famous Amano City.

The city is large, even larger than Linhai City, with a population of nearly 200,000. There was hardly any defense, and Sauron easily entered the city gate, and no one came to check his identity.

After entering the city, there are bustling crowds everywhere. There are all kinds of races, yellow, white, and black.

A wide variety of costumes, all kinds of ethnic groups, everything.

In addition to being a mercenary city, it is also a city of trade. The wrathing kingdom and the Xiliang Kingdom, and even the bulk smuggling trade with the southern barbarians are completed in this city. So almost every place in the city is flowing with the taste of gold coins.

This malformed bustling is what Sauron has not seen in other cities in the Wrath Kingdom.

However, after careful observation, Sauron discovered that the city was faintly in order with chaos.

The walls of the city are full of soldiers, and some transactions are carried out in broad daylight. The handover of a large number of gold coins is not very secret, but there is no such thing as looting. It can be seen that the management of the entire city is tight inside.

According to his understanding, the defense and management of the entire Amano City is the responsibility of the Presbyterian Church. And this Presbyterian Church has a total of thirteen elders, each with a mercenary leader and a leader of the Chamber of Commerce.

The silver wolf is Yan Yan, no doubt one of the thirteen elders of Amano City, and even the field city manager.


Because Yan Yan is really famous, Soren easily found out where his general authority is.

In the heart of the city, the huge general manager office stands in front of you, covering an area of ​​several tens of acres. Although it is not as big as the Tianshui Count of Tianshui City, the momentum is even worse.

Sauron did not go straight to the front, because he found more than one pair of eyes staring at the government. I don't know if these eyes are from Amano or from the Wrath of the Wrath.

Of course, the most important thing is that if he dares to directly reveal his identity and seek to see Yan Yan, the only result is a dead end. It was not killed by Yan Yan, but was killed by the assassin who was sent away.

Can't kill Sauron in the Wrath of the Wrath, can't you kill in this wild city? In this three-way zone, anyone can be killed by anyone.

The reason why Sauron came to this general administration is to look at Yan Nai. Because he has not seen the real person of Yan Nai.

However, after waiting for an hour, the Governor’s Office has always closed its doors.

"Brother, look at the first beauty on the border." Suddenly, a somewhat wretched man next to him came together.

The first beauty on the border in his mouth is undoubtedly Yannai. When did she have such a name?

"Hey, how do you know." Sauron reveals a smile that you know I understand.

The wretched man said: "Who doesn't know, there are three things that must be done to come to Amano. The first is to see the first beauty, the second is to play Xiliang Niang, and the third is to buy black slaves. ”

Then, he pointed to the man outside the Governor's Office: "You see, these people are all looking at the beauty."

Sauron glanced around and found that there were many foreign men who were pretending to walk around the head office.

He did not think that the beauty of Yan Nai had reached this level. The first thing many outsiders came to in Amano was to visit her specifically?

"This is a beautiful woman, is it really beautiful to this point?" Sauron said with amazement.

The wretched man’s eyes suddenly turned awkward: “What is the beauty to this point? Is it a good thing to lose the soul at a glance? The frosty little face is beautiful, and you will be able to fly away with a glance. That body... that temperament Don't let me sleep once, even if I touch it once, I am willing to lose my life for ten years. Otherwise, how can I go to Amano City to play the second cool girl? No, or else the whole body is burning."

When he heard his wretched words, Sauron frowned instinctively, then smiled: "Well, this is a beautiful woman, when can I come out?"

"Brothers, you are not lucky, Yan Dajun and Yan Damei are not at home."

"When is she coming back?" Soren said.

"Which do I know?" The wretched man: "She is a figure in the sky. Where do I know where I am, I know she left yesterday."

"Thank you, then I will see this first beauty tomorrow." Soren said.

"Remember to come here to guard, come to Amano City without seeing the first beauty, even if it is white. Look at you enough to dream for a lifetime." The wretched man looked very hot.

Yan Nai is not at home, I don’t know where to go. But even if she is at home, Sauron will not rush to rush, he does not want to be killed by Yan Yan.

"Well, where is the Silver Wolf Corps?" asked Sauron.

"Outside the city." Wretched man.

"Then they still recruit people now?" asked Soren.

The wretched man looked up and down Sauron for a while: "Brother, in order to see a beautiful woman, you are enough to fight."

Soren Road: "When you enter the Silver Wolf Corps, you will not see this first beauty every day."

"Brother, I served." The wretched man said with a thumbs up: "But your thoughts are too right. This strict beauty has been rushing with the Silver Wolf Corps most of the time. If you make more contributions, say Maybe it will be mixed with her, every day can smell her fragrance, this day is really a god."

Soren Road: "Is the Silver Wolf Legion still not recruiting people?"

"Taking people, of course, recruiting people, as long as you have enough strength." Wretched man said: "When you go out of the city for ten miles from Ximen, you will arrive at the military camp of the Silver Wolf Corps."

"Thank you." Sauron took out a silver coin and suddenly made the wretched man happy.

This time in the city of Amano, Sauron is definitely tight time and heavy tasks.

Therefore, his primary goal is to take Yannai, cook the cooked rice thoroughly, and then go to Yan Yan to seek the Silver Wolf Legion.

At that time, if Yan Yan wants to kill himself, Yan Nai will cry and hang on three. Over time, Yan Yan can only hold his nose and recognize his son-in-law.

However, before Sauron brought too much damage to Yan Nai, so she could not directly appear in front of her, so that the impact on her is too great, it will definitely hit the eggs.

First, the incognito name joins the Silver Wolf Legion, lurking in her side as a stranger, knowing oneself and knowing each other can win every battle.


Out of the West Gate of Amano City, I have been out of Shili Road.

Sure enough, I saw a huge barracks, like a small town.

In the military camp, the flag of the silver wolf is flying high, and it is the resident of the Silver Wolf Legion.

"I am going to join the Silver Wolf Legion." Sauron stepped forward and slammed the gate to the Bushido.

"Check in the queue there." The gatekeeper, pointing to the side.

Sauron glanced at him, suddenly frightened and jumped, and there were hundreds of people in the queue.

"These people want to join the Silver Wolf Corps?" asked Soren.

The goalkeeper warrior nodded and said: "There are so many people every day."

Sauron looked at it and found that the people in the queue, all young and handsome, could not help but ask: "Why is this? Why are the people who are coming, young and handsome?"

The goalkeeper Bush said: "We said the Wolf King, I want to find a husband for the lady, and I will find it from the Silver Wolf Legion. Later he is the new Wolf King of the Silver Wolf Legion."

Sauron’s heart was not very good, and there were so many rivals.

As long as you are ruthless, you can become the new owner of this Silver Wolf Legion. It is no wonder that so many people are rushing. What's more, Yan Nai is still the first beauty on the border.

Now it is impossible to disclose identity and reveal the true face, so Sauron can only go there to queue up for registration.

The young warriors who lined up there saw Sauron, who was on the line, showing their hostility first. After seeing his appearance, he was completely disdainful.

It looks so rough, looks like it is forty years old, and in this appearance, I still want to compete with me for the first beauty? It’s totally crazy to say a dream. Which one is there, not a handsome man who picks one?

After half an hour, I finally got Sauron.

"Name." asked the Registrar.

"Lan Ling." Soren Road, this time the name of the earth finally came in handy.

Upon hearing such a poetic name, the registrar couldn't help but look up at Sauron and then disappointed. It turned out to be such a savage man, completely worthy of the name.

“What are you good at?” asked the Registrar.

"Arrow." Soren Road.

Sauron glanced at the register and saw only a few hundred people, all of them kendo, riding, and Lux, but there were few arrows.

After arriving at the samurai level, there are few and fewer archery skills, but this is also good, and the competitiveness is much smaller.

Registered officially: "Archery? You are lucky. Registered today, there are only nine people who are practicing archery."

Soren said: "Well, how many places do you have today?"

The registration official said: "The mercenary group should be hungry for the warrior-level masters, but you guys obviously have a wrong intention. Therefore, only ten people are taken in one day. If you are in the archery system, you will take two people."

Among the nine, compete for two places! It seems to be pretty good, just don't know how the other eight people are.

"Prepare, after half an hour, it will be assessed." Registered official.


After half an hour, night falls.

And Sauron’s archery test is about to take place in the night.

This is not the same as the Wangcheng College exam, taking into account the lighting conditions. This is a mercenary test, it is to be completely close to actual combat.

Sauron and the other eight competitors stood neatly on the archery field, with the target at the front 300 meters.

Just now Sauron saw the list of archery assessments, and his archery repair was almost the lowest. Because, after all, it is Tianye City, and those who are not high are not afraid to come.

Still, he is full of absolute confidence.

Although he is not strong enough, he has a very strong spirit. At this time, the sky is dark, and the target of a few hundred meters is completely invisible. This is very deadly for other shooters, but for Sauron, it is a slap in the face.

Moreover, even if the power is not enough, because there is a demon star, you can always use the dragon force crit.

Therefore, the top two of the nine people, he is determined to win, just waiting for the sound to ring.


Note: The first one is sent, because the new story is entered, so the idea time is longer, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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