World Destroying Demonic Emperor

Chapter 218: February 18: Sauron, I love you! (2 more)

Chapter 218 2:8: Sauron, I love you! (2 more)

When he heard Turing, Sauron was once again shocked.

What happened to this world? The renegade person does not rebel, and the person who should not be mutinized directly reneged.

Looking at the celery, I closed my eyes at this time, and I was completely convinced, waiting for Sauron to destroy her contents with an etched knife.

"You open your eyes." Soren said.

Once again, Can Tho opened his eyes. The original watery eyes were hot and feminine, but at this time they were full of bloodshot eyes, full of fatigue and pain.

With a deep sigh, Sauron gently touched her face, then looked at her delicate body.

She probably never suffered such a crime from birth to the present.

Up and down the whole body, I don’t know how many whipes were smashed, there were traces of burnt everywhere, and there were swollen marks that were poisoned by poisonous caterpillars.

Even the body has a smell, not suffering from punishment, but being scared by the last box of caterpillars.

Although this woman is not low in martial arts, she has not suffered from bitterness since she was a child. She has practiced martial arts for more than ten years, but she has not really fought or suffered injuries.

Today, all the sins that have not been received in the past two decades have been received.

I heard a sigh from Sauron, and it seemed to be a very distant memory.

Then, some of the memories that were washed away turned up again.

It was in the dungeons of the Rocky Island that she was tortured by Sauron and lost all her memory of dignity.

At that time, she was hungry for a few days and nights. In order to survive, just for a stinking girl, she gave up all her dignity and trampled on her pride.

It is because of this humiliating memory that she understands that she is weak and has no sense of pride. Every day, she does not think about tea, silent, and no longer blooms like a flower.

Therefore, Guiqin had no choice but to take her to clean the memory.

Guilin retained her memory that was tainted by Sauron (not actually), and let the spirit master wash away her weak and humiliating memory in the second half.

However, the spiritual master felt that people must face their own truth. Therefore, the memory is not really cleaned, but she is hidden. When appropriate, a signal will be re-energized.

And Sauron’s sigh of pity, like the sigh in the dungeon that night, pulled her back from the edge of complete degeneration.

At that time, in order to survive, she would pick up the rotten stinky head and eat it. Once she really ate, it would become her lifelong nightmare, and if she couldn’t linger, she would break through her dignity bottom line.

However, at that time Sauron stopped her and gave her a fresh hot steamed bun.

At that time, she seemed to rise from **** to heaven.

At this time, she was once again pushed to **** by Sauron, facing the result of being disfigured.

As a result, it was another sigh.

Soren once again pulled her back from hell.

Suddenly, there was another strange sweet feeling in the heart of Can Tho.

In front of this bastard, I pity myself, not willing to push myself down to hell.

Ling Ao is very good to her, but she is used to it and does not feel cherished.

Sauron tortured her like this, and abused her, but at the last moment she left her feelings, but made her feel sweet and warm.

And this time is different from the last time.

Last time, she did not keep her pride and dignity.

This time, she saved.

Because she refused to sell her father, so she has more reason to be proud, or arrogant.

Even her heart has a more perverted thinking.

My father would like to forget me, even Sauron, who is the big devil, and... pity me in the depths of my heart. What reason can I not be arrogant?

Solon untied her rope and put her down.

Suddenly, her scarred petite body collapsed directly, soft in Soren's arms.

Sauron hugged her and came to the back.

There is a tub here, and the flower bath soup on it is already cold.

Soren raises the water and heats the water in the bath until it is warm and comfortable.

Then, put the scarred body of the celery into the bath soup.

Her wounds were swept away by warm water, and she suddenly felt a shudder.

"Can you wash it yourself?" asked Soren.

Guiqin shook his head.

Sauron took the softest silk and gently wiped every inch of her body.

Although the silk is very soft, it hurts when it is scraped through the wound.

However, this pain, once again, makes a strange feeling in the celery.

It seems that there is an energy that gradually penetrates into her body, inside the bones, and even inside the heart.

She couldn't find the adjective at once, thinking for a while, she thought of it.

Gentle pain.

Or, the tenderness of the pain.

This is like the relationship between her and Sauron. Most of the time, they are killing each other and hurting each other.

However, the occasional gentleness, but completely eroded, is printed deep in the soul.

At the beginning, Turing was written on the **** by the erosive pen to write a visit to Soren, and then for more than a decade, he did not want to live.

At this time, the rope tattoo of this rose on the lower abdomen of the celery has made her have a perverted satisfaction, a weird sense of well-being, and there is no pain at all.

Not only that, but when he painted this rose, Sauron also added a potion.

This syrup will make her feel a little pain every few days, a bit sour, a little itchy, not very powerful, but very lingering, in short, it is similar to the taste of Acacia.

Even, there will be an addictive taste.

“Will you leave scars?” asked Canary.

"It shouldn't be." Soren said: "It's just red and swollen, but it's not broken, but for a while, I will apply a plaster for my skin."

Then, the celery is lazy in the bathtub, and it is cleaned and wiped by Sauron.

It was a very weird feeling. Ling Ao was her fiancé, but she hadn't touched her body yet. It was just approaching, and she almost stood up in her hair, just like the feeling of the cat's full body.

And Sauron, touching every inch of her skin, her body pores are relaxed, lazy.

It is as if the kitten comfortably accepts the caress of the owner.

Before, it was not quite sure about this feeling, and now I fully understand.

After understanding it, her heart was sour.


After bathing, the celery lies on a soft bed.

Sauron took out an extremely expensive ointment, first hot in his hands, and then evenly applied to every inch of skin on the celery.

This is a special bio-jujube cream, Sauron looking for a warlock dream.

And inside, there is a very special ingredient, similar to the hallucinogenic drugs, which can make people feel a fluttering feeling.

Sauron first applied the skin on her body, then massaged it with force and penetrated the skin deep to ensure that no scars were left behind.

At this time, Guilin has not felt any pain, but it is as comfortable as being in heaven.

Just a few moments ago, she has been suffering from terrible torture, completely in pain and unwilling to live. But now, I am in heaven.

This is really from **** to heaven, the feeling of happiness, just like walking in the desert for half a year, and then drinking the iced mint honey water.

This feeling of happiness, I really can't meet the opportunity in my life, people can't wait to pay all, to exchange this happiness.

Guilin is not willing to think about why this is, she is completely immersed in this happiness.

Her delicate body still has the curve of the devil, and it is still wonderful to make men crazy.

Soren asked: "Don't you practice the nine swords?"

"How do you know?" asked Canary.

"The skin on your body is not as compact and powerful as before, a bit soft." Soren said.

Suddenly, Guisin deliberately tightened the body, trying to make her skin more compact and elastic, and she did not feel that she was very concerned about Sauron's feelings and evaluation.

"Why not practice?" asked Soren.

Guisin said: "I have been practicing for so many years, the result is not as good as you practice for a few days, but also lost to you in the duel, so I don't want to practice."

"If you don't practice, your body will be degraded." Soren said: "Is it not normal to lose again? Continue to practice later."

"Don't practice." Returned to the singer, but the heart has already begun to sneak in the dark than the sword, and hopes that after nearly a year of ruin, it can be picked up.

After an hour, the ointment on the celery has been completely smeared.

Then, Sauron took out a stack of clothes and said, "You should sleep for a while, and go home after dawn."

Then she has to go outside.

In the heart of Can Tho, the incomparable loss, want to call him.

"Don't go, stay and stay with me..." she said in her heart, but she was arrogant and did not say anything.

Even the most wanted thing in her heart is that Sauron gently hugged her to sleep. She wanted to lie in the arms of Sauron, and it was better not to have anything in Sauron. The two men were completely just in touch.

However, she did not say anything about these words.

She is proud and arrogant. Only the man is kneeling in front of her and asking for her favor, instead of her taking the initiative to ask the man for pity.

Soren went straight out like this, and didn't even leave a kiss.

Guilin’s heart is incomparably lost, but it is filled with happiness and sweetness.

Described in one sentence, that is the beauty of the broken.

Later, she will always remember this feeling, she is eager to get a kiss from Sauron, she is more eager to fall asleep in Soren's arms.

And this feeling will become a memory, from time to time in her mind, gradually fermented, become a memory of almost first love.

She loves this man!

Now, Guilin has fully confirmed this.

The reason why she came to the Yuhua Pavilion is not that she is not ignorant. She knows that she will be tortured but she still comes because she is eager to come here.

Then she watched Sauron's back and went out quietly and silently.


When I came to the outside again, I was faced with the cold and sarcasm of Turing.

"Isn't I got the information I want from her mouth? Or is it not willing, not willing to trample on her own bottom line and betray her father?" Turing asked.

Sauron did not answer.

Turingdo sneered: "You guys are superficial, always like these gorgeous, superficial and vain women."

Sauron still did not answer because she was talking about half truth.

Although she loves her sister, then the most pity in her heart is Yannai.

However, for the vast majority of men, the attraction of Can Tho is the biggest. Just like most women, they like the beautiful **** man like Sauron.

Taking a deep breath, Turing looks to Sauron: "You want to know how many troops, how many ships, and when to attack in this battle."

Soren Road: "It’s not surprising that Guilin knows it, because Lingao will accidentally leak it to her, and how do you know it? This time, the killing operation really does not know more than seven or eight people."

"Then don't care about you, I naturally have my channel." Turing said: "I can tell you completely, even how many troops are sent out, how to divide the military expenses, I can tell you how to fight, as long as you promise me A condition."

"What conditions?" Sauron asked. "If it is too harsh, I may not be able to agree. And I am even more strange, why do you want to tell me? You can't die to sell his father, you are willing to sell you. Family?"

Turing is cold and cold: "In order to return to the family, in order to get the position I deserve, I can do whatever I can. And if this victory in the battle is over, it will not be of any benefit to me, it is the beginning of my disaster. If this defeat is defeated, then the marriage contract between me and Li Li may be lifted, because the Tu Li family has not been used for us. Moreover, I may be reused again, because even My father lost them, so it was normal for me to lose to you before."

Sauron’s glimpse, Turingdo makes a lot of sense.

If this defeat is defeated, it will certainly be unfavorable to the Turing family, but it will not hurt the bones, but will change the fate of Turing.

Suddenly, Sauron remembered countless examples on the earth. The example of internal dumping, for his own benefit, does not say that selling a family or selling a company, it is not a problem to sell the country.

"What conditions?" asked Soren.

Turing said: "I want a promise from you."

"What promise." Soren Road.

Turing Duo: "In the struggle against separation, if you win one day, please give the Turing family a chance, once again stand the opportunity to stand up, do not completely annihilate my Turing family."

Sorenton glimpsed, looking at Turing's gaze, and suddenly became confused.

"Well, I promised." Soren said: "However, why do you think we will win in case?"

Turing Duo said: "It is almost impossible to say that it is almost impossible, but I am a completely abandoned person who can only gamble on the possibility of this."

Then, Turing Duo said: "A total of 110,000 troops, 590 warships, 600 cargo ships, two divisions of soldiers, all the way 30,000, attacking the stone island. All the way 80,000, attack Tianshui City territory. And the specific proportion of each soldier’s troops is..."

Next, Turing will destroy the information of the Somite, and completely tells Sauron, the proportion of troops sent by several forces, the proportion of military expenditure, the division of interests after the war, and so on.

After all, Sauron has already remembered all the information clearly.

The 110,000-strong army, nearly 600 warships, is more than ten times as strong as Tianshui City in Tianshui City, and it is so powerful that it is desperate.

How to get through this robbery? How to win this battle is completely more difficult than going to heaven?

At this time, Turingot suddenly reached out to undress.

Sauron couldn't help but say, "What are you doing?"

Turing Duo said: "What have you done to me before, do it again for me now!"

Sauron was completely shocked, saying: "The family rules of your Turing family are extremely strict."

Turing Duo said: "Who knows here? Come on, abuse me, and retaliate against my family."


Note: The second and more than 4,000 words were sent. This chapter is automatically updated. I am at the airport to finish the code! I will go to Bali tomorrow at zero, and after I arrive at the hotel, I will try my best.

(End of this chapter)

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