World Destroying Demonic Emperor

Chapter 334: Three three six: the last days of Converse! Finally strangled!

Chapter 334, March 3, 卮 Weiwei! Finally strangled!

Three days before the war, Converse suffered a fiasco, vomiting blood fainting, and immediately set aside the position of staying behind, waking up to the siege of the wind and thunder defense, and constraining the plan of Sauron's main force.

After three days of recuperation, I was able to get up and walk.

This night, I was once again shocked by the bad news, and it was twice.

First of all, all the bridges on the Tianshui River were destroyed, the army of the river was annihilated, and the army was intercepted.

Then, the army and the grass were attacked by the lions of Soren, and they were burned.

Stimulated by these two bad news, Converse couldn't help it anymore, spurting out another blood again, fainting in the past!

In fact, the burning of grain warehouses is very serious, but it is not serious and it is not too serious.

Although the Duke of Converse has not healed in the past few days, his energy is not good, but he still has a lot of fine English officials. Some cases have been predicted and deduced for the situation that the grain may be burnt, so some of the grain and grass have been separated and distributed to the major military camps.

And thousands of soldiers were sent to dig holes in the ground to hide the grain.

Therefore, although most of the grain is burned, after all, there are only more than 60,000 people left in the army. The scattered grain is barely enough for ten days, enough to support the arrival of the Turingot army.

These elites are the first to disperse the grain and ensure that the army is not hungry. However, it is impossible to predict the human heart, and it is impossible to predict how much damage the grain and grass are burned to the morale of the army.

In the evening, after learning that the road was cut off and the grain was burned, the Converse army was heart-wrenching and the rumors were getting more and more outrageous.

Even a small-scale transformation has taken place. There is a military of several thousand who, despite the orders of the Shangguan, has to cross the river to escape.

Of course, this small transformation was eventually suppressed by the veteran officials. After all, this army was taken by Converse for many years, and it was united as one, and it did not cause serious consequences.

However, no matter how comfortable the middle and high-level officials will be, how can they blame the food and grass, the surviving 60,000 troops are still in a panic, and the morale is low.


The second day after the Converse army was burned.

At this time, the 200,000-strong army of the Duke of Turingot was still 1,400 miles away from Tianshui City, and it was only about 11 days later.

The night is deep, and the 60,000-strong army of Converse is sleeping.

Dozens of dragon shooters stared at the sky. Thousands of soldiers, patrolling around, are full of absolute alert.

And it is at this time!


Sauron’s gryphon attack, once again!

This time it is no longer four or five, but fourteen!

Because a few days ago, because Soren had a flying letter, he asked for more lions and beasts.

Today, the ten lions and beasts supported by Gao Yin have already flown to the Fengleibao defense line.

The entire Wrath Kingdom has a total of more than 20 gryphons, and now he has been transferred to most of them.

Therefore, this wave of air raids on the Confederate lions and beasts is full of fourteen.

"It’s throwing a gunpowder bag from the sky!"

The dozens of dragon shooters of Converse's army are going crazy, they are very arrogant, and hundreds of goals beyond the kilometer can be shot.

But this is a big night, and I can't reach my fingers. And shooting upwards toward the sky, because of gravity, the momentum of at most four hundred meters is exhausted, and the arrow that is shot out has no power at all.

These **** lions and beasts fly at a height of four or five hundred meters.

At this height, throwing air raids, the Griffin Knight does not expect to be able to hit anything, just throwing a gunpowder bag.


The military camp of the 60,000-strong army of Converse was exploding everywhere, and it was one after another.

There was a panic everywhere.

Moreover, the most terrible thing is that these griffins are specially bombarded by cavalry.

The original 150,000 army of Converse had 20,000 cavalry.

After the war of a few days ago, there were only more than 60,000 troops, but the 20,000 cavalry was almost intact, and it was the greatest fighting power of the Converse army.

The battalion of 20,000 cavalry is a few miles long. Two or three thousand horses are brought together, there is no need to aim at it, and the gunpowder bag is thrown directly down.

The timidity of the horse was the smallest. After a burst of bombing, thousands of tens of thousands of horses were frightened and ran wildly.

Tens of thousands of horses were shocked, how amazing the battle was. Like a stormy wave, crazy collision.

The entire Converse camp was smashed into a mess.

I don't know how many soldiers died under the horseshoe.

The 60,000-strong army had no sleep for a night, desperately avoiding the horses that were run by the runaway. And I have to be afraid, but I am afraid that luck is not good, and the gunpowder pack is exploding around me.

The bombing lasted for four hours, and it stopped when it was almost dawn.

It took several hours for the tens of thousands of cavalry to suppress the frightened horses and calm them down.


The next morning, the resurrection of Converse was discussed, how to deal with the night air raid harassment of Sauron.

The deputy commander of the army said: "The Duke of the Great, the air raids of Sauron last night, caused direct casualties of more than 600 people. However, more than 3,000 soldiers were killed by war horses, and nearly two thousand horses were damaged! ”

Upon hearing this loss, the Duke of Converse had a convulsion in his heart.

Converse frowned and said: "Tonight, Sauron will definitely launch an air strike again. How to deal with this situation, if tens of thousands of horses are frightened again, the entire camp will be destroyed again."

The officer will be quiet for a moment.

Then, Chi Youdao: "Father, can you disperse the cavalry in the camps like the grain. Our entire battalion is dozens of miles away, and if Sauron strikes again, even the scale of the warhorse will be much smaller."

Suddenly a long-awaited man said: "There is no way, the cavalry must be scaled to be able to exert its power. If the cavalry is dispersed in the camps, if the Sauron goes out of the city to fight, our 20,000 cavalry will not be able to assemble, so the consequences are unimaginable! ”

Chi Youdao: "If you don't do this, the air raids of several nights will be shocked. How many cavalry can we still have at that time, and how much combat power can we have?"

As soon as this was said, Wan Long was speechless.

The horse is a very delicate thing. It has been frightened several times in a row. It has not been eaten well for a few days and nights. Basically, the combat power is abolished.

And last night, tens of thousands of horses were shocked, trampled and trampled, and killed thousands of soldiers, and lost two thousand horses.

A few more such war horses were killed. After four or five days, more than 20,000 horses were abolished.

Converse hates to gnash his teeth. Because the number of lions and beasts is too small, they are completely flashy things. No one will really use them on the battlefield, so more are just the guards of the king.

But I did not expect that Sauron’s thunderous thunder and the lion beast will exert such tremendous power.

What is even more **** is that the lions and beasts of the Wrath Kingdom are completely in the hands of the king, and there is no one in their hands.

At this time, even if there are four or five lions and beasts in Converse, Sauron would not dare to be so arrogant. Every time an air raid is like an unmanned environment.

He hearted to send a letter to him, let him find a way to get a few lions and beasts, but think about giving up and killing the Sox. Because the deviance is either borrowed from the hidden continent or borrowed from the Yan Empire. When the lions and beasts were separated, the Turingot army had already arrived at Tianshuicheng.

Of course, you can also borrow from the Dragon Temple. But the entire temple is the Temple of the Dragon, which is two or three lions and beasts. If Converse is damaged on the battlefield, the consequences are very serious!

Taking a deep breath, the Duke of Converse ordered: "According to Chiyou's method, the 20,000 cavalry will be dispersed to six or seven camps, so even if the horses are fried, it will not cause such a big result. And every night. The cavalry must guard their own horses to sleep, hold the ears of the horses, and always appease them."

"Follow!" Two long-distance rides.

Although it is a harmful way to disperse 20,000 cavalry from the camps, there is no way to do it.

Then throughout the day, Converse Camp was tossed again, 20,000 cavalry, nearly 30,000 horses began to spread to various camps.

The original 20,000 cavalry condensed into a fist. At this time, it was like a pepper, but sprinkle a little here and sprinkle it a little. Dispersed into camps of dozens of square kilometers.

It’s hard to finish the cavalry to disperse the camps, it’s already dark!


After night falls!

The Converse army, who had tossed up for one day and one night, entered a dreamland.

Not surprisingly, Sauron’s air strikes are coming again!

However, this time only five lions and beasts came!


A constant stream of bombing.

The gunpowder bag was thrown away in a while, and the oil drum was thrown away in a while.

The cavalry scattered the battalions was effective, and there was no longer a large-scale war horse frightened camp.

At most, hundreds of thousands of horses are horrified and easier to control.

However, it is impossible for the Converse army to want to sleep. The explosions are one after another, and it is impossible to fall asleep.

Of course, if you just have to fight, you can use cotton to plug your ears. The key is to blow up the mountain and shake it. No one knows if the next second will explode on top of his head.

When I fell asleep and fell asleep, it was gone and the bones were broken.

In this fear, even those who have no heart and lungs can't sleep.

Moreover, Sauron is more mean!

This air raid bombing has never ended.

Fourteen lion beasts were divided into three batches, each bombing for four hours.

Twenty-four hours a day, bombing without stopping!

Of course, this has a great influence on the soldiers in the Tianleibao defense line. Therefore, the 25,000 cavalry of the Sauron army has been evacuated to dozens of miles.

The defenders in the castle sleep with cotton every night.

Fortunately, the explosion is a few miles away from the wind and thunder, and there is no need to worry that the thunder will fall on the top of the head. Although it will insomnia, it will not sleep.

However, Converse’s 60,000-strong army was terrible. Twenty-four hours a day, there was no time to sleep.

Fourteen lions of Sauron, in batches, bombed 24 hours a day, constantly harassing.

This makes the Converse army completely in full swing, just like being in hell.

The Duke of Converse was no longer able to get out of bed. The whole person lost a big circle. The original black hair was already white.


Three days and nights!

Soren’s air raid bombing lasted for three days and three nights. Fourteen lions and beasts were fed with good beef every day, and they lost a lot of laps!

The 60,000-strong army of the Duke of Converse is really in hell.

Three days and three nights could not sleep, almost everyone had black eyes and shaped bones.

At this time, there is no need to worry about the lack of food, because thousands of horses have died, and the meat can not be eaten.

But I didn't sleep for a few days and nights, and I couldn't eat anything at all. The soldiers who patrolled the post felt that their minds were dizzy, their legs were soft and swaying, and they couldn’t move, and they couldn’t hold the weapons in their hands.

Not only that, but many soldiers began to run away!

They can no longer stand the torture of this, or they jumped directly into the Tianshui River and planned to swim directly across the river.

But across the river, it is the eight thousand army of Yan Yan.

These soldiers were either drowned in the river or left without ashore, and they were shot dead by arrows.

Since you can't escape from the river, you can run to the mountains on both sides.

At the beginning, dozens of people fled, and more and more people fled.

The Duke of Converse was white for a little while, half-awake and half-awake, often slammed up and said: "How long has the time passed? How long will Turingot come?"

Sometimes, it is only after half an hour, but he feels that it should have passed.

As for the soldiers began to escape, he painfully killed the heart, sent the confidant warriors to guard the various entrances, and found a deserter immediately killed.

Then keep chanting in your mouth, hold on for a few more days, and then hold on for a few more days, the Turingot army is coming!

Halfway through, the Duke of Converse flew to the Baiyun County, and the county town sent troops to attack the Yanyan army on the other side of the river.

Baiyun County was also obedient, and immediately assembled two or three thousand people.

However, this time, the Duke of Converse assembled a 150,000-strong army, and all the soldiers in the entire southeastern province were drained. The rest were the second-line troops of the melons and melons.

The two or three thousand people in Baiyun County, less than half an hour, were wiped out by the Yan’s thousand cavalry, and they were crying and fleeing.


Sauron’s shameless bombing has entered the fourth day!

At this time, the Turin Tuo 200,000 army is still more than 800 miles away from the Sirius Pass, and will arrive in almost six days!

The Duke of Converse is always thinking about time, six days, six days, six days!

Just six days later, this hellish day is over!

However, as time went by, the Duke of Converse became more and more cold, and the uneasy despair was all over the body.

The thing he regrets now is not to rush to attack the wind and thunder defense, but to regret why he did not retreat after the defeat of Baiyun County.

That way, although completely defeated, it will not die.

Even the life can not be saved, but also sealed a fart king, it is really a smoldering interest, at that time in order to decide to stay in the position to continue to besieged the wind and thunder defense line?

It’s completely ruining yourself!

Although there are more than 50,000 troops on hand, but the 50,000-plus army has not slept for a few days and nights, even standing still and playing the hem, where is there strength to fight?


The fourth half of the bombing in the middle of the night!

Suddenly, Sauron sent all fourteen griffins, and once again dispatched a giant gunpowder pack of four or five hundred pounds.

Moreover, this time it is no longer going deep into the Converse camp, but bombing the outer edge of the camp.

Against the wooden walls of the big camp, fences, gullies, refusing horses and other fortifications, a burst of indiscriminate bombing!

This bombing lasted for three hours. Throwing nearly 100,000 jin of gunpowder, and then throwing nearly 100,000 jin of fire oil.

After dawn, the bombing stopped!

Look at the fortifications of the Converse Camp, and completely wipe out the smoke, a flat land.

Everyone knows that the final battle is over!

Because the continuous bombing stopped.

During the four days and four nights, the explosion continued to sound, and at this time it was completely quiet!

Converse fell into complete uneasiness, and he knew that Sauron would give him the last noose.

This is the last silence before dying!

"The army assembled, the cavalry gathered..." Converse loudly ordered!

The final attack of Sauron is coming, and the last strangle is coming!


The entire camp, across the board, countless soldiers are lying in bed, how can they not wake up!

I haven’t slept for a few days and nights, this rare silence, once I fall asleep, the king of the king is not awake!

The officers punched and kicked and desperately awakened the sleeping soldiers.


And at the same time!

Within the wind and thunder defense line, the Sauron side has taken a total of 25,000 cavalry for nearly ten days for the final assembly.

Among them, the 20,000 cavalry of Rouran City, the five thousand cavalry of Tianshui City!

These days, more than 20,000 cavalry retreats for ten or twenty miles. They are not disturbed by the explosion. They are full of fat and strong, and their hearts are already hungry/thirsty. It’s like a hungry beast. It is.

Sauron stood at the top of the castle, looking at the boundless, hustle and bustle of the hussars!

"Booming rumbling..."

Dozens of Hercules, turning the winch at the same time.

The gate of the wind and thunder castle that has never been opened is slowly opened.

A two-foot-thick giant door, covered with thick iron, weighing 10,000 pounds.

Such a giant door, there are two full, one outside, one inside!

Two giant doors were opened, as the devil opened his mouth!

"Outensive, full of arrogance, killing Converse!" Sauron yelled!

The thrilling drums sounded!

Twenty-five thousand cavalry, like the tide, rushed out from the wind and thunder defense line and rushed to the Converse camp.


Two thousand five thousand cavalry, rushing to fight Converse's 50,000 army, but like a storm, like a tiger!

The final strangulation of Converse!


Note: The second one is sent, and today it is more than 9,000 words. Please support, please ask for the monthly ticket, thank you all!

(End of this chapter)

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