World Destroying Demonic Emperor

Chapter 403: Four zero five: open fire! Reap life!

Chapter 403, 409: Open fire! Reap life!

This time, I did not intend to give Soren a chance, so the 900,000 army launched attacks in three directions at the same time!

In the north direction, the commander of the Northern Army Corps Chuye led a 250,000-strong army to take down the city of Linhai without any effort, and by the way cut more than 10,000 heads to kill the bad. It was too late to make a fortune in the main city of Linhai. As a result, I came to the military order and ordered the army to go south immediately!

As a result, Chuye led a 250,000-strong army to the south. In fact, his heart is also urgent, want to be the first commander to enter Tianshui City.

In the three directions of Tianshui City, the north is the easiest to break through.

Because there is no city gate defense line in the north, as long as you cross the Nujiang River, you will directly enter the hinterland of Tianshui City. At that time, the entire Tianshui City is like a beautiful woman with no hands and no force. Let him be embarrassed.

In front of the 250,000 troops, there is only one Nujiang.

In the Nujiang River at the junction of Tianshui City and Linhai City, there is a relatively calm water that can pass the ship.

This place is called the south of the ferry, and the river section with a gentle water is about four or five miles long. Originally there were three suspension bridges and three ferries.

At that time, more than 20,000 troops of Sauron attacked Linhai City through the south of the ferry.

Today, the Earl of Chu Industry, with a 250,000-strong army passing south through the ferry to the south, attacking Tianshui City, it is really uncomfortable!

Seventy miles north of the ferry to the south, it is the south of the Fort, which is regarded as the gateway castle of Linhai City.

The Earl of Chu Industry led the Pioneer Army into the South Fort!

The castle was once conquered by Sauron, and it was severely damaged. Later, Sauron spent money to repair the entire castle.

However, the Earl of Chu industry can have a full army of 250,000. The castle is fascinating to enter 20,000. The rest must be camped in the wild.

The Earl of Chuye sent a careful examination of the inside and outside of the castle, and then settled in with peace of mind.

In the middle of the night, the scouts reported: "All the suspension bridges on the south of the ferry were destroyed and all the ferries were destroyed."

On this point, Chu industry has long expected.

"What kind of defense can there be on the south bank of the Nu River?" Chu said.

"There are dozens of small bunkers, and some dark castles. The trenches are criss-crossed and stretched for nearly ten miles."

Chuye Road: "Know it!"

Then he waved his hand and scouted out.

The suspension bridge was destroyed, and the ferry was destroyed. It is not a problem. In this area, more than 100 meters of river surface, with bamboo rafts, wooden rafts can cross the river.

Almost from the occupation of Linhai City, the army has begun to row in the bamboo rafters, and now there are many bamboo rafts and wooden rafts.

"Come here, it’s time to sleep." Chuye laughed loudly: "Tonight, the old man has three arrows and will be attacked into Tianshui City tomorrow, sleeping in the woman of the Solon family!"

Suddenly, a few graceful women came in, one of them is already thirty or forty years old, but still full of beauty and charm.

The other three are youthful and beautiful.

These four women have tears on their faces, which is obviously not voluntary.

This is the wife and daughter of a high-ranking lord in Linhai City. After Sauron occupied Linhai City, his position and territory were stripped away, so he hated Soren.

This time Chu industry led the army into Linhai City, he was overjoyed, dedicated the waitress gold and silver, please Chu industry, and welcome Wang Shi.

Who knows that the Earl of Chu industry has a unique taste and has a fancy to his wife and daughter. Forced by the commander of the Northern Army, this high-ranking warrior lord can only tears, bite his teeth and send his wife and daughter, wearing a green hat for himself.

On the evening of the same day, the Chuye, who was over fifty years old, made a great dedication, and the wife and daughter of the high-ranking warrior lords of Linhai City were killed and lived. They were carried out the next day.

After all, when a martial-hard man uses dragon power to engage in women, it is really terrible.


Early the next morning, the Earl of Chuye was refreshed and led the army to the south and reached the north bank of the Nujiang River!

At this time, a huge barracks have been built on the north bank of the Nujiang River!

After passing through the 200-meter-wide Nujiang River, I entered the territory of Tianshui City.

Departed from His Royal Highness, as long as you enter the territory of Tianshui City, burn and kill, **** and plunder, you can!

In a word, don't seal the knife, don't lock the pants.

Therefore, the Northern Army led by Chuye and the southeast against the army have become hungry.

Standing on the heights, Chuye looked at the south bank of the Nujiang River.

There are indeed countless trenches, who do not ask for bunkers and dark castles.

However, there is no city wall, no castle, and it is a dream to rely on this area to block his 250,000 army.

At this time, on the north bank of the Nu River, countless bamboo rafts and wooden rafts have been prepared, and the first wave of crossing the river has also been assembled.

"All the giants, aiming for preparation!"

Hey, hey! Suddenly, thousands of giant pythons slammed open and aimed at the Sauron position on the South Bank.

"All bows and hands, aiming for preparation!"

Nearly 100,000 soldiers, bending their bows and aiming at the South Bank position in Soren.

"All trebuchets, ready..."

Hundreds of trebuchets, condescending, aiming at the South Bank position of Sauron.

The two sides of the Nu River are only about 200 meters apart. In order to cover the army, the numerous giants on the north bank, the trebuchet, and the archers are all waiting.

As soon as the order was made, countless arrows and rain, the stone bombs came like the heavy rain to the Sauran position on the south bank.

The goal is not to kill, but to cover the army.

Such a high-intensity attack is enough to lift the soldiers in the South Bank position of Sauron.

Although the face of the Chu industry is rude and unrestrained, it is cruel, but it is very cautious in the war.


The first wave of crossing the army, there are 20,000 people.

Every ten soldiers, carrying a bamboo pole.

The 20,000-strong army, on the shore, waited for the order of the Earl of Chu, and they forced the Nujiang.

Standing on the heights, Chu Industry looked at the fanatic expression on the face of Dujiang soldiers. Morale is extremely high, everyone is waiting to enter Tianshui City to burn and rob, everyone knows the richness of Tianshui City Sauron.

The Earl of Chu Industry suddenly pulled out the sword and screamed: "After entering Tianshui City, you will not seal the knife, not the pants!"

"Long live, long live, long live!" Countless cross-river soldiers boiled and screamed.

"In the morning, cross the river, tomorrow morning, go to the woman of Tiansuocheng, Japan!" Chuye laughed.

"Long live the Royal Highness, long live..." The army yelled.

"Dujiang!" Earl of Chu industry slammed.

"Oh..." The fierce drums sounded.

Countless soldiers, like the beasts that came out of the cage, rushed to the river with bamboo poles.

On the north bank of the Nujiang River, the soldiers of the samurai were like dumplings, and they rushed to the river with bamboo poles.

After entering the water, I turned over the bamboo poles.

These bamboo rafts and wooden rafts are large, each carrying ten people, two responsible for erecting shield defense, and eight people responsible for paddling.


In the fierce battle drums, countless soldiers madly paddle.

Even in the rushing rivers, the speed is very fast, and hundreds of bamboo poles rushed toward the south bank of the Nujiang River.

The bamboo pole in front has just been drawn 20 meters.

The next ten soldiers couldn’t wait to squat on the bamboo raft and rushed to the river, turning over and squatting, and then followed the desperately.

The morale of the entire army is extremely high.

In a short time!

The 20,000-strong army of the first wave of crossing the river has already taken a bamboo pole and entered the river and began to force the river.

Looking down from the sky, one or two thousand bamboo rafts are distributed on the river surface that is four to five miles long and 200 meters wide.

It’s totally dense, countless!

Fortunately, all the bamboo poles are desperately drawn forward, although they are crowded, but they are not chaotic.


Twenty thousand Dujiang soldiers were desperately shouting at the number.

Crazy paddling across the river.

Suddenly, the first few hundred bamboo poles are getting closer and closer to the south bank of the Nu River.

One hundred meters, eighty meters, fifty meters...

As long as you set foot on the land of the South Bank, even if you enter the territory of Tianshui City, it is a victory!

The Chu industry standing on the heights is very curious, why isn't the Sauron army still attacking?

When they met, they should shoot the arrow and rain to stop the army from crossing the river.

Moreover, as long as the Sauron position launched an attack, the Earl of Chu industry guaranteed ten times the power.

His 100,000-strong army is on the North Shore, enough to make the Soren position a mess.

"As long as the first soldiers boarded the south bank of the Nujiang River, Sauron had already gone." A southeastern provincial civil official next to him said: "At that time, the first one to attack Tianshui City is the Earl of Chu Industry. I heard that.卮 卮 殿 殿 殿 私 私 私 私 私 私 私 私 私 私 私 私 私 私 私 私 私 私 私 私 私 私 私 私 私 私 私 私 私 私 私 私 私 私 私 私 私 私 私 私 私 私 私 私 私 私 私 私 私 私 私 私 私Who?"

"Ha ha ha..." Earl of Chu industry laughed.

He has been in the middle of the canary for a long time. Every time a noble banquet, the celery is dressed up, and it is not enough to attract men's eyes. His Chu industry has been a long-time eye.

However, it is also a slap in the face of the lower house, if you are the first to attack Tianshui City. I really don’t know if it’s for me to enjoy it, or to give it away?


In the Sauron position on the south bank of the Nu River!

Responsible for the northern defense line is a combination that is very difficult to predict.

The wife of Sauron’s wife, Yan Nai, who was in front of Haicheng’s master, turned out to be the partner of the two men.

After the solid dark castle, Yan Nai stared at the cross-river army in the Chu industry on the river, and even the face of every soldier showed a mad expression.

"Return to you, I have not congratulated you, and you are pregnant." Yannai said.

When she said this, she was happy, but very envious.

After she was pregnant, she also had a cheeky face and did not know how many times she sought happiness. Especially on the days when she was easy to conceive, she undoubtedly occupied Sauron.

As a result, there was still no news inside the stomach, which made her very sad and had secretly cried a few times.

"Tongyi, Tongxi..." is a good friend to say: "Mr Yan is a wife of Soo, so the child of a little girl is naturally a child of the lady."

Although there is a good intention to return to the negative, the meaning is indeed correct.

Yan Nai is indeed the wife of the Sox family, and the child she gave birth is to inherit the Sox family.

The child born to Princess Sissi is the surname, which is to inherit the kingdom of the wrath.

Going back to the enemy is getting closer and closer to the army, and he can't help but tremble: "The mother, it is very close!"

Yan Nai nodded and then took a light shot.

"Oh..." The lion beast underneath screamed and slammed his wings.

At the same time, the lions and beasts who were under the squadron also flew into the sky.

Yan Nai and returning to the negative two, floating in the sky, overlooking the entire battlefield.

The Earl of Chu, who was on the north bank, saw it and his heart trembled.

Then, he saw the beautiful face of Yan Nai, and the almost exaggerated figure curve.

Sauron, it’s really a blessing!

His wife, glamorous, is no less than a singer, and there is nothing in her body.

A little bit of swaying, suddenly Chu industry felt the cold and confident eyes of Yan Nai, could not help but tremble, with an unpredictable feeling.

Yan Nai's jade hand, slowly lifted!

Among the dark castles, hundreds of guns have been aimed at the river surface.

Three-in-one chain bullets, 70% of the bombs!

The 20,000-strong river army of Chuye is still crazy paddling.

The foremost bamboo pole is getting closer and closer to the south bank.

Entered 60 meters, 50 meters, 40 meters...

At this point, the soldiers who were paddling their heads looked up and saw a beautiful, cold-blooded woman on the griffin in the air not far away.

Is she the wife of Sauron?

After this attack into Tianshui City, is it a woman like this?

For a long time, the blood of these soldiers was completely burned.


Rush into Tianshui City, burn out, kill light, grab the light!

Yan Nai’s hand slammed down!

Then, there was a silence.

Although the sound of the entire river is very noisy, some people still feel that there is a strange silence, as if it was a huge destruction of the silence.

"Open fire..."

Yan Nai is crisp and cold, and the sound of charming and decisive sounds.



A loud bang in the sky!

Hundreds of fires flashed out!

Countless shots, like a storm, smashed toward the river dozens of meters away.

Dozens of chain bullets, with the whistling of hell, flew toward the soldiers on the river.


It is like the sound of rainstorms breaking into the beach.

Countless blood fog, splashing!

Actually miserable, countless broken limbs...

There are hundreds of bamboo poles in the front, and there are few people standing.

At a distance of thirty or forty meters, it is difficult to avoid being hit in front of a heavy rainball.

Thousands of soldiers, like wheat, were instantly harvested for all their lives.

In fact, when the enemy forces just started crossing the river, they could fire.

However, Yan Nai did not do that, but put the enemy troops to the nearest.

The first shot, she wants to take away more people's lives!

Behind Tianshui City is her home. Although she still has no children, she loves her husband so much, and God will give her a child.

And now someone wants to break into her home to burn and rob.

That Yannai will kill these people!

That's right, killing is clean, it's best to be able to stay one.


Note: The first four thousand words are sent, please support, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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