World Destroying Demonic Emperor

Chapter 408: Four One Zero: The husband sings with you! Sweeping Turingot!

Chapter 408, the four-one singer! Sweeping Turingot!

The anger of Sauron’s heart can’t be suppressed instantly!

You are going to leave me alone, and looking for a princess to negotiate alone, this is no more.

The four kingdoms of the kingdom, your Turing family will be alone, and the rest will be returned to the Chu industry, and the southeast army will be owned by Sauron.

You Turingot tries to seal the king with different names, and checks and balances my Sauron in the future. That's it.

After all, you are quite reasonable. Once you become a throne, the Temple of the Dragon will be very upset. Once the loss of the sanctuary of the Dragon Temple is lost, the Yan Empire and the Xiliang Kingdom will be ready to move.

By then, the Wrath Kingdom lost half of its troops because of this civil war, and it is difficult to resist the two countries that may come. Although there is no danger of destroying the country, once defeated, it is likely to mean slashing the land.

If you want to take care of the big picture, it seems that you can only hold your nose and agree to the conditions of Turingot.

The most unacceptable thing for Sauron is that Sonning Ice is his imprisonment. This is very clear about Turing Dust and Turingot. Why do you still propose such conditions?

Is Turing dust dedicated to insulting Sauron?

There are so many women in the world, why do you want to ask for Ning Bing?

Last time, Haishu proposed to marry Soren, to let the sea talklessly to meet the consequences of Soning Ice. Didn't you see it?

But soon, Sauron suppressed his inner anger and forced himself to calm down.

Yes, Turingot and Turing Dust are very clear about this, why should they come up?

And at the heart of this negotiation is that the Turing family is loyal, and in the future she will be on the Queen's position to balance Sauron.

Since it is a check and balance of Sauron, the relationship between the two sides must be very cold, why should we marry? Isn't this a pleasure?

Soon, Sauron came to a conclusion.

The so-called marriage, Suo Ningbing, was not proposed by the Duke of Turingot, but the condition of the individual addition of Turing Dust.

The reason why he added this condition is not to find Ning Bing.

Many people know very well that once Suning Ice is smashed, it is likely to mean wearing a green hat on the top of the head.

The rumors of Sauron and Sonning Ice have been spread all over the world.

Turing dust is not so stupid, willing to give yourself a green hat.

He did not retreat, forcing Sauron to restore his life.

After the last time the Turing dust was captured, Sauron used drugs to indirectly cast the Turing dust with mystery. Although his body is still intact, he has lost the function of men, and he has not responded to the beauty of the woman, let alone the succession.

However, he was not completely castrated, and Sauron could restore him to a manly glory.

He did not let anyone know about this matter, even if his father, the Duke of Turing, did not know.

At that time, Sauron’s secretive castration of Turing dust was to try to control the Turing family with the use of Turing dust at critical moments.

Unexpectedly, Turing dust used this opportunity to counterattack.

Through this opportunity of big negotiations, he forced Soren to restore his life.

He proposed to marry Sonin Ice, and Sauron would certainly not agree. Well, retreat to the next, you restore my life.

This handsome Turing duster is really a good calculation!

Sauron looked at Turing dust, and his face showed a sneer: "Tuling Dust, do you know that I will definitely reject your marriage? Then you will give me another option, let me help you to restore your life." right?"

As soon as this was said, the face of the Turing dust changed, and quickly looked at it.

And Sui Lun looked for doubtful eyes.

Soren Road: "The last time, the Turing Dust was captured by me. I used some secret techniques and medicines to castrate my body from the inside. So although his body is complete, he is no longer humane, and he cannot pass on the family. It is."

As soon as this was said, the face of Turing dust trembled, and the eyes of Sauron were filled with infinite hatred.

Then, Turing dust did not pay attention to Sauron's words, but continued to pray to Princess Princess: "His Royal Highness, you also know that your father and the Dragon Temple are very tense. The Dragon Temple has been working hard to support it. So far from the upper level. So the hidden continent will be married to the marriage, not to support him, and even the demon continent will help. So you want to go up smoothly, the Dragon Temple is a huge resistance. You know, the Grand Chancellor Both Ge and the sacrificial priests have publicly expressed their support for the detachment."

At this point, Turing dust is half-baked.

Turing dust continues: "At this point, the Turing family is willing to help the Princess of the House."

"The power of the Turing family can interfere with the will of the Temple of the Dragon?" he asked.

Turing Dust: "His Royal Highness laughed, my family has not yet had such a great power. However, we have absolute certainty to let the Dragon Temple completely abandon the detachment. In the end, they may not be very happy to see the Princess of the Princess ascended the throne, but only Can go with the flow. After all, the Temple of the Dragon is unable to directly interfere with the secular kingship."

Princess Sissi said: "So, your Turing family is going to make a deal with me. You are betraying, helping me to climb the throne, and helping me to remove the resistance of the Dragon Temple. And I have to pay, This is to hand over the Southwest Army and the Dragon Guards to your Turing family, and in the future to enlist your father as the king, right?"

Turing Dust: "There is still a condition, that is, my marriage with Soxhlet."

He said: "Don't bend around, let Sauron help you recover the male root, right?"

Turing dust face trembled and said: "Yes!"

Princess Sissi said: "This transaction is not so happy, but it is still reasonable."

Turing Dust: "My father is also unwilling to hurt the kingdom because of the civil war."

Princess Sissi looked at Soren: "French, what do you think?"

Sauron said with no expression: "The Turing family is looking for you to negotiate, not to find me."

Princess Sissi closed her eyes and began to think.

Indoors, suddenly fell into a dead silence!

Sissi looks like it doesn't seem to have any power. It is not so much a master, it is more like a bodyguard, an assassin, plus a fox that wants to drain Sauron.

But at this time, her decision will directly affect the fate of the Wrath Kingdom.

If Princess Sissi directly agrees to the conditions of Turing Dust, in exchange for the loyalty of the Turing family.

The first thing that is the most damaging to the interests is that he has left nothing. He has nothing left and is rebellious.

And the second biggest victim is Sauron!

By then, the biggest hero to support Princess Sissi is not only his Sauron, but also Turingot.

And then, Turingot will undoubtedly join hands with the princes and the governors of the province, and the king of Soul, the regent of the king.

At that time, it is really not just checks and balances, but let Sauron’s decree not be able to get out of Tianshui City and the southeastern province.

If you agree, what will Sauron do?

Very simple, turn your face directly!

It’s all the time, and Turingot is still aggressive, trying to suppress Sauron?

Turingot sees it very clearly. This negotiation is to sacrifice the interests of Sauron and Deviation in exchange for the interests of Turingot and He.

In his opinion, you are a profitable person and there is no reason to disagree.

Therefore, the Turing dust posture is so high, directly throwing away Sauron. Negotiate with you.


A few minutes later, Princess Sissi opened the United States and turned to Turing: "I don't have much opinion on this transaction, you can talk to me!"

As soon as this is said, Turing dust has changed dramatically!

Looking for Sauron?

In this negotiation, the harm is the benefit of Sauron!

Suddenly, Turing dust whispered: "His Royal Highness, this is related to the future of the kingdom. Once we are desperate to attack the wind and thunder defense, how many times do you hold it? Once you are defeated, you will be completely defeated, and the throne will be completely You missed it."

Ruan said: "You make a lot of sense, but the reason why I have today's situation is all supported by my husband. So this key decision is naturally done by him."

Turing dust began to twitch and looked at Sauron: "You, you have to be heavy, and the Wrath Kingdom is not your own kingdom."

Sauron said: "Go back and tell your father, I want to change the door, loyalty to my Highness, I have several conditions."

Turing dust screamed: "You said."

Soren Road: "First, hand over Turing, she is a sinner, I promised to be arrogant."

"Second, the position of the Dragon Guards and the commanding department, Turingot can only stay one. If you are the head of the Dragon Guards, you can't take charge of the commanding department. If you are in charge of the commanding department, you can't be the head of the Dragon Guard."

"Third, the Southwest Army, your Turing family should not get touched, and must withdraw completely."

"Fourth, the title of the prince of Turingot is the promise of the prince, and has nothing to do with the princess. The different names of the princes are endless, and we cannot open this precedent."

"Five, your life roots can be restored for you. But if you use persecution, then you can't think about it, you continue to be a physically complete eunuch."

As soon as these five conditions came out, the face of Turing dust completely changed!

Crazy, Sauron is crazy!

He has never seen such a irrational, so ignorant person.

Turingot sent him to negotiate because it was profitable.

According to Sauron's conditions, Turingot is not good, but it will be greatly damaged.

Are you Sauron being a fool?

Where is your negotiation? It’s completely fanning against Turingota’s face!

Turing dust cold road: "Lord Sauron, you don't make a mistake, now we are not asking you, on the contrary, you are asking for my Turing family."

Soren said: "What am I asking you?"

Turing Dust: "If my father and I are separated from each other and completely attacked the wind and thunder defense, do you have the inheritance to keep it?"

"Four percent." Soren Road.

"Impossible, at most 30%." Turing dust whispered: "And even if it is held, because of the resistance of the Dragon Temple, Princess Sissi may not be able to climb the throne. Even if you climb the throne, how do you block the empire and The bonfire of the Xiliang Kingdom is robbing? You have a little bit of the kingdom's interest in your heart? You are so arrogant, you can have a half politician's mind?"

Sauron looked at the eyes of Turing Dust and said: "You are right, I really don't have a politician's mind. I want anything, I will take it by my own hands, and I don't want to negotiate. Compromise. I am desperate to throw a support for the princess, not for the future to make your Turing family a blessing on my head. Let me sacrifice my own interests to fulfill your Turing family? Want to use the kingdom to suppress me. You are too high to look at my character. In my heart, besides the people I care about, the rest of us, what about me?"

Turing dust stared at Sauron's beautiful and unparalleled face, not a little fake.

He saw it, and he finally decided that Sauron was a madman, a complete madman.

This person can't use common sense to talk about it. This person only cares about emotions and loves, regardless of interests and reason.

Turing is cold and cold: "His Lord Sauron, what conditions have you just said, there is no room for change?"

“No!” Soren said: “This is already a side for your Turing family.”

Turing Dust: "Then you have thought about it, you will lose."

"Think about it." Sauron said coldly: "If you lose, then lose it!"

Turing dust to Princess Sissi: "His Royal Highness, do you want Soren to be so arrogant?"

Princess Sissi shrugged her shoulders and did not speak.

Turing dust whispered: "This is your wrath kingdom, do you let him do the scourge?"

Princess Sui said coldly: "At least until now, this is not my kingdom."

"Ha ha ha... hahaha..." Turing dusted and laughed, saying: "Two madmen, two downright madmen!"

Then, his eyes stared at Sauron, one word at a time: "Lord Sauron, the road is your own choice, it is really the day of the annihilation, I hope you don't regret it!"

After all, Turing dust re-covered the cloak, turned and returned to the camp!

Princess Sui gently leaned into the arms of Sauron, quiet and silent.

Every night before, I had to desperately ask for it in bed, even if there was no exception last night.

But this evening, she did not squeeze Soren again, just quietly snuggling, watching the night outside daze!

Her eyes are deeper and more beautiful than the ocean, and more mysterious than the night outside.

Through these eyes, no one knows what she is thinking.


Return to the Turingot camp!

Turing dust found that there was one more person in the camp, worshipping the Marquis of the Fire City!

Seeing the face of Turing Dust, the Duke of Turingot said: "Is it not going well?"

Turing Dust: "Sauron suggested that the father wants to be loyal to His Highness, and promises him four conditions, the first condition, surrendering Turing!"

"Dreaming, let him die, go to death..." Turingot burst up immediately.

Turing dust continues: "The second condition is to either give up the position of the commander or give up the position of the head of the Dragon Guard. You can only choose one!"

"The third condition, don't think about it."

"The fourth condition, the Turing family of the Southwest Army should not get touched, and let it be completely let out!"

Turing dust did not say the fifth condition, because he was castrated by Soren's mystery is a secret, a secret that cannot be known to anyone.

After listening to it, Turingot was shocked and began to laugh.

I laughed so loudly that I could laugh at my stomach.

After a few minutes of laughing, his face became awkward, horrible, and his eyes filled with cold murder!

"Sorren thinks that I am surrendering and begging for mercy." The Duke of Turingot looked to the Marquis of Vue: "Hello, I finally know why you are a grandfather and you are going to kill Sauron. This is a madman." Idiot. This kind of person has no room for negotiation and can only be completely killed!"

"Yes, completely killed!" Turing was excited: "Put it all, destroy the Soxhlet, and take Solon's knives and licking the skin!"

The Duke of Turingot was cold: "The only way to live is to be cut off by Sauron himself. If he is bent on death, then he will be perfect."

The Marquis de Vue sighed and nodded. "So, very good!"

Turingot said: "Tell everyone, unite your thoughts, and don't have any inconsistencies. Tomorrow's final battle, desperately, kill Sauron!"


Note: The second and more than 4,000 words were sent, and I hope to support them. Thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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