World Destroying Demonic Emperor

Chapter 418: Four 20: Volunteer Road!

Chapter 418, the four twenty-five volts!

Chu industry riding a lion and tiger beast, only with dozens of martial arts warriors, came to see Sauron with the fastest speed.

Within a courtyard of the Fifty Miles of the Windsor Castle, Sissi and Sauron met with the Earl of Chu, who came from the dusty servant.

Sauron is really very intimate, in order to avoid the fear of the Chu industry, please take the initiative to be here, and only bring the hustle and bustle.

If you let the Earl of Chu industry go to the wind and thunder security line, or go to Tianshui City to meet, then surrounded by 100,000 troops, he will probably scare the courage.

Seeing the first sight of Princess Sissi and Sauron, Chuye immediately rolled down from the back of the lion and tiger beast, and squatted down the slogan: "Sin Chen Chuye, meet with the Princess of the Princess, and meet with Lord Sauron!"

Looking up, I can't help but see.

Because the princess was sitting on Sauron’s lap, her posture was very close.

The Earl of Chu industry almost doubted that there was a problem with his eyes. The Princess Sissi is not an extraordinary, not a fairy who is not a human fireworks. It is like this...

Of course, after devouring the fallen dream of the dragon, it really has seven passions. But this is not the case. The reason why she is so expression is that she wants to set off the power of Solon alone, showing that she can't manage anything, and she is only a small woman.

"French, you hurry, don't let people wait for too long." He kissed Sauron, then walked away lightly and entered the room.

The Earl of Chuye was in a big heart, accepting the resignation of the Northern Army Commander. The Princess of the Supreme did not care. She did not seem to have any interest in the political affairs. It can be seen that the Kingdom of the Wrath will master the hand of Sauron.

"The sinner Chu industry, see Saulun." Earl of Chu industry once again beheaded.

Then, his heart was extremely admired, this Sauron was arrogant, not only defeated the deviance, but also conquered the fairy princess, and the tutor was like a small beggar. This kind of skill, such a blessing is really jealous.

"Chuye, the governor of Weizhou Island, has already led 100,000 Pazhou troops to land in Linhai City." Soren Road.

As soon as this was said, Chuye changed his face.

Because his army is in Linhai City, and now he can become a lonely army.

"Not only that, but in these two days, the governors of several provinces came to pay loyalty to me. Now these governors have gone to Fengleibao to lobby for the so-called provincial coalition forces." Soren said: "Don't be defeated." After that, how will these provincial coalitions choose?"

What else can I do? I will immediately abandon it and run to Sauron.

These officials are not as good as the sisters in the hurdles. The women in the brothel are rich, and the winds of these officials are blowing. Wherever they go, they can pay the money.

At this time, among the 230,000 troops of the Earl of Chuye, 145,000 were the provincial coalition forces. Once these troops are turned down, he has 890,000 Northern Army troops left.

The Earl of Chuye was cold and cold, and immediately screamed and trembled: "The sinner is damned, the sinner is damned!"

Sauron took out a will and read: "Feng Long Cheng Yan, the king system, the Northern Army commander Chuye, for the tiger to swear, nowhere to invade the southeastern province, killing good efforts, sin is unforgivable, lingering to death, annihilating the nine !"

This is a purpose, Chu industry is like a sieve, desperately. I want to ask for mercy, but I can’t say a few words.

Then, a burst of stench came, even directly scared incontinence.

Ling Chi died and annihilated the Nine!

This is terrible!

Even at this time, the Earl of Chu industry could not afford the idea of ​​rebellion. Who does not know the martial arts of the Princess?

And at this time, I don't know how many ambushes there are.

The most important thing is that you want to be a king soon, and Sauron becomes the regent. The reason why Sauron gave himself such a purpose was obviously to negotiate with Turingot. Once Sauron joined forces with Turingot, his Chu industry was like a fish on the cutting board, and he was slaughtered.

"It's over, it's over... It's still a late step. Soren has already reached a deal with Turingot. I regret it, I regret it!" The Earl of Chuye only felt that the inspiration for the day was exhausted, and the whole body was thoroughly There is no temperature, stiffness is there.

It’s as if I’m already dead after hearing it.

After reading it, Sauron looked at the reaction of the Earl of Chu with interest and then slowly took out another purpose.

Soren Lange read the second purpose: "Feng Long Cheng Yan, the king system, the Northern Army commander Chuye, although making a big mistake, followed the false Shaojun to invade Linhai City. However, at the crucial moment, he repented, abandoned the dark, and annihilated Inverse thief Turingo, set aside the merits of the horse. Special promotion to the Marquis of Zhenbei, leading the first marshal of the commander!"

After listening to this will, the Earl of Chu industry was completely shocked!

The last purpose was to kill and annihilate the Nine.

This purpose was promoted to the Marquis, serving as the commander of the commander-in-chief and becoming the head of the Wulang Kingdom.

A hell, a paradise!

The body was completely cold and gradually recovered.

Chuye clearly felt the warmth coming back from the death line, and the whole brain was even awkward.

"The two purposes are true." Soren said: "As for the Earl of Chuye, which one to choose? Just look at your own decision!"

When this was said, Chuye seemed to wake up and desperately said: "The sinner is damned, the sinner is damned, please kneel down to give the sinner a chance to rehabilitate."

"Then you choose the latter one." Soren said.

"Yes." Chuye Road.

Soren said: "The above is clear, and the sinister thief Turingot is the first condition!"

A glimpse of the Earl of Chu, let him destroy Turingot? Isn't this a knife killing?

The name of Turing's Tuowei is so great that it really makes Chuye fear in the heart!

Soren Road: "Tulingu gathered 80,000 troops, and the turtles were in the city of Baiyun County. They have been waiting to negotiate with me. What do you say I should do?"

Suddenly, Chuye thought of another terrible problem.

Sauron also gave Turingot two purposes. At that time, people did not kill the tiger, and the tiger was hurting. Sauron's clarification is to let Turingot and Chuye kill each other, two live one!

Moreover, Chuye is more worried that if he and Turing are fighting each other, Sauron will come up and directly face up, and both of them will be cleaned up. What should he do with his Chuye bird?

"Chuye, you and I have no enmity. On the contrary, there is a lot of hatred between me and Turingot. So between you, I must be biased towards you." Sauron said faintly: "After entering the throne, the kingdom Faced with a huge cleansing, I have no one at hand. Jane has already taken a fancy to see if he will be a man. But he will not come to grab your position, you are the best candidate for the first marshal of the commanding department. If you are worried that my bird will hide, you are more worried."

Sauron’s voice is very disdainful, but it is full of trust.

"Why are you rushing to persuade you, because he saw the opportunity, he wants to seek a position in the cabinet, he needs a political ally, so he hurried to find you." Soren smiled: "You lead two The 130,000-strong army went to attack Baiyun County, and Turingo’s hands were 80,000, and the morale was scattered. There was no fighting spirit. I would send one hundred guns and one hundred giant trebuchets to help you. If so, you will fight. If you don't come down, there is no face to be the first marshal of the commanding department. You want to come to me like this, and confessing a sin to replace Turingot, becoming the head of the kingdom's military commander, is also too simple!"

Sauron got up and came to the front of the negative.

Throughout the process, he has been kneeling behind Chu, without making any noise.

"At the time, I was captured and returned. The first thought was to cut off his limbs, get rid of his life roots, and then stuff it into a big tank and die." Sauron said lightly.

Suddenly, Chu Ye and his return to the line have the urge to incontinence, which is too scary.

"But, it’s very smart to return, and immediately give up everything that you have." Soren said: "So, he saved his life. I am a person who is casual, killing you is a thought. Reusing you is also a thought, the key is how you choose."

The Earl of Chu Industry immediately screamed and said: "I am willing to die for my majesty!"

"Know, you, you are not smart," Sauron said, and then walked into the room with enthusiasm.

Soon, there was a sound of his intimate soul.

Returning to the line immediately took Chu to leave, not staying for a second.


Leaving the other hospital, once again feeling the warmth of the sun, the Earl of Chu industry seems to have returned to the human world, it really seems to be alive, and the rest of the life.

Going back and sighing: "Hey, Chuye brother, you are too smart at the crucial moment, you let the Lord disappointed!"

Chu industry is a bit depressed!

Going back to the line: "You should put away your little cleverness. When you see the Lord Sauron, you will kneel down and give up everything. The annihilation of Turingot should not be made by the Lord Sauron. It should be proposed by you. Take the initiative to pay attention to the king, why don't you understand it? If you ask for it, why is it that the wolf is in the back? And the ending is exactly the same, you still have to lead the army to destroy Turingot!"

The Earl of Chuye felt that he was cold, but he did not feel embarrassed, but he was extremely disappointed with himself.

Going back to the line: "The Lord Sauron is a man of temperament. He eats soft and does not eat hard. At that time, he went to Weizhou Island and Haishu to form an alliance. The sea otter made some small cleverness, and the result was a covenant. The sea behind, the sea. He was attacked by the Rock Devils and attacked the Soxhlet. As a result, the Lord of Sauron pressed a fight, and almost the whole army was destroyed. This was the last loyalty to the Lord. This is why? If so, then , that is an equal ally, why is it like a slave now?"

The Earl of Chu Industry said bitterly: "I understand, but I used to be guilty of treacherousness, greed and sorrow, and I am clever and clever, and I have no experience in dealing with people like Sauron."

Then the Earl of Chuye refused to return to the line: "Congratulations on your return to your brother, the position of the cabinet is ten."

"This is what I got in exchange for." Going back to the line: "The Lord Sauron never asked me to do anything. I took the initiative to seize every opportunity to fight for it. You also heard, I am poor. A little bit of being cut by adult sticks in the big tank and waiting to die. Nowadays, I have to become a high-ranking cabinet official. Can you still see something from my situation? Chuye, I really need an ally. I am not willing to let the words become the Prime Minister of the Cabinet. You really have to fight for me!"

Chu industry stepped forward, slap the shoulders of the negative line: "Give your brother, don't say anything, I understand, I understand!"

Is Sauron in the scam?

No, he is using the Chu industry, but he has not swindled him.

If Chuye really annihilates Turingot, then Sauron will indeed give him the position of the first marshal of the commanding department.

At the moment, Chuye did not change his trousers. He directly rode the lion and tiger to return to the south of the Fort, and led a 20,000-strong army to cross the Nujiang River and enter the Baiyun County for more than 100 miles.



Volt is making a tough decision!

Gao Yin said that it is true that it is a golden opportunity to rescue the mother-in-law of Suining, and it is also the last chance for Fu Ling to save Sauron.

So can Volunteer save the son of Sauron?

She can save it!

After the defeat, the entire temple was shaken!

Yesterday, the sacred priest, Ge Li, immediately left the capital and went to the Yanjing Temple to report the incident.

The Temple of the Dragon can choose to support which prince is enthroned, but cannot directly interfere with the internal affairs of the kingdom.

After the defeat, the Princess Sissi was enthroned, and the Temple of the Dragon had no right to stop it. Just as a few decades ago, the Temple of the Dragon supported the Woodlands, but the result was a change to the king.

Of course, after the change to the throne, he chose to please the Temple of the Dragon, ease the relationship between the two sides, and personally send the donkey to the temple.

Originally he intended to make 卮妍 a saint and serve the life of the dragon.

Unexpectedly, the body was poisoned, and it was impossible to give birth to a child. It was forced to leave the Temple of the Dragon and return to the throne, and his relationship with the Temple of the Dragon was further deteriorated.

Therefore, after the news of the defeated defeat yesterday, both Ge Li and Rogo expressed their disappointment!

However, some of the forces of the Shenlong Temple were promised because of the transfer of the Qing and the mothers and daughters of Suining, because these forces and the distracted interests are too deep.

Ge Li and Rogo also squinted at this matter and closed their eyes.

Although they gave up the separation, if they were able to beat Sauron, the two supremes were still happy.

As for what happened to Sauron’s son, what would happen to this one-year-old baby is not the two Supreme Concerns.

And Volunteer is the grandmother of this child, she has every reason to take the child away, even if some of the forces of the Dragon Temple can not stop.

The sacred priest is not in the ritual, and Rogo is the supreme leader of the temple.

Rogge has always been in contact with Volt, and he will definitely stand on the side of Volt.

Therefore, she is capable of saving the son of Sauron, and she is willing to save it!

If she does not save, the child falls into the hands of the detached, mad and mad, in order to force Soren to compromise, what terrible things will be done to the child? Can be imagined!

After all, Turingdo said that sending Sauron a half-finger and so on would be more powerful.

Taking a deep breath, Volt said: "Well, Gao Weng waits, I will go see!"

Da Yuguan Gao Yin took a deep breath and said: "Thank you, madam!"


Volunteer came to a tower and was immediately stopped by several monks of the temple!

The Shenlong Temple has a strong influence and entanglement of interests, and it is almost impossible to divide. These martial arts monks are the pawns of this power.

"I am going to see my grandson, are you sure to stop me?" Volunteer's voice was soft and his eyes were cold.

The Temple of the Dragon in the entire Wrath Kingdom, Volunteer is also one of the 32 giants, not to mention her relationship with Rogge. Compared with these martial arts monks, I don’t know where to go.

A monk headed by "Don't dare!" is very high, but he can't look at Volt.

A few monks opened the door, and Volunteer walked in.

Entering a secret room on the second floor of the underground, Volunteer saw Fang Qingyu, and Suining mother and child.

At this point, the baby is already full and is learning to walk.

"Baby, come to the mother side, come, come..." Yan Ning slaps his hands on the ground and opens his arms.

Five meters opposite, Fang Qingying gently put his hands under the baby's armpits, greasy channel: "Let's let go, let go!"

Then, Fang Qingyu released his hands.

"Oh..." The little baby with powder makeup and jade, opened his arms and stumbled into his mother's arms.

Suining hugged the baby and kissed him constantly: "Wow, the baby is awesome, so good..."

The baby giggles, like the sound of the sound of nature.

At this time, Fang Qingyi discovered the arrival of Volunta, her soft face first changed slightly, and then immediately got up and saluted, a surprise appeared in the eyes.

Seeing it, I also changed my face! Her feelings for Volunteer are also very complicated, very disgusting!

The tiger poison is not a child. As the mother of Sauron, she actually succumbed to the wolf several times and harmed Sauron.

However, the appearance of Volunteer also means that the baby may be saved, she is the only person who can save the baby now!

"You, do you want to hug him?" asked Suining softly.

"Okay!" Volunter groaned, then extended his arms.

Suining went forward and sent the baby to Voluntein.

Volunteer's movements seemed a bit stiff, because she really hadn't held the baby for a long time, and it was difficult to adapt at once.

Moreover, this baby is her grandson.

He is really beautiful, his big eyes are black and shiny like a gem, and the small face of a puff is as delicate as an angel.

The hair is soft, and the black color seems to have a faint red color.

It’s really cute to the extreme, and people have to look at it and get rid of it.

The baby was held in her arms by a strange woman, stopped laughing, and stared at Volunteer with her eyes wide open.

"Hey, hehe..." Then, the baby stretched out a chubby little hand and went to touch the face of Lingling.

Volt Ling closes his eyes, feels the softness of his baby's little hand, and has a good smell of milk.

This is her grandson, grandson!

"Baby, shouting grandma..." Suining taught on the side.

"Grandma..." Baby milk sounds milky.

"Hey, baby!" Volt.

Then, she looked at Minning: "I will take away the baby, but you and I can do nothing!"

Suining County’s tears burst into tears and said, “Okay, good, as long as the baby is safe to his father, I am dead without regret!”

Then, Suining said: "You wait a moment, I finally feed him a milk, then sleep him!"

Volunteer nodded and returned the child to Suining.

The baby is already full, but still in the mother's shaking and distortion, the baby sleeps sweetly!

Suining clasped the baby, kissed him on his pretty little face, and cried out of breath, but did not dare to cry out.

At this moment, she is really more uncomfortable than death.

Once she felt that no one in the world could separate her from her baby. The weight of the whole world is not as good as the baby's finger.

Now, she took the initiative to send the baby out and let Volunteer send it to Sauron.

Because the baby is not safe, and everything is done under the madness.

For the baby, he is willing to do anything, even if the mother and child are separated.

Finally, with endless reluctance, Suining sent the baby to Fuling's arms.

Volunteer held the child, left the secret room, and stepped up the steps step by step.

At this time, Suining was soft in the arms of Fang Qingyu, almost dying.


At this moment, a black shadow walked down and whispered a word in the ear of Volt.

Volunteer's body trembled, his eyes jerked! Then, the whole body couldn't help but tremble with excitement.

Then she stopped in the same place and closed her eyes!

Suining and Fang Qingyu suddenly felt uncomfortable.

Volunte opened the United States, looking at the sweet baby's face in his arms, his eyes twitching slightly, and the beautiful face shuddered.

She is struggling and making choices.

I couldn't bear my eyes, there was a tremor, but in the end it turned into calm, and there was no wave in the ancient well!


Volunteer took the child down the steps, returned to the secret room, handed it back to Suining, faintly said: "Sorry, I can't save this child, I can't do anything!"

After uttering this sentence, Voltary knew that he had embarked on a road to ruin!


Note: The second and more than 5,000 words are sent, please support, thank you all!

(End of this chapter)

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