World Destroying Demonic Emperor

Chapter 420: Four two two: killing Jane! Assassinate the king!

Chapter 420: 42: Killing Jane! Assassinate the king!

After reading this secret letter, Sauron couldn't help but smile!

He once said to him that he wants to reuse Jane, and he will see if he will be a man.

At that time, when he fled, Jane and Jane did not run, but instead surrendered to Sauron. Not only that, but Jane also took the initiative to go down to the Sirius to persuade Jane, and Sauron agreed.

I did not expect it to be such a result.

Jane even let himself personally recruit, and must take care of the grass.

Sauron laughed silently, and Jane quickly put down the chopsticks, stood up and bent over.

Soren Road: "When I was away from recruiting your uncle, Jane, did you stand outside his yard for three days?"

Jane Ning whispered: "Yes!"

Soren Road: "It’s really a sergeant, Li Xian, who is eager to be humble. Do you think it’s Ming Jun?”

Jane was suddenly scared and immediately squatted on the ground, saying: "After being a faint person, where is the comparison with the Lord of Sauron!"

Sauron said again: "Isn't Corporal Li Xian a quality and attitude that the Ming Dynasty should have?"

Jane Ning first said: "Also, it is not necessarily the case. The so-called clerics of Li Xian are more hypocritical."

"Jian Ning, you really can talk." Sauron smiled, then he looked at the Niya mentor.

Niya hangs her eyes and still enjoys the food. Anyway, everything in front of her has nothing to do with her.

Sauron asked her to eat, to help her out, she was very happy at the moment, not concerned about the things in Soren's mouth, even if the Jane family will be reused in the future, she does not care.

After all, she was a kind woman. After seeing the ugly state of her ex-husband, she was all mad.

Soren Road: "For thousands of years, there has been a word circulating, as a lord of the monarch, far from a small man! Niya tutor, how do you think about distinguishing between a villain and a sage?"

Niya took her chin and said: "The villain is probably relying on the sneak peek to be an official. The sage, probably by the ability to be an official."

Sauron smiled and said: "There is a person named Wei Xiaobao who said that everyone who is going to flatter is a villain. Any sage who has the ability will not be flattered. The Southwest Army coach Jane Zee will never flatter, it will not Be a man! Jane will persuade him to surrender me, how do you guess Jane?"

Jane suddenly crouched on the ground and did not move.

Soren Road: "Jane Ze said, let me take care of him and ask him personally."

As soon as this was said, Jane Neng continued to beheaded and trembled: "The Lord will forgive sins, and the Lord will forgive sins!"

Soren Road: "Jane Ze has always been self-satisfied to do things only, not to be a human being, not to act, he hates acting. Now it seems that he is not disgusted with acting, but he hates acting, but he likes others to show him!"

The so-called San Gu Mao, the corporal of Li Xian, is not a big act?

Sauron’s words have been said to be extremely mean. Jane has been stunned on the ground.

Sauron said: "I am this person? I don't like acting. I don't want to play and enjoy others in the most difficult time. Now when I am proud, of course, I don't want to. But I am a little better. That is, I will not force others to act for me. If you are willing to play, I will also like to watch it. If you want to play, I will not blame it!"

"Peichen is willing, the vassal is willing!" Jane is constantly beheading.

Soren said: "If a person is noble and has no stains, then even if he asks me what is wrong, I am not qualified to kill him. But some people are not clean, but they have to lick their noses. Then I must kill. Your uncle and Jane are both capable, but they are only acceptable. Morality? The choice between the middle and the lower. Only I have no empty hands. After the expansion of the Kingdom’s south, the Wrath Kingdom is almost peaceful. For decades, the genius can't take the stars out. When there is no hero, the name is famous, your uncle and Jane will have some short names, but... can't think of yourself as a thousand horses, are you right? ?"

At this time, Jane was really scared and shivered, and her uncle and Jane hated the extreme.

Asshole clown, we pin your hopes of family prosperity and wealth on you. As a result, you are so good that you have put up a shelf.

How did the Nabo civil servant in the southeastern province die? How can you say that you have been beaten by your face and finally loyal to Sauron?

It’s nothing to be a civil servant, and it’s okay after you squat.

You are a military officer, you want to bring troops, you have to master the tools of violence. Once you are not using it, there is only one consequence, and that is death!

Asshole, stupid bastard!

The head of the Dragon Guards, the actual first general of the Wrath Kingdom, is lost!

The Jane family’s chance of being at the top of the elite is just passing by. Jane, you damn, you should be smashed!

The father simply did not hesitate to give his little sister a slap. He Jane, because of a slap in the face, can only slyly promise to send his wife Niya, who knows what kind of heartache he was at the time.

But for the power of the family, he can pay for whatever sacrifice.

You are so handsome, ask Soren to meet you and ask for you? Who is your mother, you are a fierce dog raised by the royal family. Only the leash was changed from the king to the shackles, and now it has become Sauron.

At this time, it is really no words that can describe the sadness and anger in Jane’s heart.

"Pro-Xin Chen, far from a small person!" Sauron read again: "Jian Ning, are you a villain?"

Jane immediately sighed: "Yes, the bachelor is a villain. But to strive to be a good man, to be able to solve problems for the Lord, and to build a small man."

The pro-Xin Chen Yuan Xiaoren’s sentence comes from Zhu Geliang’s “Before the Teacher’s Watch”.

This sentence is also true, not right!

From Zhuge Liang's point of view, nature is right. From the hearts of the literati, nature is also right, because they have a sense of substitution for the sage.

But for the Lord, this sentence may not be so right. How many sages and gentlemen in the world?

Sometimes, the villain uses it much better than the sage!

“Jian Ning, what do I give you a chance?” Soren said: “You go to the Southwest Army and still be your 10,000 rider, but what will happen in the future, see your performance!”

As soon as this was said, Jane was ecstatic and desperately screaming at Sauron.

It is difficult for any words to express his ecstasy at this time. Although he is still a long-awaited man, how wise he is, he immediately heard the meaning of Sauron.

Well done, ten years later you are the coach of the Southwest Army.

"The slaves are simple, willing to live for generations, loyal to the Lord, if there is a violation, the heavens will be destroyed."

At that time, Jane was also swearing.

After the result was defeated, he immediately turned to Sauron and vowed to Soren.

However, Sauron is not accountable, and there is no fish in the water until the Qing Dynasty.

Life is like a play, it depends on acting. People are not your wife, not your family. Why do you care for you?

Besides, if you are unbeaten, how can Jianning betray?

"Go, go to see you, Uncle Jane," Soren.

Jane Ning, and then said: "Yes!"

At the moment, Sauron, Zhai, Zhuang Zhixuan, Jian Ning, and Fu Lijun, etc., rode the lions and beasts to the Sirius Pass!

At this time, under the spread of the hearted people, the Southwest Army and the so-called Southeastern Rebels already knew the news of the defeat, and the entire military camp was already heart-warming!


After an hour, Sauron and others landed in Jianze camp!

Jane is proud of this man, and his Chinese military camp is also a drow, built on a mountain. Every time you step out of the camp, you can look down on the hundreds of thousands of troops under the mountain.

When he heard the voice of the Griffin, the Marquis of Juyong immediately flew out. When he saw Sauron and Hey, he couldn’t help but squat, and immediately fell to the ground, his forehead sticking to the ground, and even his son Jane did not say anything. !

Why did Sauron come to Janeze Camp?

He wants to give Jane a last chance, as he said, he is really lacking on hand. Jane’s ability is exactly the same in Soren’s eyes, but the short one is jumping in the general. It’s been a long time in peace, where to find so many famous players.

It’s true that there is such a stalwart as Aschma’s full-fledged period, and Sauron’s three-pronged sorrows are not hesitating.

To have the perfect name of the old Sauron, Sauron is willing to pretend to be a grandson.

After learning about the story of Sauron, Sauron really only wants to say a word, fool! But when he became the master, the perfect commander of Sauron is really thinking!

Earl of Sauron, martial arts is no less than Turingot, and military power is even more. But he does not seize power, not greed. Brave and upright, strong and loyal.

But every time the war ended, he immediately returned to Tianshui City without taking a pawn.

In the past few decades, apart from the Rouran War, there have been no other large-scale wars, but the friction with neighboring countries has been constant, and the barbarian has also plundered and burned several times in the kingdom.

Every time you let Turingot send troops, you must give certain benefits, either to give him the family's son, or to seal the food, or to increase his military power.

And every time I let Sauron send troops, I never promised anything. He can properly complete the mission of the king, and actively save the country's resources, in exchange for the greatest victory with the least cost. After returning from the triumph, he immediately handed in the right to return to Tianshui City.

The king wanted to promote the title of Sauron, and every time he was pushed by the kingdom system. So he made a great contribution and was still a count before his death. Turingot, already the Duke, still wants to promote the king.

Before his death, Sauron still had more than 10,000 Shuicheng Guards on his hands. Turingot has already controlled the army of five or six hundred thousand.

Count Soron is a veteran prince who is almost pedantic.

Nowadays, there is a person who is a little similar to him.

of course. Whether it is martial arts, military talent, or even morality, it is far less than Sauron. But compared to others, it is very valuable to be profitable.

The reason why Sauron brought the arbitrariness was to copy the trajectory of the Earl of Saulon and let him take charge of the Southwest Army.

Of course, he is still willing to give Earl Jane a chance.

Now, as long as Jane takes the initiative to come down to loyalty, then the line of Sauron and Hee is treated as a corporal of Li Xian and personally.

And if Jane is stupid, continue to take the shelf, then...


After landing on the lion's beast, Sauron stood outside the camp of the Chinese army and remained silent.

The Marquis of Juyong immediately shouted: "Jane, Princess Sister and Lord Sauron are here, this is a great grace, come and worship!"

In the camp of the Chinese army, Jian Ze breathed quickly, and suddenly his face was swollen and his heart leaped.

He bet on it, not only Sauron came in person, but even the future queen came. As a result, his reputation with Jane will spread throughout the Wrath Kingdom.

The coaches of other battlefields, whether it is Turingot or Chuye, must have taken the initiative to bow to Sauron and sell them.

I am only Jianze, because the record is dazzling, let the two masters come and meet.

As a result, it is difficult for anyone to stop the light of Jane, and he is destined to become the first person in the military.

Next, he faced a choice, he just received it and immediately went out to worship.

Still stick to the end, use Sauron and Sui as your own stepping stones, let your reputation go straight through the sky!

Soon, Jane decided to gamble again!

Since Sauron not only came by himself, but also brought Princess Sissi, it is obvious how strong he is to show his thirst. Then stick to it yourself and you will be able to get more initiative.

Suddenly, Jane sat in the account and did not move. He only held a book with his hands and watched it. This gesture is somewhat similar to Guan Yun’s long reading of Chunqiu, and he turned a deaf ear to the shouting of his brother.

Jane’s heart trembled and said: “Jane, the two masters are coming, can’t you come out and see?”

At this time, the simple voice is full of fear and anxiety.

Jane Ze said this faintly: "My Lord is the King's change, it is a small prince, how have you had Sauron and Sissi? Why don't I know?"

Then, his voice slammed: "Lord Sauron, you and I are loyal to the two masters, and it is not convenient to meet, so please leave!"

Sauron said outside: "The count of Jane Zee's loyalty to His Highness has really moved me."

Jane said: "I will leave my clothes under the priest, and I will undress me, push me to eat, and Jane is not talented, but I will never forget it!"

This is very obvious. It is so good for me. If you want me to surrender to you, at least give better conditions.

Jane’s gaze looks at his father’s Jane, and the meaning is very clear. Have you not told him anything about the incomprehensible and the southeastern civil servant?

In the heart of Jane’s heart, the deeds of the southeastern civil servant’s death, the things that have not been said, he has said many times.

But Jane feels that he is totally different from them. He is a handsome talent that has never met in a hundred years. And Sauron eventually re-used the words?

Besides, let him be so surrendered, and the 100,000-strong army with his head dedicated to Sauron is really unwilling.

Soren said: "Since you are so loyal to the separation, then I will fulfill your reputation. Since ancient times, the heroes are not the two masters! Come and send the Count of Jane Zee!"

Suddenly Princess Sister and Zhuang Zhiyu entered the camp!

Jane was so upset that Sauron’s last words, like the Thunder, even made him react at once.

When I saw him and Zhuang Zhizhi entered him, he had to stand up, but the whole body was directly imprisoned and could not move at all.

Both Yan and Zhuang Zhi are the body of ice jade, and naturally they will not touch Jianze.

The wise Jane immediately rushed in and took Jane out and pressed him directly to the edge of the cliff.

Jian Ze soul flies.

I have never seen such a master who does not follow the common sense. Since you have already come, and you have brought the Princess Sissi, why not play the sergeant’s play code?

Suddenly, Jane’s eyes were extremely painful.

Princess Sissi opened his neck and held a ban.

"Why is this, why?" Jane was painful and angry: "Why can I not fulfill my decent?"

Soren said: "You don't play to please others? Why do you want me to act to please you?"

Jane Ze said: "You are the Lord, you are the Lord!"

The Lord should be interested in buying a movie? What makes it true!

Sauron raised his hand and Jane pulled out the big sword and was about to fall.

Jane’s heart is making a choice between life and death. If this time is begging for mercy, will this time surrender? Although the face is lost, it may be able to survive, maybe it can be reused?

It was not until the last moment that the surrender was compromised and it was still reused by Sauron.

But... so shameless, he can't do it.

Suddenly, he closed his eyes in pain.

Jane is holding a big sword and is going to kneel down!

"Slow!" Sauron said.

Suddenly, Jane’s heart was loose and felt the ecstasy of escape.

Soren Road: "Janeze has reached the last minute, and still has not surrendered for mercy. This is so proud, even if it is pretending, I have to fulfill his decent!"

Then he stepped forward, pulled out his own sword, and pointed at Jane's neck and slammed it!

Blood smashed.

Jane’s head rolled down from the cliff, his eyes still screaming, and he died.

In the heart of Jane’s heart, the Kingdom of the Wrath once again ushered in a moody Lord. It’s just that this master is more fierce and more powerful than the metamorphosis.

The queen is the king, the regent prince is also the king.

In the next few decades, it will be a time when the monarch is weak.


Two days later!

Shaojun suddenly appeared in the southern border town, and the Dalai Lama recruited the wandering warriors here, one would never admit defeat, and the battle with Sauron in the end.

At the same time, his confession Li Chenglian led hundreds of masters, and employed hundreds of warriors and hundreds of warlocks in the cedar, secretly sneaked into the city.

Their purpose is only one, that is to assassinate the king!

This is a road of nine deaths, but there is no choice but to leave.

And after he publicly appeared in the southern border town, he immediately sneaked into the king city by riding a lion beast.

He sneaked back to the capital, one for direct command of the assassination of the king. Second, in order to personally take the son of Sauron in the hands, when the adult quality.

Turingo said that sending Sauron a half-finger and the like would be very powerful, so that Sauron would not dare to act rashly.

Moreover, Voluntein personally handed the book to him, let him go to the temple of the capital, there are important things to discuss!


Note: The second and fifth thousand words are sent, and I ask for support.

(End of this chapter)

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