World Destroying Demonic Emperor

Chapter 426: Four two eight: the death of Turingot! Split and leave!

Chapter 426 4:28 The death of Turingot! Split and leave!

The 80,000-strong army in Baiyun County has not really started to fight, and it has completely collapsed and surrendered in the sound of gunfire, which cut off the last hope of the Duke of Turing.

In the wind and thunder, the waist is hard and the knees are harder. Turingot is respectful and respectful in front of Sauron.

"Please ask Lord Sauron to give the Turing family a way to live." The Duke of Turingot beheaded.

Soren Road: "What kind of life?"

Turingot Road: "Chen Mo is my illegitimate child. I am willing to let him recognize his ancestors and inherit the cause of the Turing family."

Sauron recruited and waved: "Chen Mo, are you willing?"

There was no embarrassment to burn the Mo, and he shook his head directly: "I don't want to, I am burning with my mother's surname, and maybe I can rise up to a Burning family."

Soren said: "Then you must be married first and foremost, don't stare at my wife."

Burning a stranger: "I haven't stared, but it's really hard to find a woman."

Sauron turned to Turing, "You heard it, he didn't want to."

Looking at the burning of the stranger, I saw only the other side's face calm, completely without sadness.

Turingo pains him and bows his head, saying: "I am willing to loyal to Lord Sauron in exchange for your forgiveness."

Sauron shook his head and said, "No!"

Turingo said again: "I am willing to quit all positions, and I will support my life at home, let me inherit the title of the spirit and enter the Dragon Guards!"

Sauron shook his head and said, "No."

Turingo said: "Why? I am sorry for you, but I am sorry for you, but you can accommodate him, why can't you tolerate me?"

Sauron said: "You regard the kingdom army as a private device, with the bad atmosphere of the military, and the road leading the kingdom to the warlord. I don't know how long it will take to correct it. This is your sin. The reason is negative and insidious, but he is not as greedy as you are!"

Turing: "What do you want me to do? Can you let the Turing family pass?"

"You are going to die!" Sauron said.

When he said these three words, his tone was very dull, but he heard the body of Turingot tremble.

Soren Road: "You are the biggest mountain in the army. If you live, many future generals will not be happy, they will involuntarily gather with you. I can't completely kill the killing. If you die, this mountain will be gone." I don't have to kill too many people in the future."

Turingot’s face twitched and said: “Lord Sauron, you, do you really want to kill like this?”

Soren said: "It’s just that you are dead, you are already very tolerant."

Turing Road: "If I don't die?"

Soren said: "Then I can't make a big prison, killing the Turing family! In short, the nationalization of the army must be completed, and no one can stop it. The army of the kingdom must not fall into any private hands. ”

Turingta sneered and said: "What about you? You can have more than 200,000 troops in your hands now? But all of you are the private army of Sauron!"

Sauron said indifferently: "After I completely integrated the Wrath Kingdom, Tianshui City will only leave 30,000 princes. And as a regent prince, I will only leave a Guardian Army. The army is all handed over to the kingdom, and I said it will be done."

Turingot: "What about my Turing family?"

Soren said: "You have committed a great crime, so the Duke is reduced to the Earl, and no longer hereditary. If you want to reinvigorate the Turing family, then come and make a career, and start again, I am willing to give the opportunity."

Turinga’s heart was almost suffocating.

The conditions of Sauron are really harsh to the extreme. This is equivalent to saying that the future of the Turing family has been cut off. It’s just a complete life, and there’s a little unsettled title, leaving nothing left.

The Turing family suddenly came from the top of the kingdom and was the last aristocrat.

There are many aristocratic kings like this. Some people owe gambling debts and are beaten by people every day. They are completely broken.

But what can I do if I disagree?

Killing and killing, fighting with Sauron?

His Turingot martial arts is very powerful, but it can be more powerful than the Princess Sissi, not to mention that there is still a village behind Sauron.

There are no chips in his hands, and the only remaining 80,000 troops have completely collapsed and surrendered to Soren.

Soren said: "I don't force you, everything is up to you. But I will prepare two wills. One is the Turing family's sinful accomplice and the annihilation of the nine races. One is the Turing family being deceived and making a big mistake. Deprived of all the duties of Turingot, the Duke was reduced to the Earl, and the family title was no longer hereditary. Before dawn, I would send someone to declare, how to do it yourself!"

Then, Sauron let Tiringo leave.

Turingot seems to be ten years old. The whole person walked out like a dead body and ran into the Chu industry.

On the contrary, Chu industry seems to be ten years younger. The whole person is completely radiant, full of excitement and excitement, and walking seems to be floating.

However, after seeing Turingot, Chuye did not say anything ironic, but instead gave up to the side and let go.

Turingot was a bit sarcasm, but found that he could not say anything. I have the heart to say that the Chu industry will be trapped by the birds, but if you think about it, you can't say it.

In this way, with a sigh, Turingot rides on the horse and returns to Baiyun County!


Chuye entered the wind and thunder castle and immediately kneeled down on his knees: "The end will meet the Princess of the Royal Princess and meet with Lord Sauron!"

Sauron smiled and said: "Congratulations on your Chu industry and defeated Turingot."

Chuye was extremely shy and said: "It is the God of Sauron's Tianwei, defeating the 80,000 army of Turingot. The minister has not made a point of effort, it is really awkward!"

"No." Soren said: "Although the real killing has not yet begun, Turingot's 80,000-strong army has surrendered. But the highest commander of the Battle of Baiyun City is you, so this battle is what you win."

Chuye swears to the ground: "Xiao Chen!"

Soren Road: "The Dragon Guards are the first main force of the kingdom, a total of 400,000 troops, and now there are only more than 100,000. Then the reconstruction of the Dragon Guards will be handed over to you, and you will be the new head of the Dragon Guard."

When this was said, Chuye could not believe his ears.

Defeat Turingot, it seems that it really has nothing to do with him, Sauron’s artillery bombs, gunpowder bombing, the 80,000 defenders in Baiyun County have surrendered.

Even if Chuye’s face is thicker, he would not dare to take this credit for himself. Oh, no!

He has such a thick face, but this is the credit of Sauron. He ate the bear heart and the leopard did not dare to compete with Sauron.

Now Sauron has let him be the head of the Dragon Guard, which makes him unable to say a word.

Sauron continued: "Next, the Dragon Guards Corps will be re-expanded to 400,000. This work will be handed over to you. After you complete the reconstruction of the Dragon Guards, you will enter the commanding department as the first Marshal."

For a long time, the heart of Chuye must jump out.

Sauron promised him, as long as he defeated Turingot, let him replace it. He always thought that Sauron was in the pit, and he must have both defeated him and Turingot, and then Soren was good at fishing.

I did not expect that Sauron really wants to honor the promise. Moreover, Turingot is not defeated by him at all.

"However, the ugly words are in the front." Soren said: "The first marshal of the commanding department, may not be the head of the Dragon Guard, do you understand?"

"The old minister understands that if the army is to be kingdomized, it will no longer be a private army of any one." Chu Yedao.

"Going to teach you?" Sauron laughed.

Chu industry is embarrassed to nod. He is not the same as Turingot. He wants to be rich and wealthy without much ambition. Before he seized the army, it was because the kingdom of the wrath was not normal, and the army in his hand was the foundation of prosperity. Now that Sauron wants to bring order out of chaos, he certainly won't be stupid enough to be a stumbling block to Sauron.

Moreover, Sauron has placed the richness of the sky in front of him. What else is he hesitating?

Soren Road: "Yan Yan is the head of the Silver Wolf Army. I intend to let him take over and serve as the head of the Northern Army. Do you have any opinions?"

"Too good." Chuye said: "Although the old minister and Yan Yan adults have only seen one side, but today they are immediately impressed by his style on the battlefield. Ten years ago, I heard the reputation of the wolf king Yan Yan in my ears. Let him go to the Northern Legion, it must be a hundred times better than me!"

Sauron smiled and said: "You are really open."

Earl of Chuye said: "I didn't know how to understand the Lord. Now I understand your good intentions. If you don't open your mind, you will be hopeless."

Sauron said: "The title of Chuye is still low, and I will mention it later!"

Princess Sissi said: "When the husband said it, he would mention it."

Chu industry is even more excited. I really didn't think that this war has become one of the biggest winners.

Suddenly, he couldn't help but feel the idiot of Jane. If it wasn't his stupidity, why did Chu industry get so many benefits?


The Duke of Turingot returned to the Baiyun County Chengshou Palace.

Then he found that the entire city government seems to be a little less, and many familiar faces are gone.

"What about those family warriors?" Turingot asked.

Turing Dust: "Running, seeing the big tree of my Turing family going down, running away most of it."

The Duke of Turingot closed his eyes in pain, and it was really a tree!

The Turing family is still too shallow, too much for the nouveau riche. These family warriors are half-way loyal to the Turing family. When it was at a critical juncture, it all ran away.

Look at Yanyang City, and then look at Tianshui City Soxhlet, even if the last moment, these family warriors will not leave. Because they have been loyal to the Lord for generations.

Then, Turingot found that the dust of the Turing dust was not right, as if it had a difficult excitement.

"Father, go in and say." Turing dust.

Then, the two entered the secret study of the city government.

"Father, what did Sauron say?" Turing asked.

The Duke of Turingot said: "He let me do it, the Turing family cuts all power, and it is reduced to the count, no longer hereditary."

"Deceive too much!" Turing dust storm angered: "Sorren is so deceiving too much, he actually wants to make my Turing family from the top dignitaries, suddenly become a broken family!"

"Man-made knife, I am a fish!" The Duke of Turinga sighed: "How can you and me?"

Turing Dust: "The rabbit is anxious and biting, let alone us? It may not be possible to Sauron before, but now it is different. This is the secret letter of Wangcheng!"

Turing was mysterious and excited, and handed a secret letter to Turingot.

The Duke of Turingot took a look and suddenly changed!

This secret letter was written in the name of the Prime Minister’s words, but it was also a handwriting.

In the secret letter, it is said that the king has already died, but the secret is not lost. Last night, Sauron created an illusion of assassination of the king, and planted the crime on the head of the temple. Unscrupulous and Wangcheng’s civil and military officials were extremely angry and exposed the ugly face of Sauron. He also said that the country can not be without a day, and the words are unscrupulous to lead the cultural relics, and courtesy to return to the royal city from the temple, and to be king!

At the end of the secret letter, the Prime Minister said with enthusiasm, he invited the Duke of Turingot to return to Wangcheng as soon as possible, and persuaded him to be the king. In the future, Turingot and the words of Wuyi, a martial art, assisted the new king, became the scorpion of the wrath of the kingdom of the wrath!

Then, Turing dust took out another letter of the flying dragonfly, written by Turing.

The content of this letter is much simpler, saying that Sauron’s son is leaving his hands, and that Sauron is not willing to act rashly, no matter what he does. The king is already dead, and the next step is to be crowned as king. Turingot invites his father, the Duke of Turing, to return to the king city as soon as possible, and the prosperity and wealth of the Turing family will last forever!

From this secret letter, the Duke of Turingot saw at a glance that under the end of the road, he was so mad that he would assassinate the king and force him to become king!

Turing sneered and laughed: "We lifted Sauron and were willing to negotiate with him. The result was shameless. He turned down our good intentions. Now, let's support the squatting of the Highness and continue to fight against Sauron. In the end, I have to see who the deer died, and then he will regret it!"

The Duke of Turingot said: "Would you like to return to the kingdom? Go to the sacred ceremony?"

"Of course!" Turing dusty: "Soren is too short-sighted, forcing us to have no way to go!"

The Duke of Turingot said: "The desire to make people perish, must first make people crazy! Deviation and Turing, has become a complete madman, you have to go with a pair of madmen? You want to make the whole The Turing family died without a place to die!"

"Father..." Turing dusty voice: "But on the side of Sauron, we have no way out, why not gamble? Beat a fight?"

Turingo said: "At least, you are still alive, and there is even a knight. As long as people are alive, there will always be hope! Turing dust, I hope you remember, thoroughly and detached from the two crazy strokes of Turing. Clear the boundaries and make a complete split, otherwise I will die!"

As soon as this was said, Turing’s body trembled!

In the evening, the Duke of Turinga was poisoned!

A generation of heroes, this is fallen!

At the same time, the Prime Minister said that he would go to the southern border town by the gryphon and ask for a return to the king city and become king!


Note: The second and fourth thousand words are sent, please ask for the monthly ticket, and ask for support, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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