World Destroying Demonic Emperor

Chapter 429: Four three one: the blood of the devil! Set it to death!

Chapter 429 Four Three One Demon Blood! Set it to death!

The king of this world is enthroned, and it has a taste of Chinese and Western.

The first step is in the palace of the palace.

First of all, the Wenwu group of ministers and nobles finally played on the memorial to the new king to the throne! The new king once again refused, the reasons can be many, such as the end of the first Wang Xiao period, or more suitable candidates and so on.

Therefore, the group of ministers can not afford to worship, exhausted means to force the new king to the top.

As a last resort, the new king can only conform to the will of God, public opinion, and become king!

The second step is at the Dragon Tower.

After the new king promised to ascend the throne, he would lead the queen and the ministers, and the nobles went to the Dragon Tower to worship the heaven and earth.

Because the sacrifice of heaven is the power that the monarch has. Once he worships the heavens, he tells the gods and the dragon. This country has changed its master. I hope that you can continue to shelter and let the country weather and the country and the people.

The third step is in the Dragon Palace of the Royal Palace.

Wenwu Qunchen, presented a congratulatory table, wishing the new king to the throne!

These three steps, although incorporated into the Temple of the Dragon, are somewhat similar to the ancient Chinese emperor's ascended temple, which is quite Chinese.

But the fourth step is very Western, and that is the coronation.

The king can't wear the crown himself, but the coronation of the Temple of the Dragon. As for who will crown the king, if it is the hegemonic empire of the empire, it is naturally crowned by the priest of the sky.

Although the East is far from the kingdom and the Temple of the Dragon is very indifferent, but every time the East leaves the new king, the Temple of the Dragon will send a sky priest to take the initiative. It is not a coronation, but a ceremony.

Of course, the Wrath Kingdom is not treated like this.

The previous generation was transformed into a king, and the Temple of the Dragon was only sent by a holy priest to crown.

After the Temple of the Dragon to crown the king, the king will give the queen a smaller crown.

After the coronation ceremony, it entered the fifth step.

This fifth step has become very Chinese. The new king will write the first script, then cover the jade, and then slowly land from the air.

The power to represent the king comes from the heavenly dragon.

The issuance of the first imperial decree officially represented the new king’s full power in the country.

After five steps, the entire ceremony is over!


He took the party and entered the palace.

Sure enough, the Guards did not dare to stalk and opened the palace gate directly.

The Shaofu pro-independence immediately entered the forum and took over the defense.

In the House of the Politics, once again, the play code of the group officials was staged. Everyone offered a memorial, and asked to leave the throne as king.

Deviation once again refused, the reason is that because of the death of the first king, he was heartbroken, and he had to wait until the end of the Wang Xiao period before he became king.

As a result, the ministers and nobles cried again hysterically, licking their heads. It is also to die against the golden pillar, and it is to death with a belt.

Therefore, it is a last resort, and the deviance can only conform to the will of the people, God, and become king!

Then, there are eunuchs and palace ladies leading the 卮 and Fang Qing 濯 to change clothes.

Before, I was still wearing the Shaojun crown, and Fang Qingyi was the dress of the Prince.

This time, it is necessary to officially put on the robe of the king and the queen, but there is no crown.


After putting on the king's robes, I felt the body tremble slightly, as if the body was surrounded by a powerful force. It really seemed to be a true dragon, and the dragon was possessed.

Wearing a robes, he took the party green and led the group of nobles, and walked to the Dragon Tower to worship the heavens.

The Sacrifice Ceremony should be the most solemn moment of today.

I am only standing alone on the high altar of the gods, and I am observing the sacrifice of the heavens.

A few thousand words of astronomical astronomy, swaying into the dragon force, swaying and smashing, powerful, spread throughout the Sacrifice Square.

I have to say that watching the appearance, listening to the sound, and deviating from the true spirit of a generation of heroes.

A full-scale festival of sacrifices, in fact, is very worried about the unexpected situation in the centrifugation, and then is considered as unknown.

For example, suddenly a thunder in the sky, and suddenly heavy rain poured, after all, today is not necessarily what auspicious days, not specifically selected.

But God seems to be especially careless, and there is no cloud in the sky, let alone the sudden rain, not to mention the Thunder, even a cloud of darkness, even a gust of wind has not blown.

I didn’t believe in these things, but God was so careless that he was so confident that he was really the head of destiny.

When he came to worship the heavens, he still had some uneasiness in his heart, but after leaving the offering of Tianlongtai, he was already confident.

Every step toward the palace, he feels that his power is constantly increasing.

When I walked to the palace again, it was already afternoon. After I entered the Longlin Temple, I felt that my dragon was attached, and I was incompetent and powerful!


Next, the third step of the throne ceremony was carried out.

There are so many officials and princes that it is impossible for every official to read the congratulatory list.

Therefore, only the aristocrats and officials with heads and faces have this qualification. The Duke of Turingo is not there. The first one to attend the table is, of course, the unscrupulous prime minister.

The second reading of the watch, turned out to be the Marquis of Fuer in the city of Fire!

At that time, Fuer chose to escape from the battlefield with Turingot, but after entering Baiyun County, he saw that Turingot had a mind with Sauron, and he decisively and Turingot parted ways and fled back to Wangcheng.

Turingot made a clear distinction at the crucial moment, and did not think that the Marquis de Vue arrived at this time, still in harmony with it?

It’s hard to understand. Is he so faint? Not like it. What is his prejudice against Sauron?

Deviated from the throne, the world’s princes only came halfway, and it was a small half.

Twenty princes and princes only had seven appearances, and the rest was sent to send a congratulatory watch.

But the presence of the Marquis de Vue made up for this shortcoming, for the simple reason that he was the grandfather of Sauron.

In the table of the Marquis of Fuer, he finally mentioned that he hoped that the new king would make great efforts to fight against the thief and recover his homeland.

The counter thief here is Sauron. The so-called homeland is the southeastern province.

A total of nine ministers, nobles, and representatives of the princes read the congratulatory list.

The third step of the throne hall is over.

Next, the most important fourth step, the crowning of the king!


The previous generation was the incumbent priest who was crowned by the transformation of the temple.

So, who will be crowned today?

In the hearts of many people, it should be a great priest of the temple of the capital, the great priest who has been tied to the fate.

It is impossible for a holy priest to appear.

Because, the dislocated king is really too nameless.

After this person appeared, everyone could not help but see.

This is a fat old man, wearing a golden robes, must be white, face full of infinite majesty.

Holy priest Enlin!

He turned out to be the holy priest of the anger kingdom, Enlin!

This is interesting!

To say qualifications, he is a holy priest of the previous generation, even older than Gregory.

But to say the position, he has come down from the holy priest of the Wrath Kingdom, and has not been promoted to the temple of Yanjing, and even less promoted to the Temple of the Sky, so at this time Enlin is only a retired holy priest.

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Even if he has already retired, there is still the name of the sacrificial priest.

Otherwise, it would be too shameful for a big priest to crown himself.

At this time, the retired holy priest Enlin came forward, followed by two great priests and two big judges. Eight priests, eight judges, ninety-nine Templars.

This lineup is indeed a luxury!

After the camp of the Dragon Temple, the audience was silent!

Inside the Dragon Hall, the literary and military officials and the princes of the nobles have retreated to both sides and crouched on the ground!

Even the retired holy priest is a holy priest!

Next, ninety-nine Templars were placed in a solemn queue in the middle of the main hall.

Eight judges, eight priests, stood under the steps, and Volunteer was not inside.

Two big judges, two high priests stood on the steps, holding the crown and the crown.

In fact, this crown should be taken from the head. However, it is obvious that Gao Yin is unlikely to surrender the crown, so he created a one, more gorgeous and noble.

Anyway, as long as the crown of the Dragon Temple is crowned, any crown is true.

The other two big judges hold the Dragon King and the Dragon Seal.

The whole kingship consists of several large pieces, the crown, the dragon king stick, the dragon gold seal, the jade!

Among them, the crown and the jade are secular.

The Dragon King and the Dragon Gold Seal are given by the Dragon Temple.

Now that Yuxi is in the hands of Sauron, if there is no accident today, let Yu Xi’s success as a king, and for Yu Yu, it must be a fight.

Of the four things that make up the king's power, two of them are given by the Temple of the Dragon. It is no wonder that he dared to kill the king and forcibly ascended the throne, because he had the support of the Temple of the Dragon in any case.

He leaned back on the hidden continent, one of the four forces under the Dragon Temple.

Even if he succumbed to the assassination of the king, he committed a great crime, as long as he can get through, as long as he can let the kings and ministers unify the caliber, the Temple of the Dragon has a way to support him.

Even if you can't give direct positive support, you can get back to the means and let a retired holy priest come to the coronation.

In the event of anything, it is said that this is a private act of retired veteran cadres, and has nothing to do with my Dragon Temple.


Retirement sacrificial teacher En Lin, came to the highest point of the Dragon Temple, under the throne!

"Let's see the sage of the Holy Ghost." He left his knees.

"Fang Qingyi sees the sage of the sacrificial priest."

The holy priest, Enlin, put his hand on the top of his head: "The new king is leaving, are you willing to believe in the dragon for life?"

"I am willing."

The holy priest Enlin said: "The new king is leaving, are you willing to serve the dragon for life?"

"I am willing." He left the road.

The sage teacher Enlin said: "Do you swear for life without violating any will and majesty of the dragon?"

"I swear." He left.

Three questions are over!

The holy priest Enlin came to Fang Qingyu and placed the thin hand on top of her head. There were also three problems.

"The king's rear is green, are you willing to believe in the dragon for life?"

Fang Qingying: "I am willing."

"The king's rear is green, are you willing to serve the dragon for life?"

Fang Qingying: "I am willing."

"The king's rear is green, do you swear for life without violating any will and majesty of the dragon?"

Fang Qingying: "I swear!"

At this point, the problem ends.

Retired sacrificial priest Enlin, picked up the crown and lifted it up!

"I represent the dragon, the supreme crown of the supreme, giving you a sincere and noble departure!"

Then, the crown is moving toward the top of the head, slowly let go!

I am so excited that I can’t be myself!

He succeeded, and this road of life and death, he actually succeeded.

I really didn't think that Sauron was so stupid, for a family son, he even retired.

Even the ridiculously enshrined Dadian did not dare to stop it. This stupidity is really unseen and unheard of.

I have already thought about it. Any major event in the future will come up with the blood of Sauron’s own flesh.

If you once again attack Tianshui City, bring Soren’s son directly to the front of the army.

Isn't your Sauron's artillery powerful? Call me, beat your son to the ground.

Non-toxic, no husband!

History books are written by victors. After a hundred years, who knows his disgrace and shamelessness?

"The winner is the king, the loser is the sorrow, Sauron, I won!" 一 Centrifugal words.

Crown crowning is a very sacred process that requires a sufficient sense of ritual, so it looks like a slow motion of a movie.

At this time, the heart of the new king is extremely anxious, and I can't wait to grab the crown and put it on my head immediately, lest I will make any mistakes at this last moment.

of course……

After the kings of the dynasties entered the coronation ceremony, there was no accident.

Only care is chaos.

"The winner is the king, the loser is the beggar, Sauron, I won." He said it again in the centrifuge.


The crown has already touched the hair!

After the crown was put on, it was completely lifted.

at this time……

Suddenly, the Queen of the Queen, who was next to him, took a deep breath and resolutely said: "I report the deviance, the blood of the devil, the power of the anti-Dragon, the belief in the anti-Dragon!"

This sound is out!

The whole scene was amazed!

It seems as if you are feeling that a thunder nine days away hits the top of his head.

He lost consciousness in an instant and lost any movement.

The civil and military officials of the audience, the princes and nobles were all completely shocked.

Even the holy priest, Enlin, is completely dead.

After that, Fang Qingyi violently pulled out the golden plaque on his head and slammed his face away.

The detachment of the ignorance could not be reacted at once, and the wife was allowed to cut her face.

Suddenly bloody, a wound appeared on his face.

At this time, the audience was exclaimed!

A few tens of meters away, the great **** Li Chenglian rushed up and said: "There are assassins!"

Then, his Buddha's dust slammed into the head of the green scorpion, and she had to completely smash her bones.

But then...

The wound on the face quickly disappeared and disappeared completely.

The blood of the devil is like a mountain!


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(End of this chapter)

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