World Destroying Demonic Emperor

Chapter 431: Four three three: tormenting Turing! Confessed!

Chapter 431, 3-4, tormenting Turing! Confessed!

Turingdo was so bad because she was so bad that she couldn’t appear in the sacred ceremony, which made her very angry.

Therefore, at this time she vented this anger on Suining mother and child.

She held the baby's small mouth in one hand and looked at the baby's small deciduous teeth with crazy eyes. She smiled and said: "The baby's deciduous teeth are really cute. All of them are kneeling down into a necklace. It must be very beautiful. Give it to your father. Is it good to wear your neck?"

The baby has been scared to cry, and Suining tightly covers the baby's eyes and prevents him from seeing this scene.

"Tooth extraction, not hurt, anyway, will be long after seven or eight years old." Turing Dog slightly smiled.

At this time, Suining really despaired.

She knows that this Turing is a madman, without any reason, can no longer stimulate her with any words, otherwise it will definitely make more intense things.

Before that, there was still a matter of squatting from the throne, and let Turingdo maintain a certain rationality.

Now that the deviance should have been enthroned, and Turing can not enjoy the glory, which will make her more angry and mad.

At this time, Suining County suddenly saw a flash in the secret room, and three figures appeared!

Hey, Sauron, Ji Xianning!

The Suining County Lord can't believe his eyes at all. Is this a dream? Because of the despair in my heart, do you dream of the emergence of Sauron?

Seeing Suining’s stunned expression, and looking at the eyes behind him.

Turing was shocked and looked at him behind him, seeing Sauron!


Her reaction was much more intense than that of Suining. Like a thunder, her body was completely stiff, and her eyes were instantly enlarged to the extreme, and the whole body was violently cocked.

At the top of the head, it was cold.

At the sole of the foot, there was a burst of fire.

The whole body, struck in the cold and fiery, began to tremble fiercely!

At this time, Sauron is her deepest nightmare, the deepest fear.

"Don't come over, otherwise I will kill your son!" Turing suddenly screamed.

However, she found that her body could not move at all.

In the face of the two top powers in the world, he and Ji Xiuning, how can she have the slightest chance?

Sauron rushed to the beggar.

"Wow..." Suining cried aloud, rushing over with his baby and plunging into the arms of Sauron.

Then she began to burst into tears as if to release all the fears of this time.

When the baby sees her mother crying, he also cries!

Sauron held Suining's body in his arms. In just a few days, she lost a circle, no longer the rich.

Sauron carefully caressed the baby's forehead. If the baby is too shocked, he will have a fever and become sick.

But fortunately, the baby did not have a fever at this time.

Then, Sauron gently flipped through the baby's eyes, touched the baby's head, and carefully looked at every part of his body.

After confirming that the baby is safe and sound, Sauron holds the baby in his arms and closes his eyes and greedily sniffs the taste of him.

"I blame me, I blame me..." Soren said in his mouth: "There was no expectation of the assassination of the king, which made the baby shocked. If he was really hurt, I would kill 100,000 people. It can't be recovered."

"Ha ha ha ha..." Turing pointed and smiled: "Sauron, can only blame you for doing things too badly, let your son follow you!"

"What have I done to you?" Sauron said faintly.

Turingdo, yeah, what did Sauron do to himself?

One of the things he has done the most for himself is tattooing on his body. But in the end, he tried to wash away all the way.

Then... he didn't do anything to himself.

In Rock Island, she uncovered the identity of Sauron, which made the Rock Devils kick Sauron into the abyss.

At that time, throwing Turing from the cliff, so that she was seriously injured is the rock magic, not Sauron!

Soren’s ruin was not a fake, but it was that she and the shackles were murderers and murderers, and the blame on Sauron’s head led directly to the siege of Sauron, almost to Sauron’s death.

And Sauron only saved the sin and saved the truth.

Sauron really hurt many times. But for Turing, I have almost never done anything to hurt.

Sauron did not pay any attention to her, still holding the baby tightly.

Just now, Turing took the baby's small mouth and looked at the small teeth inside. The baby was very scared and almost could not cry.

At this time, Sauron gently squeezed his small mouth to see if there was any injury inside? And he also examined every place on his body, but the baby didn't cry any more, and there was no fear, just staring at Sauron.

Although he is only one year old, he can feel the danger and feel the love.

The Suining County Lord looked at Sauron and kissed the baby all the time. He looked at him and looked at him, as if he was full of body and mind.

She was totally dependent on Sauron's arms, holding him tightly, then gradually loosened, then stepped back half a step and gave the space to Sauron and his son.

I don't know why, she suddenly felt very bitter and sad.

Because Sauron’s heart is now on the child, not on her.

After holding it for a few more minutes, Sauron kissed the baby's forehead and nose tip: "Hey baby, go to Mom!"

The baby stretched out the chubby little hand and took a picture of Sauron’s face.

Reluctantly returned the baby to Suining, softly said: "I'm sorry, I am late."

Suining County’s main heart shook his head sourly.

"Do you have any harm?" asked Soren, then looked at her face, there was a **** mouth, but it was shallower and would not leave scars, and there was a **** mouth on the neck, even in the aorta. At the office.

Sauron reached out and gently stroked the edge of her wound.

Slightly tingling, and Soulen's gentle touch, let the heart of Suining County tremble slightly.

Although I knew that I shouldn't think so, Sauron had only noticed his wounds until now, which made Suining very uncomfortable.

If it is a serious injury, if it is injured by Sonin, even if it is injured by the cane? Will he find it until now?

"You go up with your child and wait for me for a while!" Soren said.

Suining nodded and took the child out.

Ji Xianning thought about it and went out. When she got to the door, she turned back to Sauron. "You can retaliate, but please pay attention to your own state of mind."

Then she went out.

Sauron said: "Don't you go out?"

"No." He said: "You are too bad at martial arts. I am still better by your side. Besides, I don't care what I do with Turing, even if you **** her for a hundred times, I only have it. Will help you hold her hands and feet, of course, you will come to **** me one hundred and one times."

Sauron was speechless. When the fairy singer said these hooligans in a serious way, it was really a sense of violation. To the extent that she was not joking, she was very serious about speaking.

Moreover, as can be seen from this sentence, she has no concept of jealousy at all.


Soren came to Turing, grabbed her long hair, and slammed her head to the wall.

"Hey!" A loud noise.

The face of Turing is bloody.

Then, Sauron stepped forward and grabbed her right arm and slammed it.

"Oh..." Suddenly, her entire right arm was completely shattered.

Then, Sauron stepped on her thigh.

"Hey..." Turing's leg bones broke a few.

However, throughout the process, Turingo did not make a scream, as if not feeling a little pain.

It’s like Sauron’s torture is someone else’s!

"The King is not dead, the death is a substitute, and the separation is over." Soren said.

"Oh." Turingo had almost no waves, just a faint response.

She did not sleep for a few days and nights, before the body was completely supported by a flame.

Crazy flames, revenge Sauron's beliefs.

But now that she is desperate, she has completely lost hope.

Even the huge physical pain can't bring him any feeling.

The soul of Turingdo seems to have been evacuated, completely softened on the ground, and his eyes are scattered.

Sauron came to her and sat directly on the ground, quietly saying: "Why do you want to be like me? What do I hate with you?"

At this point, Turingo has been quiet, her eyes are no longer crazy, she looked at Sauron for a long time, there is no meaning to speak.

Sauron approached two steps and said, "Why do you want to do this to me? I have a deep hatred with you."

Turing’s eyes trembled and said, “You really want to know.”

"Yes, I want to know." Soren said.

Turingdo climbed up from the ground with his left hand and drew a straight line on the ground with a dagger. He said: "This line, life before the age of twenty, is smooth, proud, proud, happy! At that time, I was The most outstanding student of Wangcheng College is the rumored king of the first aristocrat of the kingdom. At the age of sixteen, he worked in the Black Ice House and despised anyone of the same age in the world."

"Three years ago, this straight line came to an end. I met you and suffered some setbacks. The main defeat of Suining County, Tianshui City was taken back by you, and I was captured by you." Turing Duo quietly said: "Of course This is just a setback, there is no failure, even a sigh of love and hate, and a glimpse of the snow."

Then, Turingdo drew two roads on the ground.

"The real fork is the night my father asked me to marry him." Turing said quietly: "Don't say that the current Philip is the best man, but at the time, Zili is a short and ugly metamorphosis, stealing girls' underwear every day. Marrying such a man is a nightmare for any woman, not to mention a woman who is so proud and beautiful, noble and outstanding to me. That night, my The world has collapsed."

"This collapse is not only because I want to marry the priests themselves. And my father has abandoned it to me. When Turing dust left the family affairs and wandered outside, I always thought that I was Turing." The pillars of the family, I am indispensable in my father's mind." Turingdo quietly said: "However, I did not think that I was just a trading tool for my father. In his mind, I almost There is no half point component."

"Sauron, I am different from you. You have been rebellious since childhood. There are no fathers and no mothers in your eyes." Turing said: "I am a little like Guilin. We have regarded our father as a **** since childhood, as a world. The biggest pillar. When I was abandoned by my father, my world collapsed. When Angelica was abandoned by her father, her world collapsed."

Sauron nodded and agreed.

Turing Duo said: "The world that I and Guilin have collapsed, and our only pillars have been destroyed. Then there are two paths ahead of us, whether they are destroyed together or continue to live!"

At this time, anyone who is in pain will choose to continue to live and not be willing to destroy.

Turing Duo said: "I have chosen to live with Guilin, but I have found another pillar for myself. That is love, that is, you. When you rescued her from Shaojun. You become the only Lord in her life and become her day. Under your protection, she can still be proud, happy, beautiful, and lively."

Sauron can clearly feel this, and after going through the disaster, he should have matured. But after following Sauron, she became more delicate and more arrogant, as if not only not mature, but more immature.

Because only then can she feel the love and protection of Sauron.

Turing Duo said: "It’s very naive and innocent, so she pin her hopes on love and pin it on you. And I am smarter and more dignified. I don’t want to free my hopes on anyone. I chose to rely on myself. After being abandoned by my father, I only believe in myself. I have to rely on my own strength to redeem myself and escape from the abyss."

For Turing, Sauron declined to comment.

Turingdo looked at Sauron and said: "I used to have a naive idea similar to that of Can Tho. I will go to you to be your woman and protect you. However, this kind of thought will only be quiet in the night, half-dreaming. It will be rushing, then it is very sweet! After waking up, there is only bitter cold and self-deprecation. In the first road of life, I chose to rely on myself, not to go to you, rely on you!"

Sauron saw the first road of Turing's paintings. He did not expect that there was a way to go to him and become his woman.

But this road is very short, and Turing has not taken the first step, it is over.

"I chose a road that relies on myself." Turing said: "I want to leave this terrible abyss by my own strength. However, I found that my strength is so small that I want to get out of this darkness. The swamp abyss is completely a dream. I have been trapped inside and I can't get out of it. At this time, I found a few stepping stones, stepping on these stepping stones, I can walk out of this abyss. Have a common name, Sauron!"

Indeed, when Turing wanted to turn over in the Turing family, there was really only one way to defeat Sauron and reaffirm his worth.

"Our people in the Turing family are very selfish, so after I hesitate a little, of course I choose to step on your head and turn over. Step on your stepping stone and leave the dark swamp of my life." Turing: "In fact, everyone's mind has a bottom line. Dignity bottom line, moral bottom line. Once you break through this bottom line, you can no longer recover, there is no bottom line, you can only continue to sink."

This theory is exactly the same as that of Sauron at the time.

At that time, the stinky gimmick was the bottom line of the dignity of Can Tho.

"You at the time, it should be the only man I like, the man I am obsessed with. But I sold you at Rock Devil and put you to death. This thing at that time has broken through my moral bottom line, and then It can't be recovered anymore, only once and for all, once and for all, once and for all, once and for all, shameless and absurd." Turing said: "The infatuation and kindness of the arrogant, almost saved my heart. However, a little bit is so close."

"I have been laughing at the sorrow, her ignorance, her superficiality, her vanity. Compared to my self-esteem, self-love, self-improvement, she is really worthless." Turing Duo smiled and said: "However I have known until now that stupid people are me, she has always been very smart, always knowing what she wants, and then bravely chasing. And stupid people, when not having enough strength, the extra dignity is actually a a kind of despicable cowardly. It will not only hurt others, but also hurt yourself."

"People are really weird. She knows everything, but she still has everything to do. Any mistakes will make mistakes. Personality determines fate!" Finally, Turingot muttered to himself.

Sauron said faintly: "You step on me and turn over, you can say that there is no choice. Then why do you want to hurt my son?"

Turing Duo said: "After I was defeated, the whole person seems to have completely died. Only by doing something that thoroughly tramples on the bottom line can remind me that I am still alive. Revenge you and become my only belief."

After all, Turing’s dagger slammed into the air and swept through his neck and aorta!


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(End of this chapter)

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