World Destroying Demonic Emperor

Chapter 448: Four or five zeros: the ultimate queen!

Chapter 448, four five zero: the ultimate queen!

Seeing the sneer of Princess Sissi, the priest of the feast asked: "His Royal Highness, is there anything funny about this?"

Princess Sui said in one sentence: "You don't spend 10 million gold coins to buy Sauron's life, but spend 10 million gold coins to buy the entire Wrath Kingdom."

When the words came out, the feast could not help but be lost.

Generally speaking, women are relatively short-sighted in politics and not so wise.

But I didn't think that Princess Sissi was an exception. She hit the most crucial question in one sentence.

Princess Sui is cold and cold: "What is even more shameless is that what you call the 10 million gold coins really needs to be paid, and most of them are from left-hand to right-handed tricks. And even more shameless, most of the money inside. It belongs to the kingdom of our wrath, but it was just taken away by you."

The feast of the feast was shrunk, and the original meticulous sitting posture immediately relaxed, and even became lazy and rude.

"Sissi, you are right, this million gold coin is just a digital game for Hidden Island." Banquet said: "And I admit that not only the eight million gold coins that the Wanda Kingdom lost, There are also more than seven million treasury savings, which have been illegally swallowed up. That is to say, Hidden Island does threaten you with the money of the Wrath Kingdom!"

Take a deep breath and feast the priest with a hand: "But what about it? Do you want to tell me the truth? Who makes you too incompetent? Who makes these dignitaries of the Wrath Kingdom too greedy? Who makes Is your father and the kingdom's dignitaries so opposed?"

This has indeed completely torn the face.

Banquet continued: "Where do you care about the money from the hidden wrath of the Wraith Kingdom? Is it a so-called digital game? I can only ask you, can you save the tens of thousands of gold coins in the hidden continent? The Kingdom of Waves?"

He nodded: "You can save."

Feast said: "Isn't that finished? It can save the wrath of the Kingdom of the Waves, then is it true that you are managing its 10 million gold coins, or is it a digital game? You only need to pay attention to it, can the Wrath Kingdom be saved? You Is it possible to continue to stabilize the Queen? If it is for sure, why are you not a little confused? There is a saying that is very good, very confused!"

He said with sneer: "Well, as you said, I killed my husband Sauron and saved the kingdom of the Wrath. But this kingdom, is it still my kingdom? Today I compromised with Hidden Island, tomorrow. Is it necessary to compromise?"

Banquet said: "Tomorrow's things will be said tomorrow, and then explain the things of the day, you can also fight hard."

Ruan said: "Don't be kidding, my husband Sauron is my biggest reliance. If I kill him today, it is already a compromise and a compromise. And after Hidden State has mastered the economic lifeline of the kingdom, he can threaten me today. Killing the husband, you can threaten me other things tomorrow, and his control over the kingdom of the wrath will be more serious, just like putting a noose around my neck. Even if I compromise today, I will sit on the throne, just one It’s just a bit of awkwardness."

Feast did not think that Princess Sissi was so difficult.

In the past three years, her political performance has been completely mediocre. From taking Tianshui City to defeating the disintegration, all of them are the credit of Sauron.

Sissi seems to be just an identity embellishment of Sauron, so that Sauron has become justified in doing all this.

It feels like a princess is a vase of Sauron, a vase that is extremely beautiful and martial arts is extremely high.

After defeating the demise and taking over the kingdom, Princess Sissi did not have any interference in the political affairs, and gave all her powers to her husband. She did not publicly express any opinions or make any decisions.

Of course, the husband and wife can't use 傀儡 to describe it, but at first glance it looks like a queen.

A good-looking, good-looking, easy-to-use queen.

Therefore, the Temple of the Dragon has always put a breakthrough point on her, hoping that her incompetence can become a pig teammate of Sauron.

However, I did not expect that under such a beautiful appearance, there is such a wise vision.

A lot of things, you just open a head, she can see the purpose behind you, as well as a deeper philosophy.

In a casual sentence, she can see through to the deepest.

This is the most valuable qualification as a king.

Instead, Sauron, the means of doing things, the determination is unparalleled, and his eyes are absolutely sharp and profound.

However, he is not so wise, he is too emotional.

Therefore, Sauron can be a good performer and a good regent, but not necessarily the best king.

He is somewhat similar to the metamorphosis king, very temperamental and not rational.

If the king becomes sensible enough, he should make a slight compromise with the nobles after he took office, so that he would not fall into the position of being emptied after he had no children.

Metamorphosis is the same as Sauron, I know what to do, but I am not happy, I just don't do that.

Especially in the case of reusing Sauron, the transformation of the king can no longer be described by irrationality and temperament.

At that time, Sauron only got the aristocratic warrior medal, and even Tianshui City did not recapture. The king changed his mind to pin all his hopes on him, devoted all his resources to the desperate, and married the princess to him. .

This kind of desperate gamble, the level of madness is completely comparable to the fact that at the last moment, the assassination of the king forcibly ascended the throne.

Was the king changed his confidence in Soren? Not necessarily, more is a love house and a complex of Wu, and there is a heroic out of everything.

"I don't want it!" The feast of the feast said: "But from now on, the kingdom of the Wrath is subject to the hidden continent. It is true that we will retreat 10,000 steps. After you compromised this time, only six were reached. In the wrath of the kingdom of anger, the remaining 40% was stolen by Hidden Island. But are you still 60%? And if you follow Sauron to go crazy, then the whole wrath kingdom is destroyed, and you only get zero."

"No!" Princess Sui quietly said: "The feast of the priests, if we take the most extreme way, take all the powers of the entire Wangcheng home, use their gold coins to get through this difficult time, you feel the worst result. What is it?"

Banquet said: "The whole kingdom is in chaos, and the heroes and you are the enemy of the world."

Princess Sissi said: "Yes, this is the worst and worst result. But... what about it?"

The feast said: "Your kingdom has collapsed, how do you want it?"

Princess Sui shook her head and said: "As you said, the kingdom is in chaos, and the heroes are divided. I followed the husband to Tianshui City and became the king in Tianshui City. So among the heroes, we are not the strongest?"

The feast was utterly stunned, and it was really the point where the couples of Sauron and Hey were of course the strongest.

With gunpowder, the strongest army, no longer the economic burden of the kingdom, relying on maritime trade can have a steady stream of military spending.

Moreover, now the Southwest Army, the Dragon Guards, and the Northern Army are all in Tianshui City.

Sauron’s money can easily refine the 500,000 army.

Then, in the most primitive way, one line saves one line and then fights back, eventually regaining the entire Wrath Kingdom.

Who is the opponent of Sauron?

Banquet said: "Is it really time to go to the kingdom of the wrath?"

"Of course!" Princess Sissi said: "Do you think that my husband, Sauron, will betray me and seek a squat?"

It’s really not a feast.

Because Sauron's shackles will become the king's new top dignitaries, there is no lack of room for improvement, and will not force the Sauron position.

And the man of Soren, such a temperament, will kill his wife and seek a squat?

He took the brain to do this, what did he do? He was originally the supreme kingdom of the kingdom and had supreme status.

And the future successor to the throne is still his son.

Standing in the most evil angle of men to speculate, a man is a good day after the king? Or is it the day of the Queen?

Of course the latter!

Therefore, as long as he does not seize power, Sauron will never betray.

Princess Sissi said: "So, if I don't compromise, even if there is a worst situation, I still have a 70% chance of regaining the entire Wrath Kingdom, but only for four or five years. If I compromise, then Gradually become a sly queen. In comparison, as long as the brain is clear enough, you should know what choices to make."

The feast was dumb and speechless. After a long time, "Do you not worry, completely offended the Temple of the Dragon?"

The sorrowful light in the eyes of Princess Sissi, the banquet was really faint.

"When I have the entire Wrath Kingdom, I am qualified to worry about whether I will offend the Temple of the Dragon. And when you want to take everything away, isn't this kind of willingness?" .

This is true, such as a civil servant, and is in a rising period, of course, will very much care about the leadership's views on him, trying every means.

However, one day he committed a murder case and was immediately sentenced to life imprisonment. Will the ghost care about the leadership’s opinion of him? It’s not bad to have a chance to go to the indecent leadership.

The feast was once again speechless.

Ruan said: "My grandfather, in order to stop the penetration of the hidden continent, he did not hesitate to kill his three sons. My father, in order to stop the penetration of the hidden continent, will not hesitate to be emptied by the authority of the entire kingdom. Do not hesitate to let me The woman is king, and she does not hesitate to let a man with a surname surmount the power of the kingdom. And in order to preserve the independence and integrity of the Wrath Kingdom, how can we not even have the courage to regenerate Nirvana?"

The feast continued to be speechless.

Ruan said: "Even in the most extreme words, there is a heirloom, incomparably precious. But one day the master can't protect, he would rather smash himself, and he is not willing to be taken away by the enemy. This is the idea of ​​most people. And I am one of the most people!"

When the Ming Dynasty perished, before the suicide of Emperor Chongzhen, in order to prevent his wife and daughter from being humiliated, they first killed them. The same is true.

The banquet priest looked at the princess and sighed: "His Royal Highness, you are more suitable to be a king than Ling Zun. It is a pity that it is controlled by Sauron!"

Princess Sissi shook her head. "In fact, when I was alone with Sauron, most of them were driving me. Every time he lost his helmet and abandoned his armor, he could not stop begging for mercy."

When the words came out, the feast could not believe his ears.

Princess Sissi is opening a yellow cavity? ! Say something!

In front of this extraordinary, unconventional fireworks princess, this once the **** of the Temple of the Holy Virgin, the Queen of the future, is actually opening a yellow cavity, and a serious opening of the yellow cavity.

During the time, the feast was filled with infinite jealousy!

How can Soren Hede be able to have such a woman?

The woman of the world, who gathers wisdom, martial arts, beauty, and nobleness, no one can see the woman right now!

Ji Xingning's beauty and identity are no less than the shackles in front of her eyes, but she is too unpopular, like the Buddha in the temple.

"Feng Ping priest, let's go, don't come see me again." Princess Sui said faintly: "Although my husband will not care, but as a wife, it is always bad to meet privately with other men."

The face of the feast was a bit embarrassed, and he got up and said: "The feast!"

Then, he walked out a little embarrassed.

His wolverine is not from the failure of the negotiations, because it has nothing to do with him, and it will not be related to his future.

But because he is very self-sufficient, he feels that his talent is unparalleled. At this time, whether it is vision or wisdom, being crushed by a woman is a huge blow to his heart. This is the root of his wolverine.

When the feast went out of the door, he suddenly shouted: "Slow, please stay!"

Banquet stopped the footsteps: "What is the advice of His Royal Highness?"

Of course, he no longer hopes that he will change his mind. In the face of such a real smart person, any speech is useless.

Princess Sissi went out and took out a small box and handed it to the banquet. "This is a gift from our husband and wife to the youngster of the hidden continent."

The priest of the banquet smelled a **** smell, and even the box was clearly audible. He could not help but ask: "What is this?"

"The total treasurer of Wangcheng Jin, the head of the hidden yuan will be the man's skin." Princess Sissi said: "Of course I admit, it is very irrational for me to peel off his skin, but I think this is very good for us. The will, rather the jade is not the will of the tile!"

The feast shuddered, almost wanting to immediately throw away the box in his hand, and then hugged it firmly, and then once again deeply worshipped: "Frank."

Then, he was holding this box with human skin and left.


I don't know how long it has been!

The frost that shrouded the body of A Shi gradually faded away, and a little redness appeared on the white face.

Then she opened the beauty and gradually woke up.

Sauron, on the other hand, fell into a complete coma, and the demon star continued to devour the ice cold energy of Ashi.

At this time, A Shi is a person who knows how Sauron saved himself. She can clearly feel that a very mysterious energy body is constantly consuming the cold energy of her body and regaining her vitality.

And this mysterious energy body is in Sauron's body!

Standing at the height of A Shi, I immediately thought of a lot, and then she discovered a terrible fact, a terrible secret!

For the demon star, she knows a lot more than the others!

For the ice cold energy in his body, A Shi is very clear from people, enough to kill Sauron ten times a hundred times.

However, Sauron is not in danger of his life. His body seems to have a bottomless pit, which can engulf countless energy.

Then the result is easy to guess. Perhaps the deceased emperor sacrificed by his brother Astro, perhaps the decapitated emperor who is arrested in the entire Temple of the Dragon, is in front of him?

It’s this man who is so beautiful to the extreme, smart to the extreme, charming to the extreme!

This result makes A Shi very shuddering?

The whole mind and body are shaking! Let her whole heart fall!

A Shi Li Yuyu hand holds the face of Sauron, muttering in his mouth: "Sauron, are you the demon emperor?"


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(End of this chapter)

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