World Destroying Demonic Emperor

Chapter 469: 471: Sauron goes out to sea! (Important)

Chapter 469, April 7th, Sauron goes out to sea! (Important)

"Who?" Ning nowhere asked.

"My son, Sauron." Volt.

"Oh? If I remember correctly, his martial arts are very very low, will it be a demon emperor?" Ning nowhere said: "Why?"

Volunting said: "He was originally a blind child who had nothing to do. He suddenly became extremely wise three years ago. Not only did he regain the Tianshui City, but he also defeated the detachment and got the whole wrath kingdom. Body, how can there be such a huge change."

Ning nowhere, looking at Voluntein silently, then said: "Just for this reason?"

Volunting said: "After returning from the Tianmo Mountain three years ago, he became very wise, which coincided with the time when the demon star came into being. Of course, there is an intuition from the depths of my heart!"

In fact, not only that, but Volunteer can only say so much.

However, her intuition is indeed very convincing to others, because her lifelong mission is to kill the deceased emperor, as a pretender to attract the deceased emperor.

Although, the mission as a pretender has ended ten years ago. But it is not surprising that there will be some intuition about the demon emperor.

It is no wonder that Foeu is still crazy at the last minute, because he wants to show a completely hostile position with Sauron.

In this way, after the successful killing of the demon in the future, the city of Fire will receive the greatest reward from the Temple of the Dragon.

It’s a pity that Fue has no life to enjoy it.

Ning nowhere said: "You originally intended to hand over the tears of the devil to Borneo, and then he will forcibly reverse the case of the demon's blood from the devil's blood to the case of arresting the demon emperor?"

"Yes." Volunter shouted.

Because the last time Astro was killed, the clue to capture the demon emperor was interrupted, so the Temple of the Sky was very dissatisfied with the temple.

Thus, the task of arresting the deceased emperor was given to the sick.

And the disease is already with Ji Xianning, this is the two carriages of the future sky priests, both of whom belong to the Guang faction.

Under the planning of Volunteer, if the Confucian faction finally seized the demon emperor, the consequences would be serious for the Guangming faction.

Not only that, but according to Follinge’s inference, the demon emperor is his son Sauron. Whether it is a disease, or Ji Xianning, they are very close to Sauron.

Nostalgia has even given Sauron a protection gold medal, and Ji Xiuning has cooperated with Sauron to forcibly seize the detachment.

After seizing the demon emperor, the evil denominations can completely slap a slap, saying that letting the cockroaches leave the devil's blood is entirely for the capture of the demon emperor.

Then someone may ask, why not let the Shenlong Temple come out of the devil's lab and then send out a tube of demon blood? And sneak a sneak peek at the devil's blood?

The evil genre will say that because Ji Xunning and Huai disease have colluded with Sauron, if the blood of the demon is publicly released, the Guang faction will ventilate the letter to Sauron, and it is likely to be a stunned snake.

For the Temple of the Dragon, killing the world is the highest priority in the world. It is supreme, and everything else must make way for it.

Because the demon emperor is the biggest crisis in the Temple of the Dragon, killing the demon emperor is equivalent to saving the Temple of the Dragon.

Therefore, it is completely the first credit of the world! It’s more than all the other credits.

In the cauldron of the decapitated emperor, everything can be loaded inside. A case of demon's blood from the district is completely worthless, and it is washed away casually.

And the love that is very close to Sauron has been with Ji Xianning, if the Guangfa faction caught the demon emperor, then there is nothing?

If it is caught by the evil sect, the consequences will be serious, and it will be completely devastating.

As the heir to the supreme leader of the Temple of the Dragon, he was colluded with the demon emperor, and the crime was completely sinister.

At that time, Ji Xiu Ning and Huai disease have not even died, but also need to take off a layer of skin.

Holding the great deeds of killing the demon emperor, the evil generals immediately launched a counterattack to the Guangming faction. At that time, not only could this crisis be successfully passed, but also a fatal blow to the opponent. The Shenlong Temple is a big one.

However, today's big abacus has been stopped by Ning no end!

He easily took away the fruits of victory.

"Whether it is a bright faction or an evil genre, it is not in our interest to be overwhelmed by either side, nor to the interests of the Temple of the Dragon." Ning has no way: "We demon Star Court, we must do this middle Adjudicator."

Volunteer’s eyes brightened and he trembled: “Yes.”

Ning nowhere suddenly said: "Don't wait for tomorrow, now I will inform the Guangming School, the evil sect, the Sky Paladin, the Yan Empire, the Xiliang Kingdom, the North Court Kingdom, and all the messengers of the world to assist me." The Pavilion kills the Emperor!"

This is boundless, it is to use the world's largest, most amazing lineup to capture and kill the demon emperor.

Shows a world of common destruction of the big devil!

The Destroyed Emperor is an unprecedented super boss, and all participants can be assigned to the empirical value of astronomical figures.


After two hours!

Countless flying people flew out from the demon star pavilion.

Countless, cover the sky!

Then, thousands of sky paladins appeared on the sky, shining with golden light.

Then, dozens of lions and beasts flew from the empire.

A dozen lions and beasts flew from the Yanjing Temple.

Not only that, the 30,000-centre temple cavalry of the Yanjing Temple, all rushed out of the nest, south of the wrath of the kingdom.

After meeting the secret agent of the demon star pavilion, the monarch of the empire empire suddenly burst into a cold.

He did not think of it anyway, an unremarkable Volunteer, even holding a killer.

A little bit, he and Ji Xianning will face a fatal crisis.

If you really let the evil sects kill the demon emperor, and succumb to the crime of collaborating with the emperor, he will fall on Ji Xuanning's head.

Then the Yan Empire and the Guang faction will face the anti-offensive liquidation of the evil sect. Although the Yan Empire will not be hurt, Ji Xianning will be completely destroyed in the future of the Shenlong Temple.

The Yan Empire and the Dragon Temple are complementary and bound each other.

Losing the position of Ji Xianning in the highest leader of the Dragon Temple, the position of the hegemonic world hegemon will also be unstable.

Fortunately, the demon star pavilion's Ning nowhere to take care of the overall situation, far-sighted, let Ji Xianning escape the catastrophe.

And this is nowhere to be a very good person, not alone to kill the devil of the world, but the rain and dew!

At the moment, Yan Emperor immediately reciprocated and reported more than a dozen will.

"The 200,000-strong army of the Southern Army of the Yan Empire is going south, approaching the Kingdom of the Wra!"

"The main force of the Yan Empire is south, blocking the waters of the Wrath Kingdom."

"The first, second, third, fifth, seventh, and ninth empire of the empire, a total of 900,000 troops all entered the state of war, and the south was approaching the kingdom of the wrath, ready to enter the country."

"The book of the Northern Court Kingdom, the Xiliang Kingdom, let the two countries raise their troops and surround the Kingdom of the Wrath."

"The book is east from the kingdom, please ask the king of Jiang to go south and participate in this just war of salvation."

"Transfer to the nations of the world, gather the power of the world, carry out the battle of salvation, kill the demon of the world!"

As the world's hegemon, the emperor's master of this purpose came out, and suddenly the whole world was shocked.

And Ji Xianning and Huai disease have been involved in the trial of Fang Qingyi, Rogge and Gerry.

Soon, both received the highest order of the Temple of the Sky.

Immediately stop all trials, unite all forces, and kill the demon!

Then, Ji Xianning received the secret biography of the father Yan Emperor.

After reading it, Ji Xianning felt the back cold for the first time, and the cold sweat broke out.

A little bit worse, she will be finished soon!

When the plane was upright, Ji Xianning, who was sick, had rode the lion and beast, led hundreds of Sky Temple judges, and went to the southeast airspace to assemble.

Only the sky priests and sorrowful sorrows are ruined.

The opportunity to defeat the bright faction in one fell swoop, and it was a rare event, and the result was ruined by the singularity of the demon star pavilion.

You are a good recluse, don't hide in your big stone, run out and stir up what?

Now, the Demon Star Court has become the highest leader.

Moreover, the evil sects can not have any dissatisfaction, but also grateful that he would have nowhere to save the evil sect.

If it were not for his orders, many members of the sectarians are still being interrogated by detainees.

"Gree, Rogo, both of you immediately return to the temple of the capital, and all the temple regiments will come out and kill the demon!"

"All the punishing officers of the Yanjing referee were ordered to go out and kill the demon emperor."


After three hours!

In the southeastern airspace of the empire, there are innumerable lions and beasts, and there are as many as two thousand here.

The tens of thousands of flying stars of the demon star pavilion enveloped the sky for dozens of miles.

In the flying carriage that is headed, a black shadow is imprisoned!

Yes, this is a black shadow, a figure without a body.

This is a fake **** knight!

What is a fake **** knight?

He was not chosen by the Emperor, but a dragon in the Temple of the Dragon, to plant the blood of the devil, and then to give him the tears of the devil.

In this way, he and the desolation of the emperor to produce some kind of energy contract, even if separated by thousands of miles, can also sense the existence of the demon emperor.

The blood of the devil brought by Volunteer is used in this pseudo-Hell Knight.

Next, rely on this pseudo-Hell Knight to find the demon emperor.

Two lions and beasts flew in a white carriage, and there was nowhere to stand on the carriage.

Ning nowhere came to Ji Xiu Ning, no sick, Fu Linglu, Ji Mengbai in front of the four people, said: "This action to kill the demon emperor, I will give you four people. All the flies, the sky paladin , Sky Judges, all handed over to you, I am waiting for you to triumph!"

Ji Xianning and Huai disease have already represented the Guangming faction, Volunteer represents the demon star pavilion, and Ji Mengbai represents the evil denomination.

"According to the purpose!" Four people sing.

Ji Xianning asked: "Under the end, is it arrested or killed?"

Ning no endless silence for a long time.

Yes, is it arrested or killed?

At this time, the demon emperor was still very weak, and the original arrest was the most appropriate.

But... Once you catch the Sky Temple, if there is a connection and resonance with the host of the Demon Star, then the big thing is not good.

At this time, the demon emperor and the demon star are very weak. As long as they kill the demon emperor, the demon star will naturally be cut off with vitality.

"Stop!" Ning no way.

"Yes!" Ji Xiu Ning said.

"set off!"

One order!

Four people representing all the factions of the Temple of the Dragon, with tens of thousands of powerful air regiments of the Temple of the Sky, followed the guidance of the pseudo-Hell Knights and flew southeast.

At the same time, on the ground, tens of thousands of sacred corps rushed in the direction of the Wrath Kingdom.

The million-strong army of the empire began to assemble and prepare to push into the kingdom of the wrath.

Under the leadership of the Temple of the Dragon, the whole world is united and kills the demon!


The city government of Tianshuicheng.

It was too embarrassing to toss last night, so it was nearly until noon that Sauron woke up.

At this point, there was only one person in the bed, and he was already awake.

At this time, there was no meditation practice, but standing by the window, his hand seemed to hold something gazing.

Sauron stepped forward and came to the back, embracing her waist and looking up.

I saw only a beautiful butterfly in my hand.

Sauron has never seen such a beautiful butterfly, just like a flame. At this point, the butterfly is slowly flapping its wings.

"Wow! What kind of butterfly is this, how beautiful?" Sauron was surprised.

"Do not speak to butterflies." Princess Sissi said: "Are you sleeping enough?"

"Yeah." Soren said: "Yesterday was really too much tossed by you."

Princess Sissi said: "I feel that I might be pregnant last night."

Sauron smiled. "This sentence, you have said it at least ten times."

Sissi smiled softly and suddenly turned around, and Mei Jing stared at Sauron.

"What is love?" Suddenly, he asked.

Soren said: "Love is to worry about another person, worrying about it, no matter what you do, you will think about protecting this person. At a critical moment, you are even willing to give it life."

"Yeah." Princess Sissi responded softly.

Then, Princess Sissi said again: "Frank, do you believe in fate?"

Soren Road: "I believe."

"Yeah." He snorted softly.

At this time, the demon star in Sauron used an unprecedented tone: "Master, your destiny is to destroy the whole world!"

At this time, Princess Sissi said again: "French, do you remember the ship you told me last night? If things develop to the worst, you will take the boat that your family will go out to sea."

Soren Road: "Remember, this ship has already been launched, but it has not been finalized yet."

Princess Sissi said: "Can you take me to see?"

"Now?" Soren.

"Well, now." Princess Sissi said: "I am very curious."

"Okay," Sauron laughed.

After half an hour!

Soren and the scorpion, riding a lion beast, flew in the direction of the east sea.

At the same time, the tens of thousands of air regiments of the Shenlong Temple have already flown across the border of the Wrath Kingdom, and there are still 900 miles from Tianshui City.


Note: The first four thousand words are sent, please double the monthly ticket, and ask for support, thank you all!

(End of this chapter)

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