World Destroying Demonic Emperor

Chapter 478: Four hundred and eighty: Suining mother and child fate! Heavenly eye trial!

Chapter 478, 480, 卮 母 母 母 ! !! Heavenly eye trial!

Still back in time, more than a year ago!

The Duke of Yuting committed suicide, but before he committed suicide, he wrote several books about the flying dragonfly and passed it to Wangcheng, letting Ashi leave the people and fleeing with the mother-in-law.

However, the entire airspace of Tianshui City was completely blocked, and his flying scorpion could not fly.

After Ji Xianning and others arrested the Sauron family, they ordered the four major armies of the kingdom to start an unprecedented massacre in Tianshuicheng.

The entire Tianshui main city people, regardless of men, women and children, all killed.

Then, they led the Airborne Legion of the Dragon Temple to chase the Rock Pirates led by Yan Yan, and they were given a big gift.

At that time, Yan Yaner was ordered by Sauron to lead the 30,000 Rock Pirates to enter Wangcheng, and there were more than 900 miles from Wangcheng.

Less than a day later, Ji Xianning’s tens of thousands of Shenlong Temple air regiments launched an attack on the station of the Rock Pirates.

This is not afraid of death, the brave and invincible rock thieves, was killed and destroyed.

The entire valley is completely red with blood!

And until the death, the Rock Pirates do not know what is the reason? Why do you die?

The rock queen Queen Yanzi, martial arts is extremely strong, but not Ji Xianning's opponent.

After she had a thirteen sword, she tried to commit suicide with her last strength.

As a result, Ji Xianning was imprisoned with spiritual body and became a captive of the Temple of the Dragon.

At the time of Tu Yanyan’s thieves, Ji Mengbai led hundreds of sky judges to continue to fly to Wangcheng’s capital, killing Ashi and arresting Suining’s mother and son.

However, wait until Ji Mengbai and others flew to the Princess House.

A Shi and the Suining mother and son have disappeared.

They did not receive any news from Tianshui City because they were gone last night.

Last night, the massacre in Tianshuicheng was still going on, and Sauron was just a few hours old.

Why did A Shi and the Suining mother disappeared suddenly? Become a mystery.

And at the same time!

The massacre in Tianshui City is still going on!

This bustling city is completely filled with blood.

Countless corpses are lying in every corner of the city.

Every street has blood flowing into the river!

All the wealth of the Sox family was robbed.

Then, with a command, the Tianshui City Government, which has been inherited for hundreds of years, was completely burned.

In the terrible tragedy, in the blood of the sky, the main house of Tianshui City burned.

The entire Tianshui main city, completely smashed into **** on earth!


"Ah...ah..." Lan Ling (Solon) in his sleep, suddenly burst into a scream of screaming, full of infinite fear.

He dreamed of the blood of the corpse, dreaming that the entire Tianshui City completely became a dead city.

"No, don't..."

In her sleep, Lan Ling (Solon) screamed and roared.

In the dream, he saw a terrible scene.

He saw the celery and Fuxi children, the two women with a big belly, were hanged alive.

He saw that Suin fell in a pool of blood, and as for the blood of his baby's face, he sat in a pool of blood and cried.

This picture is exactly the same as when Lanling met a little girl.

"no no no……"

Lanling struggled desperately, as if he had been dreamed of.

"Papa...Papa..." The little girl in her arms shouted timidly, tearing her heart and pushing his head desperately.

Lanling woke up and saw the little girl's eyes full of fear. The beautiful and delicate face was covered with tears.

Suddenly, he violently held the little girl in his arms.

At this time, he felt that he was not only holding a little girl, but also holding his daughter, holding his son, Yu Yu, and the two children in the belly of Can Tho and Fuxi.

When Sauron was killed, the two children were not born.

If ... Guilin and Fuxi are still alive, these two babies should have been born, and the big baby should have been more than a year old.

Lanling clung to the little girl and greedily sniffed the smell of her body.

Perhaps he is superstitious, at this time he really feels that the little girl in his arms is the symbol of his children.

As if he had to protect the little girl in his arms, in exchange, God would protect his children.

"Papa, Papa..." The beautiful little girl wiped the tears on Lan Ling's face with a chubby little hand.

Lanling kissed the forehead of the little girl and gradually calmed down.

"I swear, I must go back as soon as possible, lead the army of thousands of demons, destroy the Temple of the Dragon, rescue my family, and rescue my children, if they are still there..., no, they must still be there, even I am dead, they are still alive." Lan Ling holding a little girl muttered to himself.

At this time, dozens of barbarians around him were full of fear and looked at him, lest Lanling once again go mad.

Just a few hours ago, Lan Ling lived and burned a lot of werewolves who were stronger than him. At that time, his body was full of flesh and blood, and the look of the sky shouted, and indeed all the barbarians in the prison were frightened.

All barbarians look at his gaze as if they were looking at the devil.

Perhaps the energy of the blood in this werewolf was too high. Lanling fell into a coma after sucking blood, as if he was asleep.

Although Lanling was unconscious, all the barbarians in the entire cell still did not dare to approach him.

At this time, Lan Ling woke up, all the scars on his body disappeared, and the strength of the whole body was felt a lot stronger.


Seeing terrible things in the dream makes him feel extremely urgent.

He wants to conquer this Chimera tribe, and at any cost, regardless of any means, he will conquer the Chimera tribe.

"Mu Long, there are hundreds of barbarian prisoners in the entire prison. Only ten people can join the foreign army of Chimera. What about the rest?" Lan Ling asked.

"All executed!" Mulong Road.

Lanling Road: "How can we join the foreign army of Chimera? Is it a contest?"

"No." Mulongdao: "Is it based on the shame of the shaman?"

"Day eye trial?" Lanling doubts.

"Yes, the eye-eye trial." Mulong said: "Once you pass the Heavenly Eyes trial, you will be able to join the Chimera tribe and get shelter. Once you pass the trial, throw it into the magma and burn it to death."

Lanling Road: "When the magma was thrown, didn't anyone resist?"

Mulongdao: "Rebellion is useless. In the tiankeng, it was surrounded by thousands of Chimera samurai. Moreover, the Chimera Shaman is very powerful."

Lan Ling asked: "When is the day-eye trial?"

"Tomorrow." Mulong Road.

Lanling Road: "What is the standard for the Heavenly Eyes Judgment? The judges of the Chimera tribe rely on judging who left, who was burned to death?"

"I don't know, no one knows." Mulongdao.

Lanling Road: "Strong force, high talent, is there an advantage in the eye-eye trial?"

Mulong shook his head and said: "No, every time the eye-eye trial, the most powerful force is often thrown into the magma and burned."

Time, the heart of Lanling is awkward.

The worst thing about anything is that there is no standard.

This superstitious heavenly eye trial became a roadblock in front of him.

If you want to return to the human kingdom one day earlier, he must constantly become stronger, stronger and stronger!

Only by unifying the wild continent and becoming the king of the tribes will it be possible to lead the army of thousands of demons to sweep the human continent and destroy the power of the Temple of the Dragon.

Conquering the Chimera tribe is the most important step.

Successfully joining the foreign army of the Chimera tribe, this is the threshold for all plans.

In any case, he can only succeed, not fail!

"Lord Lanling, I hope God will bless you through the Heavenly Eyes trial tomorrow." Mulong went to a courtesy that Lan Ling could not understand.

Lan Ling secretly said: "I wish I can successfully pass the eye-eye trial!"


Early the next morning!

Inside the prison of the cave, it is quiet!

Even the most ferocious werewolves stopped coming to the Terran.

All the cells are in order, as if the sins that occurred here were nightmares.

However, the corpses in the corners of the cell, and some of the remaining bones, show that this is the most sinful place under the sun.

All who are eaten are dead near people!

Because they are too similar to human beings, this is the original sin and must be embarrassed by other aliens.

They can't bear this sudden death, and they are screaming for the wolf's belly.

Why did this **** restore normal order today? Restored to be quiet?

Why did the wolves stop killing?

Just for one reason, the eye is judged!

Decide that the fate of all barbarians is coming!

All the barbarians who were detained in this prison are all desperate and have no choice but to choose this path of life.

They are either tribes that have been destroyed, homeless, or exiled.

Today’s Heavenly Eyes Judgment will determine their destiny.

After successfully passing the Heavenly Eyes trial, he stayed and was sheltered by the Chimera tribe.

And if it does not pass, it will be burned alive!

When the fate comes, even the fierce and cruel wolves are heavy.

Everyone quietly sat on the ground and prayed, begging God to let himself pass the judgment of the eye.

Perhaps this is called a temporary hug.

Lan Ling also felt the almost solid atmosphere, but he did not pray.

Because he doesn't know who to pray to, the dragon? To the devil? Going up to heaven?

No, it is better to pray to yourself!

Destiny has almost destroyed everything about him.


It looks like about nine o'clock in the morning.

All the cells were opened, and hundreds of barbarians began to line up neatly. Under the supervision of the Chimera Samurai, they walked out of the cave neatly, left the mountain where the tribe was located, and headed north.

The Sky Eye Trial is carried out in a crater in the north!

This volcano is the sacred mountain of the Chimera tribe and is named the Chimera volcano.

Under the crater, there is always a magma in the ocean, but it has never been erupted.

Hundreds of Chimera warriors escorted hundreds of barbarian prisoners to the height of the Chimera volcano.

And this team of Chimera warriors is the legendary foreign army, which has a variety of races.

Nearly human, there is only one!

Even Lan Ling did not know if she was close to the human race. Her skin was very dark, just like the black people on the earth.

The face is not beautiful, but the body is extremely hot, and it is more popular than the black girls on the earth. Especially the two super long legs, as well as the amazing rounded buttocks, the whole body is full of strength.

Moreover, she seems to be a leader of the foreign army!

There is no difference between her whole body and human beings. The only difference is the tail. She has a tail.

Hundreds of foreign troops escorted hundreds of barbarian prisoners to the top of the volcano!

Then, these foreign troops began to condescend and guarded every important position.

The entire crater, about a few hundred square meters of area, below is the bottomless magma, can swallow any life.

On the crater, there is a stone platform to explore, about ten meters long, more than one meter wide!

A strangely shamanic priest stood on the end of the stone platform with a cane.

Lan Ling discovered that this shaman is not a Chimera race, and Lan Ling can't see what race he is, just like a monster.

He is only about one meter high, and he has long white hair all over his body. He can hardly see any facial features except the eyes.

Seeing him, Sauron couldn't help but think of the wise man in Star Wars, the leader of the Jedi Knight, Yoda, who is also very short.

However, it is especially strange that this shaman is covered with white hair.

And the general shaman of this monster will decide the fate of someone at the place, including Lanling.

"Begin!" With the order of the leader of the tribal foreign army, the Tianyan trial officially began!

The first barbarian prisoner walked over a platform of more than ten meters and came to the shaman priest, kneeling down on one knee, waiting for his heavenly eye to judge.

Through, successfully joined the Chimera tribe.

If you don't pass, you will be burned alive!


Note: The second is sent, please support, thank you!

Yesterday I was insomnia all night, and now I can’t hold it anymore, so this chapter has fewer words.

(End of this chapter)

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