World Destroying Demonic Emperor

Chapter 481: Four eight three: meet father Sauron? ! Shock!

Chapter 481, 486, met my father, Sauron? ! Shock!

Note: The previous two chapters are very important, don't miss reading.


The little man of the Chimera tribe chief?

The so-called second lady is Xiao Yan.

Lanling (Solon) can be sure that as a tribal chieftain, it must be a woman of the same family. After all, the races of the entire wild world are very conservative.

However, this woman is so beautiful in this way, it is obviously extremely favored.

Once the chieftain knows that Lanling had ever been to his little sister, it would really be dumped into meat and mud to feed the gryphon, even worse than this, probably thrown at a group of werewolves.

It’s chilling to think about this kind of encounter.

However, Lan Ling did not worry at all, because this woman would not reveal her own adultery.

"What is your name, why are you here?" asked Lan Ling.

"Ask me what my name is doing?" This enchanting stunner looked at Lanling: "Don't you want to be with me for the second time?"

Lanling shook his head and said: "You are a human snake, but you are not here in your own tribe."

The enchanting stunner said: "I don't have a name. You can call me the second lady, or you can call me a green snake. My hometown is in a far desert, too bitter cold. I have a cold poison, so I chase it hot."

Lanling Road: "Is the desert not hot?"

"Not enough." The enchanting stunner said: "The Chimera tribe has volcanoes and hot springs, which is my favorite."

Lan Ling thought of it, and A Shi was also cold poisoned by people. Lan Ling also wanted to cure her with the blood of the demon burned by the dragon flame.

But I did not expect that I have already been killed if I have not treated Ashi.

Whether it is the Temple of the Dragon or the scorpion, it will not let Ashi leave the people, I do not know if she escaped.

There is also A Shi Yuanzhang, this lovable child, I don't know how.

At the thought of this, the heart of Lanling is like the pain of suffocating.

We must quickly become stronger and we must return to the human kingdom as soon as possible.

"I want you to help me." Lan Lingdao.

"Impossible." The second lady, the green snake, teased: "You raped me and wanted me to help? Really treat me as an ignorant young woman. Is it a matter of body and mind when I am asleep?"

Then, she said: "Even if I want to help, I can't help. Although I am the chieftain's second wife, I am a foreigner after all, and there is no power in the tribe. If you want me to be on the side of the chieftain. Puff pillow wind, then you will probably be torn into pieces by Constantine, who is extremely strong in monopoly. So your best result is that you will never meet again in the future."

Lanling Road: "All I want is the foreign army of the family tribe."

The second lady, the Green Snake Road: "Don't come to me and go to the Heavenly Eyes Trial."

Lanling Road: "I have already participated, the little monster shaman smashed me down in order to **** my daughter."

The second lady was shocked: "After you fell into the volcanic magma, did you actually die?"

Lan Ling nodded.

The second lady's green snake enchanting scorpion dazzled, and stretched out the jade hand to touch Lan Ling's chest, close to his body, sniffing the breath of his body.

"It turned out to be a descendant of the devil." The second lady, the Green Snake said: "Unfortunately, the Devil Emperor has been dead for tens of thousands of years. The so-called demon descendants are just the goods that can be used for odd goods."

"Cargo?" Lanling is stunned.

The second lady said: "Do you know that a demon descendant who is not strong and has a single order will have such a stop?"

"What?" asked Lan Ling.

The second lady said: "It will be caught, imprisoned, and put blood once a month. Because the blood of the devil's descendants has a powerful force, whether it is used to sell money or to improve cultivation, it has great use. ”

Suddenly, the heart of Lanling slammed.

The little monster shaman robbed the little girl, is it to put a blood every month, is to use her blood to support himself?

In time, Lan Ling’s heart was murderous.

Be sure to rescue the little girl and grab it back.

However, there is also the blood of the devil in his body. Why does the little monster priest want to push himself down the volcano?

The second lady, the Green Snake Road: "And, you don't need help to enter the tribal foreign army. You have already tried it through the eyes."

"What do you mean?" asked Lan Ling.

The second lady said: "This crater is the real eye, the sky that looks into the sky. Anyone who falls to the volcano and does not die is passed the trial. Because this volcano is the holy mountain of the Chimera tribe, falling into the magma and not dead It is the soul that has been forgiven by it, and you can join the Chimera tribe."

Lan Ling suddenly, this is actually the case.

The second lady, the Green Snake Road: "So, you can now walk into the Horde with great swing."

"Farewell!" Lanling Road.

Then, instead of saying anything, he quickly left the forbidden valley and rushed to the Chimera tribe.

This is the second round of the second lady's green snake. This **** man is shameless and ruthless.

If this woman is the daughter of the chieftain, then Lanling will stay to warm up, conquer her body and mind, become the chieftain's son-in-law, step into the sky.

Then, find ways to seize the power of the tribe and constantly improve their own force.

Then think of a great plan to kill the old man chief, and finally replace it!

However, this woman is only a small elder of the chieftain. If she walks too close to her, she will only bring her own life.

However, half a minute later, Lan Ling went back and said: "You taught me a wild language: I fell to the volcano without dying, I passed the eye-eye trial!"

Too angry!

Suddenly, the second lady's green snake turned into a green snake that entangled Lanling, opened the snake's mouth and fangs, and took a bite on the neck of Lanling.

After resentment, she taught Lan Ling this sentence.

Then she turned into a snake again and got into the hot springs, no longer planning to come out.


Lanling swayed and went to the front door of the Chimera tribe.

When there were hundreds of meters away, dozens of bows and arrows aimed at him.

"I fell to the volcano without dying. I passed the trial of the eye." Lan Ling said loudly.

This is his only wild language.

At this time, the guardian of the tribe is the foreign army.

Some people opened their eyes and saw that it was the man who was pushed down the abyss by the little monster shaman. He actually fell to the volcano and died.

Then, one of the foreign troops flew to sue.

After waiting for a quarter of an hour, the tribal door opened and the hot black woman leader Dina came in.

She looked at Lanling up and down for a while, saying: "You really passed the judgment of the heavens. From now on, you are a member of my foreign army. Come with me, I will take you to the military camp."

Things were a bit strange. After Lan Ling came out of the volcanic magma unscathed, this Dina did not show a particularly surprised look.

Lan Ling followed her into the tribe and said: "I am going to find my daughter."

Dina turned her head and looked at Lanling for a while, saying: "She has been taken away by the shaman."

"I know." Lan Lingdao: "So I am going to grab it back."

Dina said for a long time: "You are now a member of the foreign army. I have the responsibility to protect you. You handed it over to me. After I discussed it with the big leader and the second leader, I came up with a perfect strategy."

Lanling Road: "But my daughter is always in danger."

Dina said: "For the time being, your daughter is too young to be bled, so he is safe for the time being. The status of the shaman in the tribe is very noble. Since you entered the tribe, your Any move represents the foreign army. The position of our foreign army in the tribe is very difficult, and any of your actions may affect the survival of our foreign army. Therefore, please let me tell the big leader, we will give you an explanation!"

Lan Ling silently said: "Okay."

Dina continued to walk forward: "Since you come back from the volcanic magma, it represents the identity of your demon descendants. So you should be careful, don't order at any time, because the blood of our devil's descendants is very precious. ""

"You too?" Lan Ling was amazed.

Dina said: "I am like you, crawling out of the magma."

No wonder she saw Lan Ling returning alive and did not show a very horrifying look.

At this time, Lan Ling discovered this Dina, and even said human lingua franca.

This is really strange. The so-called human lingua franca is Chinese Chinese, which was brought by the Dragon Emperor three thousand years ago.

How can the near-humans in the wild world say?

"You are also a near-human?" asked Lan Ling.

Dina shook her head: "From the bloodline, I am not a near-human, but from the appearance and emotion, I am a near-human. Because more than 3,000 years ago, we near the birth of a great leader, he took all the near-human The tribes all united and established a powerful empire, and my tribe was once a member of the empire."

Lan Ling understands!

It turns out that the starting point of the Dragon Emperor is not a human empire, but a wild world.

He rose up in the wild world and established a powerful empire before the establishment of the Yanlong Empire.

Dina continued: "All the near-humans at that time have already reached the edge of destruction. Because it looks like human beings is the original sin, and all the near-human beings are weak in force. So they became hunted in the wild world. The object is called a two-legged sheep."

"Two-legged sheep?" Lanling doubts.

Dina said: "That is to say, any barbarian who sees the near-human can kill and kill, first rape, and then kill the meat. Because the barbarian has the tradition of **** sheep, the status of the near-human in the wild world and the sheep are The same is true. The Great established the Inflammatory Empire and saved countless close people. Our near-humans are not completely smashed into two-legged sheep, or because of the great power of the Emperor. Because many people worry that the Emperor of the Fire will eventually come back. ”

Lanling Road: "Why did the evil emperor leave the wild world?"

Dina said: "He went up to the human kingdom. He said that he wants to save the human being there. So in many people's hearts, he feels that human beings are close relatives. For thousands of years, there have been close people trying to escape to the human kingdom. Going to live. However, humans do not seem to regard us as close relatives. When they see the near-human, they immediately become barbarians."

Lanling can now be sure that the Emperor of the Fire is the Dragon Emperor.

He not only established a powerful human empire, but also established a powerful near-human empire in the wild world.

Dina took the Lanling to the back of the mountain. There were a lot of flats carved out here, and there was a cave behind each flat.

Yes, all are caves, not even a house.

The Chimera tribe, the higher the status, the higher the living, and only the lowest-ranking people live at the foot of the mountain.

The foreign army, even the house at the foot of the mountain is not qualified to live, can only live in the cave behind the mountain.

Therefore, the foreign army is the lowest level of the entire tribe.

At first glance, the military camps of the entire foreign army are flat, all caves.

After Dina walked into the military camp with Lanling, there were countless whistles, and countless foreign troops marched toward Dina and warmly greeted them.

In short, the atmosphere of the entire foreign army is very close, giving people the feeling of being like a family.

"After coming to the foreign army, you must remember one, we are a family." Dina’s eyes stared at Lanling Road: "In this cruel world, we can only live with unity and one heart. For foreign troops, So, because we are all homeless exiles."

"Good." Lan Ling nodded hard.

"What about the big boss?" Dina said.

"Go to see the new recruit Mulong." A foreign army soldier said.

Dina said: "In order to protect your daughter, Mulong was wounded by a shaman. His life is dying! You must remember that he died almost to fulfill his promise."

Lanling Road: "I will remember this person."

Then, Dina came to the wounded battalion with Lan Ling!

Just walked in, there was a strong rancid smell, only to see dozens of wounded soldiers lying inside mourning.

Some break hands and some feet, some of them completely rot, and most of them will die.

"The chieftain has set a high hunting mission for our foreign army, so the casualties are great." Dina said.

At the end of the wounded battalion, I saw a majestic man kneeling on the edge of Mulong’s bed.

The wooden surface is like gold paper, and it is dying.

He is too weak, so it is difficult to bear the roar of the shaman's priest, and he can't keep his life.

If he dies, he will die for Lanling!

This majestic man should be the great leader of the foreign army.

Lan Ling could not see his face, only the back.

However, just one back view makes people feel that he is magnificent.

Then, he sighed and stood up, hesitated for a moment, then took out the dagger and pierced his heart.

Seeing this scene, Lan Ling was completely shocked. He was doing this.

"Father," Dina rushed forward.

The leader of the foreign army pulled out the dagger, then took out a bowl, caught the blood flowing from his heart, and then poured it into Mulong’s mouth.

His blood is magical, or the blood of the devil's descendants is magical.

After the dying Mulong drank this small bowl of blood, his complexion turned back to ruddy, and his breathing became smooth and powerful.

Lanling was completely shaken by this scene!

He was completely impressed by this majestic man!

In order to save a ignorant, weak and weak Mulon, he actually pierced his heart, let the blood of the precious and precious devil flow half a bowl.

He used his own blood of the heart to save a weak and stranger.

Suddenly, Lan Ling felt the weight of the sentence in Dina’s mouth: our foreign army is a family!

"The righteous father..." Dina cried: "Why don't you let me come? Why don't you have my blood?"

"Haha..." The man laughed and said: "I am strong and bloody."

Then he turned and looked at Lanling and said: "This is our newest fourth?"

At this point, Lan Ling saw the handsome face of this middle-aged man.

Suddenly, it is exactly like a lightning strike!

The whole body is paralyzed and trembling.

The scalp was numb, like an eye that could not be trusted.


This face is almost exactly the same as my father Sauron!

Although, after becoming Sauron, he has not seen his father Earl Soron. But after the sister learned the sketch, she painted an incomparably realistic portrait of the Count of Sauron.

The majestic man in front of him, and the father of the portrait, Sauron, are almost exactly the same!



Note: The first one is sent, please support, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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