World Destroying Demonic Emperor

Chapter 484: 486: The shock of practicing Wu!

Chapter 484, 486, martial arts, shock!

"Lan Ling, have you been kissed by the vampire?" Dina suddenly asked.

Lanling glanced, but the vampire kissed him. He still understood that after being bitten by a high vampire, another person became a vampire.

"Of course not." Lanling Road.

Dina said: "Vampires are a very mysterious race, the number is very small, and everything is secret to us. We only know that the vampires are very beautiful regardless of men and women, the skin of men is like jade. Generally, women's skin is like porcelain milk."

After all, Dina also looked at Lan Ling specifically.

Suo Modao: "The greetings that Dina said are just rumors of the wild tribes, not necessarily true, otherwise the vampires are everywhere."

In the legend of the Western world of the Earth, vampires are often accompanied by werewolves, and the two races are similar in some sense.

The werewolves are normal humans for most of the normal period, and only become a werewolf on the full moon night.

However, in the wild world, the so-called Werewolf, only the wolf has a relatively high demon blood, so it becomes a wolf who walks upright and has some wisdom, and the legend of the werewolf on the earth is totally irrelevant.

Of course, the vampires of this world and the vampires of the Earth legend are completely different.

The legendary vampire on earth is just a human change.

In the wild world, the vampire is not a human being, but a branch of the devil.

After Dina said that she was bitten by the higher vampire, she also became a vampire. There is also a certain possibility from somewhere, which is like the blood that was planted into the devil at that time.

After the vampires bite, they planted the blood in their body into the body of the bitten, and let the other party complete the transformation.

Of course, all this is just a guess of Lanling.

Suddenly, the Soul asked: "Lanling, when you sucked the Werewolf, did anyone see your fangs?"

Lanling Road: "At that time, the people in the cell watched me sucking up the werewolf. As for whether I saw my fangs, I don't know. But the whole cell was dead, only Mulong lived alone. ""

Suo Mo nodded and said: "I will ask Mulong, if he sees it, I will let him keep his mouth shut. Lan Ling, don't expose your fangs in front of anyone, and don't **** blood in front of anyone. do you know?"

Lanling Road: "Is there any danger?"

Suo Modao: "In the north, the blood-sucking demon is regarded as a noble. In the south, the vampire is regarded as an evil heresy. Once found, it will be divided by a knife, and then every piece of meat will be burned to ashes."

When the words came out, suddenly Lan Ling’s heart trembled.

Every time he sucked blood, he sucked so much. He feels that in the wild world, everything is evil, so it doesn't matter if it is evil.

Suo Modao: "In fact, they are afraid, because the vampires rely on blood-sucking for a living, and they also rely on blood-sucking to enhance their strength. This will cause panic in every tribe."

This is true!

Once there is such a vampire in the tribe, probably everyone will sleep unsteadily, lest one day their blood will be absorbed.

However, after seeing the near-human race, the barbarian immediately grabbed it and killed him after he died. They did not feel evil. As a result, some people sucked up the blood on them, which became an evil heresy.

Suo Modao: "Child, you... are you relying on blood for a living?"

Lanling shook his head and said: "No, I can eat meat normally, but I want to get strength directly, that is, by blood."

Dina said: "Are you afraid of the sun?"

Lanling Road: "Not at all!"

Suo Mou said: "It is strange, the blood-sucking demon are afraid of the sun, even if it is a powerful vampire, it hates the sun."

Lanling Road: "I like the sun very much... Even when I have no energy at all, the sun can give me some energy, but it is very weak."

This time, Suo Mo and Dina were completely shocked and could not understand.

This... What is the reason for this?

In the world, there is no blood-sucking demon like the sun, but Lanling likes it.

No one knows this reason, including Lanling.

The reason is simple.

At that time, when the Demon army attacked the **** city, many people were slaughtered, and the blood of these people flowed into the blood.

The Mozu army also died countless, and their blood also flowed into the blood.

Therefore, this blood sea does not know how many demon army and human blood.

All human beings are gods and dragons, and they have more or less the blood of the dragon.

All the Mozu army, with the blood of the devil in their bodies, more or less.

Later, Long Yan cooked all the blood and sea, and burned all the impurities, leaving only the most essential part.

The blood of countless people was boiled into only two or three milliliters of golden dragon blood.

And the blood of countless Mozu army, after the burning of Longyan, all the impurities were completely purified.

The blood of millions of pounds of the demon, finally condensed into the most essential gold magic blood, and only two or three milliliters.

After Sauron was killed, the demon star entered the crystal of the dragon flame, letting the golden dragon blood and the golden magic blood all enter the body of Sauron.

Therefore, Lanling was resurrected.

Not only that, but he also bears the golden dragon blood and the golden magic blood.

The golden dragon blood makes Lan Ling like the sun, and the golden demon blood makes Lan Ling like the night.

As for bloodsucking to boost energy, it is just a devil's talent in him.

What other devil talents are there on him? Only God knows it, and Lan Ling himself can only slowly dig.

"Child, I have a request." Suo Modao.

Lanling Road: "You said."

Suo Modao: "In this tribe, you should not **** anyone's blood. Once the panic is caused, the entire foreign army may die without a burial place, and you are too weak. Once your vampire talent is exposed, it must be Will be broken 10,000."

Lan Ling nodded: "I know."

Suo Modao: "And, after you **** the blood, you feel that there is a very awkward energy in the body. You must refine it in time and turn it into your physical strength. Only then can this power be your own."

Lan Ling also deeply felt this.

After he sucked blood, he felt that there was a lot of power in the body, but this force would retreat. For example, if you are hungry, and if you are in danger, this force will fill the body's deficit.

Only truly transforming into strength, speed, and spiritual strength is the power that truly belongs to you.

"How to refine?" asked Lan Ling.

Before it was very simple, the demon star directly manipulated these energies to quench the muscles of the body, and the skeleton and muscles were.

But now... the demon star is gone.

Suo Modao: "It's very simple, terrible weight-bearing training, enhance your strength. Countless slashes, increase your speed. Countless times of meditation, enhance your mental strength."

This is indeed the most direct and simple way to transform the power of the blood into the power of the body.

Then, the Sorcerer turned to Dina: "In the future, Lan Ling's military training will be handed over to you."

Dina stunned and said, "Yes."

Suo Modao: "Lan Ling, it is too late to arrange a barracks for you today. Today, you will go to Dina's cave for one night. I will take you to your daughter in the morning."

A trip to Lanling!

Soo, the uncle, is too direct, so that he can match his righteous daughter and nephew.

This lonely man lives in a cave, not suitable.

"The righteous father." Dina's voice trembled a little.

Sodom said: "You have to be brave, and this is the best chance to get rid of the chiefs."

After that, the Sorcerer returned directly to his cave, leaving Lanling and Dina to stand on the martial arts field.

After a long time, Dina said: "The righteous father misunderstood. At that time, my tail was raised because I felt that I was locked by your mental strength, so I was instinctively alert."

Lan Ling nodded: "Well, I know."

"Then come with me." Dina said.

Then she led the way ahead.

In the night, her figure is really hot to the extreme, this super long leg exceeds any model of the earth, this beautiful buttocks round and straight, and more than any human beauty.

The only thing that is different is the tail.

However, Lan Ling had just vented all his desires on the chieftain’s little sister, and it was already calm enough.

Beyond Dina's cave, there is also a training field.

"If you want to sleep, please, please, I have to practice the sword." Dina said: "Today, 10,000 cuts have not been completed."

Then, Dina came to the front of a huge stake, picking up a dark scimitar in her hands, opening her legs and making a fierce slash against the huge stake.

Every time you cut, the angles are different and the position is different.

But it must be absolutely precise, depending on every mark on the stake.


Dina took the knife in her hands and frantically slashed it. For only half an hour, the whole body was steaming and sweaty.

After an hour, it was almost sweaty.

It cuts more than three thousand times an hour, and each direction, angle, and strength are different.

After completing 3,500 times, she put down her dark knife and sat down on the floor to rest.

When Lan Ling stepped forward, she picked up the wooden knife she had placed on the ground.

Then, he was horrified to discover that this wooden knife turned out to be rooted and could not be fully taken.

He used the power of the blood and found that he still couldn't get it.

"This is dead wood, the density is very high, even more than most of the metal." Dina blinked: "I have a dead wood knife, a full three thousand three pounds."

Time, Lan Ling was completely shocked.

This is only a three-foot-long wooden knife, which is actually one thousand three hundred kilograms. The density of this dead wood is too amazing.

It is completely unseen in the human kingdom and unheard of.

Dina said: "Of course, the original dead wood knife is not so heavy. The finished dead wood knife should be placed in the ghost pit first, so that it is soaked in a very special monster corpse oil, it will be so heavy."

Then, Dina said: "When I was thirteen, my father gave me a dead wood knife to let me practice martial arts. It is about 270 pounds. Do you want it?"

"Good." Lan Lingdao.

Dina walked into the cave and took out a two-foot red deadwood knife and handed it over.

Lan Ling took over and suddenly sank in his hand.

This looks like a fluttering mahogany knife, there are actually more than two hundred kilograms.

"My father taught me to teach you to practice martial arts, starting from this evening?" Dina asked.

“Will it affect your rest?” Lan Ling asked.

Dina said: "When hunting, it is normal to not sleep for a few days and nights."

"Okay, then start from this evening." Lanling Road.

Dina said: "We barbarians practice martial arts, not so much stress, speed, strength, precision, not specific swordsmanship, knife and the like."

Lan Ling nodded: "What are you doing now?"

Dina said: "Seven Stars Magic Warrior!"

"Magic Warrior?" Lanling doubts.

"Yes." Dina said: "After the tenth warrior is a magic warrior, only after becoming a magic warrior can it be regarded as a strong man in a wild world."

In the human kingdom, only the dragon warrior can be regarded as a real strong.

However, the Temple of the Dragon can suppress the human force of the secular kingdom, so there is no hierarchy after the Dragon Warrior.

However, Lanling believes that there must be a separate classification within the Temple of the Dragon, and the Dragon Warrior is only the beginning.

For example, Yan Nai is also a dragon warrior, but he can defeat three or five entry dragon warriors.

He is also a dragon warrior, but she can beat more than ten Yannai.

In the wild world, no one has suppressed the martial arts, so after becoming a magic warrior, it is truly a temple that has entered the martial arts.

Lan Ling asked: "Which level does it take to break through the magic warrior?"

Dina said: "The strength of one hand is more than 1,300 kilograms, and the explosive power of the blood is more than 2,600 kilograms."

At the time, Lanling’s single-arm strength was five hundred kilograms, and the explosive power of the blood was one kilogram. It was designated as a three-level warrior.

Lan Ling closed his eyes and converted it. In this way, the magic warriors and dragon warriors in the wild world are indeed at the same level, and even a little higher.

However, the dragon warrior's judgment standard in the human kingdom is much more complicated than just power, or speed.

Lanling Road: "How long did it take you to start practicing martial arts to break through the magic warrior?"

Dina said: "I started practicing martial arts at the age of nine and broke through the magic warrior at the age of eighteen. It took nine years."

Lan Ling suddenly sighed, not a descendant of the devil, the martial arts talent is really much higher than humans.

Ling Ao is an absolute genius, and it took fifteen years to break through the dragon warrior.

Dina took the wooden knife and stood in front of the wooden stake: "This set of knives was handed over to me by the righteous father. It was named as a gusty wind. There are a total of one hundred strokes. The tricks are very direct, that is, one hundred of the enemy's bodies are cut. Goal. Do you see the marks on these wooden stakes? It’s my practice for many years, I’ve cut it out, it’s absolutely accurate. Every step of the wind knife method is to ensure the fastest, the most labor-saving, the most Direct way to hit the target position."

Lan Ling nodded: "I understand."

Dina said: "This set of knives can not only train strength, speed and precision, but also in the battle before the warrior, you can use this set of knives. If there is no accident, then your years of practicing martial arts will be Deal with this set of knives."

Lan Ling nodded. Since he crossed the world, he has learned several swords, including the most difficult nine swords, but there are few swords that are actually used in actual combat.

Because, from beginning to end, he has almost no chance to do it.

And this set of mad wind knife in Dina's mouth, there is a kind of trick in hand, the feeling I have in the world.

Before becoming a magic warrior, it is enough to learn this set of knives.

Sure enough, the martial arts of the wild world, simple, direct, effective, everything is only for killing.

Dina said: "I will demonstrate a mad wind knife method, a total of one hundred strokes. My movements will be very fast, you may not see clearly, but I just want to show its power and lethality, then I will This set of knives is very straightforward, but each shot wants an accurate angle, but it is very difficult. We strive to use ten nights to fully grasp the action of this hurricane knife."

Lan Ling nodded: "Good."

Taking a deep breath, Dina began to practice the wind and knife.

Incomparably fast, incomparably fierce, incomparably direct!

There is no fancy, it really is a killing knife!

Recruitment is fatal, recruiting and attacking.

Dina actually fought very fast. In less than a minute, the hurricane knife of a hundred strokes was actually finished.

Really like the same gust of wind!

Dina said: "I just moved too fast, you can't see clearly, it doesn't matter, then I will explain it in one stroke."


Lanling has all remembered, every angle, every strength, remembers clearly.

Lan Ling himself was shocked. There was no help in the brain, so there was no camera memory.

However, he still remembers it all over again.

All this is because of his spiritual talent, to the point of almost against the sky!


Note: The second and more than 4,000 words are sent, please support, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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