World Destroying Demonic Emperor

Chapter 491: Four nine three: practice speed! Private council chiefs!

Chapter 491, April 3, cultivating speed! Private council chiefs!

"I don't know how the righteous father happened. I caught the Griffin." Dina sighed: "During the days when the righteous father was not there, Du Yan took charge of the military power of the foreign army. Konstantin deliberately supported him, the meat and the daily. The food is distributed more than 30%, and it is very fresh. Now the entire foreign army is in the state of praise."

Lan Ling really feels in her heart. Constantine is not like a chief of a barbarian tribe. Instead, it is like a human being is a superior, and his mind is too deep, and the small means are one after another.

Dina said: "You must be strong and strong, establish the prestige in the military, do not be compared to Du Yan."

Lan Ling said: "Why, do you support me to inherit the position of my uncle?"

"Of course!" Dina said: "Although you are a jerk, you are not an ungrateful bastard."

After all, Dina stunned Lan Ling.

This bastard, going to sneak out every day, and doing things more and more unbearable, completely subverted his knowledge of men and women.

"You are whiter today." Lan Ling casually said.

Dina's face is red again, she has not taken medicine for four days, so the skin color is gradually recovering.

"Lan Ling, you must not look down on Du Yan, his martial arts is much higher than me." Lan Lingdao: "You want to inherit the position of the righteous father to take charge of the foreign army, not only in martial arts to surpass him, prestige and The merits are also more than him. Our Mozu people don't care what wisdom is not wise, they only admit what they can see."

"I understand!" Lanling Road.

Dina said: "If Du Yan is in charge of the foreign army, he will definitely treat the foreign army as his dowry and marry Nini, in exchange for his rich and wealthy capital. What would you do if you were in charge of the foreign army? ”

Lanling Road: "Looking for opportunities, leaving independence, and then receiving homeless barbarian wanderers to grow and develop, destroy all tribes around the annexation, frantically expand, and finally establish the empire empire!"

Dina trembled: "You want to restore the great cause of the sorcerer?"

Lan Ling nodded: "This is my ideal!"

Dina said with excitement: "If there is such a day, there must be countless Mozu people who support you. Although countless years have passed, the legend of Underworld is still deeply rooted in the hearts of the people."

Lanling Road: "Once you hit the banner of the sorcerer's sorrow, it will attract a lot of people to come and trust. But the gaze of the northern Motuo empire will also come over and not die. So before you have three or five thousand miles of territory, you can't play this. Flag."

Dina said: "Du Yan's eyes are too narrow. One day I only want to be the top of the Chimera tribe. I only want to welcome Nini."

Lanling Road: "I see that Nini, not a simple girl."

Dina said: "Who said no? Constantine II, only inherits the father's haze, but does not inherit his heart. And this Nini, completely inherits her father's heart, her mother's beauty, I am completely fascinated by the outstanding young men of the entire tribe."

Lan Ling said: "As for? Is she beautiful, but not as good as the second lady, not as good as a raccoon?"

"Oh, that's in your eyes." Dina said uncomfortably: "You and the raccoon are in love with the traitor. Of course, she thinks she is more beautiful. But in the tribe's ranking, your raccoon is ranked third. Nie is ranked fourth."

"How many do you rank?" asked Lan Ling.

"boring..." Dina said.

"Fourth?" Lanling Road.

"Well..." Dina said with a mouthful.

Lanling Road: "After your skin has restored its original color, you will be able to kill Ninian and win the second place. And I am sure that your **** is ranked first."

When this words came out, Dina suddenly angered: "Lan Ling, what do you mean? Are you teasing me? In your eyes, I am like a woman like A raccoon, just let you tease and play?"

Lan Ling glanced, did not know where to step on Dina's tail, and quickly raised his hand to stop the war.

"My fault, I will not say it again in the future." Lan Ling hurry, he will not try to argue with a woman to win or lose.

Then, Lanling said: "Do you think Du Yan can marry Nini?"

"I don't know!" Dina didn't have a good voice, but soon resumed the normal tone: "It's not easy, because Nini's reputation is great, martial arts is also very strong, and she is the daughter of the chief, so there is Many outstanding young people want to marry. The young chiefs of the nearby tribes, especially the minor chiefs of the Ankara tribe. In the Chimera tribe, the captain of the gryphon cavalry and the chief of the tribe cavalry are all rivals of Du Yan."

Lanling Road: "Do these men like Nini?"

“It’s just like it? It’s just fascinating.” Dina said: “Niri’s beautiful reputation has spread throughout the centuries.”

Lanling Road: "This girl is playing with so many outstanding young men in the applause, or she likes this love game very much. Or he is not small."

Dina said: "Do you want to join in, can you be beautiful with your charm?"

Lan Ling responded with a sneer.

First of all, he will not follow a similar old road. Secondly, relying on women in the barbaric world is more unstable than the human kingdom.

"I want to take a shower and sleep, you can do it yourself." Dina said.

Lanling immediately got up, went to the cave of the uncle Soo, took a shower, and went to sleep!


At five o'clock the next day, the day was still not bright, Dina awakened Lanling, still holding a leather whip in her hand.

Lan Ling has opened a new day of **** trials.

Today, the lead block of the body has reached 401 pounds, and the dead wood sword in the hand has reached four hundred kilograms, and the whole body weight has reached 810 kilograms.

In short, he is absolutely not allowed to relax, and he is constantly pressing the limits of his body.

"Run, run, run..." Dina shouted, and the whip in her hand whipped the ground and drove Lanling to run.

At this time, the soldiers of the foreign army should have been sleeping.

But in order to see this scene, many people can get up early, then point to Lanling and laugh.

Of course, these laughs are all goodwill.

"I heard that there is no, this is the nephew of the big leader, relatives."

"Yes? Looks like it, it looks so beautiful, it is more beautiful than a woman."

"You look like it."

"I heard that the big boss thinks that his martial arts is too bad and will drag our hind legs, so let Dina's three leaders train him hard."

"Then he is miserable, and Dina’s leader is the most sultry."

"That's not necessarily, this little white face is like that woman who likes it, maybe our Dina leader has already been a big spring."

"Shut up, shut your mouth, do you want to stick a stick? Who doesn't know the thoughts of Du Yan's chief to Dina's leader?"

"Hey, look at his fine skin and tender meat. It’s no use for training. If you have enough food, you can’t get enough training.”

"As far as he wants to compete with Du Yan adults? Nothing, martial arts are different, and their status is different."


In a lot of discussions, Lan Ling ran out of the tribe.

Today, at 2,300 meters, Lanling’s body reached its first limit.

Then, a powerful force emerged from the blood, poured into the limbs, and completed the first quenching of bones today.

The limit of the second pain is at 3,900 meters.

Then I started climbing, and almost every kilometer of the mountain road, the body reached a limit of pain.

Every time you reach the limits of your body, that pain can't be described in words.

The body seems to be carrying a mountain, the front is a dim, a burst of dizziness, the muscles of the whole body seems to be filled with cement, every move is a tear of general pain.

For many people, this pain is even more uncomfortable than death.

Fortunately, it is the blood of Lanling against the sky, replaced by other Mozu people, the chance of this terrible training to die is very big.

Because the foreign army is too poor, it is impossible to use the medicated bath to quench the bones, and it is impossible to use the animal blood bath. Only this original direct method can be used.

After climbing to the top of the mountain, Lanling’s body has reached the limit of seven times of pain, completing the force of the second blood to quench the bones and transform it into the power of the body.

However, at this time, of course, you can't rest, and you have to cut the 1,500 swords.

Today's sword is already four hundred pounds heavy, and the proportion of Lanling is 610 pounds. It seems that it is not difficult to hold the sword with both hands.

But on the earth, this is exactly the same as a normal man, with a sword of forty or fifty pounds slashing, and there are four or fifty pounds of weight in the body.

Every sword that you cut out must give the greatest strength, and let Dina feel that power is a pass.

After completing the training of 1,500 swords, Lan Ling’s body reached the limit of pain three times, and the power of the blood rushed out of energy three times to carry out the bone quenching.

Half of the **** was tested today, and the whole body completed ten times of quenching, one more time than yesterday.

Next, it is the most beautiful time of Lanling day, hunting, bloodsucking!

And this is the moment when Dina is shocked again.

Hunting is a very long and hard job.

First, you need to know where there are prey. Secondly, the world's monsters move very quickly, usually much faster than humans. You just found out that it has already escaped by lightning.

However, Lanling has the spirit of against the sky. As long as he closes his eyes and moves within a few hundred meters, he can sense it, even inside.

The most terrifying thing is that he can also lock in some prey, lock them in place, and wait for Lanling to kill.

So every time, Dina saw that the fierce beasts stood in the same place, and even stretched their necks waiting for Lanling to **** blood. Her heart was truly unbeatable.

Once, Dina couldn't help but ask: "Can you fix me?"

Lan Ling’s answer is not enough, but it should be fine soon.

Therefore, there is no prey in the ten miles around the tribe. Basically, it has already been hunted clean.

But every day Lan Ling has a harvest, and the harvest is great.

Lanling **** blood, Dina takes meat.

Later, when the time was a little more abundant, Lanling not only hunted the fierce beast of the wolf, but also hunted the deer, the hare, a delicious little beast.

Then remove the tender meat, smear the salt, find wild spices from the woods, and bake it to Dina.

Dina refused at first, because the foreign army is equal, how much the brothers eat every day, how much she eats, can not have special treatment.

Lan Ling did not say anything, pinched her small mouth and stuffed the barbecue into her mouth.

Then, she can no longer stop, eating her eyes, especially the spicy taste in the barbecue, it is simply addictive.

In the past few years, the food that the foreign army has eaten is poor, let alone the exquisite cooking. It’s a blessing to have a full stomach, and it’s delicious.

The delicious barbecue of Lanling seems to open the door of the new world, so that Dina can hardly feel the existence of her tongue.

At this time, her eyes on Lanling were blurred.

But soon, her gaze became angry.

Because, Lanling with a fragrant roast venison to please the lover A raccoon, that is the wife of the husband, the fox young woman.

Two people, you take a bite, I take a bite and even take a bite.

After eating the meat, the two people once again staged a goblin fight!

Similarly, Dina still wants to look at the wind!

Many times, Dina almost couldn't help but ask, is Lanling trying to give up the righteous father, or to engage in women?

Is this kind of thing so interesting? Have an hour every day.

Every time I heard the voice of the fox, it seemed to be dying, but why didn't I die? Every time I listen to the sound, it seems to be very painful. Why do you not enjoy it every day?

But after listening to the spring drama of Lanling and Fox beauty, she felt that the body was slippery and tired, and she couldn’t wait to go back to take a bath, and the body seemed to have a flame burning, and how the water could not be drained.


Today, the beauty of the Fox family is particularly unbearable. In just over half an hour, it is completely soft and can't move, lying sweetly in the arms of Lanling.

Ten minutes later, A raccoon suddenly said: "My lover, let's run away, let's go to the Fox!"

She is not in love with Lan Ling, and she does not want to be with her rough husband anymore.

Lan Ling couldn't help but say: "No, I can't leave the foreign army."

These days, he has learned some simple barbaric language from Dina.

His anti-day talent, just listen to it once and remember, the progress of learning is extremely fast.

"But, I don't want him to touch me again. I look sick when I look at his rough look." The fox beauty young woman grievously said: "I want to be with you, every day."

"Then we killed him?" Lan Ling tried.

Suddenly, the fox young woman A stunned, trembled: "No... no, he is my husband after all, I am very sorry for his love, how can I kill him?"

Her performance, Lan Ling was relieved.

Lanling said: "Then I am going to find a medicine, you secretly wipe it on your husband's underwear, so that the things below him will be forever ruined, and no longer can't make a woman."

"This, this is too bad, too poisonous..." A raccoon said, tearfully looking at Lanling Road: "I can't do it, we run away, we will be happy, although I am better than you. I am old, but I am young in the Fox family, I can still have children."

Lan Ling did not force her, anyway, there is still time, and can continue to be confused.

This beautiful fox woman can not only be used to retaliate, but also allows her to inquire about the high-level movements of the Chimera tribe.


At around 10 o'clock in the evening, Lan Ling completed today's **** trial.

Then, take the test of your own trial results.

Six hundred and forty pounds, today's arm strength has increased by 30 pounds, and the speed of the upgrade has slowed down a bit.

This is very normal. The practice of force is the more difficult it is to get to the back.

Moreover, this kind of **** trial is too primitive, and the effect will become less and less obvious in the future. The increasing power will drop rapidly every day.

But even so, it is optimistic to estimate that Lanling will be able to break through the magic warrior for up to three months!

This is a completely anti-day figure. It took Dina's talent to go from a third-level warrior to a magic warrior for seven years.

According to Dina's words, once the magic warrior has been broken, this cultivation method is of little use and needs to be replaced by a new cultivation mode.

After bathing and bathing, Lanling lay down to sleep and prepared for tomorrow's **** trial.

Just fell asleep for half an hour, suddenly Lanling woke up.

A man walked into the cave of Somo and appeared in front of Lanling.

He was looking at it, it was a hot figure, with a seductive scent.

It turned out to be the daughter of Constantine, the flower of the tribe of Chimera, Nini Ann!

What is she doing? This is a private meeting Lan Ling!


Note: The first more than 4,000 words are sent, please support, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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