World Destroying Demonic Emperor

Chapter 502: Five zero four: the decisive battle opened, harvesting the head!

Chapter 502, the 504 decisive battle opens, harvesting the head!

After hearing Lan Ling’s words, Nini was angry and she had never been so humiliated.

Suddenly she was cold and looked at Lanling Road: "You should know that among you and Du Yan, we can only choose one. And if you give up this opportunity, then we can only choose Du Yan."

Lan Ling’s face was positive and said: “Well, I promise you.”

Nini Ann.

Then she got into a tangled.

Even if Lan Ling promised it, it was just a verbal response. What use is it?

"What proof do you use?" Nini said.

Lanling Road: "I will help you get rid of your brother and make sure that God does not know."

Suddenly Nini Ann was shocked and shook his head. "You know that this is impossible. My father still has decades. What I need now is to cultivate the loyalty to me."

Lan Ling smiled and said: "What do you use to prove others' loyalty to you?"

Nini Andao said: "When loyalty comes, I can naturally feel it."

Lan Ling looked at her with enthusiasm and said: "Do you feel my loyalty now?"

Nini's face did not change, but smiled: "There is already a little bit, if the tone is more loyal, then it will be fine."

After that, she got up and left.

Just leaving the Lanling camp, Nini's face instantly cooled down, and she felt her IQ was humiliated.

She has two kinds of weapons, one is beautiful, the other is the heart, she is relying on these two weapons to capture men.

For example, Du Yan, Yang Guqiu giant three, the military power in his hands accounted for nearly half of the entire tribe. And all three of them are obedient to her.

She is best at observing words, looking at a person's eyes and expressions, and she knows what the other person is thinking.

She easily saw that her weapon was ineffective for Lanling!


Return to the Constantine camp.

"How?" asked Constantine.

"He can't use this person, he wants to get rid of it." Nini said.

"Why?" Constance said.

Nini Andao said: "I told him that I want to help my father conquer the dozen or so tribes around and become the masters of this thousand miles. Then I will take my brother and become the female chief of the tribe. As long as he helps me succeed, I will Marry him. In this land of thousands of miles, he is under one person, above 10,000 people. But I can't see any signs of his heart."

Suddenly Constantine’s eyes narrowed.

Ninian continued: "In the face of this temptation, anyone will be tempted. There are two possibilities without heart. The first one, he has no ambition, the second one is too ambitious."

Constantine nodded and his daughter summed it up very well.

Lan Ling is absolutely impossible without ambition, that is the latter answer, and the ambition is too big!

Nini Andao said: "So he can't stay, he has to find a way to kill."

Constantine nodded and said, "What do you think, what do he want?"

Nini Ann was silent, she really didn't know what Lan Ling wanted.

Constantine said: "If you come up with opinions, anyone will be heart-warming, why is he not heart-warming?"

Nini Andao said: "He used to sneer and say, you have to give me a few men."

Constantine said: "That is to say, he does not believe in our conditions at all, so he will not be tempted."

Nini Andao said: "Although it is impossible for me to marry him, it is true that he is the great leader of the foreign army. Why is he not moving?"

Constantine said: "Because he thinks that the big leader of the foreign army is already his, the Soul has personally promised."

Nini Andao said: "In short, this person is too deep, too unruly to be used for me."

Constantine squinted: "Nini, why are you so rejecting him?"

Nini Andao: "What did he do to me today, haven't you seen it yet?"

Constantine said: "You reject him because he doesn't feel confused about you, makes you feel frustrated, so I want to get rid of him."

Nini's face suddenly came down, and then she smiled at Constantine: "Father, even for this reason, there is nothing."

Constantine nodded and said: "There is nothing, a enchanting genius, can not be used for me, it must be removed!"

"Then I went back." Nini said.

When she stepped out of the camp, Constantine said: "Nini, if you really let you inherit the position of the chieftain?"

Nini said with no expression: "Impossible, in the wild world, the power is respected, my martial arts brother is too far away."

Then she left directly.

Constantine sighed and he was really tangled.

His son, Constantine II, is his only heir, inheriting his anti-drugs, and his martial arts are also very high, but his heart is not deep enough, he only knows how to play.

And her daughter Nini An completely inherited her wisdom and heart, but unfortunately a girl, and martial arts are not as high as their son.

The strengths of the two people are just like the combination, but then, isn’t it exactly the same as himself?


On the side of the Mustang tribe, the shaman priest of the tribe was ushered in. This is an old man who cannot see the age.

The chieftain told Lanling’s miracle today to the old shaman.

"The warrior of our tribe heard his snoring, would it be fearful?" asked the old shaman.

The chief shook his head and said: "No, it’s just that the horse is frightened and flees."

The old shaman priest said: "This is a special demon blood, a powerful shock to the beast, and can recall the ancient memories of many beasts."

The chieftain said: "Is it very powerful?"

Old Shaman said: "It's very special."

The chieftain said: "Can there be a solution?"

Old Shaman said: "Actually, with his ability to shock only a dozen horses at a time, it has little effect on large-scale battles."

The chieftain said: "Is there any way to make our cavalry not afraid of him?"

The old shaman nodded and said: "Yes, when do you think people will be fearless?"

The chieftain said: "When you are drunk."

The old shaman priest said: "Yes, but when you are drunk, you are unconscious, walking and swaying. There is also a situation. When you are excited, you don't know how to be afraid, or even know the pain."

The chieftain said: "You old people directly said that there is no way for our horses to no longer fear the kid, otherwise there is no way to fight."

The old shaman priest said: "Yes, with a dose of boiling, you can mix it into the horse's forage. After eating, the horse will feel alert and excited, and brave and fearless. But the consequences are two In the days after, the horses will be very tired and low."

The chieftain said: "Okay, then match!"


Early the next morning!

Constantine received a letter from the Black Crow, and then he ordered the army to withdraw a few more miles and camped on a hill.

The chieftain of the Mustang tribe suddenly laughed and led many people to tease Constantine, laughing at his timidity as a mouse, and retreating without actually fighting.

As a result, the haze brought by the two battles of Lanling yesterday to the Mustang tribe was swept away.

Anyway, this war was initiated by Constantine, and the Mustang tribe did not worry.

Just dragging it, if it didn't produce a result in the end, it would be the defeat of the Chimera tribe, because he provoked the war.

But two nights later, the chief of the Broncos tribe received a bad news.

“The 13,000 Ankara tribe left its own tribe and marched in the same direction as the Mustang tribe.”

There are indications that the 11,000th army of the Ankara tribe is going to the old nest of the wild horse tribe.

Suddenly, the chief of the Mustang tribe was stunned and screamed.

"Shameless Constantine, the rotten goods born from the **** hole, dare to be so mean!"

"It's no wonder that this old bastard, who led only 8,000 people, dared to fight with the 10,000 people of the Mustang tribe."

"It’s no wonder that after the war, the Constantine old thief never played, but he kept dragging time."

The Mustang tribal chiefs **** in the air and finally **** Constantine's aunt.

He was a straight man with a violent temper. Constantine made a war. He did not say anything and took the army to fight. He did not think that Constantine was so insidious. He had already conspired with the Ankara tribe. The two divided the wild horse tribe.

"The Ankara tribe of the bastard, it is not afraid that after the army left the tribe, did others take the troops to copy his home?" The Burma tribe chief angered: "And now the Chimera tribe is empty, why not fight him, I am biased to hit me, do you think I am bullied?"

After another trip to the Ankara tribe, the Burma tribe chief calmed down.

Things have already happened, the danger has come, and it is useless.

“How far is the Ankara tribal army from our nest?” asked the chief of the Mustang tribe.

"It should be less than three hundred miles." Scouting.

The Mustang tribe must make a choice. It is to bring the soldiers back to the tribe to keep the home, or to quickly fight with the Chimera tribe.

"The chieftain, when returning to the home with the army at this time, the Chimera tribe will follow closely and attack us behind the scenes." A tribal elder said: "And the most terrible thing is that in case two tribes of Chimera and Ankara If the army is attacked, it will be finished. Our 10,000 people may be destroyed."

"Yes, the only way now is to make a quick fix, defeat Constantine as soon as possible, and then return to the Horde." Another tribal general said: "Once we defeat the Chimera tribe, the Ankara tribe will take the initiative to retreat. Otherwise he is attacking. When we were in the tribe, we killed them directly from the back, and they were enemies."

It seems that quick fix is ​​indeed the only way.

The Burma tribe chiefs gnashed their teeth for a while, and immediately broke the line: "Tomorrow's morning, the whole army will dispatch and attack the Chimera tribal army!"


In this way, under the control of Constantine's conspiracy, his eight thousand troops changed from the attacking party to the defending party!

Moreover, his big camp Anza was on the mountain and became a condescending person.

As a result, the eight thousand troops that were originally insufficient were more than enough. In the war situation, the Chimera tribe has changed from a disadvantage to an advantage, from passive to active.

Moreover, the four thousand cavalry of the Mustang tribe could have been used as a trump card in the battlefield. At this time, this combat power was abolished.

Because the camp of Constantine is stuck in the mountains, the slopes are steep, the cavalry is very difficult to ascend the ascent, and the combat power is weakened by more than half.

In the evening, the Chief of Constantine conducted the final pre-war discussion.

In fact, there is nothing to discuss. It is to defend the camp and not let the wild horse tribes break through.

Finally, Constantine looked to Du Yan, Yang Gu, and Qiu Giant. "I will remember my promise. This war determines the fate of our tribe. Whoever has the greatest combat power, I will put Nini Ann. Who is it for?"

When the words came out, the three men were once again boiled and swayed.

However, this is impossible, because in the end there will definitely be two people with the same military skills. In any case, it will be exactly the same.


Early the next morning!

The leisure before the entire battlefield swept away, became extremely intense and intense, full of oppression and oppression.

The sky is still not bright, and all the soldiers have been stationed in their own positions.

The camp of the Chimera tribe is very simple, just two walls of the wall.

These two walls are made of wood, only three or four meters high. The defensive soldiers stood on the platform behind the wall.

The foreign army of Lanling was used as cannon fodder and was of course placed in the outer wall. Eight hundred foreign troops must hold the wall of 500 meters.

The other armies of the Chimera tribe have a reserve team to replace, but the foreign army has no reserve team, and it will die when it is dead.

The first sun was just shining, and the entire battlefield rang a shocking drum.

Then, the 10,000-strong army of the Mustang tribe began to assemble and prepare to attack the military village of the Chimera tribe.

Both sides are coming out of the nest, this will be a fierce and **** battle, and basically one day will end, and the winners and losers.

Lan Ling checks his own sword, as well as bows and arrows, and spare big bows.

He carefully wiped his arrow with a cloth strip. Before in the human kingdom, the arrows he used were all black gold arrows. At this time, there were no steel arrows, only a small part of the iron sword head, and quite a part of the bone arrow. .

The foreign army is too poor, and Lanling’s demand for arrows is too large to buy so many iron arrows.

"Lanling, you come out." Suddenly, the voice of Du Yan was heard. He had a clear armor and appeared in front of Lanling on a high horse.

"What is it?" Lan Ling Road.

Du Yandao: "The real decisive battle is coming. There is no room for you to use your geeks. You are not trying to compare with me, is it better than fighting?"

Lan Ling nodded: "Yes, if I win, you have to admit your uncle to the uncle. If I lose, I am not close to Dina."

Du Yandao: "Add one more, if you lose, you must confess to Miss Niniean!"

Lan Ling suddenly had no words, and you Du Yan had nothing to do with the daughter of the chieftain.

Do you have such a condition, are you not afraid of the brothers of the foreign army who have an opinion on you?

Lan Ling laughed and said: "Well, since you have added conditions, then I will add conditions. If I win, you must not only admit your uncle to the wrong father, but the daily food and meat of the foreign army will increase by 30%."

Du Yan’s face suddenly twitched, and this **** Lan Ling never forgets to buy people’s hearts. And this condition is not what he can promise at all.

Lan Ling wanted to mention that if Du Yan was lost, he would get out of the foreign army. However, this condition cannot be mentioned. This will undermine the unity of the foreign army, and instead increase the treatment of the foreign army to gain the hearts of the people.

"Good." Constantine said: "I promised that if the battle of Lanling exceeds Du Yan, the supply of foreign troops will increase by 30%."

Then, Constantine turned to Du Yandao: "Lanling has already had the battle of twenty-three heads. Are you under pressure?"

"He, and my strength is not the same, if not for Miss Nini An to get back to justice, he did not even qualify for me." Du Yan sneered.

At this time, the chief of the Broncos tribe shouted: "Start the war and kill the running dogs of Constantine!"

Then, the 10,000 Mustang tribe army rushed up wildly.

The decisive battle begins!

Lanling holds the bow and arrow, the opportunity to really harvest the head is coming, and it is time to create a miracle again.


Note: I am not interested in reading this book. Welcome to see my other book, the fantasy "Jiuyang Juggernaut". The freshman boy Yang Dingtian has the body of Jiuyang, which has no one in hundreds of millions. He crosses. To another world, inexplicably, he inherited the world's first major, became the world's first beautiful fiancé!

(End of this chapter)

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