World Destroying Demonic Emperor

Chapter 509: May 1st: Insults, military power list announced!

Chapter 509: May 1st: Insults, the military power list is announced!

Lanling knows that the Mustang tribe is in a huge crisis and is likely to find itself.

But I did not expect this woman to move so fast, and in the middle of the night I touched the military camp of the Chimera tribe and entered her own camp.

And from this it can be seen that the wild world ignores the spiritual power.

In exchange for a military camp in the human kingdom, a dozen spiritual masters are absolutely impossible to touch the big camp.

Feeling the cold blade on the neck, Lan Ling couldn't help but say: "It's Du Yan who killed your brother. You should find him to take revenge."

The daughter of the Mustang tribe chieftain said: "I can't beat him, otherwise I will kill him."

Persimmon picks soft pinch, it is really direct!

"So why do you come to me?" Lanling cold road.

The daughter of the Mustang tribe chieftain: "You killed so many brothers."

"Life and death on the battlefield, is it necessary to report any private enmity?" Lan Ling sneered: "And, my uncle finally spared you and your father did not kill, what is this?"

Suddenly, the woman of the Mustang tribe chief trembled, and the scimitar in her hand followed.

Lan Ling saw her reaction and suddenly hid her heart.

Girls know that they are honest, because they can be fooled.

A girl like Nini is hard to do, especially ruthless, self-serving, and black-faced. Except for the benefits, basically no one can impress her.

The girl in front of her eyes is somewhat like her father.

The Burma tribe chieftain is a typical wild world leader. The force is respectful, and he is also relatively straight. As soon as Constantine declared war, he immediately rushed with 10,000 people, and the typical one is not to be dry!

As a result, the two minds of the Constantine and Ankara tribes were stunned, and the 10,000-strong army was killed more than 5,000, leaving only four thousand remnants.

And it’s really miserable to see the old nest being over.

"Hey, from the beginning to the end of the head and tail, even the real face does not dare?" Lan Ling sneered.

The daughter of the Mustang Chieftain slammed his teeth and ripped off the leather mask on his face, revealing his face.

Sure enough, I still can't stand it!

In addition to the eyes of the girl like the Raksha, the rest are very similar to the close people, the nose is not so long, and the ears are not so sharp.

Wheat-colored skin is very smooth.

How to describe the whole face? It is very sexy, hot!

Yes, the face can be described as **** and hot.

For example, Zhong Lijun's face can be called **** and hot, and a pair of rich lips is very hot and moving.

In front of this girl, there is a face that is unruly, but hot and beautiful.

Especially those eyes, like a knife, to see who is like killing the enemy.

And that lip, the petals are bloody, the flames are burning, full of people's desire to kiss.

Such a girl, stubborn, individual, tough, violent, full of honor.

However, Lan Ling did not like it, just like Nini, as for the girl in front of him, he did not have any patience.

In the wild world, he will find a woman and will marry a woman.

However, he would marry a woman like Dina, because she is pure, martial, and superficial, but her heart is gentle and can take good care of his life.

Although Dina is not as beautiful as this woman, she is not as beautiful as Nini.

Lanling was exhausted, had no interest, and had no patience to conquer the leopard-like woman in front of her.

But getting down to business, Lan Ling’s little life is in her hands.

"What is your name?" Lan Ling asked.

The sister's knife pressed, and suddenly cut a **** mouth in Lanling's neck.

Lan Ling closed his eyes because he was worried that he would show murder.

His patience is getting more and more insufficient. If he is active at this time, he will even directly order her to be killed.

"Do you want me to follow you to the Mustang tribe to help you fight?" asked Lan Ling.

"Yes." The woman of the Mustang tribe chieftain.

"Are you asking me for it? Are you the princess of the Enchanted Empire? Is it the princess of the Motuo Empire? Is your name so noble? You are a woman of a tribal chief who is about to perish, you beg me Help, even the name does not say?" Lan Ling coldly smiled: "Where do you feel good about yourself?"

The female face of the Mustang tribe chief trembled: "Because your life and death are in my hands."

"Then you do it." Lan Ling cold road.

"Don't think that I dare not!" The girl of the Mustang tribe chieftain chilled.

"You just don't dare, if you don't do it, you are the one that your next **** brought you out." Lanling Road.

The words of Lanling are extremely vicious, and the daughter of the Burma tribe chief really wants to knock down the head of this person.

But Lan Ling is right, she really does not dare, she can not.

"My name is Li Ning." Woman said.

After Lanling was converted into the pronunciation of human characters, he asked in human language: "What about Ning?"

The woman glanced at the human language: "The lemon of the lemon tree, my father saw my mother under a lemon tree."

"Oh." Lanling's voice was a little gentler, because there is a Ning in the name of Suning Bing, although the words are different, but the pronunciation is the same.

Then, Lanling Road: "Constantine married her daughter Nini Ann in order to recruit me. What do you want me to do with your wild horse tribe?"

The face of the lime is trembled and said: "You... what conditions do you want?"

"Oh..." Lanling sneered and didn't speak.

Look at the other places, and say: "The conditions that Constantine can promise, we can also reach."

After all, her gorgeous face trembled fiercely, her eyes showing a humiliating look.

That means very clear, Nini An can marry Lan Ling, she can also marry Lan Ling.

"I feel very humiliating. I feel that for your tribal cause, you have to make such a big sacrifice. You are a woman of a chieftain, but you want to marry me like a foreigner?" Lanling is doing a spiritual narration for her.

More than a few limes said, "For the father, for the Mustang tribe, I am willing to do anything."

Lanling frowned: "Why do you women feel so good about themselves? Marry me as if it is a great gift, as if it is a huge sacrifice? Please, the woman I have been through, which one is not more beautiful than you?" In the Chimera tribe alone, the women I have met every day are more beautiful than you, and the sound of the bed is much louder than you."

Suddenly, Lime felt a greater shame, and she almost had to bite her teeth.

She swears that if she is not asking for Lan Ling, she will definitely cut his head.

"What are the conditions that can be said?" Lan Lingdao.

More Li Tao said: "We know that your relationship with your uncle and the gods is very good. We are also willing to accept his foreign army and enjoy the same treatment as the tribal army."

"Is this a condition?" Lan Ling sneered: "My uncle's martial arts are invincible, let alone one thousand foreign troops. For you, it's all in the snow, great gift. What will you accept, what equal treatment, you don't think Is it ridiculous?"

It’s obviously not a good negotiating opponent. It’s anxious and angry: “What do you want?”

Lanling Road: "This is what you are talking to, is it not up to you to open?"

"Sorcerer can enter the Tribal Presbyterian Church."

"What else?" Lanling Road.


"What about me?" Lanling Road.

More limestone: "What do you want?"

Lanling Road: "Is there no place in the Presbyterian Church?"

“How is it possible?” More Li said: “You are too crazy to think about it.”

Lan Ling smiled and didn't talk anymore.

Of course, he does not really want to negotiate with Lime, but wants to test the bottom line of the Mustang tribe.

Now it seems that the Mustang tribe feels quite good about itself, and it is not bad enough!

More Li Tao said: "I can marry you, but when is the wedding room, I have the final say. We can accept the foreign army and enjoy the same material conditions of the tribal army, and the Soul can enter the Tribal Presbyterian Church, this is Our last condition."

Lanling Road: "If I don't agree?"

The lime-curved machete tightened: "Then I will kill you now and avenge the tribe's brothers. And since you can't use it for us, you can't leave you to Constantine."

"That is, I promised or died?" Lan Ling asked.

"Yes, either promise or die!"

It seems that the Mustang and Chimera tribes are strikingly consistent.

Although it seems that Constantine's approach is to be mean and shameless, the result is exactly the same.

Lan Ling either promised or died!

It’s so oyster!

Lanling Road: "Then I also have a condition."

More lime cold road: "What conditions?"

Lanling Road: "You will be with me now, I might consider your conditions."

When the words came out, the eyes of the limes burst into the murderousness of the sky. She could no longer control the anger of her heart, and the scimitar slammed down in her hand.

"you wanna die!"

After a scream, Li Ning really wants to cut Lan Ling's head!


When her knife was halfway through, the whole body was completely imprisoned, as if it had been fixed.

Because there is a sharp sword on her waist.

This person is of course a sorcerer.

Nowadays, he has seized every minute and one second to restore his skill, so he has always entered a deeper level of thinking. But in order to protect Lanling, he lived next door.

At this time, Lan Ling was somewhat embarrassed because he had been stalking a girl in front of his elders.

But he didn't really want to brush the hooligans, but to completely irritate the limes, and then try to use spiritual body.

Because only when she is completely angry, will she lose her mind and lose most of her mental defense.

However, the Sorcerer appeared in time, Lan Ling has not yet made a spiritual body.

Lan Ling stared at her coldly and sneered: "My uncle has spared the lives of your father and daughter on the battlefield. You will repay this way!"

"To kill, you must listen to you."

Lanling Road: "I don't talk about conditions with you like idiots. Go back and tell your father two sentences: First, we are not his enemies. In the second sentence, please let him live as much as possible, no matter what the embarrassing situation is alive. ”

The Soul removed the tip of the sword from the waist of the lime and let it go.

The limestone stared at Lanling and turned and walked out.

"The direction you went to was Constantine's big account, it was to find death." Lanling cold road.

Lime bite his teeth, turned a direction, left the camp of Lanling, and sneaked into the darkness.


Lanling Road: "Sure enough, I don't see the coffin, I don't cry. At this time, we ask for our help. It still has a gifted attitude. It seems that it is not enough, just wait for them to fight with the Ankara tribe. By the time the wild horse The tribes are dying. They have only a hundred people left, so they may recognize the reality."


The Ankara tribal army is only less than a day away from the old nest of the Mustang tribe.

The Mustang tribe chief Doron, painfully offered a defeated book, and ceded the entire Falla Mountains, and then led the defeated soldiers to return to the Mustang tribe.

This represents the victory of the Chimera tribe in this battle, the expansion of the territory occupied by nearly a third, the hunting ground expanded by a third.

In the wild world, territory and hunting grounds are everything.

The Mustang tribe was caught in a deadly crisis. Not only lost one-third of the territory, but also lost half of its strength, and then they faced a bigger decisive battle.

What is the fate? Life and death are not clear.

The Chimera tribe is caught in the carnival of victory.

The war won a brilliant victory, and the losses were much smaller than expected.

Constantine took 8,000 soldiers to participate in the war, and the final casualties were only over a thousand people, but the harvest was huge.

So after the defeat of the Mustang tribe, the entire camp of the Chimera tribes fell into the sea of ​​carnival.

Endless bonfire party.

Next, the most important moment is coming.

That is the head of the military that issued this war.

Every time it is like this, after the end of the war, it will open the list directly and announce the military power.

In the wild world, the military power means house, woman, money, food, and power.

This time, the leader's military power list is a huge suspense.

Because the chieftain Constantine promised, whoever got the most manpower, he gave his daughter to whom.

Now everyone is curious, who can welcome the beauty?

Is it Du Yan, or Yang Gu, or Qiu Ju?

For the brothers of the foreign army, the biggest suspense is the contest between Lanling and Du Yan.

Because before the war, two people set up a bet.

If Lanling’s heads of military work are higher, Du Yan will admit his mistakes to the Sorcerer.

And Du Yan's headmanship is higher, it is necessary to think that Nini's squatting admits mistakes, but also to stay away from Dina.

Originally, the foreign army brothers did not hope for the military service of Lanling, because they knew how powerful Du Yan was. But on the battlefield, they all saw Lanling's bow and arrow massacre. Not only that, but he also relied on his own power to block the risk of the line of defense collapse.

At least in this contest, the brothers of the foreign army hope that Lanling will win.

Because Du Yan confessed to the sorcerer and did not have any humiliation, and Lan Ling sneaked to Nini, it was a shameful shame.


The head of the military has not yet been announced, Du Yan, Yang Gu, and Qiu Giant have already stood under the biggest bonfire.

The three people are full of anxiety, but they are calm and calm.

Du Yan was very uneasy about Constantine’s first call to Lanling, but he also wanted to come because he discovered that Lanling had special talents.

For the head of the military, Du Yan feels that there is no suspense, he is the absolute first, no accident will happen.

Especially in the end, he took the opportunity to kill the young chief of the Mustang tribe, and added 50 more troops.

While Yang Gu and Qiu Ju, they fell into a little uneasy.

They feel that their own military power may not be as good as Du Yan. However, Du Yan is a foreign dog after all, so when the chiefs announce the numbers, they may move some hands and feet to make their own military power and Du Yan almost the same.

But no matter what, everyone is looking forward to the leader.

Especially Du Yan, as time passed, he almost felt that he had a suffocation.

Endless expectation, endless excitement.

When I was imagining the announcement of the head of the military, the glory of the public.

I fantasize about the daughter of the chieftain, the flower of the tribe, Nini, and the jealousy of thousands of men.

Once it comes true, it is really the most happy moment of his Du Yan.

As for his gambling contract with Lan Ling, it is just an embellishment. However, Nini Ann wants to be jealous, Dina will not let him go. Lanling is still rolling as far as possible.

In the long-awaited expectation, Chieftain Constantine came out with a huge piece of parchment in his hand, standing in front of the campfire and slowly unfolding.

"Winning the battle, show military merit!"

Long live, long live, long live!

The soldiers of the Chimera tribe shouted in unison.

The most critical and most exciting moment has arrived.

Du Yan is desperately breathing, very excited and excited.

Chieftain Constantine shouted: "The first place in the military ranks, Lanling!"

When the words came out, it was like a blue sky slamming down!

Just like a meteorite, slamming into the lake.

Du Yan only felt a thunder in an instant, hitting him with a blank head, and his eyes were suddenly black and the whole body was completely cold.


Note: The first more than 4,000 words are sent, please support, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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