World Destroying Demonic Emperor

Chapter 517: May 19: Ghost Domain Trial!

Chapter 517, May 19th Ghost Field Trial!

One month, repaired to break through eight.

No matter where it is, it is impossible to accomplish the task, but in the mouth of the second lady, it seems to be understated.

This made Lan Ling feel surprised, but not surprised.

From the moment I saw her pet is a rotten snake, Lanling knew that the identity of this female snake was not simple.

"What conditions?" Lan Ling.

The second lady said: "After you married Nini, murder Constantine, first support Nini Ann as a female chieftain. Then make her a walking dead, replace it!"

Lanling said: "You let me kill Constantine, kill Nini, and become the chief of the Chimera tribe?"

"Yes." Two lady silk said: "Then, you marry me as a wife, and began to expand the road to conquest, take this piece of land, and even more."

Lan Ling suddenly had a look.

My lady said: "You must ask, who am I right? I can't tell you now, but this proposal is good for you, no harm, isn't it?"

Lanling Road: "I should be more difficult to control than Constantine. Why choose me?"

Silk Road: "Because Constantine's potential is limited, with his mind and martial arts, conquering a few hundred miles will come to an end. And you, I see the endless possibilities."

Men conquer the world, women conquer men, this sentence is not wrong.

If Lanling can one day take the Raksha Man and replace it, then this silk is the woman of the king.

However, Lan Ling felt that it was not so simple. In front of this woman, she did not simply want to be an expensive woman. She had a deeper attempt.

After seeing Lan Ling for a long time, I said: "This proposal has nothing to do with you!"

Lanling Road: "But I smelled the deal with the devil, because any transaction has a price. The transaction without price can only show that the real price is too big."

The silky grin smiled: "It really is very smart, but would you care about the price you might pay in the future?"

"No." Lanling shook his head. "Because only the strength is strong enough, I can break the contract at any time and kill the creditors."

Suddenly, the second lady silk applause: "Well, then you promised?"

Lanling shook his head.

The second lady said: "Why? You are morally clean, not willing to kill the father, not willing to kill Nini, not willing to occupy the nest?"

"No, not at all." Lanling said: "If you kill these two people, my eyelids won't blink. But what you said is the nest, but it is not what I want."

Two lady silk said: "What do you want?"

Lanling Road: "The conquest of Guangming Zhengda, slaughter."

The second lady had a glimpse of it, and then she was beautiful and greasy. "Okay, everything is still yours!"

Then, she gently bite the neck of Lanling: "There is a change in our trading content. You only have to pay one. When you are successful, you will marry me."

"No problem." Lan Ling laughed.

Then, the two people were completely entangled, madly asking for, and madly conquering.

But the action is frenetic, but the eyes are cold.

At this time, he felt even more clearly that the color and stunner he held in his arms at this time was a poisonous snake and a real poisonous snake.

The purpose of her coming to Constantine is not simple.


After an hour.

The calm and calm, the lower part of the body becomes a snake, entangled Lanling in a circle, the upper body is still a beautiful and infinite woman.

"Do you know the remains of the devil?" asked the silk.

Lanling has a glimpse of the remains of the dragon in this world, and he has also explored three, and did not expect to have the remains of the demon.

However, this is normal.

For this world, the dragon and the devil are two patron saints of creation.

Since the dragon has a relic, the devil must have it.

Lan Ling nodded.

Silk Road: "Although after many years, the energy of these demon ruins has not been left, but it is more than enough for you to break through the eight."

Lan Ling nodded. Every time the remains of the dragon, although the energy was almost exhausted, for the individual, it is still astronomical.

Lan Ling asked: "Is there a demon ruins nearby?"

"Yes..." The second lady said: "From the northwest direction of the two hundred and seventy miles, there is a dead zone, one hundred miles in length, and an absolutely circular area."

A trip to Lanling.

He has heard of this so-called death zone. After all, it is not far away and is well known.

Dina, Thunderbolt, and A raccoon talked to him.

In the mouths of these people, this place is called the ghost domain.

Of course, the so-called ghost domain is not to say that there is really a ghost inside, nor that this area is as dark as hell.

No, this area is not only horrible, but also beautiful, like a scroll, and two completely different worlds.

For example, if you see this area today is spring, Wanfu recovers and flowers bloom.

And tomorrow, it’s a hot summer day, lush.

Going again the day after tomorrow, it will become fruitful, and the maple leaves are bright red in autumn.

And when the day goes again, it is snowy, the wind is whistling, the thousand mountains are flying, and the million trails are gone.

Every day is a different season, and the loss of time in this area seems to be a hundred times faster.

In the day outside, there will be a hundred sunrises and sunsets inside.

The most terrifying thing is that countless people have entered this ghost field, but no one has come out.

As soon as you go in, it means disappearing! Over time, no one dared to go into this ghost field.

Therefore, the whole southern part of the country is wild, and countless tribes are bound to compete, but this one hundred miles of land, no one is touched!

"The so-called ghost domain, the so-called death zone, is just a ruin of the demon god." Si Sidao said: "I have already studied, the area of ​​this ghost domain is shrinking every year, which represents the remains of the demon god. The energy is weakening every year. A few hundred years ago, the area of ​​the ghost domain was twice as large as it is now."

Lanling Road: "You can't test all of this, just for speculation?"

Nodded nodly: "Yeah, just for speculation, but I am very confident."

Lanling Road: "In this case, why don't you look for this demon ruins?"

Silk Road: "What do I look for? My weapons are my beauty, my body is not my martial arts."

It makes sense to make it so good that Lan Ling is speechless.

Lanling Road: "In these years, hundreds of thousands of people have entered the ghost domain, but no one is alive?"

"Yes." Silk said: "More than a few hundred thousand, there are many exiles, and they have no choice but to enter the ghost field. But no one is alive."

Lanling Road: "That is to say, there may not be a relic of the demon, and only 99% of it will die."

"Yeah, almost ten dead and no life." Silk said: "But, I am optimistic about you."

Lanling Road: "You are letting me go to death."

Silk Road: "But I obviously have seen your heart, you have crazy blood, the more you look for death, the more excited you are, don't you?"

"Yes." Lanling Road.

Silk Road: "Would you go to the ghost field?"

"Of course." Lanling Road.

The silk smacked a small mouth and kissed Lan Lan’s face: "You have been going for at least a month, and there is a possibility that 80% will not come back, so I have to ask for it madly. I want three times, five times, ten times!"

Then she became completely human, almost madly lingering with Lanling.


"Ghost domain?" Suomen wrinkled his brow.

He didn't say anything about what you are crazy about, not allowed to go.

After a long time, he straightforwardly said: "I will accompany you."

Lanling shook his head and said: "No, uncle! The next month is the most important moment. Our foreign army must always be ready for rebellion and self-reliance. You must not leave."

Suo Modao: "But the place in the ghost domain, ten dead and no life."

Lanling Road: "The time of the ghost field is 100 times faster, and the four days are spring, summer, autumn and winter. But I think this is a spiritual fantasy, and I have an unparalleled spiritual talent and spiritual strength. If you say this world Who else can live from inside, that is me!"

The Sorcerer fell into silence.

Lan Ling continued: "And my life is coming, I am dead and resurrected, what else can I lose? I will not go, the duel with Du Yan after one month is a dead end. I went. Ghost domain, at least one percent hope. Of course, if I don't come out, then you will be treated as happy in another world, as if I have not appeared in your life."

Somo stared at Lanling for a while and nodded: "Well, I know, go!"

Sure enough, it is a hero, not indecisive, mother-in-law.

Lanling Road: "Don't tell Dina."

"I understand." Suo Modao: "I won't let her know."


In the middle of the night, the Emirates Castle, Nini's room, Lan Ling secretly sneaked in.

"I want to go to the ghost field to practice." Lanling said: "One day outside, it is equal to one hundred days inside. One month, I can't beat Du Yan even if I practice to die. But if time slows down one A hundred times, in ten years, my cultivation may reach the level of Du Yan."

"You are crazy..." Nini said: "Anyone who enters the ghost domain will die. If it is as you say it, then someone should come out. For hundreds of years, there are more than 10,000 people entering the ghost domain. But no one came out. It can be said that in the past few thousand years, if a person who enters a ghost domain becomes a corpse, it is enough to fill the entire ghost field. No one comes out from start to finish. Do you know what the ghost domain is? ?"

"What?" Lanling Road.

"Ghost domain is the open mouth of the devil. It is the entrance to hell. It is a trap displayed by the **** of death. It uses beautiful scenery to attract a lot of madmen to enter, and then devour their lives and souls." Nini Andao .

Lan Ling shrugged his shoulders and said: "That is not bad for me."

Nini looked at Lan Ling for a while and said: "I forgot, you are a madman. The more you die, the more you yearn for it."

Lanling Road: "Anyway, don't you want me to die? At least let me choose how to die. I think it is much more exciting to die in the ghost field than to die under Du Yanjian."

Nini An gnashed her teeth and said: "You are a madman."

Lan Ling looked at her and said: "You are a snake skin tights, so beautiful."

His eyes were full of aggressiveness, Nini Ann warned: "What do you want to do? This is in the Emirates Castle, don't look for death!"

Lan Lingyi smiled and said: "I like to die!"

Then, he flew directly to Nini, pressed her directly to the ground, grabbed her tail, and yanked off her snakeskin tights.

Nini's martial arts is higher than him, but she is only instinctively struggling and cursing.

In a moment, she was again shredded by Lan Ling, and then once again occupied by Lan Ling as a beast.

This time, Lanling was even wilder. With teeth and claws, Nini was bitten and wounded, and she was scratched.


"You crazy, my father has heard it, he will kill you." Nini whispered.

"Welcome to kill." Lanling Road.

Nini looked at Lan Ling’s beautiful face and said: “Does your wife love you?”

Lanling Road: "I don't know, I shouldn't love it."

Nini Andao said: "I don't believe that there is no woman in the world who is possessed by you but does not love you."

Lanling Road: "The person on the portrait, she will not have feelings, there will be no love."

Nini Andao said: "Do you remember what I said? You are like the legendary blood-sucking royal family, and you promised, if you are, make sure that the first one kisses me and bites me!"

Lanling Road: "I can bite you now."

Then, Lan Ling opened her mouth and bit it under her snowy neck.

"Ah..." Nini snorted and screamed, her neck was directly bitten by Lan Ling.

Then, two people lay quietly there.

"Go, go to the ghost field and die." Nini said.

Lanling got up, put on clothes, and left!


The next day, Lanling set off for the ghost field, and the sorcerer sent it, Nini Ann and Constantine also came.

Of course, the reason why Constantine came not to send Lanling off, but to supervise him did not escape, and did not go to other tribes.

After a day and night, four people came to the ghost field of the Chimera tribe 270 miles.

The ghost domain and the outside world, as if there is a thin and transparent air wall, are completely different worlds.

The outside world is spring, and the flowers bloom.

The world inside the ghost field, snowy, cold winter, without any trace of life.

Of course, there is no trace of life at any time in the ghost domain.

Lan Ling dismounted, and the uncle and the gods embraced.

Then he waved to Constantine and Ninian: "Goodbye, or no see!"

After all, he turned directly and walked into the ghost field!

At the glimpse of the wall through the air, Lanling seemed to have gone to another world and disappeared into the eyes of three people.

He is like this... disappeared!

Nini Amway trembled a little, feeling that her neck was bitten by Lan Ling.


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(End of this chapter)

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