World Destroying Demonic Emperor

Chapter 523: Five two five: Devouring the mirror demon! Mad Devil!

Chapter 523, May 25, devour the mirror demon! Mad Devil!

"Who dares?" The demon who is willing to indulge in the dream, screams in front of the mirror demon.

In an instant, the energy that erupted from him was far more than that of Lanling. His cultivation should exceed that of the Great Warrior.

In this empire of the mirror demon king, more than the magic warrior should be called the magic will, and more than the big magic warrior, should be called the magic handsome.

That is to say, the last wave of people fighting with Lanling should be between the seven-level magic warrior and the ten-level magic warrior.

However, the one who was the lowest in the inside, the strength exceeded the Lanling. Even the sixth wave of magic will be repaired, more than Lanling.

This is not a good news. This means that the real repair of Lanling is less than a five-level magic warrior.

The magician who is unwilling to return to reality screams: "You are willing to follow him stupid, I don't want to. What is the establishment of the evil tribe, dreaming! Whoever wants to destroy my current life, I will destroy him. life!"

Lan Ling took a deep breath and pulled out the sword.

In front of this magical master is more than the big demon warrior, although not as good as Du Yan, but the difference is not far.

Then, Lan Ling is the first to experience the feeling of duel. If he can't even beat him, let alone Du Yan.


Lan Ling slammed and slammed, and his body flashed and rushed.

"Oh..." The other party avoided it easily.

Lanling uses the slashing knife method to exhaust the full speed, and each hit is a crit of blood.

His strength is enough. After all, the crit of the blood is twice the power.

However, the speed is far from enough.

When fighting, crit with the power of the blood can double the attack power.

When using the blood crit to move, although it can speed up, it is far from double the effect.

Lan Ling frantically cut hundreds of swords, but all were easily avoided by the other side.


The devil handsome flashed, and the wooden stick in his hand smashed back toward Lanling.

"Oh..." Lanling’s body was slammed out and a blood spurted out of his mouth.

The power of this great demon warrior, even if it is not crit with the power of blood, is close to the strength of three thousand pounds.

This blow, if Lanling is blocked with a sword and crit with the power of blood, can be blocked.

But if you simply resist the flesh, it will be difficult to resist.

Lanling, which was shot and flew out, landed erectly and suffered a fracture of the back rib.

At this time, the devil handsome flashed, and the wooden stick in his hand came to Lanling's head.

"Block!" Lanling crit with the power of the blood, violently lifting the sword block.

After all, the magician used a wooden stick, which was easily cut off.

Only in the illusion of the mirror, what he saw was that the sword was cut off and then could not help but see.

I am a devil, when the demon king gave this sword to himself, it can be said that this is a peerless sword, how is it broken.

In an instant, this magical handsome feels deeply, what is real and what is illusory.

Yes, once the illusion is broken, then nothing is.

As he glared at him, Lan Ling slammed up and the sword in his hand slammed into his chest.

Even when he was distracted, this master of the great warrior was very sharp, and his body quickly exploded, far faster than Lanling.

This sword of Lanling is lost!

But then...

"Stab..." A sharpened wooden stick slammed into the back of the sorcerer and penetrated to the chest.

It was the near-human woman who was half sucked by Lan Ling but did not die.

When Lan Ling was just doing it, she had been sharpening the stick with a stone knife, and then squatting at this time, killing the devil with a blow.

This devil, has been guarding Lan Ling, did not think that his own people will attack from behind.

The near-human woman said: "I dream of building my own tribe. I dream of having children, and whoever dares to stop me, I will kill anyone!"

Then she yanked out the stick.

Lan Ling suddenly opened his mouth and stretched his fangs, and he must bite down the neck of this magician.

This is the Great Warrior, his blood must be full of strength, and can bring great improvement to the cultivation of Lanling.

When I saw the fangs sticking out of Lanling's mouth, there were a few magical people around me. The face of the devil was slightly changed, and I couldn't tell what it was.

Lan Ling hesitated a little, but he took back his own fangs and gave up his blood.

Before it was completely an enemy, Lanling could **** blood.

However, he will soon establish the Enchanted Tribe, then this group of people will become the backbone of their own tribe. The devil, who was killed at this time, even if his position is different, but after all, they are brothers, they certainly do not want to see him being sucked into a corpse.


When Lan Ling started, except for the woman who was close to the human race, the rest of the people did not even come forward to help, let this magician kill Lan Ling.

It is to buy people's hearts, is to serve people with morality, but who is it?

Suddenly, Lan Ling’s eyes showed a fierce gaze, and once again opened his mouth, sticking out a pointed fang, and biting down the neck of the magician.

Then, madly sucking blood!

Suddenly, this great demon warrior-level demon handsome made a terrible miserable, and his body trembled constantly.

In a short while, he was sucked into a dry body.

At this time, the woman of the near-human family, although her face changed slightly, was holding a pointed wooden stick and staying at the side of Lanling.

The other demons in the field will be devilish, and their faces will be twitching, their eyes full of uneasiness and coldness.

After Lan Ling sucked the blood, he suddenly felt the body full of powerful energy.

"I am going to ruin this mirror demon, steal his territory to build an evil tribe, who wants to stop me?" Lan Ling cold channel.

The ratio of the two sides was 5 to 4, and now one is dead, which is exactly 4 to 4.

Half of people want to go back to reality and build an evil tribe.

Half of people want to stay in this illusion and don't want to be awake.

Plus Lanling, it is 5 to 4.

"If you build a tribe, where can we get it?" Another demon handsome.

Lanling Road: "In the early days, the status of the tribe was completely determined by the cultivation. However, my status as a tribal chief cannot be shaken."

Another devil said: "But your martial arts is very weak."

Lanling Road: "Two months ago, I was only a three-level warrior. How strong will my martial arts be in the future? Can you imagine?"

"That is also the future." The devil said: "At least now, your martial arts is very weak, why do you chieftain?"

Lan Ling could not help but look down.

He thought it was simple. He felt that these people were rare in the presence of the martial arts, so they wanted to stay and strengthen the power of the tribe.

Moreover, each of these people wants to reuse, especially the three masters of the Great Warrior class, each of whom is given a position of captain.

After all, his newly built Yanmo tribe is only a brother of a foreign army, and its strength is too weak. And in front of these eight people, five are the magic warriors, three are the big warriors, is a powerful force.

However, these people have stayed in the illusory world of the Mirror Devil for too long, and their hearts have long been greedy and greedy by the false beauty of human rights.

Moreover, their character has not changed.

This close-knit woman, who is headed by the near-human woman, can see that the previous relationship is very close. However, when Lan Ling almost killed this near-human woman, these devils were just watching the cold, not moving forward, showing the indifference and selfishness of feelings.

Such people, after entering the tribe, will only plant greedy seeds.

Therefore, these people can't stay!

"That's good." Lan Lingdao: "When I am strong enough, I will be the chieftain again. Before that, it was decided by the contest, who is the strongest martial artist, who is the chieftain, how?"

"The word is set!" The head of the devil is handsome.

The other devils, the devil will also nod, if determined by the contest, they have the confidence to take the position of the chief. Of course, they don't know that there is still a soro, martial arts is extremely powerful.

Mirror Demon King said: "He is lying to you? As long as you have promised them, after going out from here, he will definitely kill you. I can read his mind."

Lan Ling sneered: "What do I kill you? And your eight people are united, it is a huge force. What do I kill you?"

The head of a demon handsome said: "What does he kill us? His martial arts are so low!"

Lanling Road: "The brothers of the Yanmo tribes, I leave the back to you, I am going to kill this mirror demon, I want to destroy this fantasy world, you have to kill me, feel free to do it."

Then, Lan Ling continued to move forward step by step.

At this time, no one stopped his way, let him approach the mirror demon.

The mirror demon, a few hundred meters high, is getting more and more trembling and getting scared.

"You don't let him kill me. I am your demon king. You just want to stop him and give you a promotion immediately. I will give you a king."

"I will give you ten times the manor, ten times the beauty!"

"You can't kill me, you can't kill me. Once you kill me, your soul will always be trapped in this mirror."

Lan Ling finally came to the throne and looked at the mirror demon like a mountain.

There was a sorrow in his heart.

This was originally an ordinary mirror, just because it was stared by the demon king, and it left his vague shadow.

Therefore, this shadow even fantasized that he became the king of the devil.

However, it is only a mirror after all, except for the creation of illusions, the other has no ability.

There is no attack ability, and even a mental attack can't be done.

It's just a mirror, a shadow, and it can't even be touched by others.

It doesn't do anything but create a fantasy.

Lanling slowly said: "Mirror in the moon, water in the water! You let others dream, and you, is it not a dream of sorrow? I will end your sorrow."

Lanling is approaching step by step.

This mirror demon is shrinking little by little.

In the end, he became exactly the same size as Lanling.

When Lanling was almost close to the mirror demon, a strange scene took place.

The face of the mirror demon began to change, turned into the face of Lanling, but there are still the corner of the devil, the eye of the devil's flame, the scale of the devil, the tail of the devil, the hoof of the devil.

The mirror demon suddenly screamed: "It is you, it is you. At that time, your eyes gazed at me. You just glanced at me, that is, you left a shadow on my mirror, that is you..."

Lan Ling's face twitched, plunging his sword and piercing the chest of the mirror demon.

"It's you... you are... you finally came to see me. You were too far away, so only a vague shadow was left. I can't imagine your face. I finally saw it today. No need to fantasize, my devil is kneeling, your shadow should return, hahahaha..." The mirror demon said, while the smoke disappeared.

Its shadow, turned into countless dark rays, into the body of Lanling.


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(End of this chapter)

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