World Destroying Demonic Emperor

Chapter 534: Five three six: the second step of rebellion!

Chapter 534, May 36 Rebellion, the second step!

"See his last side? Why? Is it necessary?" Constantine said.

Nini Ann did not speak.

Constantine said: "Give me a reason, otherwise I won't have to go."

Nini Andao said: "I feel like he is poisoning me."

"Under poisoning?" Constantine changed his face.

Nini Andao said: "It's not the kind of poison on the surface, but there is a very special kind of energy in his body that makes me addicted to him. After leaving him, every day is restless, feels emptiness, everything is right. I can't afford to be interested. And when he returns, every pore in the body is singing, as if to moths."

Constantine's face suddenly became very ugly, saying: "This is really a enchanting, it is an ominous thing, you must kill, you must die."

Then, Constantine's face was incomparably ugly: "You want to see his last side? What do you mean? Don't forget that you have just mend your body, so we also killed a female shaman."

"No, I want to quit him, just like the shaman quits the magic stone." Nini said: "I am going to defeat him, otherwise I will have no chance after he dies."

Constantine hesitated for a moment and nodded.

Then he sat down and stared at the lights and frowned.

"Father, what's wrong?" Nini said.

Constantine said: "I sent your uncle to Raksha City, in order to marry you to the young man to explore the road. He reported that there are countless tribal chiefs who want to marry their daughter to the little king, except for appearance. There is also a big dowry."

Nini Andao: "How much is a big dowry?"

"80,000 gold coins, there are a bunch of gems, secret weapons, etc." Constance said: "When the dowry is not in place, I would like to marry the little king."

When the words came out, Nini Amway suddenly trembled and her face became ugly.

In the Chimera tribe, she is high above, and anyone dreams of marrying him.

And she wants to marry the little king, but she still has to put up such a large number of dowry.

This money, Konstantin got it.

However, after taking out the 80,000 gold coins, he basically emptied all his savings.

You know, the last time you played against the Mustang tribe, Constantine only used less than 10,000 gold coins.

And if he wants to marry his daughter to Xiaoman Wang, he has to pay 80,000 gold coins. His heart is bleeding.

However, he must marry his daughter.

Because the Ankara tribe swallowed up the Mustang tribe and the powers soared, they wanted to recapture the felling mountains and even the Chimera tribe.

Within three years, the two tribes must have a battle.

Constantine is very self-sufficient, but after the annexation of the Mustang tribe, the Ankara tribe is almost twice as powerful as the Chimera tribe. The real battle is more than six or seven percent.

For the future of the Chimera tribe, his daughter must marry, and the dowry of the 80,000 gold coins must also be made.

Of course, he has another option, which is to get the allegiance of Lanling.

He is worthy of thousands of troops.

With Lan Ling, there is no fear of the Ankara tribe.

But... Constantine could not accommodate him, he did not allow Lanling to live.

Lanling is too good, too good, and attractive to women.

"Go!" Constantine said: "After tomorrow, he will die, and then go to Rakshasa."


Nini went to the dungeon and thought, how would Lan Ling treat him? Is it awkwardly ruined? Or is it eager to pounce on it and take possession of her again?

"Open." Nini said.

The thick iron gate of the dungeon opens.

Nini went in and frowned.

This dungeon is gloomy and obviously the taste is not good.

Lanling's cheekbones were pierced, hung in the air, and closed their eyes.

When I saw Niniam coming in, Lan Ling opened her eyes and said quietly: "Let me down, I will discuss something with you."

Nini An desperately suppresses her inner movement and controls her breathing.

Because, just by being close to Lanling, she felt a shortness of breath.

"I have to control myself, I have to beat him." Nini's teeth bleed.

The purpose of her coming is to overcome the addiction to Lanling.

This is a woman who is very embarrassed to herself. It is like a person who is addicted to opium. In order to quit, not to stay away, but to put opium in front of her eyes, but not to suck.

In this extreme way to test your willpower.

"What is it?" Nini Andao said: "Do you want to criticize me? Whipping me? Because I shouldn't say anything about you and A raccoon?"

Lanling was very quiet and shook his head: "No, moral torture is only useful to nobles, I am not so stupid."

"What do you mean, am I a despicable person?" Nini said.

Lan Ling did not speak, said: "Let me down, we talk about a transaction, so it is too painful to talk, too tired."

Ninian turned the turntable on the side and put the Lanling hanging in the air down.

Lanling stood on the ground, shaking first, then **** pulling the hook out of the cheekbones.

This sound sounds very painful, and the **** picture is shocking.

After pulling out the iron hook, Lan Ling plate sat on the ground and said: "I have performed so well, your father can't accommodate me, so I must kill me."

"Are you not afraid of death?" Nini said sarcastically.

Lanling Road: "He not only wants to kill me, but also to confess the sentence, so I must first stink my reputation. Because he is worried that others will say that he is not trusting, jealous can not accommodate people, even though this is a fact. He is worried about me. The uncle asked him to fight desperately, fearing that the foreign army would rebel."

Nini Andao said: "If you want to continue to criticize, I have the patience to listen, but I will listen more and more disdain. When did Lanling become a long tongue, noisy?"

"I have lived impatiently, and I am not guilty of death." Lan Lingdao said: "However, can you please let go of the raccoon, she is innocent."

"You didn't care about the life of the sorcerer before, don't care about Dina's life, now how do you care about the life of the scorpion?" Nini Ann sneered.

"Because she is innocent." Lan Lingdao: "Because she is not my family, not my loved one, there is no reason to follow me."

When the words came out, Nini was at a glance.

"Sorry, no!" Nini said: "A raccoon must die, because we need to punish you in Mingzheng, for my father's reputation, so you can only destroy your reputation and life."

Lanling Road: "So, we make a deal, I use a large amount of gold coins for her life."

"Gold coins? You are so poor that there is a mess, where is the gold coin?" Nini Andao: "The hundreds of gold coins that you exchanged for military service? We have not looked at it."

"100,000 gold coins." Lan Ling straightforward.

Suddenly, Nini was stunned and breathed.

Like other vain women, she has no resistance to gold coins and wealth. When she heard the number of 100,000, she almost stopped her heartbeat.

"Impossible..." Nini Ann sneered: "You, the poor, have so many gold coins?"

Lanling sighed a sigh: "You go outside the tribal city wall, look under the big stone, there is a bag of things, originally... is a gift for you, forget it... you go and see."

Nini Ann said, "What gift?"

"You won't go see it? Deaf!" Lan Ling shouted.

This is the first time Lan Ling used this humiliating drink for her.

Suddenly, Nini's face changed suddenly, and there was an uncomfortable uncomfortable feeling in her heart.

"I'm sorry..." Lan Ling took a deep breath and said: "I shouldn't be able to control my emotions. You have to take it, then let's continue to talk?"

Then, Lan Ling closed her eyes, as if forcing her inner disgust.

This makes Nini's more uncomfortable.

The former Lanling, in order to save her life, did not care, even the death is willing.

Now, he actually expressed disgust at himself, and he still resisted.

Originally, Nini Ann still thought that when Lan Ling saw it, she would stick it up immediately. If this is the case, Ninian promises to kick it off.

Because she wants to overcome her own desires, to overcome the addiction to Lanling, but did not expect Lanling not only, but he is disgusting.

Ninian sold out Lanling and A raccoon. If Lanling judged her with morality and attacked her with words, Ninian would only express disdain. She felt that Lanling was childish and stupid, just as he felt that Du Yan was extremely stupid. same.

But I did not expect that Lanling did not have any moral judgment, and even did not say a word.

However, he was actually disgusting.

I am so beautiful and moving, and when he talks to himself, it seems as if he is facing a pile of stool.

Nini Ann can let Lan Ling regard herself as a poisonous snake, as a poisonous flower, because it is beautiful and horrible.

She can let Lan Ling hate her, marry her, but she can't be disgusting.

This is a huge blow to her self-confidence!

Nini's beautiful face twitched and wanted to fight back immediately, even grabbing Lanling's pain points for revenge.

For example, catching Dina, cut off his hands and feet in front of Lan Ling.

However, she forced herself to calm down, which is an incompetent performance.

"Well, I have to see, what is the gift?" Nini said.

Then she left the dungeon.

When Lan Ling couldn't see her, all the manners and temperament disappeared, and the face was angry.

She really wants to blow up, and Lan Ling is disgusting with her.

This is totally unacceptable, must be revenge, and must be revenge.

And can not simply revenge, to torture Lanling from the body and mind, let his heart feel the pain of bones.

Ninian quickly walked out of the castle, turned over the horse, and drove down the mountain.

"Who, the door is closed, no entry is allowed." The barbarian warrior of the gatekeeper.

"Open the door, or kill you." Nini sighed.

Hearing Nini's voice, the goalkeeper Samurai quickly opened the door.

At this time, Dina’s voice came from behind her.

"Miss Ninian, may I ask... When will Lanling come back?" Dina worried, her voice trembled.

"Oh..." Nini's whip smacked and left a deep blood mark directly on Dina's face.

Spicy and severe pain, blood sheds.

If it was placed before, Ninian would certainly not be like this. The route she had taken before was high and cold, not arrogant.

But at this time, she couldn't help it.

"Hey, when are you qualified to talk to me?" Nini looked coldly at Dina and rushed out on her horse.

The white big stone that came outside the wall of the tribe.

The dirt behind the stone has traces of digging.

Nini An excavated with a dagger and quickly dug a animal skin package.

Take out the package, cut open the seal directly, and pour out everything inside.

"Oh la la la..."

Suddenly, full of gold and light.

The bag is full of gold coins, full of hundreds of gold coins, and dozens of various gemstones, three of which are only the spiritual stone worth hundreds of gold coins, the spiritual stone that women dream of.

Because the water is soaked with Lingshi, whether it is drinking or bathing, it can delay aging and be beautiful.

Not only that, but there is also a black dagger, which is worth a hundred pounds.

Ninian waved her dagger and chopped the stone, and it was easy to split the hard rock.

This dagger was all forged from Wujin.

Nini Ann is greedy for vanity and has no resistance to gold coins, gems and secret funds.

And this bag of things is worth more than a few thousand gold coins.

Is Lanling's words non-virtual? Does he really get 100,000 gold coins?

Ninian put all these gold coins, gems and daggers back into the bag and turned them back to the Horde!


After half an hour, Nini was once again in front of Lanling.

"Do you really have 100,000 gold coins?" Nini Ann gasped.

"Yes." Lanling Road.

Nini Andao: "Where?"

"Ghost World." Lanling Road: "After many people are confused by the mirror demon king of the ghost world, they enter its illusion and throw all the things into the pool, including gold coins, weapons, and treasures."

“How many?” asked Ninian.

"I don't know, maybe 100,000." Lanling Road.

"Why don't you come out?" Ninian asked.

Lanling Road: "I have to do so much, just take some."

Nini was looking at Lan Ling unbelievably.

Once again, the heart is incomparably complicated. This is Lanling, depending on money like dirt.

Lan Ling said: "I use 100,000 gold coins to change my life."

This sentence makes Nini's heart jump, feeling extremely uncomfortable, incomparable jealous!

Are you Lanling crazy?

Do you know how many 100,000 gold coins are there?

The 100,000 gold coin is almost all the savings of the Chimera tribe, and it has accumulated for decades.

I want to marry the young man, and I have to pay 80,000 gold coins for the dowry, which makes my father Constantine vomiting blood.

Lanling, for a gimmick, is willing to pay 100,000 gold coins!

What is the identity of a raccoon? It’s just a pretty fox woman, a despicable woman.

One hundred thousand gold coins, enough to buy a thousand raccoon.

At that time, the husband and wife were only a hundred and twenty gold coins.

Now that she has depreciated, at most one hundred gold coins are worthless, and Lanling is willing to pay 100,000 gold coins.

This fact made Nini feel more uncomfortable.

Uncomfortable, jealous, self-deprecating!

Self and father, in order to make a small profit, you can sell everything.

Lan Ling is willing to pay 100,000 gold coins for a woman who is not worth mentioning.

One is so clean, one is so despicable.

This contrast made Nini's uncomfortable breath.

Then Ninian had to face up to the fact that she was indeed a disgusting woman.

Especially in the crazy, pure, charming, high-quality man of Lanling, she is a disgusting woman.

"This transaction is very cost-effective for you." Lan Ling smiled and said: "100,000 gold coins, for a raccoon."

"Don't say, you crazy, you are a complete madman." Nini Ann shouted: "A raccoon is just a mean woman, where is it worth 100,000 gold coins? Is your eyes blind?"

Lanling is silent.

"What do you mean by this? Are you looking down on me? Are you disgusting with me?" Nini was angry.

Lan Ling continued to silence.

"What do you mean? What do you mean?" Nini said with anger: "Did you not hang on me before? Isn't it crazy? Are you pretending?"

Lanling still has no expression and no response.

"Do you dare? Do you dare to humiliate me like this?"

This time, Nini's completely stunned her mind and stunned her senses.

Before, she kept saying that she would quit Lanling and ensure that he would not touch a finger.

At this time, she took the initiative to send the door, the third time fell in Lanling.

Ninian felt deeply that she had wanted to quit the feeling of the devil, but now she is more addicted.

I don't know how long it has been.

Ninian struggled to get up from Lanling's arms and looked at the beautiful face of Lanling intricately, then walked out.

Lan Ling behind him took a long breath.

If there is no accident, the second step of the rebellion of the foreign army is successful.

Next, you have to enter the most critical third step!

Whether the foreign army can successfully rebel and stand on its own, whether it can successfully establish its own tribe, the key is to look at this third step!


Note: The second and more than 5,000 words were sent, today two or ten thousand words, brothers, I ask for your support and monthly pass, oh! Thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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