World Destroying Demonic Emperor

Chapter 536: Five three eight: the fourth step! Encircle Constantine!

Chapter 536, five three eight, the fourth step! Encircle Constantine!

Lanling once again entered the world of ghosts.

Without any illusion, it is directly the mirror mountain of reality.

"Master, do you need me to do anything?" The voice of the mirror demon rang in his mind.

Lanling Road: "Can you expand the energy cover and pull all the enemies outside into the illusion?"

"No." Mirror Devil said: "Covering the entire mountain is already the limit of my spiritual strength."

Lanling Road: "That doesn't require you to do anything for the time being."

Then, Lanling climbed directly to the half waist of Jingshan and entered the cave.

Deep in the cave, there is a pool with a diameter of about three or four meters.

However, below it is a dark lake, a depth of 100 meters, a diameter of more than a hundred miles of underground dark lake water system, there are countless fish, can be used as a food reserve for the future Yanmo tribe.

Lanling took a thick stack of animal skin bags and sneaked into the water, deepening and deepening...

Going deep into the bottom of the lake at a depth of 100 meters, I took out the luminous stones for lighting.

There is a pit at the bottom of the lake. Because of the flow of water, almost all the gold coins and treasures flow into this large pit.

Within a few hundred square meters of large pits, there are gold coins, silver coins, and the real Jinshan Yinhai.

Once again, Lan Ling saw these treasures and still felt a little excited.

Open the bag in the water, and then desperately put a large amount of gold coins into the animal skin bag.

When you touch your hands, there are hundreds of gold coins.

This is obviously a gold coin, but it feels like a stone by the river, filled with one bag after another.

After half an hour of full-loading, Lanling finally filled all the dozen animal skin bags that had been brought down.

In this way, there are only two or three thousand gold coins.

After being filled, Lanling floated out of the water with three bags of gold coins, and then returned to the ground several times. Finally, the ten bags of gold coins were transported to the ground.

Then, once again, he took more than a dozen bags and dive into the water for the next round of handling.

In this way, going back and forth five or six miles, Lanling filled all four or fifty animal skin bags, adding up to 100,000 gold coins, only a lot.

And even so, the gold coins in the big pit are only a small part, how many gold coins are left in it? really do not know.

This is really a great treasure given to Lanling.


More than 100,000 gold coins, filled with a total of fifty-three bags, add up to more than 30,000 pounds.

Lanling worked hard and transported a bag of gold coins to the foot of the mountain.

Finding an open space, Lanling dumped all 50 of the gold coins.

The 100,000 gold coins have completely piled up into a hill. Under the sunshine, the golden light is shining, and the incomparable glare is dazzling.

This feeling is like seeing a mountain made of banknotes on the earth, and it is one billion in cash.

That kind of temptation, that kind of impact, is completely unbeatable, and I believe it is enough to make anyone crazy.

After all this, the time just passed.

This day, the eight hundred cavalry led by Constantine is camping and laying out simple defenses.


Recently, the chief of the Ankara tribe was completely proud of the spring breeze. After the annexation of the Mustang tribe, his powers increased by as much as 60% regardless of the territory or the people.

Now, Constantine of the Chimera tribe has become a nail in his eyes.

Anyone knows that there must be a battle between the two tribes of Chimera and Ankara.

Moreover, Alfonso knows that he has the upper hand. He only needs to completely eliminate the embers of the wild horse tribe. After thoroughly digesting the fruits of victory, he will fight the Chimera tribe.

The trade between the two tribes has now been completely suspended, not only that, but at the junction of the two tribes, there has been constant friction.

On this day, Alfonso, as usual, led more than a thousand cavalry and searched for the embers of the wild horse tribe.

Only when the wild horse tribe chieftain and his daughter are completely killed can he truly annex the wild horse tribe.

"Father, there is a person in front." Suddenly, a female Samantha next to the Ankara tribe pointed to the woods not far from the front.

This female shaman, covered in a black cloak, could not see the face.

The only thing that can be seen is that his devil-like figure is almost no less than the figure of the second lady. ,

There is also her hoarse and charming voice.

"Go and see." Alfonso ordered.

Suddenly, the four masters rushed up and smashed the man hidden in the woods.

It is a near-human woman who is thin, but her face is very beautiful.

Of course, she is loyal to Amo of Lanling, the Amo who has a deep affection for the sorcerer.

Her thin body, carrying two large animal skin bags, was heavy.

The four masters took her to the front of the Ankara tribal chief Alfonso.

"What is on the back?" Alfonso asked coldly.

"No, nothing..." Amo said.

Alfonso pulled out the big sword and slammed the animal skin bag on her back.

"Oh la la..."

Suddenly, countless gold coins slipped, and a whole lot of gold coins swayed the eyes of everyone.

Alfonso’s eyes are bright, and everyone likes gold coins. Don’t look at his Ankara tribe, which is more powerful than the Chimera tribe, but he is not as rich as Constantine.

Alfonso is a big deal, unlike Constantine, it will collect money.

These thousands of gold coins are already a windfall.

Looking at this near-human woman, it is not like a person with so many gold coins.

Here is a wild world. Except for the tribal chiefs, shamans, elders and other very few people, no one will have thousands of gold coins, let alone near the human race?

In the wild world of the south, the near Terran is completely a two-legged sheep.

"Where do these gold coins come from?" Alfonso directly slashed the sword across Ama's neck.

"Ghost, ghost world." Amo trembled.

"Impossible..." Alfonso sighed: "The world of ghosts is the restricted zone of death."

A Modao: "I, I came out of the ghost world."

Alfonso said: "No one can come out of the world of ghosts."

A Mo Dao: "I came out with someone else. The man saw the illusion of the ghost world, so he succeeded."

"Who?" asked Alfonso.

A Mo Dao: "The Lan Ling of the Chimera Tribe."

"Lanling!" Alfonso's eyes narrowed.

This name, he has been so flustered, in the battle between the Chimera tribe and the Mustang tribe, Lanling is the first hero, set a near-counter record.

The Alfonso and Chimera tribes fought, and the only thing that is scrupulous is this Lanling.

"What about Lan Ling?" asked Alfonso.

A Mo Dao: "Return to the Chimera tribe and say that it is going to be a duel with Du Yan, so after leaving the world of ghosts, we will be separated."

Alfonso stared at the gold coins of a place and said: "Is there any gold coins in this ghost world?"

"There is still a lot..." Amo said.

“How many?” asked Alfonso.

"At least 80,000!" Amo said a number that makes people's heart beat faster at the place.

Eighty-nine thousand has already exceeded all the savings of the Ankara tribe in these years.

Alfonso pointed to Amo Dao: "You, take us to the world of ghosts, and find out the gold coins for me."

"No, I will not come out after I enter the world of ghosts." A Mo loudly.

Next to the female Saman said: "Yifu, this is a trap if it is not good, I will go to the periphery of the ghost world to explore one side."

"Alright!" Alfonso ropeway.

Then, this graceful female shaman put Amo on her war horse, single riding, and heading towards the ghost world.

Alfonso was completely relieved, showing how high her cultivation was.


It’s been three days since Lan Ling entered the world of ghosts, and Constantine’s patience has almost been exhausted.

"Emirates, will Lanling have already escaped?" Du Yandao.

"No, A raccoon is in our hands, his loved ones are in our hands, he can't run." Constantine said.

"Not necessarily, people are not for themselves, and they are destroyed." Du Yandao.

At this time, a figure came out of the energy cover, it was Lan Ling.

He carried two large animal skin bags on his back. After he came out, he poured the gold coins of the two bags into the ground.

Suddenly, thousands of gold coins poured on the ground like water, piled up a thick layer.

A full five or six thousand gold coins.

Almost everyone around Constantine has to look at it.

In the distance, the Ankara female shaman who stared at the side with mental energy also breathed a stagnation.

Constantine said loudly: "Isn't that 100,000 gold coins? Is there any other part?"

Lanling Road: "Don't worry, isn't there still another 12 days? I want a pool and a pool to fish."

Then, Lanling re-entered the world of ghosts with two empty bags.


The female shaman of the Ankara tribe returned to Alfonso as quickly as possible after confirming the gold coin.

"The righteous father, there is indeed a gold coin, there are 100,000 full." Female Saman said: "But, Constantine has already gotten the first place."

Alfonso Roto said: "How many people are there outside Constantine in the world of ghosts?"

"I have counted, about eight hundred cavalry." Female Saman said.

Alfonso’s eyes were stunned and he gasped.

This 100,000 gold coin is completely deadly temptation to him. However, he is as cynical as Constantine.

"Is this going to be Constantine's poison, wanting to lure us into his ambush, and then kill it?" Alfonso.

Female Saman said: "Should not, my informant in the Chimera tribe told me that Lan Ling defeated Du Yan in the duel, but was imprisoned by Constantine. The charge is a fox beauty called A raccoon. The affair, and the woman’s husband is the brother of Constantine’s wife.”

Alfonso Ropeway: "And then?"

Female Shaman said: "The original Lanling and this woman named A raccoon were to be judged publicly, and then they went to the streets to slap their clothes, one was beheaded, and one was killed by a stone. But the result was that A raccoon was released and went home. Lanling was brought to the world of ghosts. I guessed that it should be Lanling’s two lives of 100,000 gold coins for himself and A.

"Stupid." Alfonso sneered: "After Constantine got 100,000 gold coins, he would still kill him and the fox."

"Yes, it is true." Female Saman said: "But at least the 100,000 gold coins are true, and there are only eight hundred cavalry beside Constantine. This is true."

The Ankara tribal chief Alfonso’s breathing was heavy.

Female Saman said: "This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Not only can you get an astronomical gold coin, but you can also take the opportunity to kill Constantine. As long as Constantine is dead, his son is completely a waste. We annexed Chimera. The tribe is just around the corner."

Alfonso Ropeway: "At that time, the genius of the genius Lanling, how to deal with it?"

Female Saman said: "Can you afford him?"

Alfonso said: "If he is too good, I can't let him down."

"Then kill it." Female Saman said.

Alfonso narrowed his eyes, his eyes filled with coldness and killing, and he hesitated and weighed.

Female Saman said: "I heard that Constantine sent people to Rakshasa. He should want to marry his daughter to the little king. Once he got the 100,000 gold coins, he would be able to take out the astronomical dowry. Then his daughter married to the little king, and he was very stable. Once Nini became the servant of the little king, we would not want to attack the Chimera tribe."

Yes, within a few thousand miles of this circle, no one dares to violate the purpose of Raksha City. For the people of this land, the southeastern king is the supreme being of heaven and earth.

Alfonso ponded for ten minutes.

In the end, he still can't resist the temptation of 100,000 gold coins, especially the 100,000 gold coins must not fall into the hands of Constantine.

This opportunity for the Ankara tribe is truly a rare event.

He slammed Ma Taudao: "Return to the Horde, secretly dispatch two thousand cavalry, encircle Constantine, and **** 100,000 gold coins!"


The next day!

The Ankara tribal chief led two thousand elite cavalry, detoured from the north, secretly entered the world of ghosts and attacked Constance's back.


There are still seven days from the 15-day period.

Lanling has already moved out four gold coins, a total of 23,000.

This number has already caused Constantine's heart to accelerate, and has already dazzled the eight hundred cavalry around him.

Recently, Lanling has carried two gold coins every day, each time with two large bags, full of five or six thousand gold coins.

In other words, Constantine has more than 10,000 gold coins every day. This feeling of making a fortune is so beautiful that Constantine’s dreams are yellow coins every day.

However, this night, he got a bad news.

The Ankara tribal chief, Alfonso, led two thousand cavalry secrets.

Obviously, I don’t know why, the news of gold coins has been leaked.

Alfonso not only wants to take away the gold coins, but also to take the opportunity to kill him Konstantin.

There are only eight hundred cavalry around him, only one-third of Anka’s tribes. Once they fight, they will be defeated and even life-threatening.

At this time, Constantine faced a difficult choice.

Was he immediately returned to the Horde with more than 20,000 gold coins?

Or send someone to the Chimera tribe to send reinforcements?

The former is the safest and safer, but Lanling has to send out more than 10,000 gold coins every day. If he is not present, can these gold coins belong to him? impossible!

Whoever sees this gold coin will have a greed. Once they are not there, these tribal cavalry will surely rob these gold coins, then flee and rely on other tribes.

They are all Raksha, they have money, and they are not afraid of receiving it.

Therefore, Constantine can only choose to increase the number of soldiers!

He sent people back to the Chimera tribe, ordered Ninian and Yang Gu to personally lead the 3,000-strong army, and came to the periphery of the ghost world to protect the gold coins.

However, Nini and Yang Gu had just started with the three thousand Chimera tribal troops and were immediately known by the Ankara tribe.

As a result, Alfonso also followed the increase in troops.

Next, the two sides continued to increase their troops.

In the end, the two tribes sent 10,000 troops to the world of ghosts and compete for the 100,000 gold coins!

The Chimera tribe has a total of 13,000 troops. At this time, there are only three thousand troops left behind!

Of course, the Ankara tribe is the same. There are only eight thousand troops in the left-behind tribe, but they must hold two tribal bases.

Originally, the war between the two tribes of Ankara and Chimera should have erupted two or three years later.

As a result, because of the 100,000 gold coins, it has to break out in advance!

At this point, the fourth step of Lanling rebellion and self-reliance was successfully completed!


Note: The second and more than 4,000 words are sent, please support, thank you all.

(End of this chapter)

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