World Destroying Demonic Emperor

Chapter 571: Five seven three: tribal expansion! Killing the girl of the raccoon!

Chapter 571, May 7th, Tribal Expansion! Killing the girl of the raccoon!

Some things, although they don't have long wings, fly faster than the gryphon, that is news!

In this nearly 100,000 square kilometers of land, almost every tribe, every exile, is paying attention to this war.

Even those who are timid are hiding in the battlefield. Hide in the nearby mountains and watch the whole battle.

Gangdu is one of them!

He is nearly sixty years old this year. He came from a near-human tribe in the north. The same tribe was destroyed by the Motuo Empire. He escaped from the sea to the south. Later, I heard that the Southeast Raksha territory is more tolerant. There are people who have traveled long distances and came here.

He has led the tribes to exile in more than three years.

In the past three years, he witnessed his wife dying, his son died, his grandson died, and the team around him changed from a few hundred to dozens, and then to hundreds, and now there are only fifty.

In the three years of exile, he really tasted all the pain in the world, and hunger is the lightest one.

The wild land in the whole south is dominated by the Lord. Any hunting will bring disaster to the murder, and it may be met by the patrol knights of nearby tribes.

Once you meet it, it means at least a lot of people are going to die.

So if you want to live, you must go to the mountains. However, the beasts of the mountains are incomparably dangerous, and death is more commonplace.

There is no house to live, no bed to sleep, no food to eat, and death is always with you.

Wanting to go to a certain tribe, the result is extremely unparalleled in the entire southern wilderness. The entire southeastern region is full of exclusion from all non-Rosars. If it is an indigenous barbarian, it may be accepted as a slave. The near-human family is basically dead.

Gangdu wants to take the team to the Chimera tribe to participate in the eye-eye trial, but the proportion is too low, meaning that 90% of the team will die.

How many times have you missed the road, how many times you are exhausted.

Gangdu told himself countless times that as long as the team has a tribe, he is willing to pay any price, any price!

In the past three years, he seems to be in hell. If he is not responsible, he really wants to end his life with a sword, so as not to endure this endless pain.

He and the experience are similar to the Suo De, although the age is larger than the Suo De, but the size of the team and martial arts, it is the small one.

Lanling led the foreign army to counter the killing of the Chimera tribe, and entered the world of ghosts to establish their own tribes.

Gondo's incomparable excitement immediately left everything and led the team to travel hundreds of miles to the mountains and forests not far from the ghost world.

However, when he arrived outside the world of Ghostland, the 30,000-strong coalition of Constantine had completely blocked the tribes of Lanling.

If there is only one person in Gangtuo, he will certainly not hesitate to enter the Ghost World and fight with the Yanmo tribe.

Because he really had enough, in the past three years his team did not know how many times it was chased by the Raksha, and there were countless deaths and injuries.

Lanling rebelled against self-reliance and established his own tribe. I did what Gango wanted to do but didn't dare to do. On this alone, Lanling is enough to worship Gondau.

But there are still more than fifty people around him, so the team of Gangtu is desperate and unwilling to leave, not willing to leave, hiding in the mountains and forests not far away to pay attention to the entire battlefield.

Yes, it is desperate and unwilling.

Despair is because they feel that Lanling will lose no doubt, and it will surely die. The tribes of the demon will surely disappear. Of course, they still do not know the name of this tribe.

Unwilling, they really do not want to give up hope. Lanling rebelliously established itself and created tribes. For the exiles, it really looks like a beacon. It is the only tribe that can accept them.

At the time of the war, dozens of people, no one went hunting and collecting, they were hungry and watched the entire battlefield.

Although it is far apart, nothing can be seen.

However, Gangtuo can see that after all, his cultivation is very high, and the top big warrior has a weak mental power.

The entire battlefield, first of all, he was shocked.

When the first 3,500 people attacked the Enchanted Tribe, his heart was raised.

Then it seems that the Lanling rainstorm is generally a beaded arrow, and there is nothing in the heart.

However, this is just the beginning.

Next, Lanling single-handedly rushed to Constance's army, only one person, killing the enemy's 20 lion warriors, and finally peeing over Constantine's head.

Everything about this, seeing Ganga’s blood boiling.

At that time, when he was young, he was an extremely just and straightforward person. He was rather bent and his blood was hot. After he was old, he was still straight, but the blood was cold.

However, when I saw Lan Ling on the battlefield, he felt that his blood was boiling again.

If there were dozens of people around him, especially his grandson who needed his protection, he would really rush out, or promote the army to Constantine, perhaps rushing to the tribes and fighting with them.

Moreover, they finally heard the name of the Lanling tribe.

Inflammatory tribe...

When you hear the name, you don't have to ask anything, you don't have to say anything.

Everyone will start to tremble and the body feels warm.

I didn't think that when I was in the wild in the north, the empire empire was just a legend. However, when they lost their homes and lost their territory, the empire empire was talked about countless times.

It was the most beautiful time of the near-human race, and the Emperor of the Fire almost unified the entire northern wilderness and established a powerful near-human empire.

The flaming empire is the homeland of all the near-human beings.

When the final battle broke out and Constantine’s 25,000-strong army rushed to the Yanmo tribe, Gangdu felt like no other people, just like everyone else.

However, the next scene happened.

It’s really creepy, and it makes people shudder from the soul to the body.

Twenty-five thousand enemy troops went to death traps and drowned themselves.

This... This is a miracle, a miraculous miracle.

Originally, Gangtu was full of fanaticism about Lanling, and at this time added a lot of awe.

After Constantine’s defeat, Cando couldn’t help it anymore. He led a team of more than 50 people, rushing down the mountain, rushing out of the jungle and rushing to the Yanmo tribe.


Lanling rode the golden lion lion and flew into the air!

Then, he clearly saw that in the ghost world, one more person shadow was drilled out from the nearby mountain jungle.

There are more than a dozen people and a group of dozens of people, a group of more than 100 people.

All the people are exiles, of which eight or nine percent are close to the human race!

These people were originally rushing to the Yanmo tribe. At this time, they saw Lanling flying in the air. All of them instinctively stopped and looked up at the Lanling in the air.

Lanling constantly hovered in the air.

Looking at a group of exiles.

He knows that someone will come to the battle after the end of the war, but did not expect it to be so fast.

He knew that there were many close-knit exiles nearby, paying attention to the entire battlefield, but did not expect so much.

"The demon tribe is the homeland of all the near-human beings, the home of all exiles, welcome you!"

Lan Ling loudly: "Welcome!"

The mirror demon magnified the sound of Lanling innumerable times, making his sound sound a hundred miles away.

Suddenly, all the exiles were filled with tears, hugging each other and desperately waving their arms.

Finally, I don’t have to go into exile. I don’t have to worry about it. I don’t have to be hungry, and I don’t have to be hunted.

Finally have a home!

"Lanling Chief, Long live, Long live, Long live!"

The exiles on the ground kept squatting.

"Go, enter the tribe, go home! Take a shower, eat!"

Then, countless exiles flocked to the Enchanted Tribe!


The whole sorcerer tribe, the voice is full!

Sorcerer commander man, Dina commander woman.

The first thing these exiles entered into the Yanmo tribe was taking a shower.

Of course, there is no hot water, only cold water.

Separate men and women and jump directly into the pool to wash. The body is cleaned with animal skin, almost to the skin.

After washing, put on a clean shirt. Of course, these clothes are still burlap, or animal skins.

Many people saw the skin color of each other for the first time, because they were always muddy.

Bathing, shampooing, combing hair, these exiles know.

But brush your teeth...

Yes, it took a full few days for Lanling to promote the policy of collective brushing.

This is not his poor attention, nor does it mean that brushing teeth can bring benefits to the body, but a spiritual outlook.

Lan Ling wants to instill in the invisible spirit of an inflamed tribe.

Let everyone know that the Enchanted Tribe is more civilized than all the surrounding tribes and must be advanced.

Toothbrushes are easy to make, and there are many animal hairs here, both hard and soft.

Without toothpaste, use salt directly.

Brushing your teeth with salt is undoubtedly extravagant. Because in the south is quite wild, salt is harder than gold coins, and a pound of salt is not limited to a few dozen pounds of meat.

However, for Lan Ling, salt is the least valuable.

He only sent hundreds of old and weak boiled salt. Although the productivity was low, the salt cooked was enough for the entire tribe to take salt for dinner.

The cooking of salt is extremely fortunate for humans, but for the barbarians, it is no easy.

Over time, the people of the Inflammatory tribe have a sense of pride and superiority.

The people of our sorcerer tribe brush their teeth with salt that is more expensive than meat.

And these exiles, no doubt have almost never seen salt, see the salt on the toothbrush, and immediately swallow it.

"Oh..." The Warlord tribe soldiers supervised later took the stick out unceremoniously.

"Salt is used to brush your teeth, not to eat, and whoever eats it and writes it down to me!" Centurion Ray Copper was unceremonious to remember all the people who took the salt on the toothbrush and added salt to their toothbrush.

All exiles began to learn to brush their teeth.

And those who eat salt will have a bad mold, because everyone will eat half a bowl of salt in a while.

Don't you like to eat salt? Let you eat enough.


After washing and changing clothes, all the exiles and the tribes of the tribes will eat collectively!

There are two kinds of food to eat, corn, fish!

Where the corn rice came, came from the military camp of Constantine.

After the defeat, the 3,000 survivors of Constantine and Alfonso fled in the air of the Lanling, and some of the grain was too late to be taken away, which was more than 200,000 jin.

These exiles cry while eating, so delicious!

How long have you not eaten? Three years? Five years?

How long have you not eaten the savory broth, but also with salt? Three years? Five years?

Goto was swallowed up and then looked at the people in his team. Everyone was washed cleanly, his hair was neatly combed, and he was put on a clean shirt. Everyone was buried in a wooden bowl and gorged. .

Once again, he felt his eyes hot and his body felt a numb.

Compared to the days before exile, this...should be heaven!

This feeling of happiness and warmth is even a bit unreal.

There are tall walls, spacious houses, warm food, and precious salt that is used to brush your teeth.

Then, Gangdu looks at other people.

The chieftain Lan Ling, the soro, the chieftain, eat exactly the same thing.

The only difference is that the chief's four-year-old daughter, sitting in the arms of the Lanling chieftain, ate white rice, ate venison chops, and fed a little lion cub.

The exiles who just came in, not only eat the same as the soldiers of the Yanmo tribe, but also eat the same as the chieftain. The only special treatment is that there is only a four-year-old girl.

Suddenly, Gangdu’s body once again felt fever.

Seeing the sight of Gangdu, the little face of the little girl's makeup and jade made a face to him.

Looking at her cute little face, Gang Dao remembered his little granddaughter and suddenly felt that his heart was melting.

"From now on, here is my home, I want to guard my life with life!"

At this time, the next grandson Gang Shi made a cry, said: "Grandpa, I am stuck in the fish!"

His grandson, 19 years old this year, is the biggest sustenance of Ganga, a monk.

"Nothing!" Nian Gangtu slaps a slap in the back of his head, and it is easy to shake the fishbone in his mouth.

Suddenly, everyone next to me laughed.

The first day after the end of the war!

There are more than 1,500 people who rely on the evil tribe!

On the first day alone, the number of the demon tribes doubled!


Constantine led the remnant defeat and returned to the Chimera tribe, bringing a huge loss!


Actually defeated!

Three thousand people played a thousand people and they lost!

The people of Chimera suddenly fell into extreme shock.

Is Lanling a god? Is it a ghost?

Can you beat the enemy 30 times?

Are their chieftains Constantine pigs? Thirty times the strength will be defeated?

The look of everyone looking at Constantine has also become extremely eccentric.

This is the case in the wild world. The strong are respected and the weak are never respected.

Returning to the luxurious room, lying on the soft big bed, Constantine opened his eyes under the comfort of the two ladies.

He woke up long ago, but he didn't want to open his eyes. He couldn't face countless contemptuous eyes.

At this point, a footstep came.

It was the daughter of Goufu and Ashi, who was loyal to the vanity and sold his own mother to the hook.

" don't feel bad, Nini An's sister is the wife of Xiaoman Wang. You directly let Xiaoman Wang send hundreds of thousands of soldiers. It is easy to kill Lanling." Hing Ling blinked and said: "That... ...that Nini’s sister’s room, is her clothes still for me?”

Constantine stared at the spirit.

He got up from the bed and walked slowly toward her.

"My uncle, you, what are you doing?"

Constantine's eyes greedily looked at the delicate body of the spirit, the inner twist of the incomparable, violent, he wants to vent.


Behind him stood the second lady, he could ignore the thoughts of anyone, but could not care about the idea of ​​beloved women.

Therefore, he suppressed the desire of inner evil.

"You will go with your deceased father!" Constantine chilled, then the two big hands slammed the neck of the spirit and slowly tightened.

"Oh..." Hing Ling’s eyes burst, spit out his tongue and made a painful voice.

Constantine glared at her neck and lifted her body up and slowly.

"Oh..." The sound under the throat of the spirit is getting more and more painful, struggling with hard kicks.

Her sly eyes are full of bloodshot eyes.

"Hey!" Constantine slammed hard and smashed the neck of the hook.

This greedy, stupid girl is sadly dead!


Note: The first more than 4,000 words are sent, please support, please ask for the monthly ticket, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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