World Destroying Demonic Emperor

Chapter 608: Six one zero: the death of the hook! Repair for a breakthrough!

Chapter 608, June 1st, the death of the hook! Repair for a breakthrough!

“Why?” Lan Ling asked.

Hooking quietly and crouching on the ground, motionless.

Lan Ling's problem, she has no way to answer, because her inner heart has been painfully regretted to the limit.

"Master, I have no way to answer. If you have to say a reason, it is my stupidity!"

Lanling Road: "What consequences will you encounter, can you think of it?"

Hooked nodded and said: "I know that I am already dead, but... I want to give it a try!"

"Try it? What?" asked Lan Ling.

Gossip: "Try me if I have a chance to live. Can you give me a chance?"

Lan Ling nodded and said: "Well, then you can try."

He is even very calm, and he can't say that he has long been expected to be betrayed, but he will never feel surprised.

The reason why he left his life is just a test, a test for barbarians.

After all, Lanling cannot kill all the Raksha people, and they must always use it for their own use.

Hooked: "Please bring my son!"

Lan Ling waved his hand and Gang Dao went out.

A moment later, the son of Gou, Constantine II was brought in.

After being captured for more than a month, Constantine II was a thin circle and his face was pale and bloodless.

When he was captured before, he was extremely fierce. In particular, he learned that his mother had become a woman of Lanling. He could not wait to kill the hook.

However, now that he saw the hook, he immediately kneel down.

"Mom, save me, save me! I beg to ask the Lanling chieftain, let him spare me." Constantine II screamed on the ground and said: "I am willing to surrender, I am willing to surrender!"

Seeing this scene, Lanling had some accidents and it was even more unexpected.

His son has no other advantage, that is, the bones are hard, that is, the courage of the husband.

I did not expect that he had now collapsed and asked for surrender.

Seeing that the mother did not respond, Constantine II went to the front of Lanling and hugged his thigh: "Lanling Chief, please don't kill me, spare me a life, I am willing to loyal to you, I am willing to be Your slave!"

Lan Ling asked: "Why?"

Constantine II said: "Because you defeated my father, because you defeated the Master!"

This sentence tells all the sincerity.

The wild world, the strong is the respect. All pride, all dignity, nothing in front of the strong.

Lan Ling still does not sound, looking to the hook.

In order to save her life, she said she wanted to try her best.

Then Lan Ling will see how she tries, how to save her own murder.

Gossip took a deep breath and came to Constantine II, gently holding him in his arms: "I am sorry for my son. Over the years, I have loved your sister alone and have never been concerned about you." ”

Constantine II cried and said, "Mother, please save me and save me!"

Hooked and sighed: "Soon, it doesn't hurt at all!"

A look at Constantine II.

The thickened arm gently grips the neck of his son, Constantine II, and then twists!

"Hey..." a crisp sound.

Constantine II's neck was directly twisted and his face turned directly to the back.

He didn't die immediately, but began to twitch and twitch...

After a few minutes, Constantine II died. The original small eyes were as big as a cow bell. The eyeballs were congested and staring at the mother.

Even if he died, he couldn't believe it. It was the mother who killed herself.

After killing his own son, the hook did not shed a tear, and after the body of his son fell to the ground, he still crouched on the ground and waited for the trial of Lanling.

Seeing the hook and killing his own son, whether it is the Soul, Gangdu, or more, all the faces trembled and their eyes narrowed.

It is said that tiger poison does not eat, even in the wild world, even the less civilized barbarians are full of embarrassment. I didn’t think that the sorrowfulness seemed to be so ruthless, and I killed my son in order to survive.

And in the field, the other faceless expression is Lanling.

It is as if you are killing a mouse and you are killing a mouse.

"Is this your attempt?" asked Lan Ling.

"Yes!" Hooked: "This is an attempt by a slave. I don't have any objection anyway, no matter what judgment you make. But I want to say, if you accept my allegiance, if you spare my life, I Life and the world will be loyal to you, never rebel! Heaven and earth as evidence, the devil is a testimony!"

Lan Ling slowly said: "I would rather believe in you, and I am willing to give you a chance. But ... for the betrayal, there will never be a second time. Once, it is dead!"

When the words came out, the hooks trembled and then crouched on the ground, motionless.

Lanling Road: "That way, I am willing to give you a chance to judge, and I hope that God will not let you live!"

When the words came out, the Sorcerer immediately got up and turned to Gangduo, and he waited for humanity: "Go, let's go out!"

Several people went out and left only Lanling and the two.

Doron wondered: "Is there still not enough time for the chiefs? Is this going to be a day of death?"

Soo and Gangtuo did not hear the general, but they couldn’t bear it. They took a slap in the back of his brother and said, "Don’t say!"


"You stand up!" Lanling Road.

Hooked up and stood up, his eyes still looked at the ground.

Lan Ling stepped forward, holding her glamorous face, biting down the artery of her neck.

His teeth suddenly grew longer and he had terrible fangs.

Sharp fangs, easily bite the thick neck, and then Lan Ling desperately **** blood!

"Ah..." A painful tip!

I have already done a lot of mental preparation, and issued a very screaming scream.

In order to survive, she killed her son in front of Lanling, and said goodbye to the past. However, the hook has long been ready for death, so at least there is no fear at this moment.


When Lan Ling bit her neck and sucked blood wildly, she still felt the fear.

This feeling is terrible, as if all the energy, all the vitality, quickly passed.

Lan Ling frantically swallowed the blood of the hook!

A powerful energy poured into the blood of Lanling, and finally all poured into the depths of his heart.

"Ah...ah...ah..." The screams of the hooks became more and more fierce, more and more horrible, and people shuddered.

Doron outside couldn’t help but said: "It seems that the hook is really going to be killed by the sun. How hard is the chief in the end?"

At this time, many more can not help, grab a handful of soil from the ground, stuffed into the mouth of his brother Doron.

Dollong is not annoyed, even after chewing a few mouthfuls, then spit out the soil in his mouth.

"You are so good!" Suo Mo smiled, and then walked toward his residence.

"Farewell!" Gangdo also left.

Dolombo: "Brother, why should I plug my mouth, what can't I say? I said before, I haven't seen the chief's anger!"

I said, "You stupid, don't let the chieftain's jokes know later?"

“What?” Doron said: “I think the chief is very good at talking.”

Many words: "There is a saying in the human kingdom, called a companion like a tiger, have you heard it?"

Dolombo: "No, but the tiger is not terrible, I am stunned by a punch!"

I was speechless, and then changed the way: "Will you be joking with the Dark Lord? You will be joking with Rakshasa?"

"Of course I dare not, people slap me and kill me." Doron Road.

More shouted: "Then you will treat the chieftain as the black magic flag master, and become the future Rakshasa king."

Doron suddenly said: "No, the chief... so arrogant?"

After a while, he took a slap in the back of his brother's head: "You idiot, what do you know?"


The scream of the hook has stopped, she is already dead.

Her beautiful, full-bodied, hot and **** body is directly sucked into a dry body!

Lan Ling does not know howling and kissing!

He only knows how to **** blood desperately. I don't know what the kiss of the blood-sucking royal family is.

So he asked the mirror demon!

The Mirror Devil is almost omniscient, but unfortunately it has never captured a vampire, so it gives Lan Ling a general concept.

That is, while sucking blood, injecting your own energy into the body of the blood-sucker.

Therefore, Lanling will **** all the blood of the whole body and then inject some of his own magic blood!

At this time, Lan Ling really noticed that his fangs are like poisonous snakes. They are really porous. They can not only absorb and swallow, but also release them!

But it is a pity that it seems that my own kiss has failed!

The thickening of the corpse has become ruined and dead!

Lanling gently kicked and kicked, and he ignored it. When he died, he died!

Then, he sat down next to the disk, because he had just swallowed the blood of the hook and swallowed her magical blood energy, so he began to quench the bones and bones, turning the power of the blood into the power of the bones.

The energy of the hook is accompanied by the blood completely swallowed by Lanling, and all of them enter the depth of the heart.

Then, this energy is poured out from the heart and injected into the limbs of Lanling.


In the inner world of Lanling, powerful energy bombarded his limbs over and over again, bombarding his muscles and muscles.

He clearly felt that the body became hot, became hot, and began to swell!

The energy is constantly bombarded, constantly tempered...

A quarter of an hour...half an hour...

A whole hour has passed and the quenching bones are over.

Lan Ling opened his eyes and looked at the hooks around him. He was still a dry corpse. He did not breathe and he could not die any more.

Lanling went out and found the scale dead wood. He wanted to see how much he improved.

You must know that the hook is the repair of the Master of the Wuwu Master. Lanling sucked her blood and swallowed her energy. There should be no small improvement in the cultivation.

Before he swallowed the **** old demon, his strength increased by 800 kilograms, and he had a total of 5,500 kilograms, and was promoted to the seven-star Great Warrior.

Add the weight of the dead wood to 5,700 kilograms, slammed your teeth and lifted your right arm!

Simply this power, repair has broken through the eight-star Great Warrior!

Adding dead wood to 5,800 kilograms, taking a deep breath, Lanling still raised, but it has been very difficult.

Lanling did not continue, and now it seems that it has swallowed up the blood and repairs, and only increased the strength of three hundred pounds.

This result made him a little surprised, and the improvement was too low.

You must know that the hook is a magician.

Before the devour of the **** old demon is only a small part of the energy, the power has increased by eight hundred. And swallowing a complete hook, only increased by three hundred pounds?

What is going on here? Not so!

Lan Ling thought for a while, could not find the answer, was too lazy to pay attention, strolling in the night of the evil tribe.

In addition to the guard post, the entire Yanmo tribe has entered a dream!

This past month, it was too hard, and I worked almost day and night. In the past few days of the war, it was a **** battle.

Nowadays, I have finally won a huge victory. The soldiers and people of the entire Inflammatory tribe can finally sleep a safe feeling.

Therefore, the entire Yanmo tribe is silent, except for countless snoring.

Lanling walked through the destination and saw a huge figure on the wall. It was a horse, a horse that was more than four meters high and eight meters long.

This is evil II!

At this point, it is looking up at the moon in the sky, do not know what is thinking, perhaps he is remembering when he is still a centaur.

From a centaur to a horse, almost killed his soul, his future!

Lanling Road: "You are down!"

The sinister II who became a giant horse jumped directly from the ten-meter-high wall.

Such a huge thing, after jumping down, did not even make much noise.

The giant horse singularity II came to the front of Lanling, kneeling down, it thought that Lanling was riding it.

Lanling detained the anti-devil and Dan's antidote in the palm of his hand. At that time, this exorcism also turned Dan into a horse.

Then Lan Ling took out a dagger and gently scratched the head of the evil spirit II, and the blood flowed out. Then he smashed his palm and let the exorcism and Dan's antidote dissolve in the blood.

Gently smear the **** palm through the wound of the forehead of Evil II!

Suddenly, the wound on the forehead of Evil II healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The magic blood of Lanling, as well as the antidote to the demon and the Dan, entered the body of the evil spirit II!

The giant horse savage II trembled fiercely, then completely crouched on the ground, using the horse's lips to kiss Lanling's boots.

It knows that this is the blood of Lanling who used his own blood to give back the **** of the moon!

I don't know why, the evil spirit II feels hot, as if it is filled with the energy of God.

It can't talk, but it swears that after returning to the Centaur, he will be loyal to the **** of the moon, and become the whips of his hands!


The next day, the day is bright!

The hook that has died is suddenly sitting up.

She is no longer a dry corpse, but a white body.

However, she was all over the body, white as blood, no blood.

Her eyes turned into a wild green.

She still has no breathing and heartbeat!


Note: The second and fourth thousand words are sent, please support, please ask for the monthly ticket, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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