World Destroying Demonic Emperor

Chapter 758: Seventy-six: Zero: Lanling will win! Princess Na blood south!

Chapter 758, Seventy-sixth, Lanling will win! Princess Na blood south!

Is the army of the Templar Prince strong?

Of course, it is very, very powerful. Whether it is the Ghost Battalion, the Voldemort Legion, or even the Ironclad Legion behind it, it is extremely powerful.

But is the army of the Prince of Heavens invincible?

of course not……

Princess Digne laid down the entire Terraan family and wiped out the 10 million elite army of the Devil League. How many casualties?

About 100,000 or so.

The Prince of Heaven brakes the Yune, destroying the 12 million army of the Mozu Alliance. How many casualties?

This is top secret, only the Prince of Heaven and the King of Heaven.

However, Tiansha Wang has already dropped several rare treasures for this. If the Prince of Heaven is not his heir, he has already smashed this son.

Two hundred and three hundred thousand...

Tiansha Prince has more than two hundred and three thousand casualties!

On the surface, the Prince of Heaven has always had three million troops. However, he has added three military strengths from the Tianlu tribe.

For the first time in the northern defense line of the Yune nationality, the three million troops of the Prince of Heavenly Temporary suffered 900,000 casualties.

The second time, the battle for the defense of the Ferris Mountains, the Prince of Heaven and Death killed 700,000 troops.

The third time in the Battle of the King of the City, the Emperor of Heaven and Earth killed and killed 700,000 troops. This is the battle, the top warrior army around the Prince of Heaven, most of the casualties. The three million-strong army of the war-ceiling people was destroyed, and hundreds of thousands of people were all slaughtered. Yune Wang, Yune Presbyterian Church, and thousands of top-ranking warriors all died.

However, the casualties of the Tiancha Prince’s army exceeded 60%.

Everyone knows that the Voldemort Legion is a nightmare, hell.

However, in the 12-day battle of the Yune nationality, the Prince of Heavenly Truth killed 390,000 Voldemorts, and the Ironclad Corps killed 310,000. The Leopard Legion, 60% of casualties, 60% of the casualties of the Thunder Wolf Legion.

The Giants Corps, the Troll's Legion, the Rockman Corps, and more than half of the casualties.

But the Prince of Heavenly Brake is always able to kill the enemy, and the grass is not born. The casualties of his own army will always be a mystery.

Therefore, everything is covered up by brilliant victory and terrible killing.

In the hearts of all, the army of the Prince of Heaven is invincible, and it is the army of Hell, which seems impossible to defeat.

Princess Digne destroyed the Terraan family in fifteen days, and the Prince of Heavenly Brahma destroyed the Yune people in twelve days.

Therefore, in everyone's mind, the Prince of Heaven is more terrible and more fearful than the Princess of Digne.

Only the Heavenly King, when there is no one, the mouth is cold and angry: "Reverse, reverse..."

It’s really a bad time to sell Ye Tian.

This rebellion patronizes the prestige, patronizes the image of killing the gods, and patronizes the victory of the Princess of Digne. As a result, the power of the Tianluo family has accumulated a quarter of its power.

Of course, as a king, you should really kill and decisively. In order to achieve the goal, you must use your own army as an ant. As a figure, you should not be sad.

However... unifying the entire southern wild is just the first step.

He wants to accumulate strength and face the attack of the Motuo Empire and the Temple of the Dragon.

This time, the prince of the Heavenly Kings was led by the army, and the Voldemortary Legion, the Ironclad Legion suffered hundreds of thousands of casualties. The Heavenly King, despite the blood in his heart, could still bear it.

The most unacceptable is that there are more than forty-nine in the death of the demon, and more than a thousand in the demon class.

This loss really makes Tianshu Wang heart unable to breathe.

It is necessary to self-guide the death of the Diwang family, the demon statue is not dead, and the Mozong level is only dead more than a dozen people.

In order to win his reputation, this prince of his prince is completely uncompromising, at any cost.

However, he finally completed his strategic goals.

The destruction of the Yune nationality in twelve days brought almost a devastating blow to the confidence of the Mozu Alliance.

Without any surprise, his strategy to establish the Mozu Empire is basically complete.

Tianshuwang’s strategy is to sweep the six demons in the shortest possible time and establish the Mozu Empire.

This time period is three months!

That's right, it's only three months. He has calculated many times. Only in this way will he not give the opportunity to the north of the Motuo Empire, and will not give the North Dragon Temple a chance.

Everyone feels that the genocide will lead the army to destroy one of the demons, sweeping the past, and unifying the entire southern wilderness with absolute force. Therefore, the extinction of the Dilu and the Yune are only the beginning.

However, a few people, such as the Free Heavenly King, Digne, and the Prince of Heaven, know that the real battle of the wild in the south is over.

The goddess and the celestial princes used the thunder to destroy the Terraan and the Yune, and they have already let the Mozu Alliance frighten their courage. The next step is to surrender.

Of course, you may need to destroy a demon, such as the Linglu!

But the next strategy is to take the lead. There are too many dead people in the south, otherwise they will not be able to withstand the magical empire in the north.

In the field of the Mozu, surrender is a very shameful act.

So until now, no one has surrendered. But everyone wants to surrender in their hearts, whether it is the King of Rakshasa or the three major demons in the South. As long as the first person stood up and surrendered, the remaining big devils rushed to surrender.

Because the Heavenly King has already let the wind go out, the future Mozu Empire has only six princes, the king of the wing, the Queen of the Witch, the Prince of Heaven has three places, and the elders of the Emperor may also have one, so leave it to the top five. The devil has only two princes.

The surrender was late, and the prince’s quota was gone.


The city of Rakshasa, Prince Edward!

"Do you think that the Templar Prince has destroyed the Yune, this is the casualty geometry?"

Lanling shook his head: "At the time, the battlefield was too chaotic, and the Mozu Alliance almost destroyed the army almost every time, so no one knows the casualties of the Emperor of the Templar. But I think his casualties should exceed 2 million... ”

"Why?" King Roche.

Lanling Road: "Because he has been retired for about three days after every big victory. Obviously he must go to a relatively large casualty, he will rest in place, waiting for the army of Tianshan to replenish. Otherwise with his character I can't wait for the army to sleep, and the Yune people will be destroyed in three days."

The king of the Rakshasa said: "Yes, it should be so! Then you think, at this time, in the city of Yune, how many regiments does the Prince of Heaven?"

"More than three million..." Lanling said: "The military strength in his hands must be no less than the time when he attacked the northern defense line of the Yune. At that time, even if the blood of the Tiansha Wang was in the heart, he would also make up the military power of the Prince of Heaven. Because, now, the Yune people have become the most important stronghold of the united front of the Mozu Empire, and the importance has surpassed that of the Imperial City, even surpassing the Tiansha Wangcheng."

The little Rakshasa nodded and agreed with the analysis of Lanling.

Indeed, the city of Yune is now not only the lifeblood of the Mozu Alliance, but the lifeblood of the entire southern wilderness.

Whoever took over the city of Yune took over the initiative of the entire battle.

The Mozu League lost the Yune, it is equal to the ** being held in the hands of others. Therefore, the strategic significance of Yune Wangcheng at this time is almost no less than the Tiansha Wangcheng.

Formally because of this, no matter how many troops have been killed or injured before, the army will be resurrected in the shortest time, because this army needs to shock the entire Mozu Alliance, need to intimidate the four demons, and need to make the four Mozu in the shortest Surrender in time.

"How many troops do you intend to take in the army?"

Lanling Road: "Seven thousand death warrior regiments, 20,000 scorpion corps, 30,000 men and women army, 200,000 demon army, 10,000 werewolf warriors, 50,000 giant wolf army."

"Three hundred thousand troops?"

"Yes, it’s 300,000..." Lanling Road.

This sounds too crazy, 300,000 to go to the three million army of the Prince of Heaven.

The 16,000-strong army of the Mozu Alliance lost, and Lanling actually only took 300,000.

"Can you win?"

Lanling Road: "We have analyzed the three wars of the Yune people for several days and nights. How to fight, you and my heart are clear."

The king of the Rakshasa said: "It’s not the same as fighting on the paper and fighting in reality. I am really nervous."

Lanling Road: "The army of the Prince of Heaven is indeed the case. However, this invincible source is not a giant army, nor a Voldemort army, but his ghost bat army.

The Ghost Bats are actually not flying fast, they are not agile, and they are not even strong in combat.

However, they have a near-bug ability, which is an ultrasonic attack.

A few hundred meters apart, hundreds of thousands of ghost bats also issued an ultrasonic attack, almost invincible.

Therefore, in the three wars of the Yun's people, almost at the beginning, the Air Force of the Mozu Alliance was destroyed, and the ghosts and bats of the Prince of Heavenly Temporary were small.

Because of the ultrasonic attack of the Ghost Battalion, the Air Corps of the Mozu Alliance did not have the chance to approach. In just a quarter of an hour, there are tens of thousands of casualties, even hundreds of thousands.

The ultrasonic supply of hundreds of thousands of ghost bats is completely dead-end, killing the Air Force of the Devil Alliance in pieces.

And the scorpion demon corps of the Prince of Heaven, what can the Thunder Wolf Legion be able to kill? It is the bully of the Mozu Alliance that has no air supremacy.

Even if the Voldemort Legion is strong, and then against the sky, in the face of the blow from the air, they can only passively slaughter.

Therefore, the battle of the Yune nationality, on the surface of the demon army, the most anti-day, slaughtered more than 60% of the Mozu Alliance army.

However, the invincible root of the Templar Prince is the Ghost Battalion, which lies in the air superiority.

Lanling Road: "The ultrasonic attack of the Ghost Battalion is actually an energy attack, almost incomprehensible. But... once they meet my death warrior regiment, it will not help at all. My death warrior regiment can I built an energy hood that guards against ultrasonic waves. I don’t understand the principle of ultrasonic attack, but I know it clearly. We have experimented many times and many times, already know the energy frequency and energy band of the ghost attack of the ghost bat army, and I can At the same time control thousands of death warriors. For others, it is impossible to build an ultrasonic energy shield, but for me, building a protective cover is light and easy. Once the ghost bat regiment of the Prince of Heaven has lost Use, his air corps will be slaughtered by me. The celestial empire of the Templar, who lost the air power, how can I fight with me? The Voldemort is even stronger, and I can only passively beat my air regiment."

Finally, Lanling ended: "So, this war is sinister, but my winning rate is very large. Because we found the seven-inch key of the Templar Prince."

This is true, as long as the Ghost Battalion is destroyed, the invincible legion of the Prince of Heaven will fall down like the Donovan card.

The little Rakshasa king said: "You convinced me."

Lanling Road: "My army has a huge shortcoming, that is, there are too few top warriors. Once the Emperor Tiancha and the elders of Dien attack me personally, I will be very embarrassed."

King Roar Shaw said: "I will play with you."

Lanling Road: "This will take away my limelight. Everyone thinks that you are winning, not me."

Xiao Luosha Wang smiled and said: "Why do you say such shameless words, but it is so natural, so pleasing to the ear?"

Lanling Road: "Because it is the truth."

Xiaoluowang Wangdao: "You can rest assured that I will change my face and hide it with you. As a nameless soldier to protect your safety, you will not be robbed of your credit. However, we need to make a substitute to stay in the city of Rakshasa."

"That's good..." Lan Lingdao said: "It is impossible to find the same substitute for you, but fortunately, it is enough to only defend the woman with the dream."

The little Rakshasa king said: "Once you have defeated the Prince of Heaven, do you know what will be faced?"

"I will become the savior of the Mozu Alliance. I will turn the tide and turn the sky, completely reverse the strategic situation." Lan Lingdao: "Of course, Princess Digne will use the shortest time to lead me to destroy me."

The king of the Rakshasa said: "However, we are far from the opponent of Digne."

Lanling Road: "So, you need another powerful force to shake the Princess of Digne and maintain a new balance."

The king of the Rakshasa said: "Are you sure that Princess Na will be going south?"

"She should have gone south..." Lanling said: "When the Yune people dies, it is when she goes south. This will never change."

The little Rakshasa king said: "Just, she originally wanted to be the savior of the Mozu Alliance, and the result was robbed by you. That is not good."

"He will be very angry, but in the end he can only cooperate with us, because Heavenly King and Diene are too strong, she must join us to join forces." Lanling Road.

The king of the Rakshasa said: "Well, if this is the case, then I will go north with confidence. I announced at the meeting of the Mozu Alliance that Lan Ling, the leader of the Yanmo, intends to lead the army to retake the city of Yune and save the Alliance of the Mozu. I really expect them to be very proud. Shocked expression."

Half an hour later, the little Rakshasa King rode a sneaky ride on the north, went to the north side of the palace, the new headquarters of the Mozu Alliance, to announce the earth-shattering news in front of everyone.


at the same time!

The eastern sea of ​​the Motuo Empire.

Against the sky, the overwhelming, airborne regiment, covering the sky.

In this big battle, another super player entered.

After the demise of the Yune nationality, the Princess of Na blood officially went south and joined the Southern Wild War!


Note: The second one is sent, please ask for the monthly pass, thank you.

We will be discharged home tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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