World Destroying Demonic Emperor

Chapter 788: Seven nine zero: too bad! Face Yin Ji!

Chapter 788, seven nine zero is too bad! Face Yin Ji!

However, whether it is a ghoul or a sacred spoon named after the Lanling, all of them are turned a deaf ear, and the two are still communicating with words that no one can understand.

Lanling Road: "Peaceless, don't you want to go out?"

Suddenly, the ghoul stopped talking and looked at Lanling, then stood up and said: "Lord, you want to let me go out? I have become very rich, you can let me go out, I promise that I will not endanger the world after I go out. The tragedy of 390 years will never happen again. I will dedicate the rest of my life to great literature and art."

This dialogue has already been heard, and Lan Ling and the little Rakshasa look at each other.

This is named by the Lanling, but in fact the ghoul named Sirius has only a very short memory, and there may not be a day's memory. Anything, as long as it is more than a day, it will be forgotten.

If you put it before, Lan Ling may still feel very funny, but now I feel sad.

Because it used to be the host of the Ghost King, it was because of the departure of the fourth soul that he became such a madman.

"Okay, I believe in you." Lan Lingdao: "Now, I will let you out."

The ghoul pointed to the spar ball that was not far away: "You can open the prison and release me."

Lan Ling couldn't help but look at the big hole in the wall of the energy prison. It was a door, but the ghoul still asked him to open the organ.

Lanling stepped forward, holding the spar ball in both hands and gently turning.

The door to the energy prison is opened again.

The ghoul got up and said: "I have to leave the prison for 390 years. I want to make a poem."

But after thinking for a while, the ghoul did not make poetry after all, but felt: "It’s strange, my poetry is like a river, and the source is endless. Why can’t I make a verse at this time?”

Because he has already made a poem on the subject of leaving prison.

His thinking is very strange, he can only remember one day at most. However, I remember the tragedy of 390 years ago, and I also know how many years I have been imprisoned.

The ghoul came out.

The Doom Goddess Red Spoon also stood up and walked out.

Lanling, the little Rakshasa king took the ghoul and the water red spoon to the exit of the second prison.

Once again, I felt the feeling of time and space shuttle. Three people and one ghoul left the second-level laboratory and came to the first floor.

Out of the door of the first floor of the laboratory.

Suddenly, this door has changed from a substantial substance to a group of light and shadow.

The secret laboratory of the entire Shenlong Temple also turned into a group of three-dimensional light and shadow, and then gradually contracted into a two-dimensional pattern, and finally disappeared on the plane of the mountaintop, disappeared without a trace.


Lanling toward the corpse ghost: "You come home with me."

The ghoul shook his head seriously: "No, I want to feel the great rivers and mountains of this world. And, I am going to chase the yearning for my heart."

Lan Ling suddenly racked his brains, and the little Rakshasa also struggled to leave the ghoul and took it back to the sacred city.

However, it left so far.

Going to the end of the platform, below is the cliff, he stepped on the air. However, it did not fall, but stepped on the air with one foot and one foot and went straight away.

This ghoul's cultivation is really unnecessary.

Lan Ling can't stop his departure at all. It is a crazy ghoul. There is nothing in the world that can attract him. There is no interest to buy him. And want to stop him by force? That is even more insane dreams.

The ghoul was angry, but his eyes were directly used to kill a sacred priest.

Then, even worse things happened.

The doom goddess red water scoop looked at Lanling and the small Rakshasa king, and looked at the ghouls peerless, and then she felt that the charm of the ghoul was relatively large, and resolutely followed the corpse.

In this eye of the mind of the doom goddess water red spoon, Lanling and the small Rakshasa two two beautiful men and men together, there is not a rotten corpse ghost charm.

Lan Ling and the small Rakshasa King are in a hurry, it doesn't matter if the corpse is gone.

This doom **** water red spoon can not go, she is the door to open mysterious energetics, she is a powerful key to the inflammation of the empire.

Suddenly, the two were anxious and didn't know what to do.

The use of force is absolutely absolutely impossible, and it has been awarded by some of the golden blood of Lanling. The repair of this water red spoon has become stronger and completely paralleled with the small Rakshasa.

More importantly, she is completely the mind of a child, like a white paper. If she uses force to leave her, she will treat you as an enemy in this life, and she will never accept her heart.

"Starry Sky Magic Rock..." The little Rakshasa and Lanling are the same voice.

Then, Lan Ling took out a spar box from his arms, and after opening it, he showed a starry magic stone inside.

A mysterious, powerful dark energy is suddenly released.

Sure enough, this powerful and mysterious dark energy is endlessly attractive to the doom.

At this time she was a piece of white paper, but because the ancient memory of Lanling's golden blood activated the mysterious energy mark in her body. Therefore, mysterious energetics becomes the only color on this white paper, the only attraction.

The doom goddess red eyes scooped at the starry magic stone.


She opened her hand, and this starry magic meteorite flew directly into her hand like a long wing.

Soon, she felt the passage of her life and was swallowed up by this starry magic stone.

Then, a more amazing scene appeared.

An energy hood appeared in her palm, shielding the black hole swallowing power of this starry magic stone.

All of this is completely natural.

Lan Ling and the little Rakshasa eyes must be jealous and burst out, and the teeth bite.

Then, a more amazing scene appeared.

The starry magical meteorite in her palm seemed to be bombarded with some mysterious energy and began to tremble.

"Oh..." This hard and incomparable starry magic stone has suddenly turned into a powder.

Then, in her palm, this starry magic meteorite is constantly fissioning, fissioning, and fissioning.

At last……

It began to separate, separating pure dark energy and transparent crystals.

Such a powerful starry magic stone, even ... lived by her separation into two substances.

Do you want to be so arrogant?

All of this is because the ancient memory of the golden blood has activated the mysterious energy mark in her body, and all these mysterious energy marks are from the mysterious power on the moon.

"There are so many fun things, there are a lot of things in my family. You can go home with me!" Lanling said with a gentle tone, it seems that there is a kind of idiot who is holding a lollipop to lie to Xiao Loli. .

The red spoon of the mind and the white paper looked at the dark energy of the palm, and looked at the ghoul who was far away.

In her opinion, the ghouls are much more intimate and more interesting.

However, the dark energy of the palm is also very fun, which makes it difficult for her to choose.

After thinking for a while, she rushed up a few steps and caught up with the ghoul.

After rushing out of the top platform, she can do no such thing as a ghoul, and it is difficult to walk on the air.

Then she made a bad thing.

She transformed the dark energy of the palm and the spar, built a small anti-gravity energy array, and then stepped on it, so she flew out in a void.

Lanling once again looked at the little Rakshasa King and had a feeling of crying and tears.

In front of this woman, I really can't call the water red spoon. It really can only be called the doom goddess. Her use of energy is really arbitrary.

It’s really like Beethoven, it’s like Mozart. When you see the piano, it will play, and you don’t even need to learn.

After catching up with the ghoul, the doom goddess red water scooped the hands and feet, and eagerly talked with the ghoul, as if she was persuading the ghoul to follow her to the Lanling home.

The ghoul shook his head, saying that it was going to walk the world. It wanted to write poetry, and it was to dedicate itself to art.

Then, the water red spoon shows its new toy to it, showing its dark energy.

Then, two people talked to Lan Ling completely unintelligible.

After three minutes, the ghoul and the water red spoon came back together, and it promised to go to Lanling's home to be a guest.

Lanling and the little Rakshasa are speechless again.

They tried to save the ghouls by any means, but the mind was like the water red spoon of a few years old.

In this way, Lanling, Xiaoluo, with a water red spoon and ghoul, return to the city of Yancheng!


Yancheng City!

Lan Ling saw Du Yan lying in bed, his limbs were cut off and his tongue was cut off.

He is still alive, but he is already skinny. After seeing Lanling, Du Yan’s tears poured out.

His wife quickly took out Du Yan's broken hands and feet, even in the ice, it was already necrotic.

Lan Ling will connect Du Yan's broken foot to the wound, then cut his finger and drop blood on the wound joint.

A shocking scene appeared.

Du Yan's broken hand, the wound at the broken leg began to heal, and the original necrotic hands and feet quickly recovered.

And his tongue, which had been shattered, grew out again out of thin air.


Not only that, because Lan Ling Xiu was soaring, so only one drop of his blood made Du Yanxiu a crazy breakthrough.

Not only did he let his hands and feet recover, but he directly broke through the magic. His talent is very high, but after all, he is close to the human race. Even if he is desperate in his life, it is probably difficult to break through the magic.

And Lan Ling only had a drop of blood, let him break through the Mozong, the real blessing in disguise.

Du Yan’s wife crouched on the ground and thanked her, and she couldn’t make a sound.

And Du Yan trembled: "Lord, actually... I am not afraid of death. But I am even more afraid of death, because I still have too many things not done, and I have too many ideals that have not been realized. The Enchanted Empire has not yet been established, and my talent has not yet been displayed!"

Lan Ling nodded and patted him on the shoulder. He said: "In the near future, the Silver Alliance will be reorganized and Baiyun County will be established. You will become the Baiyun County Gatekeeper, the highest military and civil affairs chief in this region."

Du Yan crouched in the first place of the mantle: "Thank you for the Lord, it is difficult to repay the broken bones of the body. Only after you have died."

Lan Ling looked at Du Yan’s wife. It was indeed an ordinary and close-knit woman. “Duo Yan is my uncle’s son, my righteous brother, so it’s my nephew, hello! ”

This near-human woman crouched on the ground and bowed: "Duch meets the Lord and meets the master. I am one of the slaves you rescued from the Heavenly Flag. My husband did not deny me. I picked me at first sight. The enemy that day. When I came, my husband did not have any fear. He did not lose the weight of the Lord."

"Okay..." Du Yan's red face was red, preventing his wife from giving up for herself. It was too superficial.

"Go away..." Lan Ling took a shot of Du Yan and left.


Goodbye to Nini, Lan Ling did not get any good looks.

She has been disfigured, and the beautiful faces are criss-crossed and squatted on the ground.

"I can restore your appearance." Lanling Road, then you have to scratch your fingers.

"No," said Nini. "I am fine now. After disfiguring, my mind is more pure."

Lanling glanced and then stopped.

Nini Andao said: "I heard that the Yanmoqi flag is going to be reformed. Is it necessary to abolish the tribe and change it to the county?"

Lanling Road: "Yes, the tribal system is not conducive to centralization and needs to be changed to a county system."

At this time, after several expansions, the Yanmoqi flag has already had 2.2 million square kilometers and a population of 16 million. Not only do all the tribes change into counties, but all the leagues are converted into counties, and five provinces are divided.

Nini Andao: "Is the first Chimera County Order me?"

Lanling Road: "That depends on your score."

Nini Andao said: "I have to look at where I can finally sit."

Then, Nini Ann left, she really did not restore her appearance.

She took the opportunity to be like a disfigured face.


Lan Ling once again saw Yin Ji, she was a thin circle, and her eyes were red.

He only walked for seven days, and Yin Ji was so thin.

She went straight to the front of Lanling, and Meimei stared at him intricately.

For the dream of the magical city, I almost told my identity to Yin Ji, which happened under the eyes of the public. At this time, Lanling certainly knew it.

At the first time when Lanling left the abandoned laboratory of Shenlong Temple and returned to the city of Fire, he told him everything.

Suddenly, Lan Ling really wants to smash the dreams of the dynasty. As a result, the little Rakshasa tells Lanling that the dream is still dead, because the energy mark he left in the mental brain of the dream is completely extinguished.

Suddenly, Lan Ling suddenly lost a second, and then left behind.

Next, he should think about how to face Yin Ji. The time left for him is not much. After four or five days, he will go to the Rakshasa City and the Nether Fight.

Yin Ji looked at Lanling, and for a long time said: "Lanling, do you have anything to tell me?"

Lanling Road: "I only have three sentences. After I finish, I will die and live, and I will follow you."

Yin Ji’s face trembled fiercely, and the pale face lost all the blood, saying: “You said.”

Lanling Road: "In the first sentence, I am Sauron, the Sauron who killed your parents."


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(End of this chapter)

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