World Destroying Demonic Emperor

Chapter 811: August 13: The true body of Na blood! (Important)

Chapter 811, August 1st, the true blood of the blood! (Important)

Na Blood Corps, floating air palace.

At this time, there was no one in the entire hall.

The ground slowly opened, and a huge blood pool appeared. The Princess of Na blood lazily used the chair to get up, and then walked down the steps.

"Call..." The blood skirt on her body disappeared, revealing a beautiful celestial body!

This is a body that can't describe its beauty and seduction in any language. It has risen to metaphysics and rose to magic.

Unique, peerless.

She slowly walked into the blood pool, then lay down gently and took a long breath.

Then, the entire blood pool began to boil.

In this way, she was soaked in the blood pool.

The whole blood pool is constantly boiling, the red gradually disappears, and the blood pool gradually becomes clear.

After almost a quarter of an hour, the entire blood pool became completely clear, all the blood disappeared, and her beautiful body was covered with a new blood dress.

She stood up and slowly walked out of the blood pool.

At this time, the throne of the numerous snakes began to change, and all the snakes began to move, and the whole throne became a door and an entrance.

Princess Na blood went in, and countless snakes began to move again and returned to a throne.

She walked into a secret room, and there was nothing in the secret room, only six mirrors.

The top, bottom, front, back, left and right are all mirrors.

After entering, Na Na began to change shape.

The long skirt of the body turned into two wings, red blood wings.

Her eyes began to change and became a blood red konjac.

Her beautiful jade feet, turned into the magic hoof by the feet that Lan Ling once smashed.

Her white jade teeth slowly grew out and turned into pointed fangs.

But when she was konjac, there were countless golden lines on her neck, and she was very gorgeous.

Soon, these lines spread all over her body, making her skin look like a scale.

Her appearance is extremely **** and extremely terrible.

She gently flashed the blood wings, and suddenly the whole body flew up and began to rotate in the chamber filled with mirrors.

"Na blood, you can't believe, you can only rely on yourself!" Na blood said to herself in the mirror: "You can, we can!"

"Don't shake, don't be tempted!"

"The Lord of the Demon Star once betrayed us. They are very complicated. They are human beings after all. They are finally flowing with the dragon's blood. Whether they choose the dragon or the dragon, it is the same."

"We can only rely on ourselves, you can do it with blood, don't waver, don't be tempted!"

"You can kill your own righteous father, you can kill all your righteous brothers, you can swallow all their power, and there is nothing to stop you."

"The great mission is waiting for you, the Mozu is waiting for your salvation and revival, Na Na blood!"

Princess Na blood constantly talks to herself and constantly strengthens her confidence.

"Don't shake, don't be tempted!"

"Destiny can only be in your own hands, not to anyone, even the Lord of the demon star. Whoever blocks in front of him can only kill, even if it is the Lord of the demon star."

"Absolutely, you can't repeat the nightmare of 3,000 years ago. Certainly, definitely!"

"The Lord of the Demon Star has betrayed us, don't waver, don't be tempted!"

"Our enemies are more insidious than imagined. They are likely to manipulate everything. Maybe everything is a conspiracy."


When flying back to the city of Yancheng, Lanling fell into meditation.

"Master, are you not too fast for the behavior of the squadron?" asked the question.

Most of the time, Lan Ling knows what to think about, but when Lan Ling thinks that the problem is too high, it can't be guessed.

What time is the higher level problem?

For example, design to the demon star, design to the **** knight, they are higher than the level of the hook.

Lanling Road: "What do you say is that the Hell Knights gave up waiting for the fourth, and chose to complete the great cause of fighting against the Temple of the Dragon and set up the Ghost Empire. It must have happened."

Gossip: "It should be, that thing should make it desperate, so no longer wait for the emergence of the emperor, but to raise the great cause against the Temple of the Dragon."

Lan Ling asked in his heart: "The demon star, why did the dragon emperor choose to become the dragon emperor? And I will choose to become the emperor?"

The demon star was silent for a moment and gave an answer that was not answered: "Because that is your own choice."


Na blood army, the air hall.

After half an hour.

Princess Na blood came out again. All the previous features disappeared. The blood wings disappeared again and became the blood red dress on her body.

She has become a peerless, near-human woman.

When I came to the corner of the main hall, the jade hand waved gently, and the wall suddenly opened a hole and a new secret room appeared.

There is nothing special about this secret room. There is only one similar to the tomb of the heavenly tomb. There is only one body in the coffin, and the body is spliced ​​together.

This corpse, of course, is a ghost.

The force of Lanling’s pseudo-stars is too fierce. It directly cuts the Nether into dozens of pieces, the whole body and veins are destroyed, and the energy heart is also broken by dozens.

It is because the characteristics of the blood-sucking demon make the energy heart still have a little vitality and energy to be able to hold his soul.

Of course, even if it is, his body is preserved in this special coffin, otherwise his soul will either drift to the underworld or be destroyed.

Princess Na blood whispered to herself: "Destiny can only be in your own hands, so we can master what we can master."

Then, Na's blood condensed and appeared a cold dagger, slamming into his heart.

Then, there was a trace of pain on her beautiful face.

The ice dagger was pulled out, and the wound on the chest was healed instantly, and the top of the ice dagger had a drop of blood and golden blood.

Yes, it is golden blood.

The blood of the ancient demon king in the Princess of Digne is the same, and even the half of the golden magic blood of Lanling at this time is also the same level.

She opened the crystal coffin and looked at the corpse that was spliced ​​together.

"Maybe it is fate that fulfills you, and that is what you can do."

Then, she dripped the golden blood from the ice dagger into the heart of the fragrant energy.

After a drop of gold magic blood dripped into the heart of the fragrant energy, it instantly burst into the golden light.

Then his energy heart heals quickly.

Not only healed, but also began to change color, the original red energy heart, turned purple, and even mixed with a little golden yellow.

Layers of light, transforming, baptizing his energy heart.

Then, countless energy rays spread out, causing the energy of the destroyed Nyx to recover in an inch and inch, and also changed color, from red to purple.

Countless energy veins grow like countless wires.

Then, all the bones speed, all the wounds healed.

After half an hour, the broken body of the Nether King was healed and completely restored.

And he still didn't wake up, still in a coma. However, his body trembled constantly, as if his body was constantly exploding.

Then, a more strange scene appeared.

The Nether has a well-being body, once again broken, and countless blood spills, becoming even worse than the previous smashing of Lanling.

Then, I recovered again and healed again.

The whole process, as if Nirvana was born again, seems to have broken the restructuring.

After an hour, the shattered body was once again intact, but great changes have taken place.

Not so beautiful before, like a woman's handsome, but full of magic, more noble than before, the energy released is more powerful.

The previous Nether looks very beautiful, but compared to the Tang people, compared to Lan Ling, I always feel a little less magic, less noble and strong.

And now, it seems to make up for it.

His magic, his temperament, is almost no less than the small Rakshawang Tang people, including his energy.

His eyes narrowed and his eyes changed.

And the most important thing is that he has made a breakthrough, from the seven-star Devils directly to the Devil of the Devil, crossing the largest level.

After the change of Nirvana, the Nether sat up in the body, and his eyes were calm. Only when he looked at the Princess of the Blood, there were some fluctuations.

He came down from the crystal coffin and squatted in front of Princess Na, but did not speak.

Princess Na blood looked at the Nether and sighed: "The original talent of your blood is able to break through the devil's, and my golden blood should be given to you when you break through the king, but unfortunately!"

The Nether Prince did not speak, but squatted his forehead on the ground.

"From now on, you are the supreme leader of the Mozu Alliance. If we unify the great wilderness of the South, you are the emperor of the Mozu Empire." Princess Na.

The Nether King still did not speak, but the whole body was crouched on the ground, indicating his loyalty and obedience.


Lanling and hooks returned to the city of Yancheng!

The atmosphere of war has been so strong that the air has been condensed to the point where it cannot breathe.

The war is like the footsteps of giants, and it seems to be drums, and it is approaching step by step.

It is very, very close, because the assembly of the Emperor's Vampire Demon Legion has come to an end.

Countless vampires, the mighty army, assembled in the direction of the Heavenly Magic Flag.

Why is the Sky Magic Flag?

Because the demon family was destroyed, the entire Tian Mocheng city was either killed or captured, and it has become an empty city.

In the future, it will become the resident of the Na's Blood Legion.

Moreover, before the small Luosha Wang Tang people greeted the Princess of the Blood, built many huge docks in the coastal area of ​​the Tianmo Banner, which is very convenient for the landing of the Naxi Army.

Of course, the more important reason is that the Tianqu flag is very close to the Yanming empire of Lanling, but it is not bordered, and it is in a place where it can be attacked and defended.

In the future, it will become a huge fortress for the vampires.

As a blood-sucking royal family, the emperor created a vampire army of nearly 200,000 troops.

The Luosha, Yuner, Linglu, Di, Tiannu, the top martial forces in the five major demon areas, the sub-primary martial forces, were almost completely wiped out by a net, all turned into a vampire.

With the order of the emperor, the eighteen devils, from all directions, led their own vampire army, vast, flying north, south, eastward.

Finally, all gathered in the Fortress of the Devil.

At this time, the last vampire army was only three thousand miles away from the Fortress of the Devil City, and it was able to arrive at most one day.

The war is on the verge!


Note: The first one is sent, please support, please ask for the monthly ticket, thank you!

I liked the Princess of the Blood, so I made some changes to the plot of the story in order to receive her.

(End of this chapter)

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