World Destroying Demonic Emperor

Chapter 820: Eight two two: bombard against the sky! Emperor tragedy!

Chapter 820, 1982, against the sky! Emperor tragedy!

At this time, the 200,000 abyssal sorcers around the celestial prince have already condensed the flame energy, and they will swoop down and slam into the Beining City.

At this time, the Prince of Heaven, and all the martial arts corps clearly saw that there are countless lights flying like a meteor to the top of the city of Beining, and then the place is getting brighter and brighter. The brighter it is.

At last……

"Boom..." The energy ball slammed out.

Of course, in fact, it is almost no sound when it is ejected. Only when it is passing through the sky, because the speed is too fast, it will send a sharp whistling sound.

The distance of 10,000 meters, for this energy ball, only takes less than ten seconds.

This speed is almost astonishing, so it seems to have crossed a long arc in the air.

This arc is not very bright, but it is very beautiful, hehe.

"call out……"

The energy ball is across the sky, and the energy ball is getting bigger and bigger.

Then, aim directly at the celestial prince flying over.

The energy field of the whole air trembled in an instant, and anyone felt as if a terrible thing was about to happen. It felt like the fear of those animals before the earthquake.

The three great devils immediately condensed the energy cover of the whole body, and the celestial prince was firmly protected in the middle.

In an instant, the energy ball slammed into the energy shield of the three great devils.


The light of this moment is really like a nuclear bomb exploding.

The light of this moment is more than a hundred times more than the sun.

The light of this moment can be seen in almost a few hundred thousand miles.

The whole city of Beining is as bright as white.

People who are close together are almost bright eyes.


This light, violently spread!

It’s really like the shock wave of a nuclear bomb, spreading out layer by layer!

The terrible first scene appeared, and the three great masters of the sacred sensation felt that the body trembled fiercely, and the whole body seemed to have lost its intuition.

Many of the magical masters on the outer layer have spit blood.

On the outside, many of the Mozong-class powerhouses fell to the ground.

Of course, the lethality is almost here, because the radius of lethality of this wave of attacks is only a few hundred meters.

Prince of Heaven is too late to be shocked.

Then, the second energy ball was shot.

This time, under the deliberate control of the mirror demon king, the energy ball is swollen, and there are hundreds of meters of diameter.

Moreover, the target of this attack was the Abyssal Demon Legion.

In less than ten seconds, this 100-meter-diameter energy ball of light broke into the abyss of the abyss.

"Boom..." This time, the ray of the explosion is not so bright, but the ball of light is much much bigger.

And this time the picture is much more shocking.

Seven thousand death warrior regiments, 66 top demon statues, six hundred peaks of the magic class, and six thousand peaks of the demon master.

How amazing is the energy that these people are condensing?

The murderer’s killer, the Abyss and the Demons, is extremely powerful, and the flames are almost impossible to resist, but they have a fatal flaw, that is, the defense is very poor. Once they are close, they are very dangerous, so Tiansha Wang had to send 500,000 air regiments to protect them.

So, what is the effect of this huge light ball once it opened in the center of the 200,000 Abyss of the Fire Demons?

It is really a picture of destroying the ancients and destroying the general.

The blast radius of the entire energy sphere is a few kilometers, and it is a solid radius, not a plane radius.

This is equivalent to a range of lethality in a space of several hundred million cubic meters.

Within a radius of 100 meters, all the abyss of the fire is completely turned into powder, and the smoke is extinguished, and it is vaporized directly.

Within a radius of 500 meters, it is completely broken.

Within a radius of a kilometer, all bones are broken.

Within three kilometers of the radius, all were burned.

Within five kilometers of the radius, all were injured.

Therefore, this wave of attacks, a total of three or four thousand abyss of the demon, all destroyed. Either die or fall.

However, the Prince of Heaven is still too late to shock, and the third wave of attacks is coming again.

What is the attack frequency of this pseudo-Hell enchantment array?

Seven thousand **** warriors need three seconds to condense energy, and energy tower compression takes three seconds, because the more compressed, the smaller the light ball, the more condensed the killing power, the energy light ball finally shoots more than 10,000 meters, only five Six seconds.

So on average, attack once in twelve or three seconds.

This is amazing!

It is completely continuous.


In the sky above the city of Beining, every ten seconds, there is a terrible ray of almost nuclear bombs.

Every time it bursts, it takes away countless lives.

Some can still fall, and some are directly smouldering, even if they land, they can't do it.

In less than a minute, the killer of the Prince of Heaven, the 200,000 abyss of the Demon Legion, almost destroyed.

It’s really only a minute, it’s too... it’s terrible.


Yancheng City!

The nearly 200,000 blood-sucking demon corps brought by the emperor is of course much more powerful.

An Asian king, eighteen devils, five hundred devils, eight thousand demon sects, and 150,000 martial arts masters.

This strength is more than seventy-eight times more than the Lanling Death Warrior Group plus the Golden Warrior Regiment, and Lanling also took one-third of the Samurai regiment, so this force is really the top martial arts of Lanling. Ten times the legion.

It can be said that if the battle is normal, the empire empire has no possibility of success.


The emperor issued instructions.

Suddenly, nearly 200,000 blood-sucking demon corps quickly changed into the air. This is a simple circular arc. The 200,000 blood-sucking warriors are like a big net, and they shrouded.

This arc of large array is to collectively kill the Lanling Group in the shortest time.

The 200,000 bloodsucking demon corps began to condense from the spread, and finally each person was only about five meters apart.

Then, slammed collectively to dive.

It is getting closer and closer to the city of Yanmo.

50,000 meters, 40,000 meters, 30,000 meters...

The young Luochao Tang Dynasty ordered: "All death warrior regiments, gold warrior regiments, prepare for the Nether Energy!"

Nether energy, a kind of revision of Lanling's Nether Sword magic technique, can be regarded as a kind of death energy, with super strong corrosiveness. Dealing with the top military corps is very effective and wastes the ordinary army.

Lan Ling, whether it is a death warrior regiment or a gold warrior regiment, almost died once, so it has the attribute of death energy.

The Vampire Demon Legion, who has never died, does not have the energy of Nether.

Of course, there is a more powerful energy against the vampire, which is the energy of the dragon. Unfortunately, this energy is still under study, otherwise the lethality of the vampires seems to be very amazing. It is almost no less than the killing power of ultraviolet rays on vampires.

Lanling has gold dragon blood, so it has the possibility of releasing this energy. However, he is now dominated by the Mozu energy, and what is embarrassing is that his death warrior regiment, and even the Golden Warrior regiment, is also very afraid of this Shenlong Holy Light energy, so the study has entered a very embarrassing state.

Gossip less talk.

The little Rakshasa King continued to order: "Cohesion!"


Suddenly, 10,000 death warrior regiments, a thousand gold warriors regiment suddenly released the Nether energy, and projected toward the pseudo-Hell enchantment array.

Nether energy is a group of darkness, without any light.

In the invisible air, more than 11,000 powerful Nether energy flew overhead.

Under the action of the energy tower, the entire range of air becomes the end of the energy. The energy tower releases a powerful vortex that completely devours the energy of this 10,000-dollar.

Start compressing, compressing, and compressing!

After five seconds, compress to the extreme!


"Oh..." This dark and extreme ghost energy ball slammed out.

Shooting at a speed of more than a thousand meters per second.

Although it is invisible, the Emperor feels a powerful energy fluctuation and feels the energy attack of the mountains.

He is very shocked. This energy comes from where it is not very advanced, but it is very grand, as if it were an earthquake, as if it seems to be a volcanic eruption.

"Dodge, spread out!"

But it’s too late...

All the death warriors are riding a flying mount at a speed of no more than 100 meters per second.

The attack speed of the pseudo-elg enchantment array is more than 1,500 meters per second, several times the speed of sound.

Almost the next moment.

This huge Nether energy ball slammed the target.

Directly squatting in a large array of vampires!


Like the explosion of a dark nuclear bomb.

There is no light, but the death shock wave bursts open.

The power of this pseudo-Hell enchantment array is more than several times that of Lanling in Beining City. Because, this pseudo-Hell enchantment array, there are three magical level powerhouses, raising the energy level from the magic sage to the magic sage.

It seems as if a death storm has swept through.

Time, a very strange scene appeared.

I saw only the face of the Supreme Master, and the body suddenly began to crack, and then began to rot, rotting layer by layer.

He is the top demon, and the energy cover is condensed to the extreme, but still useless, directly penetrated. A deathal energy passes through the body, slamming into the heart of his energy and deepening into his blood.

Therefore, the skin of his body rotted instantly, and the meat inside was instantly rotted and turned green.

The whole person has become a ghost.

What is even more terrifying is the magical level who is around him. The whole body of meat seems to have become a green scorpion, falling down one by one.

The Mozong-class powerhouse that was hit, the whole body directly turned into a dark pus, and instantly died to die.

And the magic Wu Zong division-level strong, then instantly vanished, turned into a thick green fog.

This pseudo-Hell demon squad, only one blow, it hurts a demon saint, the devil statue-level strong five dead, 20 people injured, the demon-class powerhouse died hundreds, injured nearly a thousand, as for the magic martial master The strongest, countless deaths and injuries.

For a time, the emperor seemed to be completely unaware of his own eyes, and the whole body began to tremble.

And the eighteen devils are not just trembles, they are completely boundless fears.

This... What kind of energy is this? What kind of killer is this?

So terrible, so powerful?

With just one blow, thousands of top fighters were killed.

Isn't the so-called vampire demon possessing an undead body? Why did you die in an instant?

However, it is between horror and fear.

"Oh..." The second energy attack of the pseudo-elg enchantment array hits again.

The goal is still to regain the respect of the building.


This time, the energy ball is more cohesive. Even when hitting the heavy building, it is only three or four meters in diameter.

The more condensed, the smaller the lethality, but the more lethal.

Therefore, the residents of the Great Building are tragedy!


Note: The second one is sent, and I ask for support. The brothers ask for the monthly guarantee ticket. Thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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