World Destroying Demonic Emperor

Chapter 822: Eight two four: big lore! The whole army is destroyed!

Chapter 822, August 24, the lore! The whole army is destroyed!

At this time, it is really no words that can describe the shock of the inner king of the Templar, or even fear.

What he brought is the new secret weapon killer of the Tianlu people. There are 200,000 abyss of the demon, just to give him a victory, that is, to kill the evil empire of six or seven million people, the evil empire three The big town was burnt into the ruins.

And when he came down, he made a rhetoric,

Kill thousands of miles of the Enchanted Empire and kill millions.

As a result, only a few hours after the war, the 700,000 air regiments he brought were destroyed.

The secret killer, the weapon, the abyss, and the demon have not yet made a spurt. Even a group of fires have not spit, and they have been completely wiped out.

Moreover, the super-luxury class of the top martial arts corps he brought was also lost a lot.

The three devils are strong, although they are safe and sound. But fifty of the Devils, who lost a third. The Mozong-class powerhouse has lost more than half of it, and the Mowu Zong division-level powerhouse has lost two-thirds.

Therefore, the top warrior army around the Prince of Heaven is only a thousand people.

He led the surviving nearly 2,000 warriors to retreat to more than 100 miles.

At this point, he needs to face a choice, is it going to continue? Still running away?

Going on, he has only a thousand people around him, and he is the most precious top-level warrior. If you continue to attack, how many people need to lose? Will you fold inside?

Even the Prince of Heaven is not afraid of death, but afraid of being captured.

Once captured, it may become a death warrior of Lanling. At that time, it is really a life-saving job.

But just retreating like this, it is really a wife who is not willing.

Even, he did not even encounter the enemy, even the secret killer of the enchanted empire did not see clearly, and there were countless deaths and injuries around him. How did he go back to his father Tiansha Wang?

And why did he come?

It was just for the shame of being captured before the wash. Now, instead of being shameless, it is shameful and shameful.

The Prince of Heaven is still strategically thinking. He must clarify the secret killer of this enchanted empire. Otherwise, the future unit of the Mozu Empire will suffer a big loss. If it is not clear, he is not qualified as a Tianlu. Prince.

"Let's go back, we must make clear the secret weapon of the empire empire, what is its principle, what is its flaw." Tiansha Prince said: "The most critical secret weapon can be moved, otherwise the future empire empire When we fight with us, the consequences are unimaginable."

The three magical sages looked at the Prince of Heaven, and their mission was to protect the safety of the Prince of Heaven.

"This is the order!" Tiansha Prince said: "The rest of the people wait, immediately distract!"

During the time, nearly 2,000 top warriors smashed.

In this way, you can minimize casualties.

However, the three Devils are still tightly surrounded by the Prince of Heaven.

"Dive..." The celestial prince gave a command.

At an altitude of over 10,000 meters, it is a hundred and thirty miles from Beining City.

The Prince of Heaven is led by more than a thousand top warriors, and they are incomparably scattered. Each person is more than 100 meters away from each other.

Then they swooped down towards Beining City.

This time, the goal of the Prince of Heaven is no longer to destroy the city of Beining, but to find out the secret killer of the evil empire.

Therefore, in addition to the Prince of Heaven and the three magical level, this is almost a suicide attack.

Whirring whirring……

Nearly two thousand warriors of the celestial prince continually dive, dive, and dive...

Approaching again, approaching, approaching...

40,000 meters from Beining City, 30,000 meters, 20,000 meters, 10,000 meters, eight kilometers, five kilometers, three kilometers...

At this time, nearly two thousand warrior regiments of the Prince of Heavenly Brake were still very scattered.

He feels that there will be more people to live in this way, because the big killer of the empire empire can only attack one place at a time, or kill on a large scale, or attack only one person.

Moreover, when the Emperor of Heavenly Emperor swooped down, the terrible big killer of the Yanming Empire Beining City seemed to stop fighting.


He is wrong.

Because the next second...


The pseudo-Hell enchantment of Beining City has violently sent out dozens of radiances, all aimed at the remaining 30 Tianshu ancestors.

The energy of the seven thousand death warrior regiments attacked more than thirty demon statues.

What is the consequence?

And all are Nether Energy.

During the time, these thirty-five demon-level powerhouses were terrible, their bodies began to corrode, and their mounts vanished.

These thirty-five injured Devils are only able to float in the air by relying on their own cultivation. And they were seriously injured, and they quickly flew quickly.

Just thirteen seconds later.

"Boom..." The pseudo-Hell Demon Array of Beining City once again issued a fatal blow. This time it was only attacking one target, that is, to protect the three magical sacred priests of the Tiansha Prince as the weakest one.

Moreover, because these three devils are protecting the Prince of Heaven, it is too tight.

Therefore, when the thundering energy of the sky burst open, it was desperate to corrode and tear, that is, the energy cover of four people.

Thirteen seconds later.

The fake **** of Ningcheng City was once again launched.

This time, more than a thousand terrible ghost energy was shot. All of them were aimed at the 200 magical-class powerhouses that survived the Prince of Heaven, and there were more than a thousand Magic Wu masters.


More than a thousand magic martial arts masters who survived before the Prince of Heavenly Springs rotted and fell.

Although the two hundred Mozong-class powerhouses did not die, their mounts were completely ruined. The 200 Mozongs were also seriously injured and fell directly to the ground.

Of course, they can't fall from the height of a few kilometers, after all, it is the Mozong-class powerhouse.

However, as they just landed, there were 2,000 gold centaur squads swarming up and attacking wildly.

In the rest of the day, the top warrior who survived in the air, only the three magical sanctuaries who protected him.

At this time, he was less than two kilometers away from the energy tower of Beining City, but at this time the day was still not bright, he still could not see clearly.

Of course, even if he is cultivated, he can see clearly even in the darkness. The reason why he can't see clearly is that he has entered the spiritual world of the mirror demon king, hiding all the energy towers and pseudo-evil demon arrays. At least visually hidden.

At this time, he faced another choice, whether to move on, or to retreat immediately.

Squeezing his teeth, he decided to go forward again!


The fake **** demon array in Beining City came again.

The energy mask of the four devils, once again want to fall.

The four great devils, including the Prince of Heaven, can only be floated in the air with energy after losing their mount. It is impossible to fly as fast as a flying mount. But even so, the power of using the energy to reflect the blood flowing in the air is completely amazing.

It is also necessary to float in the air to fly, and to release the energy cover to resist the bombardment of the fake hell.

The four great devils, including the Prince of Heaven, the blood energy of the blood, like the tide, is quickly consumed. At this point, the consumption of one minute is basically equal to the fierce battle of four or five minutes.

However, consumption like this has lasted for more than an hour.

In order to find out the secrets of the murderous empire, the Prince of Heavenly Tempo swooped down and tried to go through the dark fog and enter the city of Beining to see what happened.

However, the last two kilometers became extremely difficult.


Every thirteen seconds, the pseudo-elph enchantment array sends out an attack.

For three minutes, the three great devils led by Prince of Heaven, only approached 500 meters in Beining City.

And they were bombarded against the sky for fifteen times.

The energy of the 7,000 death warriors was condensed by fifteen bombardments.

This is amazing, too horrible,

It can also be proved that after breaking through the devil, it is terrible compared to the demon. It's not that your energy is stronger, but your blood energy has risen by one level, and the damage caused by low-level energy is greatly reduced.

Prince of Heaven brakes his teeth and continues to move forward.

At this time, he brought the weakest of the three great devils to suddenly say: "His Prince is going fast, I can't hold on, my blood energy is exhausted."

As he spoke, his nose and mouth continued to bleed.

He repaired instinctively and was the softest in several devils, and he was not known how many times he was bombarded, he was already injured, and his energy was exhausted. Therefore, he is hardly used to support, but to support with life.

Every second, he was vomiting blood, and the veins of his body seemed to have begun to shatter.

He still does not die, that is, the energy is completely exhausted.


At this time, the pseudo-elg enchantment array is another fatal attack launch.

This time, aiming at the one who is the weakest demon around the Prince of Heaven.


A loud noise, the thrilling energy bursts again.

In an instant, this ministry, which is the lowest, is broken directly, and the whole body is broken.

His body fell sharply, and his life and death were uncertain.

There are only two of the three great devils around the Prince of Heaven.

The energy masks of the four devils still persist so hard, let alone three?

This energy hood is difficult to resist the pseudo-Hell enchantment of Beining City, and another choice is placed in front of the Prince of Heaven.

Are you moving on, or are you running away?

And if you move on, you need to become a demonic demon. Once transformed, the consequences are very serious.

When the Prince of Heaven brakes his teeth, he will transform himself and continue to sprint. He will continue to attack Beining City. He must know the secrets of the murderous empire. He must be brave and have responsibility.

At this time, there was a sentence in his mind, a sentence that his most admired father Tianshan Wang said.

"In this world, the hero has already died."

After recalling this sentence, the brain of Prince Titan suddenly woke up.

"Go, run, run at full speed..."

Then, the Prince of Heavenly Brahman with the two surviving magic devils, desperately escaped with the fastest speed, escaped.


Note: The second one is sent, thank you, and ask for support!

(End of this chapter)

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