World Destroying Demonic Emperor

Chapter 830: Eight three two: Lanling marriage to the blood! Dragon Emperor?

Chapter 830, 832, Lanling, marriage, blood, Dragon Emperor

When I saw the emperor’s moment, the Princess of Na’s blood was wrong...

She has sent people to Lanling to send the ultimatum, even the extremely crazy ultimatum.

And Na Na blood is indeed prepared to do this, once Lan Ling hurts the emperor, or does not release the emperor, Na Na will use any means, even if this means is extremely cruel and crazy, even if this will destroy the blood of the devils .

But Na's blood and Lanling are the same people. Many times these two people are often overcome by emotions.

At this time, the messenger of the message should have not yet arrived in the city of Fire, and the Emperor actually came back.

Na blood looked at the emperor, his eyes flashed a little warm and said: "Nothing?"

Emperor said: "By the bite of Lan Ling, the martial arts has also improved, life and death are in his hands, but nothing else?"

Na Blood: "Is the will controlled? Is the brain controlled?"

"No..." Emperor said: "My body is not only his golden blood, but also your golden blood."

Na blood road: "His blood level... more than me?"

Emperor said: "Almost equal, slightly better."

Na blood said: "What conditions can he ask if he puts you back?"

Emperor said: "No, there are no conditions."

Na blood road: "What is the super killer?"

Emperor said: "The energy of all the death samurai regiments has been condensed and launched after compression."

Na Xuexue: "So, is an energy array? It is not a revolutionary energy weapon."

"Yes, it's an energy array." Emperor said: "It's not a new source of energy, it's not a revolutionary thing. But the power is amazing."

Na blood road: "Even if the energy array is really powerful, but it should not hurt you, the sub-king powerhouse, the empire empire should have no Yawang."

"There are..." Emperor said: "There is one, this energy array instantly smashes me into pieces, and the second hit directly blasts my energy heart."

Na blood said: "The situation has changed!"

Emperor said: "Yes, the form has changed! The situation in the south is from two giant crocodile plus a small fish, into three predators, and the top three."

Na blood nodded: "Lan Ling, the weakest empire, although the weakest, but with the Asian king-level powerhouse, plus this energy array, without the ability to attack, but has the ability to protect themselves. The southern wild, the real three Strong and strong."

If the empire empire is just a small fish, then the Princess of Na blood is willing to destroy it with the power of blowing dust, and then smothered with Princess Digne.

But now the Inflammatory Empire is not a small fish, it is also a crocodile, but this crocodile is much smaller. It is not easy to destroy the empire of the empire, and it will take a lot of effort. It will really become a smashing fisherman's profit. It is cheaper to live the Templar King and Princess Digne.

Na blood road: "Is the emperor, the three strong, and how?"

Emperor Yao said: "The two weak alliances, the elimination of strong enemies, and the two families will decide the outcome, and set the world."

Na blood said: "Then you think that among the three wild forces in the south, who is the strongest and who is the weakest?"

Emperor Yao said: "The King of Heaven and the Princess of Digne are the strongest, and we are second, Lanling is the weakest."

Na blood said: "But Lanling has the greatest room for growth, and has the name of the emperor, the most famous."

Emperor nodded, Lanling grew too fast, and possessed the name of the emperor. When Lanling was weak, the name of this emperor was a negative asset. But once he is promoted to the Asian king, and the Heavenly King, Di Ni, Na Naxiu repair at almost the same level, this magic emperor will become a huge sign.

Na blood said: "There are two programs now, the first one to join the Princess of Digne, the two together to destroy the Lanling. The second program, I and the Lanling alliance, the death of Princess Dnie and the King of Heaven, you tend to Which program?"

The emperor was silent for a moment and said: "The second plan."

Na blood was surprised and said: "Why, are you not the most hostile to Lanling?"

Emperor said: "He bit me a bit, although he could not control my will and soul. But let me know a little more about him. This person... I can't say it, but it seems that I have more to you at this time. A little goodwill."

"Goodwill? Why?" asked Na.

Emperor said: "Perhaps my loyalty to you makes him more goodwill to you."

Na blood nodded, looking at a person, knowing a person, many times not looking at him, but looking at the people around him.

Na blood and Lan Ling are the same, lonely, arrogant, no friends, but there are confidants and confidants who will not betray.

It is very difficult for such a person to walk into his heart, and once he walks in, he will almost live and die together. That is not whoever masters the fate of each other, but masters each other.

It was because of the fact that the emperor saw Lanling, so he had changed his mind a little at this time and wanted to let Na's blood try to contact Lanling.

Before him, he was extremely opposed because he felt that Lanling was too dangerous and would override the blood of Na, and would imprison her soul and freedom.

So even though he was in the City of Fire, even after being bitten by Lan Ling, he tried to kill him many times. But at this time, he also advised Na's blood to try to contact Lan Ling.

Moreover, he said these words completely without worrying about the blood will think more. After all, he was bitten by Lan Ling, and it is likely to cause other people's delusions, such as you have become a spy buried in Lanling.

But he is not worried about this, because Na blood is absolutely trusting to him. The more important Na's blood is too familiar to him. An expression, a look of his eyes will understand what he is thinking, and two people are already familiar with it and can't hide their psychological activities.

When I heard the emperor’s words, Princess Na’s blood fell into sinking.

Emperor also immediately understood the thoughts of Princess Na, saying: "Why, does Lanling have a place that makes you very scrupulous?"

Princess Na blood said: "The emperor, about the relationship between me and Lanling, there is something you don't know. I am really afraid of the recurrence of the tragedy before, the tragedy of thousands of years. The tragedy almost ruined a small half. The ultimate power of the Mozu."

Emperor said: "If you can, let me talk."

Princess Na blood said: "You also know that Lanling is the Lord of the demon star, the demon emperor."

The emperor nodded.

Na blood said: "So, do you know what the so-called demon star is?"

Emperor Yao said: "Golden blood, the emperor passed down."

Na blood road: "Yes, but only half right. The demon star contains not only the inheritance of ancient demons, but also the inheritance of ancient dragons. So Lanling's body is not only half of the golden magic blood, but also half of the golden dragon. Blood. Now Lanling shows the side of the emperor, the future..."

The emperor’s face was slightly twitching.

Na Xuexue: "Three thousand years ago, there was also an emperor of the enchanted empire, which almost unified the entire northern wilderness. He was only half a step away from the emperor, but in the end he chose to go north and unify the human kingdom. Dragon Emperor. Do you know the consequences of his choice?"

Emperor shook his head.

Na blood said: "The death knight's boss was beheaded, the fourth old deity was killed, the third child was smouldering, the fifth was lived by the Dragon Temple, and became the material of the Devil's Lab. Thirteen Hell Knights were damaged. One-third. And the thirteen **** warriors are all hopes and even the last hopes of the entire Mozu, only they have the energy of the ancient demon, but because of the choice of the Emperor of the Emperor, they lost one-third This is the betrayal of the Lord of the Demon Star against the Hell Knight, because he has not only demons, but also dragons."

The emperor was silent for a moment, saying: "Princess, more than 3,000 years ago, Mo Yan left the Mozu and went to humans to establish the Yanlong Empire. And Lanling left the human kingdom and came to the Mozu to establish the Yan Mo Empire. Perhaps this proves A completely different path for two people."

Princess Na blood shook her head and said painfully: "Who dares to make this assumption? Lanling is very crazy at this time, although it has also established the empire empire. But I can feel that he does not care about the Mozu, the empire empire is only His tools, tools of revenge. His heart is constantly trying to return to the human kingdom."

Emperor said: "That is because of hatred, he does not want to go back to the Temple of the Dragon to revenge all the time, to revenge the Queen of the Queen."

Na blood said: "Yes, he hates the human kingdom. Hate sometimes is also an emotion, hate and love are unclear. But what is certain is that he has no love or hate for the Mozu, the Mozu is just his revenge. When he was in the Wrath of the Wrath, he always planned to attack the area of ​​the demon in the south and expand his kingdom of anger. The most important thing is that he was summoned by the dragon emperor, to some extent he Will inherit the will of the Dragon Emperor."

The emperor was silent for a long time, acknowledging the words of Na.

Then, the emperor said: "Three thousand years ago, the Emperor of the Fire almost unified the wilderness in the north, and it is going to be in the south. Why did you leave the empire of the empire and turn to the human kingdom? Set up the Yanlong Empire and become a Dragon Emperor?"

"I don't know!" Na blood.

Emperor said: "Whether it is hate or love, Lanling is full of emotions about the human kingdom. However, it is because he is full of love and hate for a few people, such as his wife Yan Nai, such as Guiqin. Hey, such as the Queen of the Rings, such as the Suining County Lord, etc. But the early Mozu did not actually enter one of his hearts, so he was not in the Mozu, but the Devil as a tool."

Na blood nodded: "Yes."

Emperor said: "His Royal Highness, why don't you become that person and really enter his heart?"

"No..." Princess Na's blood smashed the railroad: "There is no chance, I don't want to do this! There is no savior in this world, and everything depends on oneself."

Emperor said: "But now you have two choices, either to join forces with Diene to destroy Lanling. Or join forces with Lanling to fight against Diner and Emperor. Two choices must be made!"

Na blood said: "You want me to talk to him."


"Good!" Princess Na, said: "I will talk to him."


The unparalleled princess of the blood of the blood, once again, suddenly fell into the sky, appeared in front of Lanling, once again took away the color of heaven and earth.

Lan Ling just wanted to open his mouth, Na Na waved his hand and stopped him, looking at the eyes of Lan Ling: "Lan Ling, the future, the future."

Lan Ling nodded.

Na blood said: "In this world, relying on mountains and mountains, relying on the sea and the sea. There is no savior in this world. The human kingdom is also good, the devil is no good, there is no savior, all depends on yourself, you admit this Sent?"

Lan Ling nodded: "I admit."

Na blood said: "So I can not compromise because of your blood, the identity of your demon star, I am not a Tang."

Lan Ling nodded.

Na blood said: "Your empire empire has a king, but also has a strong energy array. So there is already a three-legged qualification, the emperor advised me to form an alliance with you against the Dini. The three countries stand up, the two weak alliances, as if It’s the truth. But I’m not prepared to do this. Since the top three are in power, they’re going to be separate. Don’t be like a child today, hello to him, tomorrow, he’s good, right?”

It can be seen from this sentence that Na blood is definitely not a qualified government/guest. She acts solely on her own likes and dislikes, not on her interests.

It is also a coincidence that Lanling is also like this.

Neither of these people is a qualified government/guest.

"The future, I will talk about it in the future." Na's blood repeated this sentence and said: "I want to sign a three-month armistice agreement with you. Are you willing?"

Lan Ling asked: "I can ask, what are you going to do in these three months?"

Na Blood Road: "Build a blood-sucking demon alliance, integrate the four great demons, and then recapture the Yune, prepare to fight with the Heavenly King, Di Nie."

Lanling Road: "What about me next to your couch?"

"The future, let's talk about it in the future." Na blood said the third time: "You tell me, what are you going to do in these three months?"

Lanling Road: "Probably... it is to save the Tang Dynasty."

Na blood said: "All your energy, all used to save the Tang people?"

Lan Ling nodded.

The blood of Na Na changed slightly, and her expression became very serious and solemn. Then she said: "In your mind, is the weight of Yan Nai heavy, or is the weight of the Tang people heavy?"

Lanling’s face twitched: “You make me feel embarrassed by this comparison. The Tang people are my friends and friends, and Nai is my lover. The nature is completely different.”

Na blood said: "This answer is very important to me, and even affects my decision on you."

Lanling Road: "Yan Nai is more important."

Na blood was very disappointed with this answer, saying: "Is it so memorable for the human kingdom? Is it so memorable for some people?"

Lanling Road: "Forgetting is tantamount to betrayal."

Na blood expression is even more disappointing.

Lanling Road: "Na, I have a proposal, very serious and solemn."

Na blood road: "Please say."

Lan Ling looked at the beautiful face of Na's blood, and seriously said one word: "Marry me, we are not over the other's head, no one bites anyone. It is just a simple marriage."


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(End of this chapter)

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