World Destroying Demonic Emperor

Chapter 838: Eight or four zero: the magic tide is coming! Ji Xianning arrived!

Chapter 838, August 4th, the magic tide is coming! Ji Xianning arrived!

One day before the founding of the Imperial Demon Empire.

At the sea, the two-month-old Na’s blood corps floated, and finally officially landed in the south.

On this day, the coastal areas of the Tianqu Banner were completely devoid of the sun.

On the sea, countless magical empire giant ships are boundless and endless.

In the sky, the air forces of the Na’s Blood Corps cover the sky.

Thousands of super-huge ships are simply moving territory, spread hundreds of miles across the sea.

This is a real giant ship, even if it is a giant ship on the modern earth, each ship has a displacement of more than 10,000 tons.

Even on the modern planet, the total tonnage of all large Chinese cargo ships does not exceed 100 million tons.

The total tonnage of this Na's blood army is conservatively estimated at more than 30 million tons. Looking at the leopard in the tube, can you see how powerful the Motuo Empire is?

Of course, the straight distance between the northern wilderness and the southern wilderness is not so far, but the sea area corresponding to the fallen land is also the forbidden zone of life, which is insurmountable. Not only that, but between the wilderness in the north and the wilderness in the south, there is also a huge glacier of death, which is full of miles and is insurmountable for large-scale fleets.

Therefore, the Na blood army had to detour more than 30,000 miles, and finally spent a full two months, more than 60,000 miles of the voyage officially landed in the southern wild.

This super fleet carries not only a few million troops. There are more than one hundred kinds of monsters, energy creatures.

Counting monsters, energy creatures, vampires, etc., the fleet carries more than nine million ground troops.

Not only that, but the Na's Blood Legion also has an incomparably huge air regiment.

The Temple of the Dragon has a secret demon laboratory, and the Motuo Empire also has it.

In these years, the Motuo Empire in the Devil's Lab did not know how many kinds of monsters were transformed, and there were more than hundreds of various flying regiments.

Therefore, this Princess of Na blood brought all kinds of air regiments in the south, reaching 3.9 million.

More than 70% are a variety of modified flying monster army, the energy biological army.

The Motuo Empire unifies the entire northern wilderness, about 70 million square kilometers of land, more than one billion people of the Mozu population, nearly 50 million of all kinds of bloodsucking demon army.

The blood of Na Na was exiled, but at the same time it was sent to the land reclamation, which took away more than a quarter of the military power of the Motuo Empire.

So many people can't understand why Dr. Motuo is so indulgent.

This is probably the most ambitious landing operation in the world.

The dock of the Tianmo Banner has undergone three expansions and has reached several hundred square kilometers. It was thought to be huge enough.

However, in front of the dark tide of the vampire army, this super huge pier seems so small.

At all times, countless vampire demon corps landed in the dock like a tide. Looking from the sky, it is really like the black squeezing ants, drowning the entire pier.

After the defeat of the emperor, the three great devils in the south, and some of the mains of the magic flag could not help but smash the Na blood army.

This time, the establishment of the Vampires Alliance, invited thousands of guests. They watched this huge army that had never been seen before, and they almost felt trembling and trembled inside.

This army is too powerful, terrible, and completely suffocating.

The defeat of the Emperor's attack on the empire's empire suddenly became insignificant.

The landing of the Na's Blood Legion will last for a long, long time, and it will not be possible to complete the landing in a few days and nights.

And ten days ago, the new Rakshawang Nether had an unprecedented migration.

Tianmoqiqi, Blood Devils Flag, Spiritual Devils, all the people of the three magical flags, all the tribes, all migrated, and one-third of the Blue Devils were also migrated.

Nearly five million square kilometers were vacated, all of which were used as the blood-sucking demon territory of the Na's Blood Legion.

Although the four great magic flags have been swept through Lanling, and they have fought several battles, there are not many troops left, and there are not many tribes. But this time the big migration involved more than 20 million people in the Raksha population.

It’s a good move to say it, and it’s escaping to say it’s eviction.

For this migration, the new Rakshasa King has used almost a million troops. Therefore, it is really a migration, all the way to tears, countless deaths and injuries, crying and shaking.

The reputation of Nether has stinked to the extreme. At this time, in the field of Raksha, it is even more angry.

In the process of migration, there are countless Raksha people who have fled into the flaming empire of Lanling to seek refuge.

Ten days have passed, the big migration, the big eviction continues.

Lan Ling’s enchanting empire has more than 2,000 people. In the past two months, the Raksha people who fled into the empire empire have surpassed five or six million.

Fortunately, in the past two years, Lanling has carried out large-scale storage of livestock, large-scale cultivation of food, and large-scale development of fisheries.

Whether it is food, minerals, salt, or cloth piled up like mountains, so there are no pressure on the millions of trojans who have survived and fled into the empire.

In the report of the Inflammatory Council, the inflammation of the empire empire this year, the output of food will be further doubled, not to mention feeding 20 million people, even if it is 50 million, 60 million is not a problem.

With the increase of the population, the towns around the five major cities have also been built like mushrooms.


The air palace of Princess Na, floating in the sky above the city of Tianmo.

On the ground, black and black pressure is the vampire demon army, guests from all sides, except for the enchanted empire.

In addition to the demon queen and the king of the celestial king, all the devils in the south are wild.

That's right, it's all the devils, the king of the earth and the king of Ashi, who represent the blood of the blood and the queen of the devil, come to participate in the establishment of the blood-sucking demon alliance.

In addition to the empire empire, almost any force in the entire Mozu area sent messengers to attend the establishment of the Vampire.

It is not the Lanling family, but the empire of the empire is the first in the world. Not only that, when Princess Na blood came to the Yancheng City for negotiation, Lanling also officially invited the Vampire Demon Alliance to send messengers to participate in the founding ceremony of the Yan Empire.

However, whether it is the local power headed by the Rakshasa Nether, or the blood-sucking demon power headed by Na Blood, no messenger was sent to participate in the founding ceremony of the Yan Empire.

Not only that, the so-called Vampire Devils Alliance established a grand ceremony, and Princess Na blood did not send messengers to the Yan Mo Empire to make any invitation.

In this way, Lan Ling naturally does not need to use a hot face to paste her cold ass. Originally intended to send the lady Princess Sayan to participate in the establishment of the blood-sucking demon, now is not needed.

This actually made Lan Ling very puzzled.

Princess Na blood can invite the King of Heaven, can invite Princess Dnie, but she will ignore the empire of the empire. What does this mean?

Princess Na blood looked down on the whole land, using a **** and penetrating voice: "I announced that the Vampire Alliance is officially established!"


The Magic City, the Fire Council.

"My form of the enchanted empire is very good. His Majesty and Na Na signed a three-month armistice agreement, and now there are two and a half months left." Tang Rendao: "Your Majesty, Princess Digne may have armed conflict with our smoldering empire." ?"

Lanling shook his head: "Nothing."

Tang Rendao: "That means that our empire empire has at least two and a half months of peace. But there is a dangerous signal that our spies have obtained the map of the vampires."

Then he took out a map and placed it on the shelf of the conference room, so that all members of the Fire Council could see it clearly.

"This is the territory of the blood-sucking demon." Tang Rendao: "This territory includes the demon flag, the blood magic flag, the spiritual demon flag, and some of the blue magic flag, a total of five million square kilometers. Of course, the new Luochao Wang Nether sells We can't control the interests of the Luosha people, but we can see clearly from the map. The territory of the Vampire Alliance is surrounded by our enchanted empire, almost insecure!"

Indeed, the territory of the Inflammatory Empire is the Black Devils Flag, part of the Blood Devils Flag, and part of the Blue Devils Flag, totaling 2.3 million square kilometers.

Seen clearly from the map, the Rakshasa secluded to the vampires is just a round moon shape, surrounded by the empire empire, the only exit of the entire empire empire, only the east side of the sea.

But Princess Na blood brought a super fleet, and it was easy to completely block the empire.

Tang Rendao: "It can be seen that Princess Na Na has always had a wolf ambition for our enchanted empire. Although it signed an armistice agreement, it only signed for three months. And before the vampires were not like this, they did not completely surround me. The enchanted empire. So, we have to figure out now, what is the first strategic goal of Princess Na blood?"

Yes, what is the strategic goal of Na's blood?

Is it peaceful with Lanling, and then a battle with Princess Digne to win the battle?

Still outside, you must be inside.

After Princess Dnie had destroyed the three great demons in the south, only the Rakshazu was left in the site of the Vampires Alliance. The Yan Mo Empire is in the territory of the Raksha, in order to avoid the battle between her and Princess Di Nie, Lan Ling in the back to **** the chrysanthemum alliance of the chrysanthemum, Na Princess is really necessary to be outside.

Lanling Road: "Now the blood-sucking demon alliance, there is only one and a half of the Raksha community, the whole southern is wild, more than half of the territory falls into the hands of Princess Dnie. In order to reverse this situation, Princess Na will definitely send troops to the Yune Take down the core of the southern wilderness. Princess Digne will not sit still, so in these two and a half months, Digne and Na blood will definitely have a terrible battle in the field of Yune!"

Tang Rendao: "I agree with this! The real danger of our smoldering empire is after the cloud of the Ot. The **** princess, whether it wins or loses, will start against our empire."

There is no doubt about this. If the Battle of the Clouds and the Blood Princess win, she will of course take advantage of the victory and unplug the empire of the empire, thus obtaining a complete field of Raksha.

After all, the current Rakshazu is the base camp of the Na's Blood Legion, and it is easy to sleep on the side of the couch.

Once Princess Na is lost, it is even more necessary to destroy the empire and gain a complete field of Raksha.

"The Princess of Na blood thinks that our empire empire has a sub-king powerhouse, but we don't actually have it." Tang Rendao: "So, the most urgent task is our empire empire, we must have a sub-king powerhouse. Even if only An Asian king can at least keep the empire of the empire in an invincible place."

The eyes of the Tang people suddenly came to Lanling.

The only hope for breaking through Yawang in a short time is Lanling.

Originally, Lanling only needed to give the Tang Dynasty gold magic blood, which would help him break through the king. But... he has already died shortly.

The Tang people laughed and said: "Your Majesty, in order to the safety of the evil empire, you need to break through the king in two and a half months!"

Lan Ling was about to speak, and the voice of the mirror demon was heard in his ear.

"Your Majesty... The Temple of the Dragon, Ji Xianning arrived, less than a hundred miles from the city of Fire!"

Lan Ling suddenly shocked, Ji Xianning?

How did she appear?


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(End of this chapter)

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