World Destroying Demonic Emperor

Chapter 843: Eight four five: mysterious laboratory!

Chapter 843 VIII mystery laboratory!

Did Ji Xiu Ning die through?

It’s almost really dying. If she wasn’t filled with the source of the magic, she brought a little bit of the purest ancient demon energy deep in her blood, and she died long ago.

No matter in which world, the dissipation of the soul is the real death.

Only the earth, the death of the body is immediately accompanied by the death of the soul, there is almost no time difference.

In the world where Lan Ling was at this time, the heart was pierced, even split, and the mental brain was shaken, not necessarily the real death.

As long as there is still a little bit of energy in the depths of the blood to maintain the existence of the soul, there is no real death.

Of course, the energy of the ancient demon in Ji Xingning's body is very, very, very weak, and even far less than her son. Therefore, she can only maintain her soul for a short period of time. As long as Lan Ling is slightly slower to take a shot, she will fly away.

After Lan Ling’s golden magic blood dripped into her broken heart, it immediately poured into the depths of the energy blood.

Then, a golden glow burst.

Her heart began to heal and the wound on her chest began to heal.

Then, a powerful energy flows into her brain through the energy veins.

The most serious of her injuries was the brain, and the one-on-one of the alternate priest of the sky, Gu Gu, almost directly made him fly away.

The energy of the golden magic blood has to condense the spiritual energy, brain domain data, etc. that she has been smashed.

The recovery of the brain is much slower and much more difficult than the recovery of the body.

After three hours!

The energy of the golden magic blood was repaired to Ji Xianning's brain domain. Of course... it was only repaired 80%, and the remaining 20% ​​was almost impossible to recover.

Ji Xiu Ning Jiao Wei shivered slightly, then woke up.

Opening my eyes, the first thing I saw was Lanling. She suddenly asked, "Who are you?"

When Lan Ling was surprised, she immediately thought about it and said, "Oh, you are Lanling."

Then she looked up at the sky and stared quietly.

Even after the resurrection, she did not appear angry, hatred, but almost lost.

Before, she was only refrigerated by the Temple of the Dragon, but now she is completely abandoned by the Temple of the Dragon.

She has only one mission from her birth, that is, to fight for the cause of the Dragon Temple. All her life, all dedicated to the Temple of the Dragon.

She has almost no preference or emotion. She doesn't like any man, doesn't like food, doesn't like good-looking clothes, and has almost no desire. The only pursuit is the great cause of the Temple of the Dragon.

After being abandoned by the Temple of the Dragon, her whole heart and spirit are empty.

Lost all the goals of struggle.

It seems that the soul has been hollowed out, leaving only a peerless beautiful body.

"Hey..." Lan Ling slaps a slap in front of her face, not light or heavy.

"Don't forget, the trade between you and me!" Lanling cold and cold.

"Transaction..." Ji Xianning said: "I remembered, save the Tang!"

Then she began to close her eyes and wondered where the secret lab of the Dragon Temple was, because her brain was injured, so some things could not be remembered.

After a moment, she remembered, and darted directly on the east side of the sea.

Lan Ling chased it up, she is not expelled now, let Lan Ling follow her.

Stepping on the surface of the sea, I ran wildly and ran for more than seven hundred miles.

She closed her eyes and felt the energy stand around.

That's right, it's here!

Then, she dive directly into the sea, and Lanling also sneaked along.

Two people have been diving and diving.

Three hundred meters, five hundred meters, one kilometer, two kilometers, three kilometers, five kilometers...

When Lan Ling felt that this kind of dive was boundless, he quickly reached the bottom of the sea and there was a crack in the bottom.

Ji Xiu Ning drilled into this crack in the seabed, and Lanling followed it.

In this crack, thousands of turns, and finally came to the end of the crack.

This scene is similar to the one that was found by Jian Zun at that time.

At the end of the crack at the bottom of the sea is a group of black stones, and nothing else.

Ji Xianning released energy and painted an incomparably complex energy pattern in the air.

After painting, gently tap to the next shot to map the entire energy pattern into the huge black stone.

Suddenly, this huge black stone scorpion made a huge bright spot and began to collapse.

"Hey, hey..."


This boulder blasted open.

Or you can't blow it up, but it turns into countless powders.

Then, there was a huge hole and the portal opened.

This is an energy gate!

Ji Xianning went over.


Her delicate body was directly ejected a few hundred meters, and her mouth spit blood.

After landing, she showed a sad smile. Her blood has been rejected by the energy array of the secret laboratory of the Shenlong Temple.

Lan Ling took her hand and was completely cold.

She broke free a bit, and failed to break away, let Lan Ling take it.

Taking a deep breath, Lan Ling passed through the energy gate.

Still like the last secret lab, the energy gate appeared a bit hesitant, but in the end it was the Lanling two.

The golden dragon blood of Lanling is so overwhelming that it can pass through the energy array of any Shenlong Temple laboratory.

"Oh..." As if a time and space shuttled, Lan Ling and Ji Xianning's brain fell into a short gap.

When I am awake again, I have already entered this secret laboratory.

This secret lab is much simpler and much smaller.

Wherever the eyes see, all are spar energy bodies.

In this, Lan Ling felt a very mysterious and powerful energy.

This secret laboratory is a huge energy array, as if to maintain some kind of energy balance.

Although the laboratory is small, the energy spar inside is very rich, and there are all kinds of energy spar.

Lanling focuses on the kind of bright spar, a bright spar that can produce deadly lethal rays to the vampire.

This kind of bright quartz has no features, just like the highest purity diamond, without any color, absolutely transparent.

However, it has very distinctive energy characteristics. As long as it is close to it, it seems to have the feeling of being illuminated by the sun. It is not the warmth of temperature, but the perceived brightness and warmth, so it is named as bright quartz.

In fact, the blood-sucking demon of Na's blood is not afraid of the sun, although in comparison, the Vampires prefer to play in the evening, but they have no discomfort in the sun.

After the energy reaction of the bright quartz, the emitted rays are like hundreds of times thousands of times more than 10,000 times of solar energy. Therefore, there will be fatal damage to the vampire army.

In general, this precious bright quartz should be very difficult to find.

But it's not really, at least in this secret lab, the bright spar is very easy to find, they are directly embedded in every corner of the lab wall, they should be a must-have crystal of the secret laboratory energy balance stone.

These bright spar are not only responsible for energy balance, manufacturing vitality, but also responsible for lighting.

Dozens of bright crystals make the entire laboratory bright and white.

In this lab, Lan Ling does not feel that he is in a different world, but in a future laboratory full of technology in Hollywood movies.

Everything is crystal clear, white and bright.

In the middle of the laboratory, there are three small tombs of the heavenly tomb, which contain three energy hearts, one big and two small.

A sub-level energy heart, two magical levels.

These hearts are not beating, but they are still alive! Because the time inside the coffin of the heavenly tomb is forever stopped.

When Lanling first saw the coffin of the heavenly tomb, he did not think that there was anything. Now I want to come to the heavenly tomb. The coffin is really the invention of the Shenlong Temple, and it is also the strategic asset of the Shenlong Temple.

"How many years have these three energy hearts been stored?" asked Lan Ling.

"I don't know, maybe five hundred years, eight hundred years." Ji Xiu Ning said.

Lan Ling looked at the energy heart of the middle Asian king: "Do you want to send this energy heart to the sky priest for bad luck?"

Ji Xianning said: "Are you sarcastic me?"

"Yes!" Lanling Road.

Then he began to harvest the bright spar on the wall.

From now on, these bright spar are strategic grades of the Inflammatory Empire.

In the last secret laboratory, a total of four bright crystals were harvested, adding up to less than half a catty.

Lanling remembered, these four bright spar in the secret laboratory at that time, is completely used for lighting. The bright spar of this secret laboratory not only needs to be illuminated, but also provides a living environment and energy balance.

These energy hearts are preserved in a good environment even in the heavenly tomb.

Add up a total of eighty-three bright quartz, full of ten pounds.

Of course, this number is still very rare, but a big fight should be enough.

As Lanling removes one of the bright crystals, the light intensity of the secret laboratory begins to decline.

However, under the bright light of Ji Xuanning's delicate body, it still looks very dazzling.

Under the light of these bright crystals, her body seems to be transparent and radiant, as if it is the kind of beauty in the spotlight.

She slowly paced in the lab.

Stretch out the jade hand, gently touch the energy wall here, stroking the bright spar.

"Soren, when you were pierced through the heart, what did it feel?" Ji Xianning suddenly asked.

"No feeling." Lanling Road: "empty, paralyzed..."

Ji Xiu-Ning said: "Is it all gray, there seems to be a black hole in the whole body, swallowing up all your beliefs, vitality? Even the idea of ​​revenge is not?"

"Yes!" Lanling said: "It took more than two years to gather the hatred and anger of Haotian."

Ji Xiu-Ning said: "I am now all over the world, empty, and I can't even hate and anger in my heart. I am not interested in everything around me..."

Lanling Road: "You wait, this stage will be a long time, at least for a year or two, your heart can find something to replace, or hate, or something else."

Ji Xiu Ning stopped.

Standing in front of an energy light curtain!

This is the exit of the secret laboratory, with a spar switch next to it.

Lan Ling suddenly stopped all the movements and said: "You... come over!"

Ji Xianning said: "Lanling, you are the demon emperor, the biggest enemy of the Dragon Temple. If I say that I have destroyed you, is it the last loyalty to the Dragon Temple, is it to prove that the Temple of the Dragon is killing? Am I a huge mistake and stupid?"

Lan Ling secretly released the **** body, to set up Ji Xianning.’s too late!

"Hey..." Ji Xianning's hand slammed.

In an instant, the spar body of the secret laboratory outlet was pinched.

The energy light curtain of the entire secret laboratory disappeared and the exit disappeared!

Suddenly, Lan Ling’s hair continued to blow up!

Endless anger, rushed to my heart.

He slammed forward and slammed into a slap in the face of Ji Xianning.

Ji Xianning did not have any resistance, let Lan Ling fly her out, the beautiful body of the body fell to the ground, the blood flowing out of the corner of the mouth.

After landing, her beauty was calm and crazy, staring at Lanling Road: "You kill me, kill me." Now we can't go out, these secret labs are in another The plane's entrance is just an energy channel. Now the exit is ruined by me, and the energy channel is closed. Now even if you can't get through the sky."

Lan Ling stepped forward and slammed her jade neck and said: "Maniac, you crazy, the madman."

Ji Xiu Ning's beautiful face was flushed, looking at Lanling, saying: "My life has been dedicated to the Temple of the Dragon. Now they have abandoned me. I have nothing left. There is no meaning in living in this world."

"Then why are you pulling me to bury?" Lan Ling said: "You should hate the Temple of the Dragon, not me!"

Ji Xiu-Ning said: "After paying too much, after a moment of loss, the heart is completely empty, and even hatred is gone. As you said, it may take several years to gather the anger of hatred. I just want to prove one. The thing, the Temple of the Dragon is wrong, they give up on me, they kill me is a very stupid thing. I am so loyal, even if they are abandoned, I still have to remove the biggest enemy for them."

Lan Ling couldn't help it, and another slap in the face.

"Stupid, you prove to whom, you want them to regret what you do? Do your daydream, do you think they will know?" Lanling shouted.

Lan Ling is no longer familiar with this crazy move of Ji Xianning.

There are some extremely paranoid people on the earth. They love one person wholeheartedly. After being abandoned, they not only can't condense their hatred towards each other, but they punish themselves with desperate efforts, prove their love desperately, try to make the other person regret, let the other person feel Missing yourself is their biggest mistake in this life.

However, all this is in vain, because after breaking up, the more you can't put it down, the more you look at the other side.

"I don't need to prove to anyone, I know it!" Ji Xianning suddenly shouted.

Lan Ling glared at her neck: "This secret lab must have another exit, tell me, tell me..."

"No, don't think about it, just bury it with me!" Ji Xiu quietly said.

Her beautiful big eyes looked at Lanling, full of death.

Now she has nothing, nothing can be lost, so there is no fear.

Even if she has broken through the demon sacred from the demon, it is not a force for the battle of Lanling, but she does not have any resistance, it is like a woman with no hands.

For such a woman, there is really nothing to do.

Lanling then used all the methods and wanted to break through this secret laboratory and find an exit.

However, everything is in vain.

After removing the spar, there is an absolute energy wall outside, which is completely impossible to break through.

Beyond the energy wall, it is a complete void.

As Ji Xianning said, these secret laboratories are actually in the other plane, but the entrance is on the bottom of the sea. Once the energy channel is closed, it will no longer be able to go out.

Once Lan Ling can't get out, of course, it won't die.

However, his enchanted empire is destined to perish, his family is also a relative, and is also doomed...

His mission is also doomed to be completed, and his hatred is also doomed to revenge.

However, all this is not important to Ji Xianning.

Now her spirit is almost empty, she is abandoned by the Temple of the Dragon, she feels that she has nothing, and does not care about everything outside.

Lan Ling was tossing in the secret lab for a day and night, removing all the spar and making sure that it was impossible to leave.

He once again came to Ji Xianning.

His eyes and tone were very calm and asked: "Tell me, is there a second exit?"

"No!" Ji Xiu quietly said.

Lan Ling's eyes showed a trace of blood, opened his mouth, revealing pointed fangs, aiming at the neck of Ji Xiu Ning Xue Yu's pink.


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(End of this chapter)

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