World Destroying Demonic Emperor

Chapter 865: Eight six six: the final battle! Na blood will die!

Chapter 865 VIII, the final battle! Na blood will die!

This crazy **** battle seems to have come to an end for the time being.

Just like two crazy behemoths, all of them are scarred and exhausted. They should all need to retract the wounds in the old nest and restore their strength.

Everyone thought that under this hopeless battle, Princess Na will not continue, and will not continue this futile casualty.

In the floating air palace, at this time, the Princess of Na blood is like a wounded beast, and her eyes are red, and the whole person is filled with a kind of almost crazy light.

At this time, no one dared to provoke, no one dared to persuade, this time who would dare to persuade her to retreat will die.

But everyone knows that this battle can no longer be played. Now the bloodpower of the Vampires has lost nearly half, and the most elite forces have lost two-fifths of them. If they fight, they will lose a lot. And the most important thing is that such terrible casualties are meaningless and doomed to win.

Both sides are fighting casualties, even if they fight to the end, it will still be won by Di Nie, because at this time the power of Di Nie is more than 30% more than Na Na. Not to mention that the King of Heaven has not yet started, and is still watching behind, there is also a heart-threatening Lanling.

"Retreat!" Or the emperor said, "It takes time to refine the undead. If you don't retreat, the top vampires will be sacrificed."

The Undead Legion is the most powerful and scary force of Princess Na.

Every undead warrior is made up of dead vampires. This is also the ultimate power of the blood-sucking demon. Once the undead warrior dies, it is completely wiped out and completely disappeared.

In this big battle, the blood-sucking demon of Na Na was over ten million, and the body that kept the body was less than two million. Most of the rest were broken and the body could not be found.

These two million bodies need to be converted into the Undead Warrior Legion. This requires amazing energy and takes a relatively long time.

These bodies are now enclosed in special giant energy coffins, engulfing the death energy of the battlefield.

"Can't win, and then fight down, there will be a disaster!"

The Princess of Blood Princess sat there and motionless, as if she had turned a deaf ear.

"Keeping the green hills, not afraid of no firewood!"

Na blood raised her head and hoarsely said: "You know, this battle I lost to Digne. It means that I lost in the general trend. In my struggle with her, I might never turn over."

Emperor said: "You are too strong, you can't afford to lose. But in this world, the most feared is the one who can't afford to lose. Some people often lose, but only win once to get all. And some people. Always win, but as long as you lose once, you have nothing at all. You must not be a loser, failure is normal, admit defeat is a noble quality, shame can be brave!"

"Let me pour these useless chicken soup." Na blood said: "I would rather die and die, and I don't want to compromise."

The emperor’s face changed: “ still have to fight?”

"Yes..." Na blood said: "I said that I am exhausted, but I don't know that Diner is also the same. At this time, it is not the strength but the will to decide who wins. Whoever gets the teeth to fight to the end, who will get the last Victory. Because no one knows who will fall down suddenly, but I will never do the one who suddenly fell."

The emperor looked at Na's blood and his face twitched.

This is his most loved, favorite, most admired woman, like a crazy gambler, not winning, not losing the light will never leave the table.

Yes, she is the kind of person who can't afford to lose.

The emperor remembered another person, Lanling!

Lanling is also a person who can't afford to lose. Once lost, it means destruction, meaning nothing.

In the human kingdom, he still won when he was still Sauron, from victory to victory.

But in the end, I lost a game, and Soren’s family was broken, and all the foundations would be paid. Not only did they encounter dying, the family was all ravaged, the regent throne was gone, and the Tianshui City foundation was destroyed for hundreds of years.

Once Lan Ling has started the decisive battle, it will never stop, and will never retreat. It will only fight to the end, throwing the last chip and betting on his life.

Taking a deep breath, Emperor kneeled down on his knees and put his forehead on the ground.

Na's blood changed and said: "What are you doing? Get up! You are my family, my loved ones, you don't want this!"

"His Highness, I hardly kneel down to you." Emperor said: "But I ask you to consider carefully this time, retreat to preserve the strength, lest our vampires suffer a catastrophe."

Na's blood eyes became softer and said: "Brother, you always let me retreat and retreat. Do you not know if I can't retreat? If you step back, it means destruction. Once you retreat, I can't rush out." In the field of the brakes, how do you let me face the sneer of Lanling?"

Emperor said: "Your Highness, you are much smarter than me. So of course you know that war is only a continuation of politics. What you can't get on the battlefield may not be politically available. After we return to the Rakshasa field, There is bound to be a huge change in the wilderness in the south. It is not necessary to return to the Raksha community. It is enough to retreat a thousand miles."

Na blood road: "How do you say?"

Emperor Yao said: "After the victory of Digne, the momentum has risen to the peak, the scenery is infinite, and the momentum is no longer. At this time, her relationship with the Heavenly King will enter a complicated and embarrassing state. I think that Tianshuwang will definitely take advantage of this time to force marriage. After all, Princess Digne personally visited Lanling. Because once Digne completely wiped out us, no one could stop her, including the Tianshu. The king can't stop it. And with the character of Princess Digne, she will not be married to the Prince of Heaven. At that time, the Heavenly King and Diner will tear, and by that time our chance will come."

Na blood road: "Say it."

Emperor Yao said: "Isn't Lan Ling asked you to marry him before? This time we retired back to the area of ​​Raksha, just two marriages. The entire southern wild power pattern will enter a new distribution, our opportunity It’s coming!”

"Dream!" Na **** channel: "I will never marry Lanling, and will not marry Lanling at this time."

The emperor’s face twitched in pain.

He knows the blood too well. If she wins a big victory and sweeps across the southern wilderness as a winner, she will lean down and marry Lanling.

Now that she is defeated, it is absolutely impossible to marry Lanling. This woman, the strongest to the extreme, self-esteem is also high to the extreme.

At this time, I want to marry Lan Ling and Di Nie, unless Lan Ling declares that the Yan Mo Empire joins the Vampire League and recognizes the leadership of Na Blood.

How can this be?

The character of Lanling is exactly the same as that of Na, and it is unwilling. No matter where you are, you have to be the boss, you have to say one thing.

"Dragon, don't say it." Na blood said: "I understand the truths you said, but the character determines the fate. I will never retreat. Even if I die the last person, I will fight to the end. I Between Digne and Diney, there may be a person who retreats first, and that person is definitely not me!"

The Emperor looked desperate and took a deep breath: "According to the purpose! Since you have decided, then I will follow you to the end. All the vampires are dead, I am on, I am dead, you are yourself!"

Na blood looked at the emperor, revealing tears, said: "Brother, sorry!"

The emperor did not speak, he was not afraid of death, the reason why he was exhorted, the biggest reason is to protect the blood, not wanting her to madly gamble everything, including her life. For his own life, the Emperor is actually not so concerned.

Princess Na blood magnified the voice, so that all the leaders of the vampires could hear it clearly. One word and one sentence: "I ordered that the vampires will fight the final battle with Digne. All of you are killed, the emperor, The emperor is dead, I am on! Even if the last person is killed, he will never compromise, and will never retreat."

"In the future, whoever dares to mention negotiations, retreat, all kills!"

"On the battlefield, who dares to step back half a step, kill it!"

"After being dead, the Vampires and the Dini Army will fight for the final battle. Either win or die!"


Yune Wangcheng!

Princess Dinie said: "Before I and Na blood, only one person can win, only one person can stand. So even if I fight the last person, I will not retreat, I will fight to the end."

The demon queen said: "Our witch country will fight to the end even if it is the last person to die."

The king of the wing family said: "When our wing family is dead, they will fight to the end!"

It seems that crazy gamblers are more than one blood.

However, in the face of these four war madmen, the King of the Earth has fallen into silence!

Among the Mozu League, the King of the Earth is the only demon who surrendered to Digne. This one-month war is really a shock to the King of the Earth.

The entire battlefield is like the most terrible meat grinder.

The most elite forces of countless demons were sent, and all became cannon fodder.

Although many people died before, most of them were ordinary soldiers, the lowest level warriors.

In this battle, the demon warrior is absolutely cannon fodder, the great demon warrior, the demon martial artist, the demon sect, the demon sage, and even the devil saint are all died in batches.

In this war, the King of the Earth discovered that even the Devil is not worth any money, and it can be easily killed.

This war is too crazy, even if the wilderness of the king of the earth is chilling.

He is not in favor of continuing to fight. He hopes that Princess Di Nie and Na Na will negotiate, and the two sides will temporarily cease their war. The south of Yune Wangcheng will be the united front of the Mozu Empire, and the north of Yune Wangcheng will be the Alliance of the Vampires.

The Yune Wangcheng, which belongs to the united front of the Mozu Empire, represents the victory of Diene.

This is the best situation, but the three giants of the Digne Group completely kill their eyes, completely eliminating the casualties and completely eliminating the blood, which is crazy!

However, the king of the earth can not speak. In the camp of Princess Digne, his superficial status is very high, second only to the devil queen, but in fact there is not much voice.

A little hesitant, the king of the ground brakes still said: "His Royal Highness, or send someone to negotiate with Na's blood? Let her take the initiative to admit defeat, back a thousand miles, so that we will completely win the battle of the Yune people!"

"It's not the battle of the Yune people!" Di Nie said: "It is a decisive battle between me and Na Na. Na Na blood either dies or squats, otherwise it is impossible to stop fighting!"

The face of the King of the Earth was a little trembled and did not speak.

Next, Princess Digne said: "I ordered that the battle with Na Na will end in the end. Either die or win. Who dares to resign, who dares to mention the word again, kill it!"

"According to the purpose!"

The high-level leaders of all the united fronts of the Mozu Empire shouted in unison.

The brakes of the king of the earth were twitching and screaming, "I am obedient!"

"This is the final battle, Na Na blood will die!"


The final battle!

The decision of both sides has been completely settled, and it is completely amazing.

Princess Digne’s strength in this hand is 30% stronger than that of Princess Na, and the upcoming final battle is a complete confrontation of power. It is a complete war of attrition. There are not many strategies and strategies.

Therefore, the basic God Princess is winning!

In the middle of the night, the first confidant of the Princess of Blood, the second leader of the blood-sucking demon, the Emperor, personally came to the city of Yune, and handed the final battle of the final battle!

The emperor said: "My Royal Highness Princess Princess Blood feels that it is not as good as killing every day. It is better for the two sides to display all the forces and carry out a final decisive battle until all of them have died. How?"

Princess Digne said: "Collect all the strengths, and do their best in one battle, very good, I promised!"

Then, she took the final battle book of Princess Na blood!

The final battle!

Bi Qigong in one battle!

The two sides fought to the last moment until one party completely died!

This terrible battlefield is about to usher in the most insane, bloodiest and most terrible final battle!


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(End of this chapter)

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