World Destroying Demonic Emperor

Chapter 870: August 7: Attracting the Hell Knight!

Chapter 870, August 7th, attracts the Hell Knight to appear!

Ginger blood has always been dressed as a man, and Lan Ling always thought she was a man.

In the **** city, he also felt that there are still men in the world who are even more beautiful than Sauron. It really is a woman.

At this time, the woman is still free and easy to wear, a white robe, and a belt with a belt. Black hair with long hair, there is a rope.

However, she became demon, regardless of her eyes or her body, revealing the woman's enchanting.

It's so simple, her style looks more than all the women in the city! Yes, it is all women, including the royal singer, including Yin Ji, including Lan Si Si.

"Sorren's majesty, don't come innocent!" Jiang blood came in and nodded to Lanling.

In her hand, holding the quaint sword, she got the sword from the hall of the **** temple.

After coming in, she sat directly on the ground and joined the highest secret of the Inflammatory Council.

Seeing the doubtful eyes of the people, Jiang blood walked toward Lanling. "The ancient witch hopes to see him, of course, you can still call me **** blood!"

Lanling Road: "Then you are **** blood, or hope?"

Ginger Blood: "Very complicated, you have me, I have you. Fight each other, compromise each other, and integrate with each other. Of course, I know that you refused Jiang Shang, but you can trust me completely."

"Is it okay?" Ginger held Lanling's hand and placed it above his head.

Lan Ling nodded.

Lan Ling put his hand on the head of the **** blood, and suddenly a strong spiritual power emerged.

Ginger's eyes are staring at Lanling, and the mental brain is unpretentious.

Suddenly, Lan Ling saw countless pictures, including pictures of the **** city wars, countless demons, and countless humans dying.

"I used to be one of the witches of the Great Emperor, and died in the **** city. The Emperor gathered my broken soul and then built it into a sword. This sword is guarded in the temple of the **** city. Let the human kingdom use the energy of the **** city to make a comeback." Jiang Xue (an ancient witch will hope): "In the temple of the **** city, my only mission is to guard the dragon flame, not let it fall into the hands of human beings. ""

Lanling Road: "When you are a sword, do you have the ability to attack?"

"There is no..." The ancient witch will hope.

Lanling Road: "How do you guard this dragon flame crystal?"

The witch will hope: "It's very simple. I will rush my soul into the dragon flame. It will burn instinctively and completely destroy my witch. By that time, it should be like another sun falling or exploding. The whole **** case is lost, and even a thousand miles will be turned into ruins."

The ancient witch will hope: "After countless years have passed, the energy of this dragon flame will be exhausted, and my mission is almost over. This time you come, I smell the familiar atmosphere of you. About the devil's breath, so I want to go back to your side and tell me that my mission has been completed. However, under the wrong conditions, I fell into the hands of **** blood."

"And then... my thoughts and her thoughts have entered the battle and strangled!" The ancient witch will hope: "I infiltrated into her brain little by little, to demonize her soul a little bit. Ginger blood, this person, It’s just... a walking sun, no words can describe her integrity and light.”

Lan Ling nodded, **** blood is the daughter of Jiang, after all, of course, absolute integrity.

The ancient witch said: "The only flaw she has is that she is a stone girl. Although she pretends to be careless, she still cares very much, and feels that she is not a man or a woman. Through this flaw, I invade her heart, her soul. In this way, we fought for eight or nine years and fought hard for control of this body. I want this body to bring me to your side."

Lanling Road: "Then you won."

The ancient witch said: "And... no, after all, I am just a broken soul, and **** blood is a complete soul, and you know how determined her will is. So I have an agreement with her. I paused and killed with her, taking turns controlling this body, and now it’s my turn to hope for my witch."

"Herald Emperor's majesty the witch will hope to see the master!" hopes to complete the crouching, beheading Lanling.

Then, she immediately got up and said: "The time is tight, I am going to see the mountain. I don't agree with the owner's opinion. You can't lead the death warrior regiment to Yune Wangcheng. In that case, the consequences are unimaginable!"

Of course, the ancient witches will not hear the words of Lanling, but they can guess.

"I agree!" Tang Rendao said: "Your Majesty, although the death warrior regiment is strong, but this force is still too weak compared to the blood and the king of the Tiansha Wang, even if the power of the Princess of God is added. And the most crucial Yes, once I went to Yune Wangcheng, it was not our home."

"If my Majesty insists on playing, I will certainly follow." The witch will hope: "At that time, the battle of the breakout will become a super-decisive battle, because you will also end as the ultimate enemy of Nahe and Tiansha Wang. This super-decisive battle is placed in the city of Yune, and we will almost certainly lose."

Tang Rendao: "Even if we add up with the power of Princess Digne, there is still only half of the blood of the Heavenly King and the King of the Heavenly King! If this super-decisive battle takes place in the Enchanted Empire, we have home court advantage, we have five A powerful **** devil array."

The witch will hope: "So this super decisive battle must happen, but it will happen in the empire empire. Then we will win, and if it happens in the city of Yune, we will lose no doubt. By that time, all our strength It will be thrown clean, and even the empire empire can't keep it."

Lanling is quiet!

Yes, the Tang and the Witches will be right to hope, even knowing this dangerous situation, this witch will hope that the empire will appear in the empire, otherwise she will continue to hide.

Even if the death warrior regiment, the Golden Warrior regiment is brought together, and the Gode Legion is added, after the two sides merge, the power is still only half of the Heavenly King and the Blood.

In Yune Wangcheng, this battle is definitely not to win.

The Tang people are right, the super-decisive battle can only be played in the Yanming Empire.

But isn't Digne saved?

No, impossible! Sauron owed too much to Yannai, and Lanling also began to owe to Princess Dnie.

If it wasn't for the meeting between Digne and Lanling, she would not break with the King of Heaven, she had to defeat the Princess of the Blood, to dominate the entire southern wilderness, and even to establish the Mozu Empire to become the Queen.

It is the ancient times of Lanling that caused Dini to fall into the crisis of this destruction.

Tang Rendao: "And the most terrible situation is the direct advance of the world war."

The face of Lanling was slightly twitching.

Tang Rendao: "When you really encounter the disaster, the Hell Knights will not stand by. Once they show up, then the horrible army of the Temple of the Dragon will flood the tide. You and the Knights of the Hell will be wiped out. !"

These Lanling understand!

The Temple of the Dragon is watching, and staring at Lanling, in order to lead the Knights of Hell.

Therefore, the steps of Lanling can not be mistaken at all!

First of all, when he was at the level of the Asian king, he unified the entire southern wilderness and established a powerful empire.

At this time, although the Shenlong Temple is very heart-warming, it will not send troops. Because Lanling is still very weak, this empire empire is not in the eye. At this time, Lan Ling and the weight of the enchanted empire are not comparable to the nine Hell Knights.

Then Lan Ling will be able to inherit the magical emperor with lightning speed. At the same time, nine **** riders will appear in an instant, and Lanling will renew the soul contract, let them instantly inherit the ancient power, and instantly become powerful.

Only in this way, in the face of the Dragon and the Temple of the Devil Empire, there is self-protection.

There are no mistakes in this step, and each step is like walking a tightrope.

In order to save Dini, Lanling led the death warrior regiment and the Golden Warrior regiment to the Yune Wangcheng, which will definitely lead to the advance of the super-decisive battle. This is a battle that is doomed to win, unless the Hell Knight appears.

And the Hell Knight appeared at this time, and he was in the middle of the Temple of the Dragon.

So no matter which way to use it, Lan Ling led the death warrior regiment to the Yune Wangcheng at this time, which will definitely lead to disastrous consequences.

Of course, Lanling has already broken through the king of Asia. Whether it is the Heavenly King or the Blood, it is very difficult to kill him or even capture him.

But... Lan Ling’s capital is probably thrown clean.


Na blood camp!

"I suddenly had a new idea." Tiansha Wangdao: "We are surrounded by Digne, but we don't fight!"

Na blood road: "After the support of the encirclement? Surrounded by Dini, attracting Lanling to support the army and help Dini break through?"

King of Heaven: "Yes, then put the big battle in the king of Yune in advance. It is good for us to fight away from the empire of the empire! Take the opportunity to kill Lanling and Digne all!"

Na blood closed her eyes and thought for a while: "Agree!"


After a few hours!

The Heavenly King appears in a secret cave!

A moment later, a figure appeared in front of him, that is, the alternate sky priest gray ancient.

"We intend to fight around and help Dini, to attract Lanling to come to support, to advance the most decisive battle in the southern wilderness, and to eliminate Lanling and Digne in one fell swoop."

Gray Gu frowned: "We have to evaluate to see if your plan will affect and undermine our plans."

Tianshuwangdao: "I don't think so. I think that this sudden super decisive battle may attract the early appearance of the Hell Knights. Just like the empire of the Emperor did not get the inheritance of the Emperor more than 3,000 years ago. When he encountered a fatal crisis, the Hell Knights couldn’t wait to save their masters. It was because of this that one-third of the Hell Knights were destroyed by the Temple of the Dragon."

Gray Road: "But, in our plan, there is no such step!"

King of Heaven: "The plan can't keep up with the changes. This is a rare opportunity. With my understanding of Lanling, he will do everything possible to lead all forces to support Digne and help her break through. In order to completely eliminate Lanling and Digne, I Ask for the support of the Dragon Temple, send some dark priests with demonic blood to enter my army, and fake my Tianshu army!"

Gray Road: "You and the blood of the coalition, can not destroy Lanling and Di Nie?"

King of Heaven: "It is enough to destroy all the legions of the two, but I am afraid it is difficult to leave Lanling and Digne himself. And in the name of me and Na blood, killing Lanling and Digne, the Knights of Hell will be saved. Lord. In the future, your Temple of the Dragon will send troops to destroy the Inflammatory Empire. The Hell Knight will of course know that it will be a trap. Even if Lanling destroys them, they may not be rescued. They will wait quietly for the appearance of the next Lord of the Demon Star, because of the iron Hell Knight, the Lord of the Flowing Stars."

Gray Road: "I will report to the Temple of the Sky! However, your proposal is very likely to be passed..."

The words of the alternate sky priest did not finish, because he suspected that Ji Xiuning might fall into the hands of Lanling, so that Lanling led the army to the nest, and the Shenlong Temple could also send the power of small shares to search the entire city of the evil city. Ji Xianning's whereabouts.

"You wait a moment, I report to the above." Gray ancient priest said.

His figure was bleak and disappeared.

Just a quarter of an hour later, the body light and shadow of the ash priest appeared again in front of the Heavenly King, saying: "We agree with your plan and will send 30 dark priests of the Demon Pavilion!"

Wangshu Wang said: "Thank you for the glory of the ancients, thank you to the Temple of the Sky!"

At this point, under the operation of Tiansha Wang, a strategy of assisting the surrounding area officially opened.

The Heavenly King, the Dragon Temple, and the Na’s Blood Legion laid down the net in the city of Yune, waiting for Lanling to lead the army to cast the net, and then destroy him and Digne in one fell swoop.

The most important purpose is to take the opportunity to attract the early appearance of the Hell Knights.


Yancheng City!

The Tang people squatted down and said in the softest tone: "Your Majesty, I absolutely never dare to threaten you. But... as soon as you lead the death warrior regiment and the Golden Warrior regiment to the city of Yune, I will commit suicide immediately. Because my dreams are completely gone, I will never have any value when I am alive."

With the Tang people kneeling, the Soul, the ancient witch will hope, the black curse, and so on, all the members of the Fire Council, all collapsed.

Ask Lan Ling not to lead the army to fight, do not vote for the net.

Lan Ling really faces a choice between life and death.

On the left, there is absolutely no death for Diene. He has too much debt to Nai.

On the right, once he led the army to save, he was thrown into the net, and everything in the empire empire would be destroyed, and even lead to the early appearance of the Hell Knights.

Lanling thought while walking in the castle.

Inexplicably walked into the depths of the cave and came to Ji Xiuning's retreat.

In addition to taking care of her children, she is meditating every day, every day meditating, as if she has become a true saint.

She was pregnant again, but she did not tell Lanling. And she lives in the depths of the cave and never meets anyone outside.

However, when Lan Ling saw her, her stomach had already bulged.

He suddenly sighed and said: "You... are you pregnant again?"

Ji Xianning nodded.

Lanling Road: "My?"

"What do you say?" Ji Xiuning said.


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(End of this chapter)

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