World Destroying Demonic Emperor

Chapter 876: Eight seven eight: space surgery! Nai, I am coming!

Chapter 876: Eight Seven Eight Space! Nai, I am coming!

Amazing energy!

The energy of this space reel is much more powerful than Lanling imagined.

Powerful enough to kill a few Lanlings into slag, directly fly away, the soul flies.

Lan Ling just took the space scroll, and the whole person was instantly locked. Not only the body, but also the soul and spirit.

A burst of anger, Lan Ling's brain is blank.

Then, a powerful energy passed through Lan Ling's body and entered his energy heart, reaching directly into his blood.

Soon, this powerful dark energy is connected with the demon star.

Next, I fell into a brief calm!

This space scroll is not just a reel, but also an energy life. Have the ability to think, but also have the ability to communicate.

"The Lord of the Demon Star, you learn the space scroll, it is too early..." The energy life of the space reel made a sound.

Lanling Road: "Must be forced!"

Space scroll said: "According to the regulations, you can't learn the space scroll without getting the inheritance of the emperor."

Lanling Road: "But someone has made an exception?"

Space scroll said: "Yes, it is a traitor."

Lanling Road: "Because that person chose to become the Dragon Emperor, not the Emperor?"

Space scroll said: "Although I was written by the Emperor of Heaven with infinite energy and life, I have no position. I became the Emperor and became the Emperor. It is the self-selection of the Lord of the Demon Star. The demon star is the demon. And the collection of the chaotic will of the dragon, it is normal to choose to become the emperor or the dragon emperor. But the owner of the last demon star should not take out the space scroll, and should not hand the space scroll to the dragon temple."

Lanling Road: "What is the purpose of the Dragon Emperor?"

"That's not the area I care about." Space scrolls said: "But the non-demon star owner wants to learn the space scroll, it is a dream, the only result is complete destruction."

Lanling Road: "So the accident in this space laboratory was made by you?"

"Of course..." Space scrolls: "They are mistaken to treat me as a scroll, not a life, even an energy life."

Lanling Road: "What about the two sky priests?"

Space scroll said: "I was swallowed up by me and became my energy! Space scroll is not a knowledge system, nor an information system, but a comprehensive system of energy. The so-called learning space scroll is to transform the body and master the space energy. The combination of course requires tremendous power. The space scroll is placed on the top floor of the Heaven and Earth Demon Tower. When the master of the demon star learns, the reel will temporarily become blank and lose energy. In the long years, draw from the demon tower Enough energy, and then let the next generation of the Lord of the Stars learn the space scroll. But after the Dragon Emperor took me away, I lost the source of the energy. And just two sky priests sent it up, just become my The source of energy has been swallowed up by me."

Niubi! Lanling is amazing!

"I thought I would leave the Lord of the Demon Star forever. I didn't think you found me." The space scroll said: "Now, take me away and put me back to the top of the demon tower."

Lanling Road: "But I have to learn space."

"No..." Space scroll: "The most basic rule is to learn the space scroll when you get through the heaven and earth demon tower. After the betrayal of the Dragon Emperor, I added a new rule to myself. Anyone who is a demon star must be thoroughly After becoming a demonic, you can learn space."

Lanling Road: "That is, I can't learn now?"

"No!" Space scrolls.

Lanling Road: "But I need to learn space skills, save my woman, if she can't be saved, I..."

"Stop!" Space scroll said: "You have read the space science energy drawings of the Heaven and Earth Demon Tower, the demon prisoner violated certain regulations. I don't know how you fooled it, but I am totally opposite to it. The prison manager is very weak, and I am very tough. There is no room for negotiation in this matter, at least before you can get through the heaven and earth demon tower, you can't learn the space scroll before you get the magical emperor."

"The only way you can go is to take me away and put me on the top floor of the demon tower of heaven and earth. Rest assured, it is yours that is yours, and you can never run." Space reel energy life road: "Okay, I am going to be quiet!"

Lanling Road: "Then I must tell you, I can't get out. First I was trapped by an energy cover, an energy cover released by an energy tower device. Secondly, this space laboratory has collapsed and become a An independently twisted space surrounded by a liquid energy wall that is swallowed as soon as it is touched. I can't get out unless..."

"Unless you finish the space scroll..." Space scroll energy life.

"Yes!" Lanling said: "So even if I want to take you out and put it back to the top of the Heavenly Demon Tower, I must first learn the space scroll so that I can go out."

The space scroll was in silence.

"Although I am an energy life, I am still very principled. If I say it, it is absolutely unchangeable. Even if the situation changes greatly, I cannot change my principle. I am a tough one. Energy life, I am completely different from the prison manager." Space reel energy life: "But... the situation today is really special, involving the civilization of the Mozu, and even the life and death of the entire world civilization. I also I can only change my principles a little bit, but you remember that I am for justice, definitely not for selfishness, nor for changing principles."

Lan Ling seriously said: "Your principle, I have already deeply realized, very admired, even admired."

Space reel energy life: "The situation is too special, I allow you to study the space scroll, I am for the Devil civilization, for the world civilization."

"Of course, you are a very respectable energy life, completely different from the demon prisoner!" Lanling Road.

"Okay, let's get started..." The space scroll said: "In addition, don't think that you are laughing in my heart, I don't know!"


Lanling once again died of smoke.

Suddenly improved, and once again fell back to the three-star Yawang.

Then, Lanling soul and energy life, completely into the space scroll!

This space scroll is really powerful, learning other magic tricks are the energy of the scroll into the human body. The space scroll, turned out to be the world of human soul and energy light into the dark scroll!


In the incomparably long time, the souls of Lanling are swimming in the world of space scrolls.

Constantly learning and constantly being transformed.

The world inside the space scroll is simply a small universe. From this plane, enter another plane.

There are a variety of spaces, a variety of energy fields, a variety of energy channels, and a variety of dark passages.

This is probably the most illusory, most unpredictable world that Lan Ling has experienced.

Learning to master the various energies is not the most important, the most important thing is to be transformed.

From the energy heart, to the energy veins, to the brain, to the change of the soul.

In the process of learning and transformation, Lanling understood a truth.

The core of the learning space scroll is not to transform, master, create some space, but to transform your body to adapt to the various spatial planes.

A lot of space is there, it doesn't need you to create. What you need to do is to be able to cross the space barrier, the barrier of the plane, and shuttle directly to the past.

This is a mysterious and mysterious, extremely esoteric, and extremely microscopic process.

Even with the help of Lan Ling's brain and the help of the demon star, it almost blew up.

It is no wonder that the Lord of the Demon Star must be able to learn the space scroll after the Heaven and Earth Demon Tower, because only then will the brain and spiritual power of the Lord of the Demon Star support the terrible intensity of the space scroll.

Fortunately, the spiritual strength of Lanling has always been far more than the repair of force, so it can barely study the space scroll, otherwise the entire brain domain will be wiped out. But even so, the study of space scrolls almost exceeds the limits of Lanling's brain and mental power.


I don't know how long it has been!

In the plane world of space scrolls, it may be infinitely long.

In this chaotic energy hood, time has passed for a long time.

For the outside time, it is still an instant!

Lan Ling studied the space scroll and was transformed into a body.

His soul light and shadow gradually came out of the space scroll, overflowing like sand, and then formed a Lanling.

A brand new Lanling, the completely remodeled Lanling, mastered the first layer of space in Lanling.

And there is an unexpected surprise!

His cultivation has once again broken through, not only returned to the four-star Asian king, but also broke through five stars.

Because the energy in this space reel is too strong, and in the process of transformation, all of this energy has entered the body of Lanling.

Before this space scroll is a complete dark color, this time is a chaotic color, but the energy vein inside, the micro internal world inside, is still complete and clear.

Lan Ling picks up the space scroll!

Then he picked up the most critical thing, the space energy device.

It was impossible for him to pick up this energy device before, because it was confined to the space. Now, just enter the energy of a certain attribute and you can easily pick it up.


At the moment Lan Lan took this space energy device, the chaotic energy disappeared.

Lan Ling holds the space reel in his left hand and the space energy device in his right hand, flying to the edge of the distorted laboratory.

The liquid energy wall is still twisting and surging.

Lanling released an energy, and then took a small spire-like energy device and gently drew a circle.

Suddenly, the original indestructible energy wall, engulfing all the energy walls, there is a space door that leads directly to the outside sea.

From this space door, Lanling walked out and easily left the abandoned space laboratory.

After he left, the space door disappeared directly.

This abandoned space laboratory is still twisting and changing, and this huge vortex is still spinning in the sea.

The four alternate priests who are still cadaver-like are still temporarily staying inside. Because that is the center of the abandoned laboratory, the space energy wall seems to never touch.


Rushing out of the sea, Lanling summoned three Chimera beasts and flew back to the Inflammatory Empire at the fastest speed.

After landing, he was the first to slap on the goddess of doom: "Give me all the magical meteorite extracts of the stars, all the dark energy!"

The doom goddess red water scoop looked at Lanling, and after confirming his words, he turned and walked away.

After a while, she came over with an energy coffin. It is filled with astronomical stars and magic extracts, pure black hole energy, which is 550,000 jin equivalents, far more than the equivalent of the destroyed magic mountain at that time.

The Tang people looked at Lanling and did not say anything.

Lanling, Di Ni, Na, and Tiansha Wang Sifang signed the Stars Magic ban.

With space energy devices and 550,000 kilograms of starry magical dark energy, Lanling flew directly to Yune Wangcheng.

"Digne, Nai, I am coming!"


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(End of this chapter)

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