World Destroying Demonic Emperor

Chapter 897: Eighty-nine: Forced to marry Lanling! Success!

Chapter 897, August 9th, forced to marry Lanling! Success!

"Hey, there is something to say to you!" Waiting for the sky priest gray road.

I didn’t feel the annoyance of being interrupted.

"I really want to thank the Dragon Emperor, this dragon prison trial was also created by him." Sky priest gray road: "Unfortunately, the energy of this heaven and earth barrier is limited, and the powerful energy monsters of each plane are also Limited, so it can only be turned on regularly, only selectively enabled."

This sentence is to tell the Dragon Temple that it is very generous and give her a year and a half of trial time.

I didn't respond, just listened quietly.

The ash priest continued: "Of course, to some extent, the sorcerer's mystery is inferior to the place of the sorcerer's sorrow. After all, the power of the empire is incomprehensible. But on some levels, the dragon and the prison can be convenient. Much more."

I still have no response.

In the face of this attitude, the gray ancient is somewhat unhappy.

Although very special, especially she has very high blood. However, she has made mistakes after all. If she did not kill Lanling in time, she was afraid that she would not be able to turn over in her life, let alone be promoted to the top of the Temple of the Dragon. Not only that, but he was also the dean of the Shenlong Academy.

Since the student doesn't know how to chat and doesn't know how to lift it, then he will straighten the door.

"Do you know the identity of Lanling?" Gray Road.


"When do you know?" Gray Road.

He said: "It’s been almost two years."

Gray Road: "Why not report?"

He said: "Because it is not necessary, I have to know the disease first, and then use it to test me."

Gray Road: "Even so, you did not take the initiative to report, but the attitude is not correct!"

He fell silent again.

Gray Road: "The southern wilderness is about to usher in the biggest decisive battle, and it is also the final decisive battle. The empire of Lanling's empire is destroyed!"

After all, the ancient eyes quickly looked up and wanted to check her look.

As a result, he was disappointed, and he did not have any expression.

Gray Road: "The sacred empire will be destroyed, but Lanling will not die, but once again become nothing. Everyone around him will die again."

I still listened quietly.

Gray Road: "For the long-term stability of the Dragon Temple, we intend to make a deal with Lanling. But before doing this transaction, we must force him to go nowhere. After the demise of the empire, we will negotiate with Lanling. At that time we hope that you will play an important role in the negotiations."

"What role?" asked.

Gray Road: "What role is possible, even including marrying Lanling again, becoming the queen of the so-called Yanlong Empire."

At this point, 卮妍 finally changed.

For a while, he said: "Is this an order?"

Gray was very eager to say yes, but unfortunately he said no, he just talked with the command of the ancient spot and swearing. The ancient spot has repeatedly stated that this is not an order, let 卮妍 fully express her self-will.

"Not an order, just our expectations." Waiting for the sky priest gray road.

Shouted: "Sorry, please forgive me."

Gray ancient face changed: "Hey, do you know what you mean by this?"

He said: "Of course I know, but I have no room for negotiation with him."

Gray Road: "What if it is an order?"

He was silent for a moment and said: "That's sorry, I can't agree, and I am willing to bear any punishment for it!"

The gray ancient face was twitching for a while.

Then he said: "If there are no other orders or instructions, I want to continue to practice in the Dragon Prison, and of course I can return to the Wrath Kingdom!"

Gray used to wave his hand: "Go!"

Then his image disappeared completely in front of him.

After a while, the spiritual influence of the ancient ash appeared in front of the ancient sacred plaque of the sky, saying: "On the Lord, this should be so embarrassing, we are too indulgent to her. The order of the Temple of the Sky, where there is room for her bargaining ?"

The sky priest smiled and said: "She answered this question, is the best answer, isn't it?"


Lanling once again entered the array of heaven and earth demon tower!

This time, he did not rush to enter, but floated in the void to observe the nine heaven and earth demon tower.

This is the nine teeth that the Emperor Erdi created, the secret of the devil.

On the other side of the Temple of the Dragon, is there something similar that can make the high-level disciples of the Temple of the Dragon rise to the king of Asia. If so, where are the nine heavenly demon towers of the Dragon God Temple?

At least Lan Ling did not see it.

Lanling circled around the demon's nine heaven and earth demon towers, still can't see anything.

Most of the barrier energy field in the whole world is chaotic. After entering, you can't see anything, and you can't feel anything, even your own body can't feel it.

Only the space around the nine heavenly demon towers has changed from chaos to nothingness, and can be seen and perceived.

Therefore, the so-called Shenlong Heaven and Earth Demon Tower, which is the Dragon Prison Secret, may be in another chaos. But Lanling has no time to look for it now, and the war is coming soon!

Once again entered the interior of the first heaven and earth demon tower!

Without any accidents, A Shi has been quietly sitting there waiting.

"I have been out for a long time?" Lan Ling asked.

"I don't know!" The person shook his head. In this space, there is no concept of time.

"She completed the trial in twenty-seven days."

“How is it repaired now?” Lan Ling asked.

"About the two-star magic king!" From the humanity.

Finally, there was another Asian-level powerhouse under Lanling’s majesty. If you add Lanling’s own words, it’s already full of nine Yawang.

"Go back!" Lan Ling took A Shi’s hand and left the Heaven and Earth Demon Tower!


After returning to the City of Fire, Lan Ling entered a crazy job.

He wore a newly remodeled starry armor and created space vortexes one after another over the city of Fire.

How is this space vortex made? It was really too much that he thought too much before. It was too complicated.

According to Ji Xianning's suggestion, Lan Ling got the scene of the accident at the time of the captured alternate priest's brain. Then reorganized the idea of ​​creating a space vortex, one of the simplest and straightforward solutions.

The first step is to use a spar bottle with a diameter of one foot, which contains tiny black hole energy, and then use Hell Lightning to break it down into the third stage energy mode. The energy is soaring hundreds of times and creating a small to the ultimate star. The force bombarded and created an isolation space that was almost one foot in diameter.

In one sentence to describe this process, that is the nuclear explosion in the teacup. The nuclear explosion is amazing, but the power range is only the size of the teacup.

Through the first step, a chaotic space is created. At this time, do not use space to draw the boundary of this space. In the past, Lan Ling’s numerous failures were based on the use of space on the tall to draw boundaries, making it a truly isolated space.

In the second step, using less and less black hole energy, construct an energy vortex at the edge of the isolated chaotic space.

As a result, a space vortex is successful.

This space vortex is like a perpetual motion machine, constantly rotating and constantly consuming. Of course, according to the laws of space, the objects it devour can never exceed the limits of space. And this space is only one foot in diameter, about 0.09 square meters.

In this way, Lan Ling does not sleep, always creating a space vortex.

How many are you going to make?

Very, very, very, very much, to completely cover the entire city of Fire.

All the materials are ready.

At first, Lan Ling took a minute to create a space vortex, but later, half a minute, then ten seconds, the fastest and fastest, five seconds to complete one, and finally he left and right to open the bow, an average of two seconds The clock can complete a space vortex.

One thousand eight hundred one hour, four thousand three thousand a day.

Even so, how many space vortices do you need to cover the entire city of Fire City?

Assuming that the space vortex energy cover is 25,000 kilometers high, then the area of ​​this energy hood is about 3.9 billion square meters, and the area of ​​each space vortex is 0.09 square meters, which means that about 40 billion space vortexes are needed.

In this way, Lanling needs 900,000 days to complete this huge workload, and it is not sleepy, it takes nearly 2,500 years to complete.

If this is the case, then it is all rest.

But in fact, after each space vortex is manufactured, it can be flattened to the extreme with space technology.

The volume of the space does not change, but the area becomes infinite.

Originally a one-foot ball space, it can be infinitely pulled up, making it infinitely close to the two-dimensional space from the three-dimensional space, and the area is also infinitely increased.

So it would have cost 40 billion, maybe only less than 200,000.

In just five days, Lanling created a super space vortex energy hood over the city of the Fire City.

This space vortex trap energy hood, not only can swallow the undead warrior, but also can swallow all energy attacks. Of course, it can't stop the entry of non-energy life.

The enemy wants to attack the city of Fire, and must rush into the inside of the energy cover!

Of course, this energy cover is not all closed, it will open a hole, so that the attack of the Hell Enemy can be killed. However, this mouth is vacant.

The next time!

Lan Ling is making space vortex energy hood every day.

After the creation of the Magic City, go to the Dark Magic City, Nakano City, Beining City, South Mucheng!

After twenty days!

The space vortex energy cover of the five major cities of the Inflammatory Empire has been completed, and all are done!

The five major cities can devour any energy attack!

I have to say that energy is really an amazing existence. Lanling mastered it, making the pattern of the entire war completely changed!

At this time, the Na's Blood Undead Tower also stopped working.

All the undead warriors are finished!

The day of the big battle is coming!


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(End of this chapter)

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