World Destroying Demonic Emperor

Chapter 904: Ninety-six: Nearly dead! Na's blood is dead!

Chapter 904, IX, 6 is almost dead! Na's blood is dead!

"Let me leave, otherwise..." Tiansha Wang coldly said: "Don't forget, there are ten Yawangs on my side. You can't do anything to help."

Na **** cold: "You also know that you have ten Asian kings."

King of Heaven: "You didn't see the scene just now. One million undead warriors lost instantly. This is an unknown energy. Even if there are more Asian kings, I will not take this risk." ”

Na blood said: "You really don't deserve to be the son of the ice man."

The Heavenly King changed his voice: "Don't say him! The heroes of this world are dead, including him and you, and the future includes Lanling! It is your business to be a hero to be a madman, don't take me!"

Then, Tianshu Wang coldly said: "Na Na, don't force me to do it!"

He raised his hand and started counting down, five, four, three, two, one!

At the end of the countdown, Na's blood still did not let him go.

"I forced you." Tianshu Wang cold road.

Then he waved his hand and said, "Do it!"


The dark priest of the Devil's Court in the Temple of the Dragon did not have a single hand, and stood still in place.

"Hands..." Tiansha Wang shouted: "You are my people, you should listen to my orders!"

Then, in the ear of the Tiansha Wang, the voice of the alternate priest of the sky was heard.

"You have two choices, or you can continue to kill with the blood of the Na. Or, I will let Na's blood drop your head now."

The voice of the ancient ash made the king of the heavenly king icy cold, and he immediately knew that he was completely worthless in the heart of the temple.

Gray did not know what the secret weapon that swallowed a million undead warrior regiments, so he used the Tiansha Wang, Na Blood and others as cannons to burn the magic city.

"Do you understand?"

"Understood!" Tiansha Wang hoarse.


The Hell's Devil's Array will continue the killing of the top martial arts regiments of Na's Blood and Heavenly Kings. Each round of blows will take away the lives of 100,000 top warriors.

Dozens of spar energy arrays are still being madly bombarded.

Every round of blows will take away two or three hundred thousand lives!

For all of this, Na blood seems to have not seen it at all. She flashes blood-red wings, and coldly orders: "All the vampire demon corps, rushing into the city of the evil city, killing!"

The blood-sucking demon, one level, the level is extremely strict.

With the help of Na's blood, nearly two million blood-sucking demons marched like dark tides.

Countless air regiments, like a squadron, flew toward the city of Yancheng.

The surviving hundreds of thousands of top martial arts corps, countless **** dogs, countless dark magic phoenixes, countless ghoul giants, countless vampire demon corps, from all directions toward the city of Yanmo.

Alternate Sky Priest Grey Road: "What are you waiting for, don't think about retreating, retreating from the dead."

Tianshu Wang slammed his teeth and shouted: "Chong!"

Suddenly, he left hundreds of thousands of top martial arts regiments, more than one million elite troops, and the tides generally rushed toward the city of Yancheng.

Countless Giants Corps, the Rockman Legion, the Voldemort Legion, and the Ghost Battalion.

All the dark priests including the Dragon and the Temple of the Dragon, all rushed to the city of Fire!

Desperate and do everything.

Suddenly, the land of the city of Yancheng began to tremble.

From the sky down, it seems like countless dark tides, green tides flock to the gorgeous city.


"Booming and banging..."

Dozens of spar energy arrays, madly bombarded!

Nearly four million troops, madly charged toward the city of Fire.

Rushing in the forefront, the fastest, no doubt is the top martial arts regiment of Na Blood and Heavenly King.

Originally, Naina and Tiansha Wang deployed in the top martial arts regiment of the City of Fire, with a total of 1.2 million, and of course there is great overlap with the Undead Warrior.

After the millions of undead warriors were swallowed, the top martial arts regiment accepted several rounds of bombing.

Today, the top martial arts regiments of Na Blood and Heavenly Kings add up to less than 400,000.

Lanling’s top martial arts regiment in the city of Yancheng is 290,000, and it is unscathed.

Na Blood and Heaven King, led nearly 400,000 top martial arts regiments, madly charged.

They are only fifty miles away from the space vortex energy hood of the City of Fire. They are riding a flying mount, far less than the undead warrior, and the speed of each second is seventy or eighty meters.

The distance of 50 miles is enough for six minutes!

And in these six minutes, enough **** to attack the attack four or six times!


The energy wave of the first wave of Hell's enchantment hits.


The air once again burst into the sky.

It is a pity that these top martial arts corps are scattered very well. The previous round of Hell Enemy attacks killed 100,000 top martial arts regiments, but today there are fewer than 20,000. Of course, most of them are repaired as low-ranking military corps.

But even then...

After five waves of attack, the blood of nearly 400,000 top martial arts regiments lost another 100,000, leaving less than 300,000, and the number of top warriors in the city of Yanmo was equal.

Na's blood remembers very clearly, and the place where the millions of undead warriors disappeared was in sight. Lan Ling, which invisible secret weapon is in front, will they disappear directly and will evaporate directly from the world.

Na blood did not hesitate, directly led nearly 300,000 top martial arts corps rushed over.

There is no feeling, no obstacles, no disappearance, just feeling the body slightly numb, just through the space vortex energy cover.

Because these space energy hoods are very small, they don't fit in. So I can devour all my energy, but I can't swallow a living person with a body.

In this way, nearly 300,000 air regiments led by Na Blood passed through the energy hood directly, and there were twenty miles from the city wall.

These twenty miles away, Na's top martial arts regiment takes two and a half minutes.

Lan Ling's five hells and enchantments, and another two energy ball bombing!

The top martial arts corps of Na's Blood and Heavenly King, only 260,000 left, they are moving forward at the expense of life.

On average, three thousand people will die every one kilometer.

These three thousand people are not a cat and a dog, but they are all the top martial arts corps of the Mowu Zong division, but they all have head-faced characters.

However, these advanced warriors are now completely used for cannon fodder!

Na Blood and Tiansha Wang led the 260,000-level martial arts corps, braved the **** of the Hell Demon Array, paid the price of more than a dozen and two hundred thousand top warriors, and finally rushed into the city of Yanmo.

In the air, Na's blood was clearly seen. On the wall of the city of Yancheng, on the ground, there were huge spar strong arrays and countless artillery.

Behind the wall, the Centaur Warrior, the Werewolf Warrior, and the Witch Warrior are at the forefront of the Fire City defense line.

At this time, Na Na blood only ordered an attack, and guaranteed to bring amazing casualties to these Centaur, Werewo Samurai, and Witch Samurai.

After all, these troops were repaired under the Master of the Masters, so they would be sent to defend the walls for power fighting.

All of the top martial arts forces in the City of Fire are in the Hall of Fire, all around the Tongtian Tower, because they are about to release energy attacks from the nearest distance to the Hell Enemy, which can greatly save attack time.

"Don't care about them, go straight to Huanglong, kill the hall of the evil spirits, kill the tower, destroy the hell, destroy the Lanling, kill the Digne, kill the demon queen!" Princess Na blood Princess ordered.

In this way, Na blood led the 260,000 top martial arts regiments, and turned a blind eye to the army on the ground of the Yancheng City.

However, the city of Yanmo is a super-large city, and the sacred magic ceremony is about forty miles away from the city wall.

Therefore, you need to fly for nine minutes, about ten minutes!

During this time, enough Hell Enemy will release ten energy attacks!

and so……

Really a very tragic scene!

Na blood led the 200,000 top martial arts regiments, and they rushed to the hall of the evil demon. They wanted to kill Lanling, Digne and the Queen of the Devil, to destroy the Hell of Devil.

Because she clearly knows that as long as the Hell Enemy is destroyed and the energy array is destroyed, the Demon Empire loses all the weapons of mass destruction.

As long as they killed Lanling and Digne, the empire empire was defeated.

Killing Lanling and Digne is the only chance to win. For this goal, Na Blood can give everything, and the top martial arts regiment around him can be sacrificed.

This is a real gamble, once all the chips are rolled out, and they are really dead.

This scene is really a bit like the feeling of holding a dynamite bag to the enemy bunker.


In this way, Na's blood led more than 200,000 top martial arts regiments, and rushed to the hall of the evil spirits.

And the five hells are constantly smashing and shooting!

The most terrible thing is that the **** enchantment is no longer a huge ball of light, but thousands of energy swords!

Because it is in the city, the huge energy ball will also have great damage to the city of Fire.

Therefore, when the five hells were once again bombarded, the picture once again became extremely amazing.

Like the goddess scattered flowers, every **** demon array, violently shot thousands of amazing energy swords, like countless meteor showers.

This time, the top martial arts regiment led by Na’s blood was distracted and re-opened, and it was useless because the Hell’s enchantment was precisely killed.

The energy sword that was shot was too fast to escape.

Therefore, Na's blood sorrowfully saw that the top warriors around him were hit one by one, and each one fell miserably, and even a scream could not be heard.


Hell's enchantment is insanely mad.

Every time I fired one or two thousand energy arrows, Na Blood and Heaven's top martial arts regiment fell like raindrops.

"Chong, rush, rush, rush..."

Na blood bites her teeth and leads the martial arts regiment to charge madly.

Getting closer to the Enchanted Great Ceremony!

Thirty miles, twenty miles, ten miles...

at last……

The Hall of Fire is in front of you!

The top martial arts regiment led by Na Blood rushed to the final goal, the Hall of Fire.

All the spar energy arrays are here, and the five hells are in it!

However, the top martial arts regiment around Na blood is only 50,000!


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(End of this chapter)

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